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Questions tagged [mobile-application]

Refers to a software application that is designed to run on a hand-held device, such as a smartphone, pda, or tablet.

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> Task :app:compileDebugKotlin FAILED React Native Expo

I have been trying to run app and android using command expo:run android but it keeps on failing with the error below I tried cleaning gradlew and building again, tried deleting node_modules and ...
Muhammad Uzair's user avatar
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Android APK not compatible

Alright, I made a few games way back in the Marshmallow era and they are still on the play store. I want to update them to work on the latest android BUT I do not have the code or project files ...
user1947331's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vue.js 3 mobile app from Capacitor error. No response from Laravel API with Sanctum

Good day, everyone! I have an issue with my Vue.js 3 mobile app which uses Capacitor runtime. There's no response from my Laravel API with Sanctum which hosted online. The following are my codes... ...
Kentillation's user avatar
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How to integrate google location api with flutter

I'm trying to connect google location api with flutter and I'm getting below error: D/MapsInitializer(15510): preferredRenderer: null D/zzcc (15510): preferredRenderer: null I/zzcc (15510): ...
Anamika Singh's user avatar
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SIGNAL 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process

In our application we have telematics functioanlity which uses location,activity etc. while traveling the application crashes and shows Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: ...
vijay's user avatar
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how to create a BottomNavigationBar with a curved notch in flutter

I'm trying to create a curved notch in my bottomNavBar like the following image: Desired Shape I've tried to use the CircularNotchedRectangle shape but i didn't get the same shape, i tried to use a ...
zeiad mohammed's user avatar
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Released Android App Crashes after API Call

I run my MAUI application with release mode. App get started but when it trying to call API app crashes (In my case user login process).I can assure API request fails because I check it form Event ...
Galaxylokka's user avatar
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Multi-colored linear box shadow flutter

I'm trying to create a button in Flutter that has a multi-colored box shadow effect similar to the one in the image below: I've attempted to use the BoxShadow property in a BoxDecoration, but the ...
ashish rajbanshi's user avatar
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API Calling Failure after Publishing the .net core API

I have developed MAUI application and .net core API separately. After I published my .net core API on the IIS Server API, mobile application (Android) fails API calls. But in debug mode It worked fine....
Galaxylokka's user avatar
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Implementing a refresh on screen change in expo router

I am writing a mobile application in React-Native using Expo-router. I currently have a main screen containing content, that has a path to another screen where users can upload content. On calling ...
AbduAdd's user avatar
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Apache Cordova : Cant get print via cordova-plugin-ble-central ble.write, while it doesn't return any error (Android)

I have an Apache Cordova app and I want to print receipts with cordova-plugin-ble-central using Bluetooth printer. I use the code below but it does not print data and does not show any error or ...
shayan izadi's user avatar
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Potential Trademark Conflict for Short Video App Name (Class 9)

I'm developing a short video app and have a name in mind. A trademark search revealed a registered trademark (Class 25) for the same name, but designated as a "device." My app falls under ...
Danish's user avatar
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Sharing on WhatsApp does not include all the text

I have a static react native app. It has a section for different topics to share. Some topics are lengthy upto 6000 or 7000 characters. When I share the topic on emulator(using Messages App) it ...
Zain Hassan's user avatar
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How do I access an ObservableCollection model property for databinding in a shell flyout?

I am creating my first MAUI app that is a term tracker (With community toolkit MVVM). I've added a few terms manually to the database, and I am trying to get them to display in a fly out. I have been ...
Lorenzo Ortiz's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can I use Sqlitedb as database for my mobile application that would run in platforms like Android and IOS?

I am new to mobile application development. I am in the process of building a mobile application using Flutter 3.4.1 and SQLLiteDB using Android Studio IDE. I now need to run the mobile application in ...
devman's user avatar
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how to change the item placement orientation in LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid? can we specify the row and column where item needs to be placed?

I am using LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid to show a list where items have been placed with different width and same height. I achieved it using below mentioned code. BY default items placed row by row, e....
Namita Surana's user avatar
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Can I access the NMEA messages using raw_gnss package on Flutter?

For one of my projects, I am trying to access the GNSS NMEA messages using a Flutter app in my Pixel 5. The library I am using right now is raw_gnss ( I could ...
Sriman Bidhan Baray's user avatar
-1 votes
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The phone number is not being stored into a variable

I have a method that after taking permission from user stores the user's phone number into a variable and then shows it in a textView but the problem is the phone number is not being stored in the ...
Hassan Usman's user avatar
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Webhook notification for new app version in Apple App Store and Google Play Store?

I'm developing a mobile app and I'd like to be automatically notified when a new version is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Is there a way to register a webhook with either ...
Stefan Schober's user avatar
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Build Dynamic Grid view UI for Virtual meeting in Flutter

I have to develop a dynamic tile layout in a grid view of the tiles. Depending on the number of items, the tiles should dynamically fill the entire screen.Google Meet is the point of reference. The ...
Anoop's user avatar
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i want to set a horizontal scrollable tabs in flutter

in my screen i have three tabs and i want to the tab start with left center sides here is a image but it start with some padding with left side TabBar( controller: controller, ...
Nim's user avatar
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Mobile Android App in Visual Studio 2022 produces 96 errors connected to Google Libraries

The problem is, that the whole project worked well with previous versions of VS 2022. I still have a virtual machine, where it is compiling well. But with a fresh installation of Visual Studio 2022 ...
Skim's user avatar
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"'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found "error while configuring flutter_sharing_intent: in ios

> Error (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found .../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h:9:8 Error (Xcode): failed to emit precompiled header '...Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-...
Rohit Sainik's user avatar
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Flutter App Crashes When Saving Text File Using File Picker and Permission Handler

I am developing a Flutter app where I need to save a text file to the device's storage. I am using the file_picker package to select the save location and the permission_handler package to request ...
abishek perera's user avatar
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2 answers

PlatformException(Unexpected security result code, Code: -25300

I am having this error after ios 17.5 update When I run my flutter app PlatformException(Unexpected security result code, Code: -25300, Message: The specified item could not be found in the keychain., ...
Umut Aktaş's user avatar
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keystore.jks file store device fingerprint

I want to know whether when we create keystore.jks file from Android Studio, device related data is stored in it or not. Data entered during the generation of a keystore from Android Studio, such as ...
Ban Rossyn's user avatar
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I need help integrating Firebase database in Flutter project

I have a mobile application project developed with Flutter. Interfaces have already been designed and coded in the project. Now I am trying to extract data by connecting this project to the Firebase ...
Berna Koca's user avatar
-1 votes
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I got an error in REACT NATIVE CLI App Installing

[email protected] android react-native run-android info Installing the app... Configure project :react-native-reanimated Android gradle plugin: 8.2.1 Gradle: 8.6 Task :app:...
Surendhar S's user avatar
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Integrate esewa in ios , Swift version 5.10

When I tried to integrate eSewa in SwiftUI. I faced error --> EsewaSDK/UIFont+Extenstion.swift:39: Fatal error: Please check that the font is properly added to the app. How can I solve this. I have ...
Anish Maharjan's user avatar
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Flutter Grid View Stick to Bottom inside a List View

I am trying to create an application for university project using flutter. My current code is as follows. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:mathappcd/constants/widgets_constants....
Chamud Pathirana's user avatar
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Which mobile app Engagement platform gives event timestamps?

I have tried out Clevertap. It doesn't have the following features: I can't select date range for events Cant get Session duration Customisation for flows cannot to be done There is no timestamp ...
Srinand Kaushik's user avatar
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Should I avoid using StatefullWidget throught my flutter app?

I'm developing a taxi-hailing app and currently implementing Bloc for state management. While I've aimed to utilize stateless widgets where possible, I've found that for disposing controllers and ...
Getaye's user avatar
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Plugin BLE showing unhandled exception .NET MAUI

I am trying to develop an app for connecting devices using Bluetooth , I am using Plugin.BLE for that purpose, but it is showing some unhandled exception AndroidManifest.xml <?xml version="1.0&...
Shubhankar Pande's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Flutter app login issue on specific Samsung devices despite successful testing

I'm encountering an unusual issue with login functionality in my Flutter app, specifically on certain Samsung devices. Despite thorough testing on multiple Android (Realme, Redmi, Pixel, Samsung, Moto)...
Sagar Choudhary's user avatar
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Testing react native apps (Expo framework)

I have a simple question for people who use react-native and Expo. I am using the following technologies Styled-components react-native-paper Context API (for Authentication) I am new to testing in ...
amjadmak's user avatar
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Unable to access Azure AD SAML mobile app in android 8.0 mobile device

We have an Azure AD enterprise app which supports SAML protocol for authentication. The app is working fine when accessed from system's browser, mobile device browser or when installed on personal ...
Chinook'93's user avatar
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How to Efficiently Manage State in Flutter for Dynamic Forms with Conditional Logic?

I'm building a Flutter application where I need to create dynamic forms that change based on user input. For example, certain fields should become visible or required based on the selections in ...
amish code's user avatar
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Unable to hold state and rebuild the widget

`I am making a flutter application using Riverpod. I am using country_state_city_pro.dart in my registration page. TextEditingController countryCont = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController ...
ARYA MEHTA's user avatar
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The texts from my JSON file won't show up on screen after using scrollview and listitem function

Please help me. I tried using ScrollView and MDListItem to display a series of text from my json file into the "DICTIONARY" screen. However, my program for the dictionary screen shows a ...
Yca Ciel's user avatar
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Navigator.push isnt working like expected is there a better way to navigate to another screen in flutter

Hi Im making a dummy test app in flutter using stepper everything going fine I tried making a button and I did make a button and everything was fine until i encountered Navigator.push error it wont ...
laith maree's user avatar
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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy from a TensorFlowLite tensor (StatefulPartitionedCall:0) with 420 bytes to a Java Buffer with 28 bytes

I'm currently attempting to add my YOLOv7 custom trained model into an Android app. I've followed the steps outlined in Converting YOLOv7 to Tensorflow Lite to convert the .pt weights file into a ....
rr7890's user avatar
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application's language issue on google play

I have published an application in Play store, and in Store Listing (in dev console) I have added Arabic translation to the existing English listing. Now when I search for the app in English it pops ...
Mohamed Elsebaey's user avatar
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Unhandled Exception: Unable to load asset: "assets/asset/sound/beep.mp3"

I'm trying to use audioplayers plugin in flutter (Android), functionality is that once user scan the barcode, beep sound should play after that. Here is my pubspec.yml code: dependencies: flutter: ...
Anamika Singh's user avatar
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library "" not found

For my final project, I will be developing an object recognition application and currently, I am watching tutorials to learn application development. However, I encountered an error that I couldn't ...
Berke Özkeleş's user avatar
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onClick={handleSubmit} not working in Mobile browser

I built a survey form , where it contains a file upload and ratings etc. Here the form works fine in my laptop but , when the form is opened in the mobile browser, the image is getting uploaded (could ...
Rahul Symbiance's user avatar
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List out printers in tableview which are connected to the same network

I am creating a app for the feature of print photo, scan document and print, documents, large posters, copy live text and print, everything is working as expected. Now i want to enlist the printers in ...
Shobha35's user avatar
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API Response returning null error .NET MAUI

I am trying to fetch an API from Unsplash for displaying images however I am not able to display them because of the Error CS1579 stating : Getting error foreach statement cannot operate on variables ...
Shubhankar Pande's user avatar
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How can I connect android app to arduino via Bluetooth?

I’m doing a sign language glove project and wanted to send the data from arduino to the mobile application via Bluetooth. I’m hoping someone could help me and explains how can i achieve that , all i ...
Sara Saad's user avatar
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Repeated App Removals by Google Play for Alleged Violation of User Data Policy

I am encountering persistent issues with my social media app on Google Play Store. Despite complying with their policies, my app has been removed over ten times in the past two months, citing a ...
KsK's user avatar
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.NET MAUI localhost API running out of runtime exception in android

I am trying to fetch a localhost api in a mobile application built using .NET MAUI MainPage.xaml.cs namespace LocalApp { public partial class MainPage : ContentPage { int count = 0; ...
Shubhankar Pande's user avatar

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