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Questions tagged [capacitor]

Capacitor is a cross-platform app runtime that allows developers to build web apps that run natively on iOS, Android, Electron and the web.

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How to configure different google services in Ionic Framework?

I need to add push notifications to an app that is developed with Ionic Framework and Capacitor. I already created the project in Firebase and it gives me a google-services.json file which must be put ...
Odannys De La Cruz's user avatar
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Embedded device with Hardware issues consisting atmega 328p, RFM96 and ADXL345

enter image description hereI have a device that works on 3V battery (2 D size cells) now I want to debug it so that all the devices work correctly. My device consist of atmega 328p, running on 08 MHz ...
Talha Ashfaq's user avatar
-1 votes
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Could not run phased build action using connection to Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle-

[{ "resource": "/D:/Ionic/SIMBinding/pos_vkd_reports(11-01-2024)/android/", "owner": "generated_diagnostic_collection_name#5", "code": "0", &...
user13050437's user avatar
-1 votes
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Splash Screen is not showing ionic vue capacitor

I am experiencing an issue with the splash screen not displaying in my Ionic Vue project using Capacitor. Despite following the standard setup instructions, the splash screen does not appear when the ...
shoaibdevs's user avatar
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Vue.js 3 mobile app from Capacitor error. No response from Laravel API with Sanctum

Good day, everyone! I have an issue with my Vue.js 3 mobile app which uses Capacitor runtime. There's no response from my Laravel API with Sanctum which hosted online. The following are my codes... ...
Kentillation's user avatar
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I need Ionic/Angular app to read incoming sms messages when app is closed

I'm developing an app for a local women's shelter that takes incoming sms messages from specific contacts, and uses AI to remove abusive language. Ideally the person adds the abuser to their spam ...
Colin's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a mobile VPN application for Android using Ionic + Capacitor + Vue 3?

Please advise, is it possible to create a mobile VPN application for Android using Ionic + Capacitor + Vue 3? Or would it be better not to delve into this and instead focus more on native mobile ...
Maxim's user avatar
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FileReader loadend event not firing on mobile devices but works on web

I'm working on an Angular application with Capacitor, where I use FileReader to read a file and update the UI once the file is loaded. The code works perfectly on web browsers, but when I deploy it as ...
Nahom Ersom's user avatar
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Framework7 Core with bundler (Vite) build on Capacitor cannot work on Android

I created a sample package with source code by using command "framework7 create --ui", then generate couples of files and folders and load them on VScode. The package is built at the ...
ThunderBird's user avatar
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@capacitor/geolocation v5: is possible to show the native dialog box to ask the user to turn on the GPS?

I'm implementing a mobile app using @capacitor and using the geolocation plugin I'd like to ask the user to turn on its GPS and I want to do that using the native dialog box like GoogleMaps and other ...
lucataglia's user avatar
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Auth0 plus Capacitor plus React not recognising login

I've followed through Auth0's guide for how to setup a React app using Capacitorjs to deploy to android and Auth0 for authentication. I'm actually using the sample that can be downloaded from: https://...
Tim Griffiths's user avatar
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Capacitor error with @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le

I'm developing print feature for my app using these tech stacks: "@angular/core": "~13.2.0", "@capacitor-community/bluetooth-le": "^3.1.4", "@capacitor/...
Le Quang Nhan's user avatar
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DeepLinks and WebCredentials on Ionic Capacitor App

I am having serious issues on let these 2 things working. I finally succeeded few days ago, now, after some modification to the App, it doesn't work anymore. I have followed all the steps, but nothing....
DeLac's user avatar
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Capacitor Android issue splash screen instead of camera

I am using to scan the qr code this plugin: @capacitor-mlkit/barcode-scanning. It was working fine, after that i added the splash image on Android I see the splash screen instead of the camera. The ...
Luca Spezzano's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor PendingIntent with unspecified mutability

does anyone know what it could be? When uploading to the Play Store, I'm receiving 4 warnings about PendingIntent with unspecified mutability. I've already updated all my plugins, I'm on the latest ...
sirmagus's user avatar
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How to request API in Capacitor App created in Nuxt.js

I get error /** * API is not available. * * This means the API can't be used right now because: * - it is currently missing a prerequisite, such as network connectivity * -...
UlanyGeorge's user avatar
-1 votes
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Angular 16 Printer preview for Mobile app using capacitor

I have mobile application/s build with Angular 16 and Capacitor. I've been trying to show the print preview for the mobile application. Standard approach with Windows.Print() is working only for the ...
Georgi Dragomirov 's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor 6, trying to write a file on Android 14 failed

I'm building an Ionic/Angular app for android which has to save some text logs, as a .txt file. For doing so I'm trying to use @capacitor/filesystem@^6.0.0. The app is not requesting permissions event ...
Arcall's user avatar
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Throwing ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error while accessing html response in Ionic Capacitor

Context We have a Content Player where we are loading online contents(html, js pdf audio, video). It was working perfectly untill few month back. Issue Now we are unable to access html contents where ...
Swayangjit's user avatar
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`linkWithCredential` method does not work inside capacitor

I'm making custom firebase microsoft provider auth, using Vue3 and Capacitor. My problem is that linkWithCredential method does not work inside capacitor. In normal browser, it is working and ...
papryk's user avatar
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How to set Full Screen with Angular (ionic/Capacitor.js)

I am trying to set fullscreen with angular(ionic/capacitor.js) divEle This is my div element Below is my code. /* * This function is used for video full screen */ fullScreen() { try{ if (!...
Nikunj Chaklasiya's user avatar
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Capacitor white/black screen

I have just built app with vue and quasar. And I am using capacitor for mobile. On android everything work perfectly on emulator, internal and open testing. For ios I am facing the issue. I have ...
coder's user avatar
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Marker artefacting and poor rendering performance in Google Maps iOS SDK / Capacitor plugin

I have recently switched to @capacitor/google-maps plugin for Google Maps SDK to migrate my app to Capacitor Framework. I encountered an erratic behavior with markers in the iOS implementation only (...
Alex Predescu's user avatar
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How to get time progress in capacitor-video-player

I'm using capacitor-video-player for capacitor but i did not find any event listener related to video progress. i was looking something like this const video = document.querySelector("video&...
EaB's user avatar
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Error: Uncaught (in promise): FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error)

I have a problem with phone authentication on my iOS device. When I click on my RecaptchaVerifier container, I get this error: Uncaught (in promise): FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-...
TotoTricot's user avatar
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Capacitor Android - Floating Keyboard

Im building a fullscreen android app using Capacitor and React JS. However I think in a typical fullscreen app in android, the keyboard will be floating by default as presented in apps like Fun Run or ...
Nazri AMZ's user avatar
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Azure MSAL broker signature hash question

I am working through updating an Android application at my place of business. I am working with Azure SSO and I'm able to get the SSO working with a signature hash generated from the app's signing key....
c0l0nelp0pc0rn's user avatar
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printing using a TSC printer with Ionic/Capacitor

We have a TSC printer (TE210) we want to do silent label printing with. Our app is built with capacitor, and we couldn't find a plugin that helps with that yet; all printer plugins open the default ...
Lee Skies's user avatar
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Capacitor and Google Analytics 4 GA4

We have implemented GTM in our PWA, which we have then built for Android and iOS using CapacitorJS. While GTM is working well through Android, all traffic on iOS is being blocked by GTM. We believe ...
rodboc's user avatar
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How to create floating window with Ionic framework using Capacitor.js to use the app over other apps

In ionic framework how would I create floating window (similar to GMap) in Android (and/or iOS) preferrably with Capacitor.js (as Cordova slowly deprecating). If there's possibility of extended ...
Subhrangshu Adhikary's user avatar
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What is the actual cause behind the error "Assertion failed: alias and its target must be located in the same section" when building an iOS app?

I have a hybrid app created with Ionic that was originally running on Cordova, but we moved it to Capacitor a year ago and everything has been working as expected. Recently, while trying to make ...
lcrum's user avatar
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scheduling a local notification in capacitor v4 angular by receiving a response from listening to a websocket message while app is in background

So I have an angular android capacitor v4 application and when my user goes out of the app, my app successfully keeps on listening for their location change through a plugin I installed called "@...
Amogelang Chaane's user avatar
-2 votes
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Capacitor.js in WSL - ERR_EMULATOR_HOME_NOT_FOUND: No valid Android Emulator home found

I am trying to make an Android app with Capacitor in WSL. Steps taken: Installed the Android Studio on Windows. Installed the missing tools directory. Updated the $PATH in ~/.bashrc with: export ...
Sir Rubberduck's user avatar
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2 answers

play audio with url src in ionic / capacitor apps

i'm using react with ionic / capacitor app this code is working fine on android ios and web const audioRef = new Audio( `data:${audioHex.mimeType};base64,${audioHex.recordDataBase64}` ); ...
abdulrehman ajmal's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor Build for ios creates empty Xcode workspace

Edit: Solved below, edited the question to help others googling for symptoms ionic capacitor build ios creates empty Xcode workspace I am migrating my Ionic app from cordova to capacitor. Following ...
user25454505's user avatar
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How to use an image to fill the whole screen size as splash screen for Android using Ionic 8/Capacitor?

I am using the latest version of Ionic, @capacitor/assets and @capacitor/splash-screen to generate and manage the icons and splash screen for Android and iOS. The icons are working well, but the ...
joccafi's user avatar
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wrong introductoryEligibility when getting information from a sku with glassfy and capacitor

Glassfy Capacitor lib return GLASSFY_ELEGIBILITY.NON_ELEGIBLE for a SKU but click on purchase link show that introductory price is eligible In the page showing products to buy I check the Eligibility ...
DocPi's user avatar
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Can not install ios app with capacitor, Error: You cannot run CocoaPods as root

when i start command sudo npx cap sync i am getting error with " You cannot run CocoaPods as root." ✔ Copying web assets from dist to ios/App/App/public in 1.89ms ✔ Creating capacitor....
Redbeard's user avatar
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Ionic Condensed Header Background Color not correct

I am trying to set the condensed header in ionic Vue 8 to a specific Color. But it does not look correct with the iOS debounce effect. Do you have any solution for this issue? Thank you for tour help!...
MarcW's user avatar
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Storing JWT Refresh Token in Shared Mobile/Web Codebase

How should a JWT refresh token best be stored in-browser in a codebase that's shared between a web application and a Capacitor-built iOS & Android application? On mobile, it's clear what to do -- ...
kmypwn's user avatar
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DevOps XCode@5 does not create .ipa file

I have a Capacitor app that I am trying to build through DevOps with the xcode@5 task. However, I am not getting an .ipa to be generated on completion of the task. What am I missing? Is there ...
Adam's user avatar
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Ionic/Capacitor 8.2 - Java - Android - how to set status-bar style and color?

I am trying to set the status bar style and color for my android app in the Java code of an Angular/Ionic app. Using the "Angular" way of setting the status bar color and style of my app in ...
Lorand's user avatar
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IOS - Make Non-Transparent Status Bar Capacitor & Next.JS

I have a IOS application that was created from a next.js website using Capacitor. I have the folling capacitor configuration: import type { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli'; const config: ...
Ayo Adesina's user avatar
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dynamically include or exclude capacitor plugins in a quasar webpack or vite project

I am trying to build an app that will both have a web spa and android apk. I am using quasar cli with webpack (also have an alternate with vite). I am using webpack since I could use require, I know ...
Barty's user avatar
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Ionic, how to close in-app browser in android.(capacitor/browser)

I am using capacitor/browser. and in document, it says browser.close() works on only web, ios. Then how can i close browser in android??{ url: 'https://~~' }); setTimeout(() => { ...
Cho's user avatar
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Vuejs + capacitor blank page android

I have build my project and i see my capacitor config is right, but when run on android i get a blank page. I tried to open index.html by path on chrome but i got same blank page, the console output ...
Hasban Fardani's user avatar
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Subtitle shown wrong in ng-circle-progress

I have an Ionic app, and I've incorporated ng-circle-progress into one of its pages. I've included the following code: <circle-progress *ngIf="workouts[currentIndex].video_en === 'Done'" [...
Hawra Albahrani's user avatar
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Trying ng add @angular/pwa to my Ionic - Capacitor App

I am trying to ng add @angular/pwa but fails with the following error, new to this. What can I do to solve this error? ng add @angular/pwa ℹ Using package manager: npm ✔ Found compatible package ...
Morgs's user avatar
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Backswipe with Capacitor 6

Following this tutorial around january of 2024 with Capacitorjs version 5 helped me to add navigating back using backswipe on ios devices. However now, using Capacitor 6, I'm no longer able to make it ...
narrei's user avatar
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Cross-Origin Token Redemption Error in Capacitor Native App with Azure AD

I'm developing a native application using Angular, Angular OIDC Client, and Capacitor, but I'm encountering an error during authentication with Microsoft Azure AD. The error message in my Xcode logs ...
Toby x's user avatar
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