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Questions tagged [memory-leaks]

A memory leak occurs when a program fails to release memory that it has allocated but is no longer using and is not recoverable.

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ResourceManager memory leak urlCache leak

My application running on Tomcat 8.5.79 and Java 11.0.15+10 seems to have ResurceManager memory leak, but I can not figure out where it is coming from. According to javadocs it should not be causing ...
CrazySabbath's user avatar
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SwiftUI property of type Color in a class ans memory leak

I have a problem of memory leak with a property of type Color declared in a class with SwiftUI in IOS 17. The project I'm using it on is much more complete than the example below. The project below is ...
Marc's user avatar
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Vue memory leaks in table using dynamic components

In our Vue/Vuetify 3 project we have generic table component which conditionally renders different components as table cells. Unfortunately, tables are causing big memory leaks. It is a big component, ...
Patryk Marchut's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it normal that my macbook pro M3 max using more RAM than usual? [closed]

I recently upgraded from a MacBook Pro M1 Pro with 32 GB of RAM to a MacBook Pro M3 Max with 64 GB of RAM. However, I've noticed that my new laptop is using more RAM than my old one, even when ...
Dereck Angeles's user avatar
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Delphi 12 isapi dll loading runtime package memory leak detection

I have a Delphi ISAPI DLL application that loads my actual web applications as package (BPL) files at runtime. I’d like to report memory leaks in my packages when the ISAPI DLL unloads. However I don’...
Steve Kramer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Unable to understand why my program is using too much RAM

EDIT2: TL;DR Version The following piece of code is causing huge memory burden. Library: Paruqet.NET using (ParquetReader reader = await ParquetReader.CreateAsync(filePath, null)) { string ...
Sreenath HS's user avatar
4 votes
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Memory use of pickling/unpickling enum in Python

While investigating the memory use of an application that exchanges message through PyZMQ using tracemalloc, I noticed a weird behavior of pickling and unpickling enums: memory looks like it is ...
Matthieu Dartiailh's user avatar
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Issue of readdir() reading the pointer to a directory [closed]

The basic logic in this problem is that the program scans over a directory for N times, and does some operation on specific file inside. The bug comes out as: program employs rewinddir() to put the ...
Yuming_J's user avatar
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PHP memory issues with exceptions supporting __set

There is a custom exception class (which I have reduced to its minimum for this posting): <?php class MyException extends \Exception { public final function __set(String $member, $value) { }...
SlowFox's user avatar
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Unexpected string found in memory snapshot of NestJS App with Fastify Adapter – Is there a memory leak

Started looking at memory snapshots (from node --inspect) for leaks in nest.js application and saw the following memory snapshot string After making a request to handler there is a string left in the ...
Green's user avatar
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PInvoke memory management: strings inside structs passed by reference

I have a question about the releasing of memory when marshalling structs containing strings across pInvoke I want to return a result struct by reference, since the calling code can not directly return ...
Hottemax's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Killing function without memory leak [closed]

Say I want to run a function and avoid it from memory leak, which may happen because the function actually result in memory leak, or because I need to kill it. I currently use a new process on linux ...
l4m2's user avatar
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Windows Memory Usage much larger than sum of managed heap objects [duplicate]

I have a proces which comsunes around 16GB of memory. I have made a dump file which has a size of around 20GB. When i analyse the file i get a total size of 1,7GB of used managed memory by my objects. ...
user13733292's user avatar
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Keras memory leak when using custom DataGenerator

For the past 3 weeks I've been searching nonstop for a solution to this problem, when training a LSTM model with a custom DataGenerator, Keras ends up using all my RAM memory. The context of the ...
Omitg's user avatar
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How to suppress address sanitizer leak check for specific leak

I'm trying to use asan for a specific compiler version for a program build on Debian bookworm amd64. The trouble is that the program calls into OpenSSL which in turn uses strerror_l before even ...
TJahns's user avatar
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How to catch and fix a memory leakage?

I wrote a shell-like program and I have a memory leakage that I'm unable to fix. in case of invalid_command && command1 || command2 (and it happens only in this case, everything else working ...
Johnnie's user avatar
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Why debugging leads to MetaSpace memory leak in Java?

Debugging a class loaded by a ClassLoader created by a user will cause the class to be referenced by JNI global, and the ClassLoader cannot be uninstalled. Repeating this operation for many times will ...
kyle wang's user avatar
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Angular 18 - Browser tab memory usage

I'm currently working on a big Angular application and as the title says I've got problems with my browser tab memory usage. At the first opening of my app in a new tab, the memory usage is quite ok (≈...
Dorian A's user avatar
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Excel File handling feature gets unresponsive after few days usage of the web app

We have a web app in AWS EC2 (t3.large) with a feature that lets users upload Excel files from the web UI (compress and store files in an S3 bucket) and later on, shows the data in Excel in a web view ...
Asela Wijesinghe's user avatar
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Build valgrind to target LPC55S69(which is based on Armv8-m architecture)

I'm trying to build valgrind to target baremetal arm cortex-m (based on armv8-m architecture). The host is a x86 wsl environment. How do I specify this while trying to configure valgrind. For ex: To ...
randomranger409's user avatar
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Segmentation fault (core dumped) in reading a binary file, memmove-vec-unaligned-erms.S: No such file or directory

I am trying to debug a piece of code that reads binary files I created. It seems that when the number of elements to read is higher than a certain treshold, the script I wrote fails. The file contains ...
TalJo's user avatar
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Flutter not releasing memory (garbage collector not working)

I am making an application on flutter which shows a slideshow, but it is not releasing memory after the slideshow is over, below is the snippet of my code. It will be of great help if you could guide ...
Maaz Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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CallDirectory Extension killed because using too much memory

I often get the following error when doing a read of a json file with more than 30,000 elements: The app “call direction extension” has been killed by the operating system because it is using too much ...
a programer's user avatar
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Node.js 'JavaScript heap out of memory' error when building TypeScript app on EC2 instance

I'm encountering a "JavaScript heap out of memory" error while trying to build my Node.js TypeScript application on an EC2 instance. The build process fails with a fatal error related to ...
Sadat Hussain's user avatar
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NodeJS is re-instantiating variables multiple times

I have a Node.js application with the following code structure: SqlUtils.js const queryMap = new Map([ // various query mappings => size over 20KB ]); function generateSQLQuery(select) { const ...
Souhaiel Riahi's user avatar
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overflow on power for decimal number recursively in python [duplicate]

so im trying to do recursive call to solve function that take integer argument and do recursively, and each recursive call, it power to decimal number i.e 2.2 def f1(x): if x==0: return 3 ...
bezzzz098's user avatar
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Objects are leaking into unmanaged memory

I am experiencing a very odd behavior as of now that I haven't seen anytime before. I try to find out why our ASP.NET Core app is using so much memory. Looking at Rider's performance monitor you can ...
SharpShade's user avatar
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Any methods to locate where an object was created that returned by python's garbage collection gc.get_objects()?

I am facing a memory leak when training models in physic simulators on different tasks. While the weird thing is that there are memory leaks on some certain task and some don't. So I am trying to ...
Carl CAI's user avatar
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OOM : Memory Increase Issue in Model Training with Pytorch on WSL2

I am experiencing an issue with memory increase and saturation while training a deep learning model using PyTorch in WSL2. While it doesn't happen on a Linux OS with the exact same code. The only ...
Sébastien Chapeland's user avatar
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Memory usage too high when working with large JS ArrayBuffers

I'm writing some browser code with a lot of large ArrayBuffers. I noticed the memory consumption is unexpectedly large and I'm not sure why that is. I've never worked with ArrayBuffers before and I ...
n-l-i's user avatar
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Do I have to delete all variables in def function to prevent memory leak?

I am using While loop with tensorflow and keras. I have huge model of tensorflow and limit of memory capacity. When I run my code, it is ok for about 10 loop but after 10 loop, keras outputs "...
MCPMH's user avatar
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2 answers

Haskell memory leak working with zoned times and adding / subtracting seconds

I am currently working on a sort of reservation system that needs to generate availabilities. A key requirement is thus to generate different lists of times in a given range. data TimeslotGenMode = ...
Josep Bigorra's user avatar
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Memory leak in netty writeAndFlush

I'm currently developing a java package similar to .net signalr that utilizes netty. As I tried to benchmark it I realized that there's a memory leak in my application. I narrowed down my search to ...
Arshiya Kiani's user avatar
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How can I resolve memory issues occurring with scipy's BDF integrator

I am attempting to propagate a physical system along a time-like axis. The solution is expected to be stiff, so I have opted to try scipy's solve_ivp function. The simulation works for three time ...
James Gray's user avatar
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limit memory usage of python processes

I have Server written in Python / FastAPI + Gunicorn running for a prolonged periods of time. After a couple of hours we are noticing some peaks in memory consumption that we haven't been able to ...
Bashir Abdelwahed's user avatar
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Memory leak using a static unique_ptr member [closed]

I'll try to summarize the usecase as much as possible. I have a class A (Defined in A.hpp): class A { public: static B& getB(); private: A(); static std::unique_ptr<B> m_b; }; that ...
Hussein Jaber's user avatar
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High consumption of memory in WCF and .NET Framework 4.8

I'm struggling with problem of memory consumption I used a dotMemory and result looks like on the first screen. Memory consumption The most amount of memory take System, Castle (3.3.0) and NHibernate (...
Andyy's user avatar
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MaxListenersExceededWarning in discord.js despite only having one listener

I am creating a Discord bot using discord.js. One of the bot's commands requires it to send a large number of DMs to various different users. Whenever that command is run, I get a ...
Spencer Mowdy Hill's user avatar
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Apache Echarts GPU memory consumption in Edge vs Chrome

I am using Apache ECharts (canvas renderer) to plot a basic line chart of 25 series of 100 datapoints each (so, 2500 total data points). In Edge, this runs up my GPU memory consumption by about 1GB ...
Paul W's user avatar
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android - simulate stack memory leak

I would like to simulate a stack memory leak. The stack means the value list in as dumpsys meminfo com.sample.demo (428Kb in below sample): App Summary Pss(KB) ...
lucky1928's user avatar
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Semaphore Leakage During MultiProcessing in the context of NLP

I set up some stack traceback and multiprocessing log statements zsh: bus error python3.10 -W 'default' > /opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/3.10.13_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/...
JadeHippo's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Should I use free() after I return the pointer

the variable z is pointing to an address that has been freed free() if I use malloc again can it use the memory that has been freed I feel that this isn't right char *conc(char *a, char *b){ char *...
Sarvesh Pande's user avatar
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I have a memory leak in a C function using NumPy C-API and i have no idea why

I tried to write a convolution function in C for 3d numpy arrays, the result i get is right but when i use the function in a big loop (let's say for example with a couple of millions of iterations) ...
samas69420's user avatar
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free of struct 1 with an array of struct 2, inside of struct 2 there is an array of int

typedef struct partition_struct { int* elements; int last; //last element index int dim; //n allocated int } partition; typedef struct partitions_struct { partition* partitions; ...
SKOP_'s user avatar
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Possible memory leak with canvas npm package?

const { createCanvas } = require('canvas'); function renderImage() { const bgCanvas = createCanvas(800, 600); let bgCtx = bgCanvas.getContext('2d'); bgCtx = null; global.gc(); } console.log('...
Timbersquirrel's user avatar
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Freeing non allocated memory (c)

In the get_next_line function, I am using the pointer temp to free the memory allocated for leftover after it is being modified by strchr. if I remove temp, the function leaks, but as it is now, I am ...
Clément's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is this a potential memory leak?

typedef struct _MY_STRUCTURE_ { int param1; int param2; int param3; int param4; int param5; int param6; } MY_STRUCTURE, *pMY_STRUCTURE; class Test { public: void ...
Mart's user avatar
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.Net Memory Dump Analysis showing 5.08 GB for System.String instances

This is what I got when done memory analysis of Dump of .Net server. DotNetMemoryAnalysis CLR Memory Analysis for UAE B2C WC REVAMP EXPRESS SEARCH LIVE-Memory-High-Dump-14-May.DMP Type of Analysis ...
DotNetCoder's user avatar
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Memory leak that GC doesn't fix regarding .Net Entity Framework version 8 (C# console app .Net8.02 )

For most things I write, I usually don't care about memory usage, however, I have a console app written in .Net8.02 using EF8, that leaks 2MB every time an EF transaction is called. I've tried every ...
MC9000's user avatar
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ASAN shows memory leak through CMAKE Debug config but does not show memory leak through CMAKE Release config. Why?

I am running a simple C++ main program that has a leak in it. When I build this program through CMAKE Debug config and run it. It shows me the leak properly. But when I build this program with CMAKE ...
Imagron's user avatar

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