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Questions tagged [html-email]

HTML used to format emails (message content, not email addesses)

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Loading an email template into a vuetify app

I am displaying email from an outlook email using MS Graph API. The content of the body is in html format so I am trying to add it via the v-html prop such as: <div v-html="emailContent"&...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Need to send emails programmatically using Gmail API

I have configured my Gmail client to use my official company domain using Google's SMTP to send emails manually. This works like a charm and have been using this for more than 1 year. Now I need to ...
Devansh Garg's user avatar
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Listing multiple url files in an email script from a check box selection

I am trying to group multiple url files to be listed out in an email from one selection made from a checkbox on an online form. Currently the way the html is set up, you will make one selection and ...
user25767343's user avatar
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Mail delivery failed, MTA said 550 5.6.11 : NUL bytes not allowed in body

I am unable to send an double-opt-in eMail. This is the content of the rejection email: Return-Path: <> X-Original-To: [email protected] Delivered-To: [email protected] ...
Grim's user avatar
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Images are showing up as blank in Web Outlook, rendering properly among other apps, including desktop Outlook

My email is showing images correctly in all mailboxes and platforms except Web (browser) Outlook, where they are simply rendered blank. The "image" is still clickable, and takes up space on ...
Paul 's user avatar
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I'm creating a mailchimp template and the mobile sizes of my headers are all different even though the style should be the same

I need some help with mobile css not working on a maichimp template, the code is below h4{ /*@editable*/color:#000000; /*@editable*/font-family:"Helvetica Neue&...
Edward Instance's user avatar
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Include hyperlinks in Excel range in html email

I found this code elsewhere. Function RangetoHTML(rng As Range) Dim fso As Object Dim ts As Object Dim TempFile As String Dim TempWB As Workbook TempFile = Environ$("temp&...
d wattam's user avatar
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Using IMMUTABLE_HTML inserts HTML twice in mail

We are building a Gmail addon with Google Apps Script. We have run into a strange problem where Apps Script inserts HTML twice into the composed email. This is example code where "HELLO" ...
Jakob Christensen's user avatar
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Is there a way for Outlook Web client to respect font-family and font-size? Pasted content is converted to Aptos 12pt, drag and drop does not

My work has a signature block generator web page that staff enter their details into, click copy, and paste their signature into Outlook. Branding CSS is added to the signature through both CSS ...
Aden's user avatar
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HTML Email padding not respected in SendGrid for Outlook

I'm sending email via SendGrid and trying to work with dynamic templates. Outlook is maddening in this... I have this code section in one of my templates: <div class="contentSection"> ...
sfaust's user avatar
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PHP Mail() - external images are broken in Gmail, Outlook and iPhone work as expected [duplicate]

I have a pretty straightforward mail script that is sending fine, but inline images appear broken only in Gmail. Outlook is fine and the Mail app on my phone works as well. It's just when I open Gmail ...
stinkysGTI's user avatar
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Foundation for Email 2 (zurb) Expanded Button - Gmail Android in portrait orientation

Does anyone know why my buttons doesn't fit to columns with the "expanded" class on Gmail Android (portrait) ? It looks good on multiple Desktop client like Gmail webmail, iCloud Mail, and ...
onirix's user avatar
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How to customize for AWS SES Verification mail?

We wish to allow our product users to send emails to their clients, from our platform. We're using AWS SES for this. According to the docs, we need to verify the email of our product users before ...
BlazinglyFast's user avatar
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html contact form with php email not working

I have created an html contact form to work with a php file for website visitors to send emails to me, but it is not sending them to my inbox. Both files are in my public_html directory. This is the ...
Blue Boy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to center a CTA button using HTML/CSS

I've taken over an ESP that was managed by a past employee. I'm having to update some email templates and I have to move the CTA around in a few cases. I'm not a coder, and every time I try to move ...
Jen Rapp's user avatar
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CSS - "object-fit: cover" not working in html email body

I would like to ask you for a help with html email body. I have issue with parameter "object-fit: cover;" which actually works greate when displayed on web, but not working when used in html ...
Jan Vaško's user avatar
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Center align text in Outlook HTML Email

I'm trying to center align my text in a div with a background image for an HTML Email. It works great in Gmail and Hotmail but fails in Outlook. I've tried a few attempts (including VML) but not ...
michaelmcgurk's user avatar
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Making Script only send to an email once?

So I have a Script working and once I press the associated button it sends an email to a list from pulled data, I have an issue though as the list is constantly updated and the script will be run ...
TiredAndHungry's user avatar
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How should I structure my HTML email tables to make it inline-block on mobile but stacked on desktop? Typically the opposite is done

Mobile and desktop versions mockup I have no problem getting the desktop version done, but trying to figure out how to make it go inline block on mobile has stumped me. Not sure if I need to do a ...
Jared Graham's user avatar
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Make image line up with Text

It's very messy but it works....somehow, the issue I have at the moment is I have the image in the script, however i have no idea how to make it line up to the left and have the text from after "...
TiredAndHungry's user avatar
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Auto suggestion for deprecated HTML attributes in VS Code?

I am currently working on a template for email letters. And it's a bit annoying to type attributes such as <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> and some more often used ...
Misha Konoval's user avatar
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HTML Clickable Signature not displaying correctly in Outlook

I am trying to make a clickable html signature in photoshop and used the slice tool to slice the parts that needs to be clickable. It displays correctly in the browser and gmail but in outlook it ...
Jacques Krause's user avatar
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HTML Signature font Rendering Issue: Apple Mail Overrides Font-Family on Gmail Web Client

I'm facing an issue where the font-family styling applied to text elements in an HTML email signature is being overridden when the email is sent from the iPhone's Apple Mail app to a Gmail web client. ...
tomas moral's user avatar
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I converted a Google Doc to HTML to preserve formatting as an email body, but the email body loses that formatting from one day to the next

Yesterday with some help from other answers on this forum, I was able to use the below function to convert a Google Doc to HTML and use it as the body of an email to preserve most of the formatting ...
Adam Braddock's user avatar
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Keycloak executeAction.ftl template: action variable is undefined

I'm customizing the executeAction.ftl template in Keycloak to change the email content based on the action that triggered the email (e.g., UPDATE_PASSWORD, VERIFY_EMAIL). However, I'm facing an issue ...
Aurelio Marotta's user avatar
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php mail attachment encoded

I'm facing a problem with the attachments in my php mail system. I get all the data correctly but the attachments it's in encoded format. my html: <form action="lavora-con-noi-process-form.php&...
Adele's user avatar
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Adding email link to site to avoid "Choose application" message

How can I add an (obfuscated) email link to my website that opens the viewer'e email app instead of bring up the "Choose an application" message? I just have the "mailto:[email protected]&...
Rubba's user avatar
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Create draft email in outlook [closed]

How could I create email drafts? I've been trying to find out how I can save emails as drafts using php in outlook. By executing script draft email is generated on outlook draft section and i can send ...
Mohsin Raza's user avatar
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Reordering Content for Mobile Display

I'm working on an HTML email template, and I'm trying to make sure it displays properly on mobile devices. Currently, I have an image followed by text and a button, but on mobile, I'd like the image ...
JOP's user avatar
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Apple Mail on iOS email with a gradient on tr displays incorrectly

I am working on a Laravel app and I am building some emails. I am trying to create table with tr elements which have a gradient background and it works correctly in Gmail and Apple Webmail. However, ...
Petar Vasilev's user avatar
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Text in HTML email not rendering for OL Office 365 for Windows?

When I tested this 2 column layout in Litmus, all looked fine except for Outlook for Windows. This one is explicitly OL Office 365 (Windows 10). I tried to add a height to the paragraph and a ...
Schneider G's user avatar
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Laravel email image is not displaying

i am trying to display the image in email functionality Here is the code from blade file <tr> <td class="header"> <a href="{{ $url }}" style="display: inline-...
user avatar
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Horizontal/In-line Image Layout in Gmail for Mobile (MJML)

I am trying to create a layout in Mail Jet Markup whereby I have a section and column that contain social media icons and present them in a horizontal row. I am able to get it to render fine in ...
LazyRiverBear's user avatar
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ios mail app block hyperlink with image in email template. what is the solution?

enter image description here this is sturcture, I insert a image as child of a hyperlink. Works in every platform. But link bloks in ios mail app. But in simple hyperlink, it's works. I expect links ...
Shaikot Ahmed's user avatar
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Java Escape Sequence with Apostrophe

I have a .eml file with the html content of an email inside it, as well as email headers. I would like to form a dynamic css selector which will select elements inside the email body based on the user'...
user613's user avatar
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How to create a custom button in a tooltip when hovering over an email in Gmail

GitLab for example has this fancy View merge request button and Unsubscribe button when you just hovering letter in gmail, i wonder how can i create similar button I want to add simmilar buttons for ...
kiborgKiller's user avatar
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How to overlap elements in HTML email?

I am currently creating a template that has this CTA button that has an overlapping image on the side. I tried to do it and was able to do it in Apple Mail and Gmail but not on mobile view. I am a ...
bianca chua's user avatar
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I want to send a amp email upon which on uses's interaction i can update a amp-list

<amp-list> <template type="amp-mustache"> some data data 1 data 2 data 3 </template> </amp-list> buttons button 1 button 2 button 3 now when i click on button ...
shlok mukkawar's user avatar
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Robust two-column HTML layout for emails that works in Outlook.exe, howto without tables?

Currently, we use tables in our email software to create a two-column layout like below, displaying avatars of the discussion participants to the left of the actual e-mail text, similar to a forum ...
David.P's user avatar
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max-width not working in html email when Gmail is accessed from mobile browser?

I'm trying to have a column with a width of 600px and a max-width of 100% <table style="width:600px;max-width:100%" id="my-table"> <tbody> <tr> ...
qwerty_99's user avatar
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White Box Rendering in Header in Older Outlook Windows 10?

enter White Box Rendering I'm having this issue in the Windows Outlook 10 that is rendering this huge white box above my logo and I don't know where it's coming from or what it's trying to read. It ...
Amalia's user avatar
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Using RangetoHtml code to copy table into email body cuts off string inside cells even after autofitting columns

I use Ron de Bruin's RangetoHTML code to copy a table into an outlook email. I get a situation where the text within certain cells are truncated on the email, which I understand the code is supposed ...
SH K's user avatar
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Conditional HTML/CSS in Outlook Emails in Office 365

Microsoft Outlook supports conditional CSS, which enables developers to create markup and styling that will supposedly only render on Outlook. For example, from Outlook conditional CSS, the following ...
Soham's user avatar
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Next.js: How to properly set image URL into HTML so image shows in email template

I am making an email template in nextjs. I'm currently trying this approach for adding the logo to the email template: const emailHTML = verifyEmailTemplate .replace('{{ subject }}', subject) ...
user23240484's user avatar
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Can we achieve z-index like functionality without using z-index for html email template?

While creating a html email template, I got a problem with making a large background text beneath the content using tables. for example : <table> <td>bg-text-bottom-layered </td> <...
Sai Ganesh kc's user avatar
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Python: Convert Markdown to html with Codeblocks like in stackoverflow

I have been trying to convert a Markdown file into HTML code with Python for a few days - without success. The markdown file contains inline code and code blocks. However, I can't find a solution to ...
JJandke's user avatar
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How to make my Outlook fallback not show for my embedded video in HTML email?

I embedded a video in our email using HTML and the video works in some clients while the fallback shows in the other clients. My problem is that when I tested the html email in Litmus it showed that ...
bianca chua's user avatar
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Preview text with subject in subject line

I want to show preview text with subject in subject line not the body of the email. before this I'm showing body f the email with the subject in subject line.I'm using the Golang AWS SES-v2 https://...
Aanchal Sharma's user avatar
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QR code won't render when using react-email with NestJS

I'm trying to render an SVG QR code component in an email, it works in preview mode, so I can see it when I run the server of react-email, but when the email is sent and received the QR code won't ...
Mohamed20's user avatar
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How to remove spaces at the top and bottom of an HTML email?

I want to create an HTML email with tables. But my problem is that when I send the email from Gmail to an iCloud email there is a white space at the top and bottom which I don't want. Here is an ...
Mouse7000's user avatar

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