Itesh Sharma

Itesh Sharma is core member of Sales Department at TatvaSoft. He has got more than 6 years of experience in handling the task related to Customer Management and Project Management. Apart from his profession he also has keen interest in sharing the insight on different methodologies of software development.

Software Development Process – Key Stages

Monday July 12, 2010

Software development demands are skyrocketing leaving multiple businesses at the tip of technology disruptions. What are businesses expected to do in such scenarios; where you need to stay ahead with the market but then your business lacks that potential too? Well, Custom software development is the need of the hour,...

What’s New in .NET 4.0 Framework?

Tuesday April 06, 2010

In February Microsoft published the Release Candidate (RC) of its .NET 4.0 Framework. Microsoft is well known to bring something unimagined to life and put it in public use. And its products have an uncanny knack of generating popularity waves. Whether be the Windows versions, or its software development framework,...

Top Software Development Companies in India

Tuesday January 10, 2006

Are you looking for top software development companies in India? 

If yes, We provide you with a list of top software developers in India that offer custom solutions to meet their clients’ business requirements. There isn’t any bigger market than India around the world. That’s why most companies from the US,...

Nine Steps to Successful Software Outsourcing

Monday January 02, 2006

It looks like software outsourcing is the way to go because over the past few years, we’ve been bombarded with news of Offshoring and outsourced call centers, testing, software development outsourcing, projects, and entire IT infrastructures. Think and ask a question to yourself, what’s the value of the knowledge your staff members learn in the work that planning to outsource?...