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Questions tagged [iframe]

An 'iframe' is an HTML element that creates an "inline frame" within a document, which allows displaying a separate document in the same page.

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Squareup appointment iframe embed

Does anyone know how to embed a booking flow from square on a custom website? Using Angular to add an iframe that pops up when clicking a button that will take you to the appointment booking section. ...
Bob Gravity's user avatar
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iframe loaded has correct src but not downloading the pdf

I have an angular v17 application , also I have a button which when being clicked will fire below function and I have a url to a pdf which url in browser loads the pdf normally and its fine , but I ...
Maryam Ghafarinia's user avatar
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How to style a iframe scrollbar in vue when utilziing a reactive variable for contents

I am loading an email template in to my application using the following code: <v-col class="px-10"> <div v-if="selectedEmailLoading" class="h-100 w-100 d-flex ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Calling Wordpress PHP route within an IFrame

I want an add to cart functionality within an iFrame that is built on my local drive (localhost3000). There exists a route in the wordpress site that hosts it, but I am not sure how to bypass COORS ...
Arya Bansal's user avatar
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How to dynamically control iframe size from within a React app using postMessage API?

I have an embeddable React app that is embedded in a host website via an iframe. I need to adjust the iframe's height and width based on user interactions within the React app. I'm using the ...
Amit Pal's user avatar
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Only first called href opens iframe in Lightbox other hrefs open new page

i am using jquery simple lightbox. I need to open 10 links in total in lightboxes, all showing different iframes. Only one lightbox at a time should be displayed. This works fine with the first href, ...
Hard00 Fernandez's user avatar
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Testing iframes with Playwright/axe-core

I am working on accessibility testing with Playwright and @axe-core, following the instructions here. However, my webpage contains nested iframes and when scanning the page object as per the ...
zzz's user avatar
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Render same app in 4 different iframes of browser window each with unique JSESSIONID

A front end react app interacts with a legacy backend via an API gateway between them. It fires two requests - /api/login - where it passes LDAP credentials via API gateway to legacy backend and gets ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Wrapping a paragraph inside a heading behaves different in an iframe vs directly in the page

While I know wrapping a paragraph inside a heading like this: <h1><p>Lorem<br>Ipsum</p></h1> is invalid (see this question for example), it still renders correctly in ...
timlg07's user avatar
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Google Docs iframe not loading sometimes

When I try to load an iframe with the src Sometimes it loads and sometimes it doesn't I tried changing the pdf url and the problem kept ...
mnwer's user avatar
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How to bypass iframe blocking? [duplicate]

I need to read the iframe but it gives me this error (Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read a named property 'document' from 'Window': Blocked a frame with origin "https://site" from ...
Dellack's user avatar
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Assigning causes a DOMException

I have an iframe embedded in a different domain that opens up a popup window in a different domain. I am trying to establish cross window communication and running into a bunch of XSS security ...
user25622659's user avatar
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window.opener and window.parent not working in popup child window

I am building a microsoft teams tab and I'd like to be able to authenticate with an existing sso flow. However, the way teams work is that it embeds your app in an iframe. So I have an iframe of ...
TurmoiledPython's user avatar
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Cross domain window.postMessage from child to parent in an iframe?

I have a parent window embedded in an iframe that opens up a child window on a button click. This is for a different domain. I need to figure out how to communicate from the child window so I can ...
user25622659's user avatar
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how to goto a page on button click in html embed or iframe for pdf files (type="application/pdf")

I need to show a pdf file in an iframe or embed. This is the file that user selected from his\her local machine thru <input type="file"> Below is my code where I am converting the ...
VIRIYALA NARESH's user avatar
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Trying desperately to get iframe to work on wordpress template

So the front page of the site is setup within the template, down near the bottom it say 0% Finance available, the space above is where i want the iframe to sit, but i have ...
Peter Thwaites Remap-UK's user avatar
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Cypress - cannot select option in dropdown inside the iframe

I have a dropdown like below: The panel with the options is displayed only when the user starts typing. The DOM input element is defined as below: <input _ngcontent-ng-c3697127439="" ...
bartleo's user avatar
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Is there a way to customize a PDF viewer in React without the preview being converted into an image?

I am developing a web application where I need to modify a PDF by embedding a QR code and displaying its preview while preserving the PDF format. The QR code will automatically embed (using qrcode) ...
arya's user avatar
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How do I get the internal elements of an iframe [closed]

At present, content is captured by crawler and rendered in IFrameproperties, but I think cross-domain error will be reported if I take its internal elements. Is there any good way to help me get the ...
user23803874's user avatar
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Azure B2C embedded iFrame login 400 bad request

I got custom policy to handle local sign in, forgot password and Entra ID login in my .net core 8 mvc web app. It is working fine in regular login, however I got a problem when using it with an iFrame....
Roman SVERDLOV's user avatar
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How to hide video download button in html sandbox iframe

I went to hide download button from my video iframe.Now what can I do? Note:I can't use video tag because my video host in 3rd party site & they offer iframe with ads so I use sandbox for remove ...
MD Siam Ehosun Sun's user avatar
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Dynamically Proxy HTTP to HTTPS Using Nginx for Embedding Applications in Iframes Without Mixed Content Warnings

I have an application deployed to various IP addresses (e.g., http://a.b.c.d). I want to embed this application inside a website secured with SSL (https). Directly embedding the IP address in an ...
Akhil Rasheed's user avatar
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Flutter Web app inside an iframe appears stretched and unscrollable on mobile

I am currently working on a flutter web app, which needs to be embedded into an existing website ideally through an iframe, as we can't access the code of it completely. I can ask them to add little ...
LenkaK's user avatar
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Cannot handle scroll of iframe with pdf embeded with blob-link

I'm having Angular (v17 if that matters) component with iframe with pdf inside. pdf is embeded using blob: url. Something like the following <!-- pdf.safeUrl is something like blob:http://...
Eugeny89's user avatar
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How to create a link to an anchor on the main page from an iframe embedded in the main page?

With HTML, how to create a link to an anchor on the main page from an iframe embedded in the main page? The iframe is called and inserted and from the main page ( iframe is hosted in Github with a ...
Greg's user avatar
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microsoft onedrive embed works and gives bunch of content security errors

I'm trying to insert onedrive video embed in blogs/news articles from editor (@kolkov/angular-editor). it works, but throws too mush errors like one in photo. I researched and read that it's content ...
Nika Jobava's user avatar
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Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame. ((Django cors headers, S3 cors policy)) [closed] <-- !! Sound Too Loud !! I'm trying to lower the sound of iframe or the whole page. So, i added script below iframe_element.onload = function() { ...
Jinyong Han's user avatar
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Get reference to dragged element when dropped on iframe

I'm dragging and dropping a DIV from a parent window onto a nested iframe but I can't get any info on the dragged DIV. In the source of the iframe I have this window.addEventListener('load', e => { ...
Andrew Foulds's user avatar
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How to iframe a Google Script web app taking into account the x-frame-options?

I am trying to iframe a web app (with access to anyone) from google script to the client's domain, and receiving: Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-...
NDi's user avatar
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How do I make an iframe fit [duplicate]

How do I make an iframe perfectly fit any sized device screen. Here's the code that I've tried <div style="overflow: hidden;position: relative; height:200px;"> <iframe ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Enforcing Auth Token for React app static asset fetching

I have a unique setup where I have a React App (which has the logic for user login and set auth token) and dynamically injecting Iframe in that app. This app assets are hosted at Reason ...
Rohit Garg's user avatar
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When I click the "Edit Review" button connected to Django, it triggers an iframe and the console shows a "502 Bad Gateway" error

this is my file this is my script file When clicking the "Edit" button, it triggers an iframe for the update review page. The issue arises when I create a tunnel through VSCode to ...
Hari Haran's user avatar
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iframe youtube embed with vh height and responsive aspect ratio width [duplicate]

I want my embedded video to be a certain fraction of the height of the screen, but keep it's original aspect ratio for width. Currently I have style="height: 40vh" and it appears the right ...
Alex Murray's user avatar
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Unisharp file manager iframe in bootstrap modal problem

I have configured unisharp file manager in the bootstrap modal using iframe. Now my problem is whenever I select the image and click the confirm button the selected image path is not inserted in the ...
Mehmet Akgül's user avatar
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How do I display PDF/image documents stored in Azure storage using Flask + Flutter

I am using a flask backend and flutter frontend to build a website. I am trying to make it have the functionality of uploading a document on one upload.dart page (to an azure storage), and then ...
Lax's user avatar
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Contents of iframe not responsive

There is a webpage which shows different design according to the screen size (whenever you refresh the page after changing the screen size). I have embedded this webpage in my website. However, after ...
Mohammad Sajjad Baqri's user avatar
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How can I disable clicks but still allow scrolling *and dynamic sizing* in an iframe?

For background context, I've been successfully able to create an iframe that is scrollable but not clickable by following this thread. Currently I use a magic number of 1000vh to display the entire ...
Jeffrey Yu's user avatar
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Set data in a cross-domain localStorage by iframe

I want to set cross-domain localStorage data, I created an embedded page to receive and set localStorage data which listen window's message event, and set the received data into ...
lei li's user avatar
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iFrame will not populate webpage

I cannot get the following URL to appear in an iFrame: There does not appear to be a framekiller script and there is no x-frame in the header. Does anyone ...
ShaperSource's user avatar
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Vimeo Embed Loading Issue

I have embedded the vimeo player in iframe. Sometimes the page showing error. "Sorry the video not exists." but when I refresh the page its working fine. I tried the solution Link. Still no ...
katik S's user avatar
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Ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive

I am working on Eletron.js app. I am trying to access a link of figma trough a iframe, but when I try to do it, I receive the following error: What can being cause this? It's only with the URL I am ...
Bruno Gabado's user avatar
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Embedding a web page with HTML text and iframe

I asked Chatgpt how to embed a web page in my power app and here is what it gave me. However when I use it the result is just this blank page. Example: <iframe src="
Huk Aloh's user avatar
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How to used SharedArrayBuffer in iframe without iframe unsandboxing itself

I want to allow a sandboxed iframe to use SharedArrayBuffer with web workers created by the iframe. To use SharedArrayBuffer I have to set the following headers Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin ...
Vexcess's user avatar
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Unable to click verify button in iframe with selenium

I am currently in the process of making a program to login into selenium and pass the verification. I have the rest of the program thought out and prepared but no matter what I do to click the verify ...
Achilles's user avatar
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Issues Displaying PDF in iframe on Mobile Devices in C# MVC Application

I am experiencing an issue with displaying PDF files in an iframe on mobile devices in my C# MVC application. The PDF files are accessed from my server. Here is a snippet of the JavaScript code I'm ...
Paul Viorel's user avatar
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How do I allow 3D-Secure iframe popups in iOS in cordova

My Cordova app is blocking iframes used by 3D-secure payments. I don't know the domains of the iframes, I guess they could change per bank. Do I remove the Content-Security-Policy tag from the main ...
Gordon Truslove's user avatar
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Why does the iframe content not display on other screen dimensions?

What I'm trying to do is : extract pages one by one from a pdf Document and create an url using blob to put it in the src parameter of my Iframe. It works perfectly until I use Chrome DevTool to see ...
DrPickle's user avatar
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Is the download from the SoundCloud embedded player not working anymore?

The download from the SoundCloud Iframe is not working anymore. When clicking on the download button, nothing happens. In the Developer Console I can see the error "401 Unauthorized". It ...
user25556743's user avatar
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Avoiding Flickering in iFrame with Character Counter (Javascript)

I'm trying to recreate Neal's Password Game. I want to embed a Street View in an iframe. The user is supposed to enter the country in the text field. The characters should be counted in the text field....
Bodaruos's user avatar
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Flutter web: Handling Javascript callback from WebView

I'm using flutter_inappwebview 6.0.0 in my Flutter app. It targets Android, iOS and Web. For the Web part, I'm stuck on a problem. I have a screen on the Web part which embeds a Stripe payment Intent ...
eoinzy's user avatar
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