Comments on: React Best Practices and Security Wed, 11 Oct 2023 04:14:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Narayana Mahanti Mon, 13 Jun 2022 12:02:40 +0000 There is a best practice that I would like to suggest to all React developers, it is making use of Linter. It helps in keeping the code free from errors and also helps in detecting bugs as well.

By: Rohan Ellis Mon, 13 Jun 2022 12:01:44 +0000 One rule that is applicable to all developers is that the code that you’re writing should act as expected and should also have the testable quality as well. For decreasing the testing time and to improve productivity it is better to name the test file as similar to source files with a postfix of .tested.

By: Bana Rajavade Mon, 06 Jun 2022 05:53:35 +0000 Jest is one of the favorite testing tool for React app. The benefits that this framework offers are, it is simple to learn, there is no setup cost and also helps to manage large test cases easily.

By: Finley Harris Mon, 06 Jun 2022 05:52:39 +0000 One of the many problem that developers generally face is keeping track of a lot of data on the React app they are developing. This happens because of React State, it keeps the track of data when changes take place in your app. So the best practice is to avoid using React State to the extent possible and declaring it only when needed.

By: Paxton Dillon Fri, 27 May 2022 08:53:27 +0000 For any development process on wards and afterwards, Testing is the most crucial part of the process which cannot be left. For any junior developer performing testing is sometimes an irritating task because they’re still in the learning stage and getting continuous errors will give them a headache.

By: Kanti Narula Fri, 27 May 2022 08:52:24 +0000 One of the best practices that I can suggest is making use of tools like Bit. Bit can help in maintaining and reusing the code, improves the team’s joint efforts, and also helps in code discovery.

By: Harrison Mills Tue, 08 Mar 2022 04:11:11 +0000 In reply to Gauri Handa.

In a larger project What happens is Styling and theming tasks are challenging activities and maintaining these big CSS files can add up more to this challenge. So the concept of CSS-in JS solutions was introduced. EmotionJS, Styled Components, Glamorous are some of the libraries based on this concept.

By: Gauri Handa Fri, 04 Mar 2022 12:30:24 +0000 What’s the purpose of CSS in JS solution?

By: Dexter Brooks Fri, 04 Mar 2022 12:28:43 +0000 I would like to add something to EmotionJS- it is a JavaScript library that allows you to write CSS styles in JavaScript language. It’s small and light, with the ability to deliver high-end performance.

By: Cain Stafford Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:23:38 +0000 Thank you very much for this. I am already heckled with lots of project in react and was searching for some good resources to execute the projects. Stumbled on this piece and will implement certain things on my project and will leave feedback.
