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For questions about programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its different dialects/implementations (except for ActionScript). Note that JavaScript is NOT Java. Include all tags that are relevant to your question: e.g., [node.js], [jQuery], [JSON], [ReactJS], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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how to upload directory of file in Laravel 10

I would like to know if it is possible to upload a directory containing files in the application laravel. This simply means that I choose the upload file option then I have the possibility of ...
Simon Thiombiano's user avatar
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List item is updating previous list instead of current list

I have two buttons. first button id is btn1 2nd button id is btn2 When I click on button 1 then li created and then I click button 2 then 2nd list item created program is ok...but issue is that when I ...
Ss K's user avatar
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I got Dialog undefined Console Error after Transfer Call using SIP-0.21.2.min.js to Connect Asterisk Server

I got Dialog undefined. Console Error after Transfer Call using SIP-0.21.2.min.js and function transferCall(session, transferTarget) { console.log("Initiating call transfer..."); ...
Dilshan Dekumpitiya's user avatar
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React Native Dynamic Statusbar

In React Native Is There Any Way To Change The Statusbar Dynamically? Suppose I set My Statusbar To Light Then If I Go To Another Screen And Comes Back Then The Statusbar Do Not Changes To Light. Can ...
Shakib Ahmed's user avatar
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Use XHR in Webworker without CORS headers or preflight answer from server

I am working on a page that will be server by a small embedded webserver that I have no control of. On the page, some data transfer (XHR) should be done inside a web worker. The server will not send ...
Stefan Hegny's user avatar
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Boostrap open and close modals in sequence

I am using Cakephp3 and using Bootstrap modals to open my modals once after another something like this way in sequence .. <a href="/website/...
Mittul At TechnoBrave's user avatar
1 vote
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Allow fullcalendar events to span over multiple days buisness hours

I'm trying to use fullcalendar to create a planning application for organising jobs. I am using React. I have created some draggable events to plot on the calendar with specific durations. One of the ...
Lewis Self's user avatar
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jquery navigation list with sliding pages over the home page [duplicate]

I am a complete beginner with jquery and I need your help to improve my side nav. I try to make a side navigation inspire by this Wix template The difference is my menu is floating on the left, with 3 ...
The beginner's user avatar
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react recharts pie chart custom style

I developed an half donut pie chart but i could not add red circle to the point 2 pies touch each other I need to add a red circle white bordered in pic below. this is my component import { PieChart,...
ozgur's user avatar
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Print Plotly.js graph to PDF using React

I am using React with Typescript on my project. I also use plotly.js for plots. At a click of a button which I place below the plot, I would like to take a screenshot of the plot and then print it out ...
Ovayo Matiwane's user avatar
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How to add a thumbnail to a Shopify slider section

I'm working on a Shopify store where we use several GIF images to showcase product features. However, I've noticed that GIFs can take a while to load, especially on slower connections, which impacts ...
Bra11y's user avatar
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How to get Sequelize to recognize my custom foreign key and primary keys in a one-to-many relationship in MySQL during bulkcreate?

I am building a plant/arboretum style application in JavaScript. I am trying to create a one-to-many relationship between Supplier model and TreeSeed model. Meaning that one supplier can sell multiple ...
RendezYT's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to load pdfjs-dist library in Angular but same thing working in JS

I'm using pdfjs-dist library to simply show pdf on canvas. Firstly I've tried it in JS, which is working perfectly fine using Open Live Server. I have downloaded pdfjs-dist using command npm install ...
Zaryab Ali's user avatar
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The collapse is not displayed when the selected element is changed

earlier I asked how you can make a filter in swagger from the selection. here is the question itself: changing the route list depending on the server port (swagger) in the process of solving, I made ...
Exdet's user avatar
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1 answer

click() method from element object (HtmlUnit) is doing nothing

I am trying to crawl on this website: using html unit. I want to "click" on "Download now" button, it ...
Daniel Reuveni's user avatar
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RollupError: Module format "umd" does not support top-level await. Use the "es" or "system" output formats rather

RollupError: Module format "umd" does not support top-level await. Use the "es" or "system" output formats rather. I can't figure out what to do. I'm trying to build my ...
Kemal Güneş's user avatar
-1 votes
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Express js and prisma async code will not push to array

I have code here where it won't push to an array but will log that the user does exist or does not exist. If I log the list when its called then it shows something in the list but if I do the opposite ...
S. Butler's user avatar
-2 votes
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‘Embed’ order now button [closed]

For a separate pop-up I want to embed the order now button on the page below, it is the yellow button on the right with ‘Bestel nu!’:
JePoer's user avatar
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Hebrew Bible Search Algorithm in browser using JS [closed]

The goal: Users visit a site, enter a search term in Hebrew, select if they want an exact match or not, and they are shown the results in the original text (see below), with the match in red color and ...
Bilawal Zafar's user avatar
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how to upload images to api using drop zone and get back images from api and delete the images from api

i have created a file using drop zone in it now I want to post images to Api using drop zone and get that images from api and also delete the image from Api I am sharing my code "use client";...
Muhammad Adil's user avatar
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Search nested Object Array with fusejs

I want to implement a fuzzy search. I use fuse.js for this. The problem is that when I search for 'banking', for example, all other terms with 'B' are also displayed. This is my code: const data = [{ ...
Ayhan's user avatar
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2 answers

Stop text-rotator timeout when array ends

My code works fine, but it never ends. How can I stop the rotator after Word6? I have tried one more setTimeout but it's not working. const phrases = ['Word1', 'Word2', 'Word3', 'Word4', 'Word5', '...
Andreas Thomsson's user avatar
-1 votes
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When calling Google Map API it returns a type error

function initialize() { var mapOptions = { zoom: 18, zoomControl: true, zoomControlOptions: { style: google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL }, ...
Geo_Off's user avatar
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Figma plugin API delay in loading all children form a node

I am working on developing a Figma plugin using their API. As per the below code, I'm trying to access a specific node in the mainLayer.children, but when mainLayer is logged to the console it shows ...
Abhishek Konnur's user avatar
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i click the button on expo go but it just doesn't work [closed]

The code does not report an error, and the phone also displays it, but it does not run when the button is pressed. Here are my codes. ''import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, ...
Olivia Liu's user avatar
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How to transform a ReadableStream back into a file in TypeScript

right now I'm working on a Next.js Typescript project. I am using Primereact for my Frontend. I prepared a File Upload. import { FileUpload } from 'primereact/fileupload'; <FileUpload mode="...
Ruffyg's user avatar
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Ensuring consistent appearance of a React web app across different Windows scaling settings

I'm developing a web app using React and Tailwind CSS. I've noticed that the appearance of the app changes when viewed on different screens, particularly due to different scaling settings on operating ...
srcnsfnc's user avatar
-2 votes
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Best Practice for Creating SEO-Friendly URLs: Handling Special Characters and Hyphens [closed]

I am working on creating SEO-friendly URLs for my web application and I have some questions about the best way to handle special characters and spaces in titles. Here are two example titles I need to ...
Sudhanshu Gupta's user avatar
-1 votes
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Alternative for send onQuerystarted as the logout function is not working as intended

I am currently building a MERN application , for the same I have made a logout in my api endpoint which is working as intended and has been tested in postman , However when I try to logout from my ...
andhakasur's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make a Discord bot make a channel when a command is made

I'm confused on how to make my Discord bot make a new text channel called 'General 2'. When I do !setup the command works perfectly fine but I don't know how to make it make a new channel. I tried ...
Nathan Liwang's user avatar
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How would you access the real world earth's rotation in degrees, in Javascript? [closed]

I am making a simulation of the earth in p5.js, but I want to mirror the rotation of the real world earth in my simulation, in degrees. when I researched I came empty up handed, so is there a server I ...
I_Suck_At_Coding's user avatar
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Set Replace Field programmatically in Find and Replace Action in Web Version of Monaco Editor

I’m working with the web version of the Monaco Editor and I’m trying to implement a find and replace functionality. I can successfully set the field of find text by creating a range selection, but I’m ...
scott6's user avatar
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next/image conditional cache update - How can I conditionally update a next/image cache value for a set URL?

Same URL + user activity that updates data = update (not turn off) next/image cache values for same URL. When the user uploads a new profile image I want to replace their previous image without having ...
Joshua Walker's user avatar
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getBoundingClientRect() behaviour with the onScroll event in React is not working properly

Statement I have been trying to mimic the "In this section" panel from websites for my documentation route. An example of such a website is this [right pane]. The ...
aditya's user avatar
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My webpack is building old lodash version

I'm having some troubles with my webpack when building source for deployment. Built files are always created with [email protected]. How can I exclude the lodash from the build process or upgrade it to ...
sieusaopolo15's user avatar
-2 votes
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React useContext() causes fetch API to stop working [closed]

I am trying to implement useContext() in my React app in order to maintain a state in different pages. Upon debugging my script, I realized even adding my useContext() component to one of my pages ...
Bob Brown's user avatar
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Why Won't My Website Display Over Network Data? Works Fine When Connected To Wifi [closed]

I've created a website hosted on GoDaddy servers. It works fine on Wifi, but I can't load it when connected to mobile data. When I try to access it using T-Mobile data, I get an "...
user26009618's user avatar
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Global installation of packages not working in bun

I recently migrated from pnpm to Bun on windows . It works fine for me for every other task just installing local packages , build etc but when i tried to install surge globally but i receive the ...
React_Noob's user avatar
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Youtube web version navigation

I have a question: Im developing a chrome extension and when retrieve data from youtube api, it looks like { "channelId": "UCdN4aXTrHAtfgbVG9HjBmxQ", "title": { ...
viethung0823's user avatar
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Using Dojo with ArcGIS Map SDK for JavaScript 4.29

Error Screenshot Here, I want to use dojo in ArcGIS Api for JS , but it give me script error when i import dojo through cdn link. Added SS of the code and Error. I am using the ArcGIS Map SDK for ...
Ahsan Ali's user avatar
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How to include img tag in html2canvas.js code? [duplicate]

I'm making paper documents into html web documents. There is a webpage as shown in the picture below, and if you type and sign and click Save, it will be saved as a *.png image file. However, if there ...
아이작's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to give permissions to users in django.?

I am building a django ERP project, in which there will be multiple user's, admin,user, manager etc. Each of this user has separate user credentials to login. Each user have separate dashboard. I'm ...
vvn's user avatar
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TSX : 'Routes' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof Routes'?

Typescript code (.tsx) import { Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom"; const AppRoutes = () => { return ( <Routes> <Route path="/" element={&...
Aditya Mistri's user avatar
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Duck DB with angular unable to load and query parquet file

I'm trying to make duckdb-wasm with angular to load a parquet file and query it, I was able to create a connection, but unable to load the parquet file, getting error Error: Uncaught (in promise): ...
sharath222's user avatar
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react emoji picker font family not working while displaying the emoji in textarea or any div but i waorking in EmojiPicker component only why?

import React, { useRef } from 'react' import EmojiPicker from 'emoji-picker-react' const ChatBox = () =\> { const messageRef = useRef(null); const handleEmojiClick = (e) => { ...
Bablu Personal's user avatar
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How to clear/erase the input value when using jquery datepicker and the input is readonly

I have an input that as soon as the value is chnaged it submits the value and is saved in our database, therefore we can only allow date format values, and the best tool is using datepicker with a ...
Eduardo Ponce de Leon's user avatar
-1 votes
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Converting a response to json when using Parcel error

Error message: "Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON" keeps showing when I run my program using parcel, but when I use live server it's seems to be fine. ...
theSpellBinder's user avatar
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Github/Cloudflare Website With A PhaserJS Web Game Not Updating Online

I have a website on this repo:, which links to this page:, and for some reason, ...
LeftClickMage's user avatar
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Trigger jquery callback with selectors in jest

I have a JS script where using jQuery with multiple class selectors and a callback function function MainPage(){ function pageFunction(){ $(".page").on(", ...
keerthi's user avatar
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WebRTC: Packets get received, but video is not showing

I have a "mediaserver" built with C++ and libdatachannel to receive video streams via WebRTC. It serves a simple signalling protocol, and the client has to send an offer to receive video, ...
oarfish's user avatar
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