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Questions tagged [ag-grid]

AG Grid is a client-side and server-side JavaScript grid which is designed to be framework agnostic. It is not dependent on any framework, allowing it to be easily integrated with any of them. Use this tag for questions related to problems with the configuration of AG Grid and its integration with other tools.

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Using showColumnMenuAfterMouseClick to show context menu on column header disappears after appearing in v31

We have an icon in grid column header(custom header template), on clicking of the icon we call GridApi method "showColumnMenuAfterMouseClick" to show the context menu. It was working fine ...
Annamalai's user avatar
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iag-grid data is not refreshing when i change the data from an external component

my aggrid is getting its data from a pinia store, bras is an array of the customer's branches const { selectedCustomer } = storeToRefs(customerStore) const rowData =selectedCustomer.value.bras when ...
d cy's user avatar
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Ag-grid-angular: TypeError: rowCtrls[i].getAllCellCtrls is not a function

Given the small hopes for receiving non-paid support from ag-grid team, and hoping for wider audience I post the same here. Original github issue here ...
Althain's user avatar
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Issue is on the onchange method in headerComponentFramework

I am adding no of empty row in ad grid though this method gridOptions.api.updateRowData({ add: [emptyObj] }) After adding the row, each row has text box for the column. On click of the text box i am ...
Pradyumna Nayak's user avatar
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Ag-Grid valueFormatter in defaultColDefs - does not work

This is probably the last obstacle in development process, so any kind of help be much appreciated, as soon as possible. I am using Ag-Grid to display different columns. Columns are fully dynamic - ...
Strahinja Veljovic's user avatar
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Streamlit Aggrid - range selection only in one column

I am able to select a range with gb.configure_grid_options(enableRangeSelection=True). However I need range selection only in one column (say column “Name”) and not the others. Please guide how can I ...
Debrup Mondal's user avatar
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Ag Grid Community Version v32.0.0 breaks if filter = true

I am using AG Grid Community in JavaScript. After upgrading to AG Grid v32.0.0, my grid is stuck in the loading phase. In the console, I encounter the following error: ag-grid-community.min.js:1 ...
Andreas Bougiouklis's user avatar
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AG Grid keeps fetching data multiple time (Server Side Infinite Mode)

im struggling to understand why the grid keep fetching more data (causing flicking) after resolving it. I put the grid in debug mode and got these logs AG Grid: Updated property datasource from Proxy(...
Ishai A.'s user avatar
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how to make custom cell editor interact with custom cell renderer

I have created a custom cell editor and a custom cell renderer. I want the renderer to display a flag when there is a validation error in the cell Editor. At the point of checking if the entered text ...
gables20's user avatar
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Ag-grid: custom filter component is visible from the beginning (after update to v31)

After update ag-grid (in Angular) from 28 to 31 we got not strange issue: custom filter component is visible by default and attached below grid. We've implemented feature to restore filter settings ...
user14300875's user avatar
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AG Grid cell renderer class has instantiation issues

Tried implementing a cell renderer class to include a <div> element in one of the cells (basically to act as a legend for an attached donut chart representing the grid.) I've defined the class ...
FelixFelicis's user avatar
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Exporting multiple sheets as excel using Ag Grid

I need to export multiple sheets as excel with different row and column definition. I did not find a way to do it with Ag grid as my column definitions were different, hence I got the data by ...
user13569341's user avatar
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Master Detail show/hide button appear in all the rows

Hi I am trying to build a group by data table that uses a master detail in the leaf row of the groupby. But for some reason the the show/hide for the master detail is on every row. [master detail ...
Derrick Chow's user avatar
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Aggrid displaying value of type array seperated by newlines

We recently moved to Agrid. I'm getting an error displaying a value of type array. This is the data: [ {"doorlooptijd": 9,"email": ["[email protected]"]}, {"...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Ag-Grid data overlapping for a second on quick search

When I am doing quick search on grid the cellRenderer and data are overlapping each other for a second before readjusting. enter image description here When I am doing quick search on grid the ...
Subham Agarwal's user avatar
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Generate Group total row only for some groups

I am using ag-grid version v27, I have enabled below options to generate total row under each group column: this.gridOptions.groupIncludeTotalFooter = true; this.gridOptions.groupIncludeFooter = true; ...
osman Rahimi's user avatar
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ag-grid - Define custom column header values while exporting to Excel/CSV

I am using ag-grid in my application, on the top of the grid i have provided 2 buttons 'Download Excel' and 'Download CSV', when the user clicks on any of the button the data in the grid should be ...
Sayan's user avatar
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AG Grid Custom Tool Panel - catch Grid Ready Event

I have a custom tool panel I have implemented that allows users to save the column and filter state to browser localStorage with a user defined name, and also to select among a list of names to reload ...
awdorrin's user avatar
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After resetting the ag-grid height, the agSelectCellEditor displays abnormally

I'm using ag-grid on my webpage with the official agSelectCellEditor for managing a list of colors. Above the ag-grid, there's a component (highlighted in a red box in the diagram) that allows ...
Aiden's user avatar
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ag-grid doesn't retain focus on switching between windows

I have used custom headerComponent for all columns and custom cellRenderer for all cells in ag-grid. When a particular cell or header has focus, if I switch to another window and come back to the ag-...
Sajith's user avatar
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AG Grid 22.1.1: Select all in Column list panel doesn't update hidden column

I want to make the "Select All" checkbox(checkbox besides search box) select/deselect all column checkboxes in the ag-Grid column visibility tool panel. However, I noticed that the "...
Nik's user avatar
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Keyboard navigation and selecting cell with mouse doesn't work with custom cellRenderer in ag-grid

I have used custom cellrenderer and handled MouseDown and KeyPress events within the custom renderer. Now when I click on a cell, that doesn't become the focused cell. Also keyboard navigation doesn't ...
Sajith's user avatar
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How to find which header has focus in ag-grid

I have used custom headerComponent for all columns. When navigating through the headers using keyboard, is there a way to know which column header has focus?
Sajith's user avatar
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AGrid Chekbox is working for child but not for the parent

Please Help. I am using dash agrid to create a Grid like this When i Have used agGroupCellRenderer for grouping . when i am clicking on the child checkbox it is working but when i am clicking on ...
Mohit  Chaniyal's user avatar
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Ag-grid getting random loading rows in between actual rows

I am implementing server-side row model with partial option to enable lazy loading. When the first bath of data is loaded, it is loading perfectly, but once I scroll down to load the second or later ...
user8586170's user avatar
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custom fixed width of column not working on reload/ revisit the tab

i've provided custom fixed width to some columns in my table but the it's not working on revisit the tab and sometimes on reload. [ { headerName: 'Funnel stage', field: 'event_type', sortable: false, ...
vipin tiwari's user avatar
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Excel export not working after upgrading react ag grid to 32.2.0

I was earlier using 28.0.1 of react ag grid. I upgraded to 32.2.0 and now gridApi.exportDataAsExcel() is not working. It's giving error as - unable to export as package ag-grid-enterprise has not been ...
user13569341's user avatar
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Ag Grid showing garbage icon in production

I am using ag-grid-table in my project. somehow it is showing correct icons in the local environment but not in the production environment here is the production environment screenshot here is local ...
Aniket Deshpande's user avatar
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Ag Grid dynamically update cell style based on visible rows changed via set filter

I'm using pure js version of ag grid. my code for cell style looks something like this cellStyle: params => { return getCellColor(params); // my custom func to determine cell color based on ...
Matte Crystal's user avatar
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AG-Grid onCellValueChanged unable to detect change of cellEditorSelector custom component

I am having an issue with my Ag-Grid. In my table's columnDef, i have a dropdown column which is using a custom component using cellEditorSelector. However, When i select a value and click away from ...
Jing c's user avatar
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How to do fullRow edit with readyOnlyEdit in AG Grid?

When using both editType='fullRow' and readOnlyEdit in AG Grid (React), onRowValueChanged() doesn't get called after editing a row, and onRowEditingStopped() never contains the submitted data. How do ...
user1021's user avatar
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Writing test cases for handling events (onGridReady, onSelectionChanged, onFirstDataRendered) in React using Jest and Testing Library

I'm working on testing a React component RunAsSelectGrid that integrates with ag-Grid, and I'm having trouble covering specific events (onGridReady, onSelectionChanged, onFirstDataRendered) in my test ...
Vivek's user avatar
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How do you process all pasted changes in React Ag-Grid at once?

In React Ag-Grid, if a user pastes data into multiple cells at once, the valueSetter gets called for each cell that was pasted. This significantly slows down rendering, because if a user wants to ...
noobnoob's user avatar
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How pass state or function from AG-Grid CellRenderer to its respective Parent Component?

I have a Tabs component, and AG-Grid lives within this Tabs component. The grid provides the user the option to view a document that is in the grid's data (image below). In the image, you will see an ...
Aaron's user avatar
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does Aggrid support header Name editing by double clicking the header name?

I am using aggrid in my angular application. I am trying to edit the header names from the UI like the rowData, simply by double clicking the header i wan to edit and proving with a new Header name. ...
Tenzing Sherpa's user avatar
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In the agdrid, the date format in the date column changes on editing start. How to keep it cosistent to yyyy-mm-dd without using custom cell template?

I have date column in my react ag-grid. when I'm editing a cell in this column, I see the date format as dd-mm-yyyy. However when editing is done the format changes to yyyy-mm-dd. I want to have ...
S P's user avatar
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Why am I getting an error when building my Ag-Grid in npm run build?

I am rather new to nextjs and web in general as my experience is mostly with compiled languages. I am trying to build a web app using Ag-Grid and took inspiration from an existing example I took from ...
tony.sharpts's user avatar
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AG-Grid React: How to suppress the internal logic of the Home/End keys?

I've tried but can't figure out how to suppress the internal logic of the Home/End keys? The internal Home/End key logic fires BEFORE any ag-grid events, so I can't suppress it... or I don't know how.....
Alex G's user avatar
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How to get the count of total rows from ag-grid with serveur side row model (datasource) using vue js?

I'm using ag-grid and vue, with the server side row model. I would like to display the count of all the rows, and not only the displayed rows but really the count of all the rows from database. This ...
Liiisey's user avatar
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AG Grid is randomly not loading any icons

These are the imports I am using in order import '@ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css'; import { AgGridReact } from '@ag-grid-community/react'; import '@ag-grid-community/styles/ag-theme-quartz.css';...
Sanal S's user avatar
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Export "Total" row into excel from ag-grid

I have data in below format in ag-grid and when I try to export to excel all the rows got exported except "Total" row. product category price1 price2 price3 apple fruit1 3 4 5 ...
sandy's user avatar
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Formatting LaTeX in Dash AG Grid headers and cells in Python

I'm trying to format my headers and cells to LaTeX/Markdown using the single $ inline notation. For example, a header might look like: $\alpha$ = 0.5 While a cell might look like: This is data: $\...
python_loser's user avatar
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Ag-Grid grouping Complex Objects

I need some help with Ag-grid grouping Complex Objects, I have an array of objects and I want to group by the main object name and then the child objects should be displayed in a different column, ...
jack's user avatar
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Cannot add filter for grouped columns on react ag-grid

I was trying to add filter on column "product" as show below in react ag-grid. product category price1 price2 price3 apple fruit1 3 4 5 apple fruit2 6 8 5 ...
sandy's user avatar
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How to save state for custom cell renderer or cell style as part of grid’s config

I am able to save grid data such as sorting, filtering, pivoting etc using api.getColumnDefs() and then saving the info in my store and then upon reopening adding them back using api.setColumnDefs(), ...
Harsh Phoujdar's user avatar
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Angular AG-Grid writing console "Errors" but not "Exceptions" with Bad data

Seeing following Console errors but NOT Exceptions with AG-Grid's "api.setRowData" Code . enter image description here params.api.setRowData in the below screenshot is writing errors ...
Shankar's user avatar
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Ag-grid React + over riding selected row is not working

am using ag-grid react in my project to load the data. Where as i need to over ride when the row is selected. Am doing it inline style way due to some reason. code <Paper className="ag-theme-...
SakthiSureshAnand's user avatar
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How to unit test logic under AG GRID gridApi function forEachNode

Trying to get my unit test coverage for this bit of code: processUpdates(input) { let request = []; this.gridApi.forEachNode(function (node) { // <--- How to mock/spy inside forEachNode ...
null-point-exceptional's user avatar
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When copying and pasting data using Ag Grid, the 'processCellFromClipboard' callback is not behaving the way it should

I am troubleshooting an issue we are having with the Ag Grid, specifically entire row copy and paste of data (i.e. duplicating data). We are copying using the built-in functionality of the Ag Grid, ...
Eduard Kruger's user avatar
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ag-grid - Date picker in the header filter is not closing on selection

I am using ag-grid in our React application application. I am using the date field and agDateColumnFilter for one of the columns. When I open the filter from the header and select a date, it does not ...
Sai's user avatar
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