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CSS class disappeared without notice, where did it go?

I have this example table taken from I would like to give some color for some rows. Here is a minimal working example: <script ...
nagylzs's user avatar
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vue.js and Element Plus - use el-select with key

I intend to make a drop-down menu that can have three values: The first can be 'Father' or 'Mother' depending on the condition returned by the autoGender(index) method. The second is always 'Father'. ...
Mat's user avatar
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How to remove '/page' text from page size dropdown in el-pagination

<el-pagination v-model:current-page="currentPage2" v-model:page-size="pageSize2" :page-sizes="[100, 200, 300, 400]" :small="small" :disabled="...
Sreejith C's user avatar
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Property change not detected in child component

I'm currently stuck on some data refreshing issue with Vue3 & xState. (I don't think that xState is involved in this issue, but I'd rather mention it) Data is not refreshed in child component when ...
Damien C's user avatar
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Video cannot open more options in edge

<el-dialog v-model="videoDialog"> <video v-if="videoDialog" :src="videoSrc" style="width:100%;height:500px;" controls="controls" ...
Evan Chang's user avatar
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How to set the locale of the Element-Plus Datepicker

I'm importing the DatePicker separately in main.ts, because I don't want the overhead of the full ElementPlus. However, how can I set the locale for the widget if I do this ? This is the code without ...
commonpike's user avatar
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What's different between ElButton and el-button in element-plus use in vue

In element-plus official docs, component was imported by this way: ElButton, and used by this way: el-button. In my practice, use element-plus in this way: ElButton can also work normally. I wander ...
pyvadev's user avatar
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How to modify the default type of element-plus?

For example, the type of el-button is '' | 'text' | 'default' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'primary' | 'danger', how to append a type cancel '' | 'text' | 'default' | 'success' | 'warning' | '...
linka's user avatar
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Element Plus Dropdown functions

I'm trying to attach custom functions to each dropdown item. <el-dropdown-menu> <el-dropdown-item @click="editarTenant(, props.row.domain)">Editar Información&...
José Gulmanelli's user avatar
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The true and false bound to el-dialog v-model cannot display el-dialog correctly

I tried using: visible sync, but it still didn't solve the problem. When I clicked the button, the dialog box did not appear. But the strange thing is that sometimes when I save the modified code in ...
tryingbebetter's user avatar
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When using collapsible vertical el-menu (Vue.js), the content of the page grows on menu collaps, but not shrinks back on menu expand

I'm using Vue.js 3 with Element Plus. The structure of my SPA is next: there is an el-menu on the left there is a router-view on the right in that router-view, there is a header in a form of an el-...
Oleksii Karnatskyi's user avatar
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How to change the color of a button inside a sub-menu using vue js3 and element-plus

I've created a button in a sub-menu which when clicked should be able to change color But whatever I do doesn't work. This is the code for the button I've added more code Link to Vue playground where ...
coochie's user avatar
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How to customize Element Plus el-table

I'm new to Element Plus and have a little problem using el-table. Can anyone with experience using Element Plus give me an idea or something? I use VueJS and Element Plus. Thanks everyone in advance. ...
Bảo's user avatar
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How to override the default style in element-plus

When ever i use any element-plus component there is always a default style and color given to it. for example <el-button type="primary">Primary</el-button> it has a default ...
coochie's user avatar
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How to change the down arrow in a submenu in element-plus

I'm working on a website using vuejs3 and element-plus, there are supposed to be some submenus but when you use <el-menu :default-active="activeIndex" class="el-menu-demo&...
coochie's user avatar
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2 answers

Click() event on e2e test in cypress does not work, when used on Switch Element Plus component

When manually testing my Nuxt app, clicking on the switch element works, and it changes my global variable. But in the Cypress test, the switch remains switched off even if the click event runs ...
Adam Horváth's user avatar
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Dynamic table with dynamic rowspans using Vue.js and element plus

Hello i created a dynamic table component using element-plus, in Vue.js, like this (simple code) <el-table :data="tableData" v-loading="loading" :show-header="header&...
Tigane's user avatar
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How do I style the place holder and background of an input form using vue js and element-plus

I'm trying to change the font-style, font-size, font-weight and some others for the the placeholder and the internal part of an input form in vue3 and element plus. i've tried styling it separately in ...
coochie's user avatar
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Error Element Plus Dynamic Tab component in Vue 3

How can i import Dynamic Component Content Field to my Tab in Element Plus in Vue 3? it's possible to do like that thank you for helping me <template> <el-tabs v-model="activeName"...
Dota2 Match's user avatar
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Navbar displaying in the middle of the screen

I'm currently trying to build a website using vue.js(vue3) and element-plus. I created a Navbar component in a Navbar.vue file and i tried adding it to the App.js file the Navbar keeps displaying in ...
coochie's user avatar
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Date Range Filtering from Rest Api to Element Plus table

still no data are being displayed Display data using Date Range, The user choose the Start Date and End Date The Problem is no data been displayed even though there is data in my Msql database please ...
Dwieght Dewey Fuentes's user avatar
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After element-plus is introduced through CDN, the component used is missing and an error is reported

In order to reduce the packaging volume, I set up externals using webpack and put element-plus inside. module.exports = { //plugins: [aPlugin], externals: { vue:'Vue', ...
huangzj's user avatar
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Element-Plus Global API not working with Vue 3 Global API

I'm trying to use the ElementPlus as a global API but it is not working. I add the Vue 3 unpkg link in HTML and ElementPlus unpkg link to run. But no output for ElementPlus. <html> <head>...
Abdul Hanan's user avatar
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vue3+vite+elementPlus+plugin-vue-jsx+vscode occurred an error :Property 'el-button' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'

i want to write jsx in vue3 project,i use vite+ts+vue3+elementPlus built my project. when i wrote the follow code , vscode occurred an error,but the page run well. import { defineComponent, ref } from ...
herzorf's user avatar
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Checkbox doesnt unchecked if it is checked initially in element-plus

I have checkbox using element-plus: <el-checkbox v-model="slotProps.action.check_control" :checked="slotProps.action.check_control" size="large" class="ml-...
Yellow rain coat's user avatar
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Translate months and days of the week from <el-date-picker> in Nuxt.js 3 with composition api

I'm using from element plus and I would like to translate the months and days of the week to pt-br. I'm using nuxt 3 with composition api and dayjs. From what I saw, it should work automatically ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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vue 3 ElementPlusError: [ElPagination] Deprecated usages detected

I'm having problem with Vue 3 element-plus el-pagination, i have this warning: ElementPlusError: [ElPagination] Deprecated usages detected, please refer to the el-pagination documentation for more ...
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Delete a row in a table without affecting the row after it

I'm learning about Vuejs and Element Plus I tried creating a simple website. Initially there were 2 emails available When selecting the add button 3 times to add a new email, enter the email in order ...
Kepler452B's user avatar
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How to adapt to the formal parameter list of the 'use' function in Vue App?

As shown in the figure: From the prompt, ElementPlus seems to be a { version: string; install: ( app: App<any>, options?: Partial<ConfigProviderProps> | undefined, ) => ...
MilkWind's user avatar
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How to create a sidebar on the left and on the right is a page that is called from the list in the sidebar

I want to create a sidebar that can call another page and stay on that page I have tried it but the result is that the page I want to display is redirected to another page and I have also tried a ...
Muhamad Rizki Pratama's user avatar
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Vue.js - element-plus - el-table-v2 - How to have a link in a cell with href containing cell value?

I'm using vue.js and a virtualized table from element-plus. I want to have one of the columns to be a clickable link, href of which contains the data from the cell. Table template: <template> ...
Oleksii Karnatskyi's user avatar
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RTLCSS And Element Plus With Vue Js Project

As element plus doesn't support RTL I had to use other third party libraries like rtlcss plugin and actually this is solved the problem, but not in my application case where i use both rtl and ltr ...
nerween's user avatar
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How to auto import unplugin-icons?

When I created a js project using vue-cli, I wanted to auto import elementplus and icons , but the project couldn't run after the import。How should I fix it and get it running properly? the package....
yzhengwei's user avatar
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How to get the root DOM element of an el-popover component in Element-Plus?

I'm using the el-popover component from Element-Plus in my Vue project to create a popover effect. Here's the code: <el-button ref="saveButtonRef" class="misc-button" :loading=&...
Mercer-L's user avatar
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vue3 + element-plus dynamic add form item validate falied

I occured a problem with inline rules in element-plus(vue3) form item. Following is the code I had writed. <el-form ref="packFormRef" :model="packForm" label-width=&...
Joe.Herylee's user avatar
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Why is there a line break when there are two cols in element-plus?

Why is it that in element-plus, when there is one col in a row, it is displayed on the same line, but when there are two cols, it is displayed in a new line? enter image description here enter image ...
f17ang's user avatar
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how to set dynamic pageSize in element-plus Layout grid?

<el-col v-for="i in listVariables.list" :key="" :xs="12" :sm="12" :md="8" :lg="...
卢方舟's user avatar
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Can not get all el-tab-pane of el-tabs

exist 9 children and can print 9 children but only can get 8 of them dom is <el-tabs ref="tabs" v-model="activeName" type="card" @tab-remove="removeTab">...
hardflower's user avatar
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El-Dialog from Element Plus is not working in JavaScript code

I am in the process of migrating Vue 2 to Vue 3. I was upgraded to Element Plus instead of element UI but following sample code is not working. can you please confirm whether Element Plus would work ...
Manoj Prabakaran M's user avatar
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How to insert other values into table column Vue3 Element-plus

I have an array of objects from database and objects have property 'sex' that equals 1 or 2. How can i convert these values to male(1) or female(2) using el-table? I have no idea how to use this lib ...
Trottenheimer's user avatar
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Vue3, ElementPlus: Icon is not rendering within el-tab-pane while render the el-tabs using 'h' instance in Vue3 composition API

Environment Vue Version: 3.3.2 Element Plus Version: 2.3.4 Browser / OS: Chrome Build Tool: Vite Related Component el-tab-pane Steps to reproduce Please click the below links for minimal ...
Sudharsan Sathiya Narayanan's user avatar
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How to get the ok button in element-plus daterange datePicker

I have a requirement of having ok button in element-plus daterange datePicker. i am getting it for datetimerange picker.But need it in daterange picker too. How Can I get it. Please help me in this. ...
chandrashekar reddy's user avatar
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How can I disable time in element plus datetime picker

I am using element plus DateTimePicker with vue3. how do I disable past time, from today's date. I didn't find any prop for the same
Uma U's user avatar
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Remove upload button in "el-upload" with list-type="picture-card" from Element Plus when one file uploaded

I want to remove this empty square when file is already uploaded, and show again, if there is no files. el-upload file and upload button I wrote this code but it actually do nothing in case of hiding/...
Nikita's user avatar
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vue3-Element Plus form validation failed

When I enter text in the workHour field of el-form-item, it shows the message of "required: true" instead of "type: 'number'". Even when I enter a number greater than 1 in the ...
Hedy's user avatar
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How to trigger el-select's remote-method again after filtering a non-existing option

Currently using Element Plus' el-select component. When filtering for a non-existent option, remote-method triggers fine and returns the expected result (empty since option is non-existent). Since ...
Nathaniel Yu's user avatar
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independant isActive states for groups of element plus buttons

<div class="dateNav"> <el-button-group> <el-button type="danger" plain> Days </el-button> <el-button type="danger" plain&...
Josh Gilbert's user avatar
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How to load element-plus with Vue3 in cypress component test?

If in Vue2 , we can use the components of ElementPlus like this: #/cypress/component.js import Vue from 'vue'; import ElementUI from 'element-ui'; import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'; Vue....
秦小琳's user avatar
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Element-plus Autocomplete cause the page rerendering

Good day everyone,I have a question. I use core razor page and Vue3 Options API to build the web APP, now I want to use the el-autocomplete to suggest the user complete the input and the other ...
Mario's user avatar
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vite problem: element-plus can not use import type

I am a novice and have been using vite recently. I have tested it and Google it, but I am still unable to solve the problem In vite app, when i import element-plus type,like ElInput... Error: Module '...
龙龙Ago's user avatar