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Questions tagged [coordinates]

Refers to a sequence of numbers used to indicate the position of an object relative to an axis. Commonly, refers to a latitude/longitude pair that indicates a geographical position.

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I have a vue.js & three.js code and how to hidden coordinate part in three.js?

Everyone, I have a vue & three.js code. and i wanna hidden the part which shows in the picture. I have no experience in three.js and i don't know how to fix it. i used scene, camera, renderer, ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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create movement speed from x,y pixel coordinates

I have a dataset which is tracking a moving object. For each frame of the video (around 2,000 per video), it has an x pixel and a y pixel value (1920 x 1080p). I want to: a) create a new column (xy) ...
Besibott's user avatar
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Python - How to spread out a set of coordinates so that they're not within 10 miles of each other? [closed]

I'm plotting a scatter map with plotly, and I have a lot of markers that are overlapping and very close to each other. This may be convoluted, but I'm trying to spread them apart by tweaking each ...
bestfirstsearch's user avatar
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How to retrieve images from HERE API preserving geometry

I tried to extract images and I did successfully but they always come in the fashion (I guess) base64 format with no geometry. I'm a newbie in the use of apis so ...
Luis Armando Amador Durán's user avatar
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2 answers

Coordinates of an NetCDF file comes flipped out

I have created a new variable called 'temperature' that represents the temperature gradient to detect oceanic thermal fronts. One issue I encounter when plotting this variable is that the terrestrial ...
Lola Riesgo Torres's user avatar
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1 answer

How to evaluate the color in a pyplot image at a given point?

Is there a method in Python to evaluate the color in a graph that I made with pyplot? I plotted some F1 circuits in pyplot like this: yellow circuit on grey background Next up in my project is to ...
Tuur Vanlerberghe's user avatar
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PHP Calculation of area between coordinates fails for non-square rectangles in WGS84 CRS

I have a PHP function designed to calculate the area between two coordinates using the WGS84 Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The function works correctly when the rectangle formed by the ...
Robert Blasco Villarroya's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Draw lines between several points with known coordinates [closed]

My task: to connect points with lines using known coordinates. What I have already done: using the doctr library, I find the coordinates of the words I am interested in on a pdf file. (My python code ...
Paul's user avatar
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Android Studio Custom View Coordinates are offset

I'm working on an app in Android Studio that lets the user visualize a family tree. For the profiles of the family members, I created the custom view PersonCard: public class PersonCard extends ...
schwitzky's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to make Leaflet accept long/lat points assuming a spherical geometry?

I have two sets of coordinates: one from a sphere and the other WGS-84. I'd like to get them both into Leaflet. But Leaflet assumes long/lat points are WGS. As far as I can tell, its quite difficult ...
gph's user avatar
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bulk convert lon lat coordinates to EPSG 3031 (antarctic) coordinates using python

I am trying to write a code that will bulk convert lon lat coordinates to EPSG 3031 so that I can plot them in the Polar ToolKit through Python. I have lon lat coordinates on an excel sheet. How can ...
user15108227's user avatar
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Estimate circle crossing time between two coordinates points in wgs84

I am trying to estimate the crossing time of a circle given two point P1, P2 one inside and the other one outside of the buoy. So given the following (Coords in WGS): lat1, lon1, t1 = 45.965467, 8....
Seve's user avatar
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Godot 4.3 — How can I ensure correct Control position in _ready?

I have a program which uses a TextureRect for a mouse cursor, and a home-rolled focus system. It works fine, but in _ready I set the global_position of the mouse to the focused control, and a problem ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Cropping a global shapefile just to Europe on R

I am using a shapefile to map ice extent, but I only want it focused on Europe. This is the entire shapefile plotted: I've tried using a bounding box and clipping the shapefile, but neither of these ...
cheese7729's user avatar
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C#, sorting coordinates into continuous line

I have the following coordinates for a line OR potentially non-convex polygon: Rules: each coordinate is at MOST 1 x or 1 y distance away the coordinates WILL form a line with two end coordinates OR ...
DeeCeptor's user avatar
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Export coordinates of connector elements in abaqus using history output

I am working on a model with numbers of connector section element (cartesian) and in history output i could find connector element total force (CTF) and relative displacement (CU). But I need ...
razzan's user avatar
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1 answer

RegEx for checking coordinates in various formats

I would like to verify a coordiantes-entry with a RegEx that will accept coordinates in the decimal format as well as in degrees/minutes/seconds. I came as far as you can see below. It works with the ...
Eva Zecha's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How does improve detection of line in images by open cv? [closed]

hi dears I work on a project that finding and tracking altitude and azimuth sun angles with image processing. A camera take photo from shadows of a 10cm tail as my object in front of sun every 10 ...
isa nemati's user avatar
-2 votes
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powershell - distance (meters) between coordinates [closed]

How to get distance between a-b coordinates in meters using powershell? a) xx.xxxxxx xx.xxxxxx b) xx.xxxxxx xx.xxxxxx Every example i see uses java script or c# Many thanks!
Igor Kuznetsov's user avatar
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Can't export CATIA V5 intersection points' coordinates in Excel with VBA

I am new to CATIA VBA and am trying to export points coordinates in excel with this cited Macro I found online. It works well until it gets to points in the shape of intersection in my Catia file. ...
MaxenceL's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to find the row coordinate of a specific cell in excel using python

Language: Python (version 3.12) Packages tried: OpenPyxl and Pandas Task: Within a workbook I'm trying to find an instance of a specific year (input) within a column called "Year". From ...
Robert-Jan De groot's user avatar
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MySQL is swapping coordinates. Is this a bug?

MySQL has added a way to set SRID that should not transform the coordinates. It should only change the SRID info. ST_SRID() changes the geometry SRID value without transforming its coordinates. It ...
OPPO's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Stopping sprite at specific locations using pygame [duplicate]

I'm a high school student doing programming a game for a project. The problem I've been having is that the sprite (which is a mouse) exceeds the boundary on where its allowed to move to and from e.g. ...
Y-Orozco's user avatar
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Shrink a rotating object up to point

I have an object (orange) that is tied to a hinge joint (black) and can rotate around it. At some point when I detect collision with other object I have to cut it there (red). In order to do that I ...
flowerProgrammer's user avatar
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Combine multiple non-continuous .nc files with getting nan filler in Xarray

nc files, each has 3 coordinates/dimensions: time, lat and lon. Each .nc files contains the same 36 time steps, and one set of lat and lon. The code works, however since I use the outer join, and I am ...
Char's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Check for intersection when crossing international date-line

First of all, I check for general intersections: public bool CheckOverlap(BoundingBox boundingBox) { if (this.UpperRight.Longitude < boundingBox.LowerLeft.Longitude) return ...
Martin Yakoslaw's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How do I interpret these coordinates I got from the website of the german statistical bureau?

Thanks for clicking. During my research, I stumbled upon the "Unfallatlas", which is essentially a collection of all the accidents that happened in a specific year. For me, only the ...
d3vilstrap's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to get a global position of a Widget in QToolbar?

I have the code: auto toolbar = new QToolBar(&mainWidget); toolbar->move(50,50); // random pos, but not (0,0); toolbar->addWidget(new QPushButton("1-button")); auto secondButton = ...
Andrey Korostin's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Convert latitude and longitude string vector into data frame

I am struggling to parse the location strings I have in my data. The location is inconveniently set up as a string with both the latitude and longitude info bundled together and I want to extract that ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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Pyproj returning inf on some coordinates

I am trying to figure out why I am getting inf for pyproj transformation from epsg:4326 to epsg:3857, I am using shapely to take in coordinates of a polygon so that I can rasterize. Afterwards, I ...
Jeremy Lin's user avatar
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How do I allow decimals to be plotted without being 'flagged' by my format check?

Im trying to make a python script that will allow me to insert a string of coordinates and have them plotted on a graph/plane, I have it set so if you use an incorrect format eg: (x,y), (x,y ,(x,y) ...
Ashton Raymer's user avatar
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X and Y of matrix being switch, but I can't find where

It is clear to me that the x and y of the creatures are being switched every time they move by ther coordinates it prints out every time i update the progam, but I cant locate where this is happening, ...
Calder Lewis's user avatar
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leaflet not set the marker at real position over custom map

I search info about the markers and why doesn't appear into the position coordinates. Include here in stackoverflow aren't info about my problem. The most near that found something similar it's this: ...
Robert Blasco Villarroya's user avatar
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Single characters detection/recognition.Deleting of the special characters from image

I have an image which is look like this: enter image description here Reserve link: And I want to delete all special characters from it to make it look like this: enter image ...
user176953's user avatar
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Aspect Ratio Error When Plotting Points on Map and Setting CRS

I am getting a "ValueError: aspect must be finite and positive" error when I try to plot football stadium locations on a map. The weird thing is that I get the error when I attempt to plot ...
Ozz Outao's user avatar
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how to present a specific brain region on right and left side of the brain glass?

I have this mat file from Craddock atlas and all coordinates of every regions are in this file. mat ="C:/Users/Monir/Downloads/atlases/craddock.mat") coordinates = [mat['...
Monireh Taimouri's user avatar
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Overlaying spots on the image of spatial transcriptomics in python

I am doing spatial transcriptomics analysis of triple negative breast cancer. I am having issue when I overlay my spots on my image. It gives me totally right spots on a plot but when I try to embed ...
ayesha iman's user avatar
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Converting list object (home range) to an object I can plot?

I have an example dataset (named "data") with coordinates as shown below (projected in CRS 5321): longitude latitude 430547.6 7208993 404139.3 7212760 411915.5 7232663 ...
Cam's user avatar
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Trying to convert Offset type to LatLng for GoogleMap in Flutter

I have points drawn on the screen, their position is based on Offset and I'm trying to convert this Offset to responding LatLng on googleMap. Do you have idea if it is event possible to do? I need ...
Dewek's user avatar
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Determining Minimum Shadow Circumference for Group of People Standing Beneath a Tree

"Suppose there's a tree located at coordinates (0, 0). Its shadow is circular because the sun is directly overhead. A group of people is standing in the shadow, and their coordinates are provided....
NAFIZ MUNTASIR's user avatar
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Is there a method to sequentially label a collection of geographical points that follow a route with a changing direction?

I have a collection of geographical points (xy coordinates) looking like this: Collectively they follow a route with a changing direction. I am wondering if there is a way to calculate the order of ...
Lord_Verulam's user avatar
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Coordinate(lat/long) to pixel coordinate in image

Given: an image of a map section that I cut from GOOGLE MAPS coordinates of the 4 corners of the image (lat/long). leftTopLat = 47.536 leftTopLon = 21.5203 rightTopLat = 47.554 rightTopLon = 21....
Erik Orosz's user avatar
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Finding Absolute Coordinates in a PDF

I've been digging into this and I just really need some help. I feel like this should be possible but I've not been able to figure it out as of yet. I have a unique string that exists in a PDF. I want ...
jeremysawesome's user avatar
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How to get coordinate of motioned widget in certain point?

I want to simulate smart speed cameras. I placed the photo of the car and set it in motion. I want the speed to be recorded when it reaches a certain point (camera location). The problem is that I can'...
m.a's user avatar
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True windows width and height

I am working my way through a windows game programming book book which takes you through the fundamentals of Direct X, 2d and 3d. It is going great and it is a great book. I have gotten far and have ...
Senhor Richard Ô Otimo's user avatar
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Post endpoint input request with coordinates in C#

Expected POST endpoint input request: { "id": "some-guid-here", "orgId": "default", "hazards": [ "bugs" ], "...
Rakesh Pattanayak's user avatar
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Z coordinates are missing in sfc geometry in R

i'm literally new in programming and R. I have set of street networks and the segments of each network has been exploded by using QGIS. After using st_read, I found that the type of geometry of my sfc ...
Daksa Lintang's user avatar
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Python: Converting Coordinates for Mouse Movement Across Different Screen Resolutions

I'm currently working on a project where I need to move the mouse cursor to specific coordinates on the screen. To ensure that the mouse movement works across different screen resolutions, I've ...
Valgrind's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get an tuple of coordinates from a list inside another list

I have the following list: list = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]] My goal is to return from this list, a set of tuples that contain the coordinates (row, column) of each value ...
Luan Pacheco's user avatar
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Issue Importing Deliminated Text File from Google Sheets in QGIS3

I'm using QGIS3 and I'm trying to import a deliminated text layer into QGIS from a google sheet document. Whenever I import the file into QGIS it comes with an error icon stating that the layer is ...
Lucyyy's user avatar
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