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Questions tagged [html]

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the markup language for creating web pages and other information to be displayed in a web browser. Questions regarding HTML should include a minimal reproducible example and some idea of what you're trying to achieve. This tag is rarely used alone and is often paired with CSS and JavaScript.

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0 answers

how to upload directory of file in Laravel 10

I would like to know if it is possible to upload a directory containing files in the application laravel. This simply means that I choose the upload file option then I have the possibility of ...
Simon Thiombiano's user avatar
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0 answers

how to check html input element for min value before form submit

I wish to perform input validation on html input elements, like min value, before the form submit event. ( since I am implementing a workflow, and by the time submit is pressed/executed, the elements ...
omer brandis's user avatar
-2 votes
0 answers

my website is not responsive on all devices [closed] when i first made this website. i had given the values of width,height,padding,margins etc. in pixels. but later i got to know that for ...
Arjhun Swaminathan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Material symbols self-hosting problem in Dev server

I have a problem on Dev, which i dont have on local, on Dev Material Symbols Outlined icons are not loading, I have a two new css files, with defined fontfaces and css classes, with one being Material ...
jur1s77's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to load pdfjs-dist library in Angular but same thing working in JS

I'm using pdfjs-dist library to simply show pdf on canvas. Firstly I've tried it in JS, which is working perfectly fine using Open Live Server. I have downloaded pdfjs-dist using command npm install ...
Zaryab Ali's user avatar
-2 votes
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‘Embed’ order now button [closed]

For a separate pop-up I want to embed the order now button on the page below, it is the yellow button on the right with ‘Bestel nu!’:
JePoer's user avatar
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1 answer

Upload multiple photos for a product in the store

I am loading a store site with Django. I need to upload 4 photos for one product But I can only upload one photo can you help me? my models in products: class Product(models.Model): Name = models....
mobin's user avatar
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1 answer

Custom Svelte RadioButton component appearence

I'm creating a radio button component but I have some issue with bind:group. when I'm selecting a button, both graphic updates to the checked state. I think it has to do with the checked variable, If ...
Filippo's user avatar
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3 answers

How to extract text from a span tag that also have an inner span

I have a html below: <span class="ui-cfs-sn-l" xpath="1"> ABC <span class="ui-cfs-txt">°⌃</span> </span> I used the following python code ...
Jason's user avatar
  • 43
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0 answers

Ensuring consistent appearance of a React web app across different Windows scaling settings

I'm developing a web app using React and Tailwind CSS. I've noticed that the appearance of the app changes when viewed on different screens, particularly due to different scaling settings on operating ...
srcnsfnc's user avatar
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Showing a SVG contains links, created by GraphViz, on HTML

An SVG is create from the following file: digraph { google[label="google" URL="" target="_blank" fontcolor=blue ] } ...
sofname's user avatar
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0 answers

parallax scrolling with banner size not working

i try with background-attachment: fixed; & transform: translateZ(-300px) scale(2); it will larger my image size. i wanted to use my original banner size to do parallax scrolling can refer to ...
Code for life's user avatar
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How to include img tag in html2canvas.js code? [duplicate]

I'm making paper documents into html web documents. There is a webpage as shown in the picture below, and if you type and sign and click Save, it will be saved as a *.png image file. However, if there ...
아이작's user avatar
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Failed to convert property value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.util.List'

I made a project that separate backend and frontend and this is the frontend the backend is alright, the problem is when i POST a data using form always get that problem this is my raw Code Guest....
Tamaki Ako's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to give permissions to users in django.?

I am building a django ERP project, in which there will be multiple user's, admin,user, manager etc. Each of this user has separate user credentials to login. Each user have separate dashboard. I'm ...
vvn's user avatar
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1 answer

Return HREF by searching through parent element -Selenium Python

i'm fairly new to coding/selenium I am trying to get a list of href links by searching through one of its parent element I believe i need to do this as the website has a heap of copies of the link, so ...
Clay Burnett's user avatar
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0 answers

How to clear/erase the input value when using jquery datepicker and the input is readonly

I have an input that as soon as the value is chnaged it submits the value and is saved in our database, therefore we can only allow date format values, and the best tool is using datepicker with a ...
Eduardo Ponce de Leon's user avatar
1 vote
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Github/Cloudflare Website With A PhaserJS Web Game Not Updating Online

I have a website on this repo:, which links to this page:, and for some reason, ...
LeftClickMage's user avatar
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Sticky CSS styles not working in MudBlazor project

I am working on a Blazor project using MudBlazor components. I need to make some text boxes and a search button stick to the top of the MudGrid while scrolling. I tried using position: sticky and top: ...
roja rose's user avatar
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Stream hls/m3u8 with HTML

I was wondering, is it possible to make a html code to play a video file hosted in a host that use hls/m3u to stream the video?, for example, if I have a link let's say: ...
Free GOT's user avatar
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Html5 Playing audio and recording at the same time problem

I am developing a JavaScript application where the user listens to a pre-recorded sound and simultaneously repeats the text. During this process, the app will record the user's voice as well. The ...
Gust's user avatar
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Adding multiple range in 1 seclection

I need to add 2 range in 1 selection Here is my code trying to add a new range to a current selection <p id="p">Select me: <i>italic</i> and <b>bold</b></p&...
Lý Công Thành's user avatar
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How to use web application as bluetooth receiver RSSI?

I want to create an indoor positioning on a web application. I tried using the Web Bluetooth API to receive RSSI, but it doesn't work. Here is the code for receive bluetooth RSSI: <!DOCTYPE ...
Setthasak Boonprasert's user avatar
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Python sending email with embedded html images taking super long

newbie to python. what I want is to go into a folder, grab the images and embed them in my email. But when I run the program wouldnt complete after 5 minutes even though i had limited to only 1 image ...
chris nguyen's user avatar
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How do I use SocketIO to store and send multiple pieces of data at once?

I am making a Fast Food Management system and I need to find a way to send order information from a client app to a main server, for it to be shown in a similar way to that in McDonald's, with the ...
Erkan Mikiver's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Margin and Padding Affecting the width of my web page [closed]

I’m working on expanding my portfolio by remaking already made websites and in this one it seems like the margin and padding I put on the div holding my footer information is causing the whole content ...
itx coding's user avatar
-1 votes
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Experiencing POST 403 Forbidden Error when trying to use DVLA API [duplicate]

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <body style="text-align: center"> <div style="padding-top: 10px;"> <label>Enter Vehicle Registration ...
andy's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I download a static asset with a given url in PHP

I'm debugging a 3rd party open source application, and there is a method that compress pdf files in a zip file and then stores it in the static folder. Then an email is sent with an url that is made ...
yieniggu's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to HTMLElement[] type from DOM?

In TypeScript I need to collect all top level document of a page and using below code (the condition inside if is made simpler for brevity): const getHTMLElement() : HTMLElement[] { const doc = ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a way to write a new element to html without the new line? [closed]

I am trying to make a game where you guess 5 colours and the code tells you how many colours are in the write spot. JavaScript code: document.getElementById("space1").innerHTML = "|&...
Juke's user avatar
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1 answer

Laravel 11.9 Flash Sessioned Data Not Passing Message

I am trying to set a custom message when a user session has timed out. I managed to setup the timeout rerouting, but I struggle to include a message to notify the user. Here's part of the code that I ...
Derrick's user avatar
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1 answer

not all images visible on image slider website

I am working on an image slider website. It has two problems: The button to slide the images forward are working but the images are not shown. The button to slide the images backward gets unclickable ...
Stac Flo's user avatar
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1 answer

css flex row with one element using horizontal scroll

I want to create a flex row with 2 child elements. Left and Right where: the right side will contain a couple buttons stacked and its width will not change the left side will have a dynamic number ...
J King's user avatar
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how to use more than one file in htaccess file?

I can't use more than one file in htaccess file for password protection <Files "startside-int.html"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Password Protected Area" AuthUserFile "/...
Nils-Ove Nipen's user avatar
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Multi line and axes chart using d3.js in powerbi

I'm trying to create a multi line chart with dual y axes , I've tried running the code in powerbi d3.js visual , but is not yielding any visual. I'm not understanding where I've made the mistake I ...
neens's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Changing CSS display property with JS EventListener

I am trying to add functionality to a button on a project I'm working on...when the button is pressed I want an element to no longer show on the page. However, I can't get this process to work. Here ...
R Todd M's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get horizontal lines to appear surrounding Font Awesome icon? [duplicate]

Problem I'm trying to create a portfolio website and I want to place a Font Awesome icon between two horizontal lines (as detailed below), but it's not working. I've looked around Stack Overflow and ...
atlaska826's user avatar
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0 answers

Why my event listener is only working once? [duplicate]

List item I am making a restaurant page using webpack for the first time, so there is only a single html page and the when you click on the menu aur contact-us buttons in navbar it clears the dom and ...
Muzzu153's user avatar
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1 answer

InnerHtml is not display on Screen

` I am working on a web project using HTML and Bootstrap, but my content is not displaying in the browser.Here is my code: ` let str = "" for (let item of r.articles) { str = ...
Yadnyesh-Dashpute's user avatar
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why do i still have speed accumulation after i reset everything

I'm making a flappy bird game using js and there is a problem where everytime I reset because I lost there is a speed accumulation. I tried resetting the clouds and pipes and everything but still it ...
Philopater Essam's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is a surrounding a-tag smaller then a span inside? [duplicate]

I have an <a> tag surrounding a <span> tag like in this example: a { font-size: 18px; line-height: 100%; display: block; width: 100%; } span { font-size: 18px; line-height:...
Werner's user avatar
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Button:hover in NetSuite saved search button

I am currently creating approval buttons in NetSuite in a saved search so that records can be approved pressing the button directly in the saved search. The difficult part of getting the button to ...
NSTechnicalGuy's user avatar
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Need a way for upload content on my site from a form

I'm just getting into java and php and so I looked for something online and I helped myself with AI to create something that worked, so I apologize in advance if I don't understand something and if I ...
Luca Santomassimo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to dynamically control iframe size from within a React app using postMessage API?

I have an embeddable React app that is embedded in a host website via an iframe. I need to adjust the iframe's height and width based on user interactions within the React app. I'm using the ...
Amit Pal's user avatar
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please i need video playback instructions [closed]

i need something that will play a video in html, where it plays it from start to end, then instantly starts playing the video from end to start, and repeat the cycle indefinitely. <video autoplay ...
pubgmobile's user avatar
-2 votes
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Tailwind CSS background image not being displayed [closed]

There are two SVG images in the root directory of my project. logo-dark-mode.svg logo-light-mode.svg I have correctly linked the two images in the HTML file but in the developer tools when I hover ...
Tayyab Akram's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I change col/row behavior based on available space?

I have a set of cards, whose have their own cards, like this (i am using TailwindCSS btw): <script src=""></script> <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4">...
Vinicius Ortiz's user avatar
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Form post to blank target on iOS not working

I'm trying to integrate a link to a webmail in my application with a form post to an external site that passes the username and password. My approach works on Android and on desktop browsers (...
Sam's user avatar
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I want to position a Miscellaneous Symbols in a html doc

here is the code <span style="font-size:30px;cursor:pointer;" onclick="openNav()">&#9776; open</span> the "open" word moves when i use margin attribute ...
s group's user avatar
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Default/max browser application cache storage size

I've looked and can't seem to find a straight answer on the default size limit for the browser's application cache storage. I'm currently planning to cache a SQLite database in a Blazor progressive ...
aaronv's user avatar
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