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Questions tagged [github-actions]

GitHub Actions allows you to easily automate your software workflows. Use this tag for questions regarding help on creating a workflow. If you need help on GitHub Actions in general, consider contacting GitHub by emailing their support ( or by asking in GitHub's Community Forum (

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Pass system env variable to self-hosted github-runner

I have a self-hosted runner based on Mac OS Ventura 13.6.5. Mac has installed Python using Homebrew: brew install python and Path for python variable in .zshrc export PATH="$(brew --prefix ...
AShX's user avatar
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How to replace string in phpunit.xml in GitHub Actions

I'm encountering an issue with GitHub Actions regarding my job setup. I'm using the following steps in my workflow: - name: Add secrets to phpunit.xml run: | sed -i 's/{{SIASN_MODE}}/${{ secrets....
Achmad Hadi Kurnia's user avatar
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The workflow gets stuck after using `export DISPLAY=:99` and executing the `` program

I have a Tkinter program that I want to run in a workflow to test it, but the workflow gets stuck in an infinite loop without any response, and I have to manually cancel the pipeline. Do you know how ...
Charlixie's user avatar
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How do I reference a step's "with:" property in workflow YAML?

I'm using dorny/paths-filter to detect changes. The problem is I want to run a success job for each of the unchanged filters. This way I can enforce waiting for all jobs in GitHub's rules. My workflow ...
JonTroncoso's user avatar
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Github Action Logs

I have integrated playwright zephyr reporter and run my tests using github actions. I use plugin and it prints following logs in console. In next step ...
WKOW's user avatar
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pnpm/action-setup self installer issue

I've been running pnpm/action-setup@v2 for awhile now, but I started getting this error. Running self-installer...  WARN  GET error (ERR_INVALID_THIS). Will retry in ...
jmcgrath207's user avatar
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Github Actions fails to find UnitTest.csproj

I'm currently trying to set up a GitHub actions such that when a PR is made to the developing branch, a series unit test runs on the PR. This is a dotnet application, and here is the dot.yml: name: ....
Suji's user avatar
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Create/update release draft with latest artifact

I'm searching for a way to create a simple release draft (or update the latest) as the last step in my workflow with the latest uploaded artifact included. My current workflow file: name: .NET on: ...
MadTek's user avatar
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Undefined username and password from config/config.js but .github/workflows/deploy.yml sequelize config is retrieving from GitHub repo secrets

I could not get the database username and password passed to the config/config.js from .github/workflows/deploy.yml. When I pushed the codes to the GitHub. The GitHub Actions automate the deployment ...
Awais Nisar's user avatar
-1 votes
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iOS deployment - Github Actions pipeline failing due to code signing error in Pod target

I'm very new to Github actions. Any help would be appreciated. My iOS project has ReactNative frameworks added via Pods. It's working fine when building locally in XCode. But in github actions for app ...
Shwe Nik's user avatar
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Use pnpm commands in workflow from caller setup

Attempting to abstract out setup steps from a CI workflow. With pnpm and node installed in a separate setup.yml caller within my project's ./.github/workflows/ directory, I can't seem to get a solid ...
LionOnTheWeb's user avatar
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Add GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to deploy functions for Firebase un Github Actions CI/CD pipeline

After reading all of the forums on the topic I still haven't found an answer to my question. I want to deploy Firebase functions via a GitHub actions workflow. For this I cannot use firebase login, I ...
A B's user avatar
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Why is asking for DNF when YUM is specified?

I am running a GHA workflow that uses an Ubuntu 22.04 runner to run an Ansible playbook on an Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance on every step that uses the ansible.builtin.yum module, for example: - name: '...
Cristi23b's user avatar
-2 votes
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GitHub Actions Workflow for Cypress Tests Only on Successful Deployment and Non-Main PRs

I'm trying to set up a GitHub Actions workflow to run Cypress end-to-end tests. I want the tests to trigger only when: A new pull request is created (or updated). The deployment to Vercel is ...
user12504353's user avatar
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Workflow not triggering on pull request

I tried to make a GitHub Actions workflow to launch commands on my server when I'm doing a pull request from any development branch into the uat branch. My script seems to contains everything it needs,...
DjezusKryst's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does actions/checkout@v4 merge PR branch to main?

Lately I've discovered that actions/checkout@v4 in GitHub doesn't behave as I thought. I have a very simple pipeline with first step defined like this: on: pull_request: branches: - 'main' ...
Dzejkob's user avatar
-1 votes
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Global and environment secrets/variables

I'm trying to refactor a workflow that manages different environment deployments to use the GitHub environments feature, but I got stuck on how to use both global and environment secrets. For a bit of ...
SeekanDestroy's user avatar
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GitHub Actions Maven Build Failing with "relative path" Error After Dynamic Version Update

I'm working on a project where we use GitHub Actions to automate our Maven build process. We dynamically set the version number in the format projectversion-runID-runNumber, like 8.1.0-9761957358-18. ...
sdanzig's user avatar
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How to run flutter integration tests on github action linux

- name: Install xvfb run: sudo apt-get install xvfb - name: Start Xvfb run: | sudo Xvfb -ac :99 -screen 0 1280x1024x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "Xvfb started&...
Aseem's user avatar
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No such file or directory,

name: Android Build and Upload to App Center on: push: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - name: Checkout Repository uses: actions/...
MARSH's user avatar
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Arduino CLI is unable to get Documents folder

I'm attempting to use Arduino CLI on a Windows Build Server (Windows Server 2022 Datacenter Azure Edition) to compile some Arduino code. My Arduino code is hosted in Github, and I have a YAML file/...
jobrien9's user avatar
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The service and task in aws are not created and always have the status "Provisioning"

Help me please solve the problem of deploying my spring java application to AWS (EC2, ECS) using GitHub Action. So, I am following the recommendations provided in the default workflow file for "...
1 vote
0 answers

Github Actions : Provisioning profile "XXXX" doesn't include the currently selected device "Mac-1719908638417.local"

I've configured an CI/CD environment using Github Actions to build and deploy Apps automatically. But since Github has updated the runner, I get the error Provisioning profile "XXXXXX" doesn'...
clem's user avatar
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Passing different environments as inputs to reusable workflow

I'm trying to set up a reusable workflow, calling it from a main workflow and passing as input just my different env names. name: Call Reusable Workflow on: push: branches: ["feature/...
Mr Flag's user avatar
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Trigger an action with change in paths AND a tag is pushed

I am trying to write a GitHub action that should trigger when provided paths are updated AND a tag is pushed. The Github docs suggests, if tags, and paths are provided, tags takes precidence. I am ...
santoshdts's user avatar
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Question about Github Action "setup-donet@v4"

My project workspace action was building and publishing fine with "setup-donet@v1" but fails with "setup-donet@v4" - the dotnet publish command fails with below error. When ...
Tim's user avatar
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github-action: class path resource can't be resolved

I've got a spring-boot 3 project which uses a special DataSource configuration for the tests: @Configuration class DatabaseTestConfig extends AbstractJdbcConfiguration { @Bean @Scope(...
Thilo Schwarz's user avatar
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How to save python script output in GitHub Actions running on windows-latest?

I have the following GitHub Actions Workflow: name: Workflow on: [push] permissions: id-token: write contents: read jobs: workflow: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Check ...
jordp1's user avatar
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permissions for automatic changesets with GitHub action

I'm trying to implement automatic changesets for versioning and publishing, using their built/recommended GitHub action. There's nothing in their docs about changing the permissions for GITHUB_TOKEN; ...
philolegein's user avatar
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run vue playwright e2e tests in GitHub actions

While trying to write my CI using GitHub actions, This is one step that I'm not able to do, run the e2e tests. steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 ...
Rami Hassan's user avatar
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Flask app deployed with GitHub Actions to Azure App Services not accessible despite successful deployment

I am trying to deploy a simple Flask application to Azure App Services using GitHub Actions. The deployment seems to be successful, and I can see from the application logs that Gunicorn starts ...
SKY-BIRD Web Media's user avatar
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Missing Firebase SA Credentials in GitHub Actions

I'm trying to implement CI/CD for a simple NextJS app router with Firebase. Of course, Firebase SA credentials are not recommended to be pushed into repos. I am unable to build the app as one my file ...
zatum's user avatar
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GitHub Action workflow to build and publish Angular 18 app to GitHub Pages fails to deploy

I'm setting up custom GitHub Action workflow to publish Angular app to GitHub Pages. The workflow runs without errors but the result is 404 page. name: Node.js CI on: push: branches: [ "...
J.Olufsen's user avatar
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`npm install` in pipeline continues to install dev dependencies

I have a GitHub pipeline that builds and pushes an image to DockerHub. However, GitHub Actions consistently attempts to install devDependencies, causing it to fail when it can't install better-sqlite3....
Pooya Ostovar's user avatar
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Pre-commit, Github Action and no-commit-to-branch

I'm using pre-commit with my projects, including the helpful and the pre-commit Github Action. I'm running into the Github action raising an error for the no-commit-to-branch hook when ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Issue with Deploying Java Spring Project to Server using GitHub Actions and Docker

I'm trying to set up automatic deployment of my Java Spring project to a server using GitHub Actions and Docker, but I'm encountering some issues. Here's my current workflow: name: Build and Deploy ...
sirniki's user avatar
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Error trying to push code to my GitHub remote repo

I'm trying to push a project to my GitHub repo from VSCode, but everytime I push it brings the error: "Can't push refs to remote. Try running pull first to integrate your changes" Me trying ...
Daniel Tashobya's user avatar
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App not installed as package appears to be invalid in all version of android

Currently i am working with Github action for cd of my ionic android app and it is working fine but when i am installing the app on Physical device it is not working showing "App not installed as ...
lalit patidar's user avatar
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How do I override high level env variables in a github actions .yml file at lower levels?

I have a .yml file for my CI/CD pipeline in Github Actions. I have an env variable that gets set at the job level, and then reset at the step level for a single step. However, the env at the step ...
Francis Yang's user avatar
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Getting npm permission error when doing npm ci on windows self hosted runner

I am working on a github action where I have to install dependencies using npm ci command. I am using a self-hosted windows runner. Here's my github action: name: test build on: workflow_dispatch: ...
pogbamessi's user avatar
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Cannot find asset at /home/runner/CDK_Test/frontend/frontendapp/build when running CDK deploy on GitHub Action

It could not find the build from frontendapp when I tried to run cdk deploy on GitHub Actions. I checked the path for build and it seems to be no issues. I tried running cdk deploy --all locally and ...
Awais Nisar's user avatar
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Problem with fetching private GEM on Github Actions

I'm having a small issue with GitHub Actions and I hope you can help me out in some way. Currently, the project needs to use a private GEM from our own organization, and due to external reasons, we've ...
Thiago David's user avatar
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How can I use workload identity pooling to succesfully push docker images to GCP?

I am setting up a service which I want to deploy to Cloud Run from Github Actions. However although the authentication action step is successful: - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud id: auth uses:...
user3302429's user avatar
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How to fail GitHub Actions running on windows-latest based on the output of a python script?

I have the following GitHub Actions Workflow: name: Workflow on: [push] permissions: id-token: write contents: read jobs: workflow: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Check ...
jordp1's user avatar
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setup-node pnpm node_modules location

I'm still having this problem, which is fine in development — I just manually create a symlink in the top-level node_modules. However, I'm now trying to integrate linting into my GitHub CI actions, ...
philolegein's user avatar
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Pass a JSON variable to a custom GitHub Action

I have to pass JSON that is read from a JSON file to a custom action I created. This action takes the text at the moment and simply prints it as seen in the JS code below. The problem is that I can't ...
Paul's user avatar
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How can I implement a CR process When I push my local branch to my remote branch [The branch is same but one is local other is remote]

Eg: here is a branch named test. I pull it down to my local and change something. and I commit the change then push it to remote. I need add a code review verification before I push to remote. More ...
fawinell's user avatar
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Tauri/Angular App for MacOS - After adding Signing, running bash script shuts down whole app

My app basically runs a bash script on a click of a button. That bash script creates some folders and zips in the selected directory. This is all working quite fine when I run it locally or after ...
Uros Stanimirovic's user avatar
-3 votes
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GitHub repository link [closed]

My GitHub repository link changed from to Moreover, the repository heading now shows ...
Oreifo's user avatar
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How can we make packages through git hub actions [closed]

I am running jobs in yml file of my git hub repository and all jobs are running what is the next process after that I am not able to find next process which i have done in the attached image file ...
satyam bhat's user avatar

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