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Questions tagged [electron]

Electron (formerly Atom Shell) is a framework created by GitHub that lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Electron is based upon Node.js and Chromium.

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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'send')

`Windows; MS Code; "Electron" 5.0.4, simple desktop text editing app I get the following error after clicking the save button; the button is located on the "index.html" page in a &...
Sam McGraw's user avatar
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How to request an output from a usb device using usb library and node.js

I am creating an app to update the firmware on my usb device and need a way to check the progress on the update from the device's side. I am trying to figure out what exactly the output is so I can ...
aeria cyber's user avatar
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2 answers

Load locally saved files to tonejs

I am trying to create an app with the electron-react boilerplate where i can create audio files. I found Tone.js, which allows me to play sounds but loading the sample files seems close to impossible. ...
FallenAngel7882's user avatar
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Miracast Not Working While Electron App Running (RTSP Protocol Breaks)

I am experiencing an issue where Miracast stops working when my Electron app is running. Specifically, the RTSP protocol seems to break, causing the connection to fail. Details: Electron Version: 29.0....
Omer Golan's user avatar
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Dropdown menu overlaps with component in Vue app

I had a Vue electron app, in which Home view component has 3 child components which are in single column one after the other, I have a b-dropdown in middle component when I scroll up the opened ...
satishVudata's user avatar
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Load React or Angular Component In OpenFin

I am trying to get an OpenFin app to run using the Platform API: I can get a 'platform' running, and x2 panels using the example in ...
Oam Psy's user avatar
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How to create electron app that will replace windows desktop

How can i develop an app, that can be used instead of default windows desktop, couldn't find any tutorials online, so I'm asking here I only found some ways of using kodi, but I want exactly electron ...
rllynotfox's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can i fix Electron problem: Error: ENOTDIR, not a directory?

I'm using an electron for the first time. I ran into a problem when building the application. I do everything according to the documentation, I use electron-forge. npm run make runs without problems, ...
Казбек Сабанаев's user avatar
-1 votes
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Electron squirrel startup app not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation [closed]

App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation this should be placed at top of main.js to handle setup events quickly if (handleSquirrelEvent()) { squirrel event handled and app will ...
Jitendra Singh's user avatar
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Electron Forge resolving path to node module using absolute path rather than using relative path

I'm trying to create an app that include the get-windows npm package, but I cannot distribute my app because Electron Forge is using resolving the package to an absolute path rather than a relative ...
atrinh's user avatar
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String contains non ISO-8859-1 code point

When I'm trying run my electronjs app and use window.loadURL('https://example.test'), I catch the following error from PrecacheCacheKeyPlugin. Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to construct '...
Denis's user avatar
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Runing WebDriverIo Test on Electron Application in Dev Mode

I am trying to use wdio for my electron project, its working very well when running it on the build (release/win-unpacked/) but when I set the configuration file to use it directly in dev mode ...
khaldoun kassem's user avatar
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How to add `tailwindcss` to my Vue + Electron Forge project?

I'm doing my first sample project using Vue + Electron Forge with the template vite+typescript. Now I want to add tailwind but I can't seem to find any useful documentation online. This is my project ...
David Peña's user avatar
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App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation

App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation const key = new WinReg({ hive: WinReg.HKCU, key: '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' }); const appName = 'airtel_reflect'...
Jitendra Singh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to add an eventListener to a custom title bar used for dragging the window in a frameless window?

Added a custom title bar to a frameless window in order to make the window draggable. The title bar shows, but eventListener won't fire: main.js: const createWindow = () => { const win = new ...
nBar's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "monaco-editor". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../"

I'm getting started using a Monaco Editor for an Electron JS application. So far I'm able to get the file content on a user's directory no problem but when I try to append it to a Monaco Editor is ...
BeratK2's user avatar
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Node.js Electron App renders a blank screen on start [closed]

I have an Electron app with Shadcn/ui, and when I start the program, I only get a blank white screen. In the console, I see no errors. I tried using other guides, but they were either outdated or not ...
MindOfEmi's user avatar
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Builds for atypical templates using Electron + shadcn-ui not working as expected

I tried to create a simple app for desktop (windows) using electron + shadcn-ui. Everything was fine until the creation process, but I encountered a problem after the build. PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\...
Tim's user avatar
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App threw an error during loadReferenceError: __dirname is not defined in ES module scope

I'm trying to build desktop app using Electron JS + React JS + Vite by using command (npm i electron-vite@latest) It works fine, now there is a need to communicate to serialport, so installed (npm i ...
Maithreyan _M's user avatar
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How to prevent system shutdown if an electron app is running

I want to send an api request when the user closes the app. I have managed to send an api request on that but on shutdown the request is not sent. Is there any way in electron that we can prevent ...
Abhishek Yadav's user avatar
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Electron Forge with Vue 3 integration doesn't work

i want develop an Electron app integrated with Vue 3 using electron forge. I've followed this official documentation Electron Vue integration . But when i run the command npm start the application ...
Tom's user avatar
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Does electron have a way to get information about the printer, including sub-sheet information, paper quantity, etc

ipcMain.handle('getPrinterAsync', async (_, args) => { return this.windowPrint.getWindow().webContents.getPrintersAsync(); }) Does electron have a way to get information about the printer, ...
user19317635's user avatar
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Electron: I keep getting undefined value from the main process in renderer process

I keep getting undefined value from the main process in renderer process. I am using ipcRenderer.invoke and ipcMain.handle. main process (just cut down to this section): ipcMain.handle('process-...
user25763237's user avatar
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Annoying Error appear if i open devtool in electronJs app ( with react devtool installed )

I am working on an Electron application with React and Vite, and I have three main issues. Before I explain the problems, I will introduce the technologies I am using to clarify the issues and the ...
Weelpert's user avatar
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How to hide a frameless electron window on blur

I'm writing an electron app that should be shown when clicking on it's tray icon, and should be hidden when clicking outside of the window. This is how I created the window: mainWindow = new ...
Asaf David's user avatar
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Unable to send message from javascript injected into webview - ipcRenderer undefined

I am wanting to send messages from javascript injected into a webview element using webview.executeJavaScript, to main or renderer scripts. What I found in several places on the web sounds pretty ...
KevinHJ's user avatar
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Error while running react - electron in browser - Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

I am tryin to make a electron - react application and while running i am getting a error on the console of the browser. Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at (bundle.js:...
Sherlock-Holmes-2-2-1's user avatar
-7 votes
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Create window app from react which can run offline [closed]

I have one react application which is deployed to digital ocean. And want to create it's .exe file to run on windows. Some modules of app can be run offline. And this application is for restaurant ...
orderloop dashboard's user avatar
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Bundling executable binary for each platform with electron-forge

I would like to bundle pandoc executable binary for each platform (for Windows, macOS, Linux) in my electron app using electron-forge. I want to contain the binary in bin directory. How I can ...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
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How to minimize Electron V30

trying to minimize the window but can't const electron = window.require("electron") electron.remote.getCurrentWindow().minimize() mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ frame: false, ...
asdfgh's user avatar
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How to Prompt for Sudo Password Once and Reuse Elevated Privileges in an Electron App on macOS?

I'm developing an Electron app that periodically executes a C file requiring elevated privileges on macOS. I need to prompt the user for their sudo password once when the app starts and use these ...
xeed xendrome's user avatar
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Use electron-forge's vite,typescript template to open child window in renderer.ts

I am trying to create a desktop app using the electron-forge vite,typescript template. this: //main.ts import { app, BrowserWindow } from '...
maeyamadot's user avatar
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Device Compatibility Policy When Displaying Sharepoint Site in Electron Webview

I am trying to display a sharepoint web site inside an electron application using BrowserWindow and webview. After I login and pass MFA, it shows an error message complaining device or client ...
m3rg's user avatar
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Encoding error while running Electron tutorial in Windows 10

I'm starting the intro tutorial for Electron in VS Code on Windows 10: main.js console.log('Hello from Electron 👋') Instead of the ...
Meghan M.'s user avatar
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Issues with SQLite3 and the sqlite3 module in Electron

I've got an Electron application, with a simple SQLite3 database that is set up using DBeaver. The structure of the project is as follows: - models - dataManager.js - dbConnector.js - data.db - ...
Matin B.'s user avatar
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electron app not saving cookie from localhost

I want to set a cookie using Set-Cookie header from my local server which runs on http://localhost:3000. In my electron app when i send the cookie I get this error and the cookie is not saved and is ...
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How to make my Electron application serve a website

I am trying to build a "Stream Deck" like application, basicaly it should be a .exe built from electron that has an express api, a renderer to configure the application and a website that ...
Gustavo Luz's user avatar
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how to import a plugin to a Typescript electron app with plugin system manager?

i'm in the process of making an electron app that will support a plugin system that will not cause any changes in the app it will only load components which are the plugins i want to load. and im ...
ryusuke's user avatar
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Does Vite allow for native node modules (.node file) in an electron app?

When using webpack I was using a require statement. Switching to an import statement doesn't seem to solve the problem. Am I just barking up the wrong tree here? Thank you in advance!
Max Heffern's user avatar
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Is there any way to get around macOS Sequoia prompt for continued access to screen and audio permissions?

I am currently developing an Electron application with a companion Swift application that takes screenshots of the user's screen on keypress. It also takes a 1x1 pixel screenshot of the screen from ...
Krish Shah's user avatar
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node.js require returns a string

I created an Electron project with Vite. And I imported Electron from the file to be used in the Worker. No Electron object was returned, only the Electron installation path. How do I get an Electron ...
sandwich's user avatar
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How can I require the electron module from within cordova's renderer process?

I created a plain cordova-electron application using this tutorial. I am trying to access the ipcRenderer object of the electron module so I can receive events sent from the main process (cdv-electron-...
nick zoum's user avatar
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How to create a Windows installer with UAC prompt using electron-forge?

Is it possible for electron-forge to display a UAC prompt before installation? I looked at the Electron Forge documentation, and it doesn't have any configuration to allow a UAC prompt before ...
Julio de Leon's user avatar
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making an installation program for electron.js solution

I successfully made an electron.js solution and zipped up the file to hand over the work to the computer where it would be used. It is launched by typing : "npm start" from a command line ...
xarzu's user avatar
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How to specify the update location for Electron Wix MSI installer?

We are considering Electron for our next app and we have several enterprise customers that require that they be able to change the install location. Because of this, I'm trying to use Electron Forge'...
dransom90's user avatar
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Electron dialog.showOpenDialog doesn't respect filters on Linux

I want to filter when choose a file with showOpenDialog on Electron. I would like to make user able to choose Markdown (md) only. But it is not respected. So now User can select a file of all type. ...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
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Whatsapp-web.js doesn't trigger "ready" event when running packaged app in electron

const { Client, LocalAuth, MessageMedia } = require('whatsapp-web.js') const {timer, generateRandomTime} = require('./utils') const log = require('electron-log') const puppeteer = require('puppeteer') ...
pedrosarkis's user avatar
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Passing headers with session.protocol.handle

When trying to pass a resolved url from inside a protocol handler, session.fetch does not pass any headers. Using request.headers does not work, as it is also empty I have tried getting the headers ...
theMackabu's user avatar
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Install tensorflow\tfjs-node on Windows 11

I've got a lot of problem installing TFJS My situation: Python v3.11.9 (from vscode terminal) NodeJS v20.14.0 (from vscode terminal) Windows 11 Visual Studio Community installed What i've done: ...
Doublegram's user avatar
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File not found at new WindowsPtyAgent when using pty for a spawn process of running another file through cmd

I am working on a Desktop app with electron framework which always has a terminal open the output of the processes run is shown in that terminal. I am using node-pty for this but when I try to pass a ...
shivay sharma's user avatar

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