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Questions tagged [ionic-framework]

Ionic is a front-end framework for developing native-feeling hybrid mobile apps with HTML and Sass. Traditionally, it runs on top of Cordova and Angular, but since Ionic 4 it supports Angular, React, Vue.js and Web Components running on top of Cordova or Capacitor.

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Ionic live update: "ReferenceError: cordova is not defined"

We have an angular 17 app with cordova and ionic live update. Now we wanted to ship a new version via live update and when the app gets the live update we get a console error saying ReferenceError: ...
Frosty's user avatar
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How to configure different google services in Ionic Framework?

I need to add push notifications to an app that is developed with Ionic Framework and Capacitor. I already created the project in Firebase and it gives me a google-services.json file which must be put ...
Odannys De La Cruz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ionic ToastController not showing toast after npm run build

The issue is: Using ToastController after build doesn't shows the toast. Its working as expected with npm run serve, but not when builded. Seems like never reaching the point of console.log('Message ...
Dimitar Marinov's user avatar
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how to manage ng-select in ionic angular bottom margin

Ng-select in ionic angular how to add extra spacing after dropdown panel end of the screen. when user clicks on the select options end of the screen at that time user does not identify properly this ...
Pratik's user avatar
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Can't redirect correctly after login with Auth0 on an Ionic React App?

I'm working on an Ionic App with React. Im using Auth0 for user authentication. Everything is working on localhost web, I can login and the app is returning to /callback after login. Then, when I ...
Antonino Sartori's user avatar
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Create a custom ionic alert with progress bar using ionic 7 angular

I have create a custom ionic alert with a progress bar using Ionic 7 Angular. but not opening the custom alert Custom Alert Component Template (custom-alert.component.html): <div class="custom-...
keshav godani's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vitest: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')

I'm testing with Vitest an Ionic-React-Redux (-toolkit) app. I run the test with the recommended command: "test.unit": "vitest" This is the App.test.tsx created by default that ...
Dani's user avatar
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<ion-content> is not not a know element in Ionic 7.2

Following are the steps I have taken: I created a new project of Ionic 7.2 using ionic start template blank Created a new page: ionic g page home/item-detail I am getting the following error: `Error:...
Kristiansen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Could not run phased build action using connection to Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle-

[{ "resource": "/D:/Ionic/SIMBinding/pos_vkd_reports(11-01-2024)/android/", "owner": "generated_diagnostic_collection_name#5", "code": "0", &...
user13050437's user avatar
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Can't output data from Firebase in Ionic Vue iOS capacitor App

I am building an iOS app with Ionic Vue and using Firebase as a DB. When I am running my app in the browser as pure JS code everything works fine. All of my DB queries return data as expected. When I ...
Anastasiya Cherkashina's user avatar
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Ionic app build error after upgrading Node from v16 to v18

After upgrading to node v18.19.1 globally I am now getting this error trying to run "ionic serve". Using Angular 12 and ionic/angular 6.4.2. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? I'm ...
MadMac's user avatar
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Splash Screen is not showing ionic vue capacitor

I am experiencing an issue with the splash screen not displaying in my Ionic Vue project using Capacitor. Despite following the standard setup instructions, the splash screen does not appear when the ...
shoaibdevs's user avatar
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Angular google maps don't load the tiles when i build my app, but markers work

In dev mode, my google map component (using angular google maps library, v17) works perfectly fine, i had to create a mapId from google cloud platform because otherwise, it says i can't use markers. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Capacitor Splash Screen - Ionic React

I'm trying to implement a splash screen on my Ionic React project using Capacitor Splash Screen Plugin. In my capacitor.config.ts I have the splash resource name as 'splash', which is default, but ...
David Valente's user avatar
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App not installed as package appears to be invalid in all version of android

Currently i am working with Github action for cd of my ionic android app and it is working fine but when i am installing the app on Physical device it is not working showing "App not installed as ...
lalit patidar's user avatar
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I need Ionic/Angular app to read incoming sms messages when app is closed

I'm developing an app for a local women's shelter that takes incoming sms messages from specific contacts, and uses AI to remove abusive language. Ideally the person adds the abuser to their spam ...
Colin's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a mobile VPN application for Android using Ionic + Capacitor + Vue 3?

Please advise, is it possible to create a mobile VPN application for Android using Ionic + Capacitor + Vue 3? Or would it be better not to delve into this and instead focus more on native mobile ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Firebase error on conversion to string does not come properly

I am using a try-catch in my typescript where I can see the error in the browser console but when I try to convert to string it loses the important part. the code looks like below: try{ }catch(err:any)...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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FileReader loadend event not firing on mobile devices but works on web

I'm working on an Angular application with Capacitor, where I use FileReader to read a file and update the UI once the file is loaded. The code works perfectly on web browsers, but when I deploy it as ...
Nahom Ersom's user avatar
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Account deletion button not working in production, working locally [closed]

I'm trying to add an account deletion button to let users get rid of their accounts on my app (linked to Firebase). <ion-header> <ion-toolbar class="header" color="tertiary&...
Charles Hergott's user avatar
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I want to upgrade from Ionic v3.9.2 to Ionic v7

While Upgrading from Ionic v3.9.2 to ionic v7, my current node.js is 19.9.1 and cordova version is 10.0.0,npm version is 9.5.6 But I am getting node.js is not supporting error multiple times I want a ...
user25262610's user avatar
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Properly managing Ionic user preferences using the "Preferences API" of @capacitor

In every modern app, some sort of state is managed across app restarts. One such example are user preferences. Suppose you have a settings page in your application where users can check/uncheck ...
aslary's user avatar
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DeepLinks and WebCredentials on Ionic Capacitor App

I am having serious issues on let these 2 things working. I finally succeeded few days ago, now, after some modification to the App, it doesn't work anymore. I have followed all the steps, but nothing....
DeLac's user avatar
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ionic angular where to put BehaviorSubject subscribe

In my ionic angular app I am using behaviorSubject to indicate when to refresh some data. Currently, the subscribe is put into the first tab's ionicViewEnter like below: async ionViewDidEnter(){ ...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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Having issue with the appurllistener redirecting [closed]

So we are executing the an inapp browser to open for our ionic react mobile app to keep the user in a modal inside our app for the headless decoupled checkout. we built a hook for it and tied it into ...
VictorKhoas's user avatar
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Ionic backbutton changes the URL but does not load the component

I encountered the following error when trying to navigate using the back button: The browser's address bar updates with the new URL, but the component does not render. Could you please advise on what ...
Maxim's user avatar
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Ion-Searchbar not showing on native Android device

When I run my angular (ionic) app on the browser everything works and looks fine. (Angular v17.0.2, Ionic v8.2.2). When I npx cap sync it and try it out on a device with Android Studio it looks like ...
Nenox's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor PendingIntent with unspecified mutability

does anyone know what it could be? When uploading to the Play Store, I'm receiving 4 warnings about PendingIntent with unspecified mutability. I've already updated all my plugins, I'm on the latest ...
sirmagus's user avatar
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PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Copy\ Pods\ Resources

I have this error in my Ionic 6 application on iOS: enter image description here This is the build information I have: enter image description here I currently adjust it manually by editing the pod ...
user17484547's user avatar
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Error occurred while proxying request localhost:4200/be/account to localhost:8081 [ENOTFOUND]

I'm trying to do an http request from an Ionic project with Angular. To avoid a CORS exception I have created a proxy.conf.json file: { "/local": { "target": "localhost:...
Javier Martinez Barriga's user avatar
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Ionic Angular TypeError: this.router.navigate is not a function

i am making a API call after the QR code scan,in the qr code row value my api url is present after the successfully fetching data i want to redirect to registration page but the following error is ...
Kumarjit 's user avatar
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AES-256-CBC IONIC encrypted data is not able to decrypt in PHP

I am encrypting text in IONIC using @ionic-native/aes-256/ngx library and trying to decrypt the same in PHP but am unable to do so. Here's the data : Key : 12345678901234567890123456789012 (32bit) IV ...
eden hazard's user avatar
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Ionic Capacitor 6, trying to write a file on Android 14 failed

I'm building an Ionic/Angular app for android which has to save some text logs, as a .txt file. For doing so I'm trying to use @capacitor/filesystem@^6.0.0. The app is not requesting permissions event ...
Arcall's user avatar
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ModuleFederation Ionic Angular reference "different" NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR

I have an NX workspace, running latest NX, Angular & Ionic versions. I have just one host app and one remote. Right, now I'm trying to create a page with two form controls. When I create a binding ...
Sergey's user avatar
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IonInput CSS Custom Properties did not work for helper text

I noticed that the CSS Custom Properties did not work for the helper text. I tried to change the helper text color and nothing happened. Is there a workaround or some way of defining the Custom ...
Daniel Esenwa's user avatar
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Issue with installing the barcode-scanning

I'm working on Ionic Vue project. I want to install the Barcode-Scanner, but I'm running into the issue: Error during scanning: Error: The Google Barcode Scanner Module is not available. You must ...
Leila Woźniak's user avatar
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Throwing ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error while accessing html response in Ionic Capacitor

Context We have a Content Player where we are loading online contents(html, js pdf audio, video). It was working perfectly untill few month back. Issue Now we are unable to access html contents where ...
Swayangjit's user avatar
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Ionic - How prevent dynamic fontsize on specific component?

I use dynamic fontsize from ionic. I set the dynamic fontsize on the <html> tag with the property html { --ion-dynamic-font: var(--ion-default-dynamic-font); } But then i have the Problem, ...
Jonathan Sigg's user avatar
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Building App Failed with "Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles"

Hello Fastlane community, I'm trying to implement an iOS build and upload a App Store in a CI/CD workflow using GitHub Actions with Fastlane, but I can't pass the build step. I'm a first time Fastlane ...
JohnHarrys's user avatar
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How to expand or collapse all accordions in an ion-accordion-group at once?

I would expect something like this to work: <button (click)="myAccordionGroup.expandAll()">Expand all</button> <ion-accordion-group #myAccordionGroup> <ion-accordion&...
Rens Jaspers's user avatar
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ionic 8 ion-content background image not shown properly with ion-header and ion-footer

I use ionic 8 with angular 18 and I want the header and footer to be transparent and show ion-content background-image in fullscreen mode, behind them. I use the below code: <ion-header [...
ahmad pirzargar's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to get time progress in capacitor-video-player

I'm using capacitor-video-player for capacitor but i did not find any event listener related to video progress. i was looking something like this const video = document.querySelector("video&...
EaB's user avatar
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Error: Uncaught (in promise): FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-error)

I have a problem with phone authentication on my iOS device. When I click on my RecaptchaVerifier container, I get this error: Uncaught (in promise): FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/internal-...
TotoTricot's user avatar
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Get Error Trying to after compile Moodle Android App The key "viewport-fit" is not recognized and ignored.", source:

I am Trying To Build A Customized Moodle Android For My Collage Project I used the Guide from Moodle and successfully complied and installed it on my emu but it stays at moodle logo nothing happened ...
Sanjaya Senanayaka's user avatar
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Ion FAB button issue after build

[this image shows a screenshot with the correct FAB button in local modethe second image shows the same FAB button not showing correctly in production modeI'm developing a PWA displaying a MapBox map ...
Charles Hergott's user avatar
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Why is the same angular component not working in Selenium Java , even though it works on the another page (i.e., the first attempt) for testing?

The date component is used on two pages (home page and vehicle page). After logging in, the home page shows the date component. When you click the vehicle tab, it also shows the date component. ...
Zulfath's user avatar
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a-scene a-image gps-entity-place not showing on ionic angular app a-scene a-camera gps-camera

I am developing an ionic angular app and I am trying to add a component that uses an iframe to a a-scene a-camera html component.html <ion-content class="ion-padding" [fullscreen]="...
Adrian Dr's user avatar
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How to create floating window with Ionic framework using Capacitor.js to use the app over other apps

In ionic framework how would I create floating window (similar to GMap) in Android (and/or iOS) preferrably with Capacitor.js (as Cordova slowly deprecating). If there's possibility of extended ...
Subhrangshu Adhikary's user avatar
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What is the actual cause behind the error "Assertion failed: alias and its target must be located in the same section" when building an iOS app?

I have a hybrid app created with Ionic that was originally running on Cordova, but we moved it to Capacitor a year ago and everything has been working as expected. Recently, while trying to make ...
lcrum's user avatar
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Network Connectivity Issues on iOS 17 for Cordova Ionic App

Our Cordova Ionic app is experiencing network connectivity issues specifically on devices running iOS 17. The app fails to fetch data from our server, resulting in a timeout error. This issue does not ...
Dao Huy Hoang's user avatar

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