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Questions tagged [jqwidget]

jQWidgets is a jQuery based framework for building modern responsive web sites and mobile web applications that work on any web-connected device.

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How to fix vue.js schedule d.cleartime error?

I want to make a scheduler with jqwidget and a java spring boot backend where i fetch data from my database. Now I always run in following error: main.js:8 [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "...
Kini's user avatar
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Unable to cast object of type RemoteJSRuntime to IJSInProcessRuntime when using jQWidgets with Blazor

I had an error when using jQWidgets in the Blazor project (.NET 8) following this tutorial: The specific code is just the table following this ...
Alex Huynh's user avatar
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JqxTree is taking time to load with 500 records

It is taking around 3-4 seconds to load 500 records which is very slow as it is hampering my app performance. var source = { datatype: "json", datafields: [ { name: "Rid&...
Rahi's user avatar
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JQXTree is loading slow with 500 records

**JQXTree ** is loading slow with 500 records. Below is my code snipset. It is taking around 3-4 seconds to load 500 records which is very slow as it is hampering my performance. Is there any ...
Robin089's user avatar
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Workaround or alternative tree grid to JqxTreeGrid due to unique id issue?

I currently use the widget JqxTreeGrid for large datasets for my company. I've come across a fatal issue where child parts of different parents that are the same part aren't treated as unique rows and ...
JBread's user avatar
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Using jqxWidgets with esbuild

Since my Angular project takes too much time to compile, I wanted to build with ESBUILD So, added this to my angular.json file "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser-esbuild&...
Rittika Dev's user avatar
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jqWidget - disable checkbox based on data

I'm using for my project the plugin jqWidget and for my table, I set "checkbox" as a "selection mode". Now what I need is when the table will load, to disable/hide the checkbox for ...
Abdelmajid Hafidi's user avatar
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How to add a new row and make it editable in jQWidgets?

I have a scenario where I need to add a new row to a grid, and leave it empty, but editable. I have achieved something, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for. In the example, I’ve provided a snippet ...
Millhorn's user avatar
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retrieve a value entered in the input field of the schedule jqwidget dialog box with angular

I am trying to retrieve the values I enter in the input field of the scheduler dialog box with angular but I can't. Can someone help me with an example please? using console.log will be enough.
Kévin Mbitkébéyo's user avatar
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How to style individual cells using 'cellsRenderer' in jQWidgets?

If I’m passing a string, and that string is empty, I’m using cellsRenderer to return the string –Unspecified–. However, the returned string is at the top left of the cell and not vertically centered ...
Millhorn's user avatar
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Highlight A Row On Condition

I am trying to highlight a row upon condition in a table. Am using Jqxgrid and did something in the front-end to highlight: TypeScript: carsDataAgain = [ { year: '1967', make: 'Pontiac'...
user8512043's user avatar
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Deciding the value in console log based on the column value

Please take a look at my code below. I have a YearEligible column with Y and N values in the cell for each record. Based on this I want to decide what values does the Year column sends upon clicking ...
Tan's user avatar
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filter rows based on checkbox selection

I have the following example where I'm using jqwidgets. When a user clicks on Get rows button, it(console.log) is returning an array of all the records from the table. Is it possible to filter these ...
Tan's user avatar
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JqxGrid filter is lost after I reload the page

I am working with an overview page, where I use JqxGrid to display all the items in our company. You can click on an item to go to the next page where you can view the details of this item. If you set ...
EllaB's user avatar
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Why does jqxMenu appear incorrectly?

I am working on my own module for an angular project. I am trying to make a menu using jqxMenu, but when I run ng serve it does not appear the way it should. I ve imported jqxmenucomponent into my ...
Patrik Vdoviak's user avatar
-1 votes
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jqwidgets chart not rendering any data

I have imported the jqwidgets script however the chart does not render. What am I missing? <!--Placeholder for the chart--> <div id="jqxIncidentChart" class="chart"> &...
Walter Verhoeven's user avatar
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URL parsing in .net core api

For a grid I have used jqwidget on client side. While filtering the data from grid the jqwidget create a url like https://localhost:44330/api/role/index?FilterGroups[0][field]=roleName&...
Chris Hadfield's user avatar
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Trying to use Vue js plug-ins without the use of NPM or webpack

The problem At this moment I am following the jqwidgets guidelines from the link displayed below to build a dropdownbox. The only problem with their setup is that they make use of the IMPORT ...
ChakirBelhaj's user avatar
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Enter key behave like arrow keys in javaScript

I use jQwidget in my application. When I press Enter I want it to behave like arrow keys (navigate to the left on table's cell. ) ($('#documentDetail') as any).jqxGrid({ handlekeyboardnavigation: ...
Mobina Khalilzade's user avatar
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jqwidgets-datetimeinput date format d MMMM yyyy not displayed correctly

I am using jqwidgets-datetimeinput to display and input formatted date. It is working fine for most of the use cases but for the format d MMMM yyyy it is not behaving correctly. it is showing as 6/11/...
Mantu Nigam's user avatar
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jqwidgets jqxGrid go to the page of a specific row

My jqxgrid has paging, and assume I call $('#jqxGrid').jqxGrid('selectrow', 20); I want the grid can go to the page with the selected row, but I don't know which page contains the selected row (...
user1169587's user avatar
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Changing parent row color based on child column value- jqWidgets

I have a nested grid, and I am able to change the nested grid row background color based on the value of one of its columns. But I would like to also be able to change the color of the parent row. ...
Samara Galvão's user avatar
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npm WARN tarball tarball data for [email protected] seems to be corrupted. Trying one more time

I am getting intermittent issue during installing jqwidgets. Most of the time things working as expected but sometime I got below error npm WARN notice [SECURITY] minimatch has the following ...
Mantu Nigam's user avatar
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How to clear custom dialog fields data in angular jqxscheduler on adding new appointment?

I'm using jqxscheduler for scheduling appointment. I have successfully created custom fields in edit dialog of jqxscheduler and able to add/edit appointment. But when I'm creating new appointment, ...
Priyanka Mulagund 's user avatar
2 votes
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How to check what Angular version was used

After I've cloned JQWidget Github repository and installed the angular-fitnesstracker app with: git clone cd ./jQWidgets/demos/Showcase/angular-...
alphanumeric's user avatar
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Jqxgrid Export to Excel Error - " q.toISOString is not a function"

When attempting to export to excel jqwidget grid data I get an error jqxdata.export.js:8 Uncaught TypeError: q.toISOString is not a function at a.g (jqxdata.export.js:8) at ...
Curious-programmer's user avatar
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Data is not being loaded in Jqwidget DataTable (JqDataTable)

We needed datatable functionality for backoffice in our Umbraco based web application, so we decided to use JqDataTable. JqDataTable is working fine the only issue we face is when we switch from one ...
Developer's user avatar
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document is not defined in nuxtjs on integrating jqxwidget

I'm integrating jqxWidgets( into my nuxtjs app. Here are the steps I did: installed jqwidgest npm install --save jqwidgets-scripts After I imported the jqxGrid on my ...
user2855503's user avatar
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how to add jqxEditorModule in angular 8

I am trying to implement Angular HTML Editor by following this link here: But I'm getting error on: import * ...
abid Hussain's user avatar
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How to fix 'Uncaught TypeError: $.jqx.pivot is not a constructor'

I'm using jqxPiveGrid, but it doesn't work, and the problems showed on console: Uncaught TypeError: $.jqx.pivot is not a constructor. enter image description here I'm using Visual Studio 2015, (ASP....
karen.frw's user avatar
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Is there a way to two-way bind jqxComboBox?

Here is my form: <form [formGroup]="form"> <jqxComboBox [source]="source" formControlName="control"> </jqxComboBox> </form> I'm trying to update it from code ...
Plotva's user avatar
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Error In jqxcalender : Globalize is not defined

I am using jqxcalender in my angular comonent and when tage loaded im getting this error Globalize is not defined in the console how can i solve this error I have tried importing jqxcalender in code ...
ShivShankar Namdev's user avatar
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Jqwidgets chart not working in firefox and in safari

I am showing some bar chart and line chart using jqwidgets library, it works fine in chrome and edge browser but in firefox and safari, it did not make any chart. Why it does not work in firefox and ...
user619's user avatar
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JQwidgets Scheduler Angular Default To Today's Date

I am working with the scheduler and angular and would like to know if there is a way to make it so when the scheduler loads it defaults to today’s date. For instance, if we are defaulting to week view ...
AndyPet74's user avatar
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Angular 7 & JQWidgets - Export Grid data from another component

I am experimenting with Angular 7 and JQWidgets. I am working on Grid component and want to export Grid's data from another component called settings. I worked on the demo (available here) and I ...
lios's user avatar
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How to assign custom colors to jqwidget chart columns?

I am trying to set a custom color to each and every column of the chart, I found the series option but it was setting the color to the series. I want to set the color to each and every column. Here ...
Pravin Bhosale's user avatar
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Why does JqxTreeGrid not allow browser selection when selectionMode is singleRow?

In a jqxTreeGrid, I can set the enableBrowserSelection property to true to allow selection of (parts of) the text displayed in the cells. This is useful for copying the data to the clipboard. However,...
wkl's user avatar
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Unable to get Jest test to pass in Angular

This seems so simple that I know I must be doing something wrong, but I've been at this for a whole day, and still can't get a simple test to pass. My component uses the third-party library JQWidgets, ...
redOctober13's user avatar
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jqxTreeGrid rowClick and rowDoubleClick vs rowSelect

Why would the rowDoubleClick or rowClick event return a more robust object than the rowSelect? For example rowDoubleClick $('#tree01').on('rowDoubleClick', function (event){ var args = ...
John Cappelletti's user avatar
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Copy data from excel - JQWidgets Grid

Iam trying to copy and paste data in jqGrid from excel .Grid Properties used : width: '1200px', height: '600px', sortable: true, sortmode: "many", ...
Bhanu Prakash's user avatar
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Tree grid with checkbox on each cell in angular 5

I need this kind of tree grid with checkbox for each cell with nested json in angular 5. I have checked the ag-grid and jqwidgets but couldn't find the solutoin to my problem.
Asad's user avatar
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Lazy loading in jqxListBox

Can anyone help to implement lazy loading in jqxListBox? There is no built API for this. I have to display 10000 records in jqxListBox. Due to this huge dataset, the selection and remaining business ...
Sumesh TG's user avatar
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How to display theme and apply css styling to jqx-widget drop down list in angular 4 or 5?

I have imported this libraries in angular.json file “input”:”node_modules/jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets/jqx.all” }, { “input”:”node_modules/jqwidgets-scripts/jqwidgets/styles/jqx.base.css” }, { “input”:...
Megh Shah's user avatar
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How to generate specific json with jqwidgets and angular?

I'm trying to export the data of my datatable into a json file. The table is create with JQwidget on Angular6 and the data come from an API. But, with the jqwidgets method exportData('json');, only ...
carak's user avatar
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how to drag jqxscheduler outside the calendar

I am using jqxscheduler. I want to enable the dragging of event to whole window below give code I am using to initialize the calendar what I need to add move to make the event boxes drag-able outside ...
Shahneel Ahmed's user avatar
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jqxBarGauge background color

I am building a simple webpage with a jqxBarGauge on it. The gauge is within the body which has a background color (grey) specified via css. Is there any way to get the canvas color to match the ...
BLowe's user avatar
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dropDownVerticalAlignment top issue on jqxDropDownList inside jqxGrid

I have been working in an application developed with jqWidget, jquery and HTML5. I have been came across an weird issue with jqxDropDownList inside jqxGrid. On making dropDownVerticalAlignment: 'top',...
SaurabhLP's user avatar
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Unit Testing Angular app with jQWidgets and Karma/Jasmine

If anyone has created jasmine/karma Angular tests that have jQWidgets - even if you haven't encountered this error I would like to see your karma.conf.js and .spec files, as I am having an issue. I ...
Casey Belcher's user avatar
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Unable to post data from child to parent in react.js

I'm working in single page web application. In page i have a dropdown so based on dropdown value i will load the data in grid. The grid data is come from jqgrid component so sometime grid data is ...
truesource's user avatar
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How can I check checkboxes and disabled in jqxTreeGrid

I am trying to make some of checkboxes checked and disabled in jqxTreeGrid in below code: $("#treegrid_portfolio").jqxTreeGrid( { source: dataAdapter, pageable: ...
Developer's user avatar
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