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Questions tagged [node.js]

Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronous I/O runtime that uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and libuv library. It is used for developing applications that make heavy use of the ability to run JavaScript both on the client as well as on the server side and therefore benefit from the re-usability of code and the lack of context switching.

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cssnano@7.0.3: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected ver

error cssnano@7.0.3: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^18.12.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=22.0". Got "16.18.0" error Found incompatible ...
Bunyod Bunyod's user avatar
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535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, user is locked by your organization’s security defaults policy. Contact your administrator

535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, user is locked by your organization’s security defaults policy. Contact your administrator. this error is occurring while sending mail through office365 smtp ...
Ashwin Patel's user avatar
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"This function has crashed" - Netlify

I am getting this error after successful build on Netlify - Here is my functions log - Jul 4, 04:29:02 PM: 2024-07-04T10:59:02.459Z undefined ERROR Uncaught Exception {"errorType":&...
Raghav Patel's user avatar
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Uploading session data from Express js server to Redis

I am trying to upload the session data to redis whenever a user logs in onto my react native app. Im getting this error "Argument of type 'unknown' is not assignable to parameter of type '...
Nick Williams's user avatar
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Error while running node express server in docker

node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1148 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '/app/index.js' at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1145:15) at Module._load (node:internal/...
Pranay Masurkar's user avatar
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Time in ADM-ZIP for NodeJS

I am using adm-zip in NodeJS but my files in compressed packages have always got the timestamp of zip creation. I would like that files keep the original date and hour, not the moment when I create ...
Astor99's user avatar
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"TypeScript Error: Property 'comparePassword' does not exist on type 'Document<unknown, {}, IUser> & IUser' in Mongoose Model"

I'm developing a LMS in Node.js application along with TypeScript and Mongoose. I have defined a user schema and model, and I'm trying to add a custom method comparePassword to the user model for ...
giriraj shankar's user avatar
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How to get Sequelize to recognize my custom foreign key and primary keys in a one-to-many relationship in MySQL during bulkcreate?

I am building a plant/arboretum style application in JavaScript. I am trying to create a one-to-many relationship between Supplier model and TreeSeed model. Meaning that one supplier can sell multiple ...
RendezYT's user avatar
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The login event is not getting triggered after scanning the qr code. Can see the heartbeat only. What's wrong am I doing?

require("dotenv").config(); const { WechatyBuilder, ScanStatus, log } = require("wechaty"); const qrCodeTerminal = require("qrcode-terminal"); const { PuppetWhatsapp } = ...
Debojyoti's user avatar
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What is the difference between npm i and npm i -D? [duplicate]

I want to know the difference between npm i and npm i -D. How does it affect the program and change the functionality? I know it installs in the devdependencies in the package.json file, but I want to ...
Sumesh Kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Express js and prisma async code will not push to array

I have code here where it won't push to an array but will log that the user does exist or does not exist. If I log the list when its called then it shows something in the list but if I do the opposite ...
S. Butler's user avatar
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Not able to add the data in database :postman error:Cannot GET /api/v1/createTodo

const express = require("express"); const app = express(); //load config from env file require("dotenv").config(); const PORT = process.env.PORT || 4000; //middleware to parse ...
Harshada patil's user avatar
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websocket not notifying sender or receiver when friend request is accepted

I am running my websocket on node.js server and android app in kotlin and im mapping users in the websocket by username to notify them, i have a sendchatmessage function which correctly notifies both ...
Robert Hartley's user avatar
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The factory._id cant be added inside the user table using node.js and MongoDB

I'm building a flutter app where I can add the phone number that I want to invite in my database. With adding the phone number inside the database, it will also add the factories ID that it assign to. ...
Shin's user avatar
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Construct a Blob without MIME Type?

I use a nodejs public API that allow me to send some attachments in a chat. This public API ask me a Buffer and construct a Blob from my provided buffer, just like that : body.append('attachments', ...
polozer's user avatar
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app.get("/:id",(req,res)=>{}) working every calling of endpoint which has in app route

I am facing a problem. I have create a end point that in app route. There is a endpoint app.get("/:id",(req,res)=>{ console.log(req.params) }) There also some endpoint like localhost:...
Rumaion Tomal's user avatar
-7 votes
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In the chat app, why many people use the kafka? And how it really works? [closed]

I'm trying to make simple chat app. I saw that many people use the kafka in chat app. Is it enough to use I'm comfusing. I know that kafka is kind of pipeline. Then if i use react and ...
bagu's user avatar
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NPM giving error on Node version 4.4.6 on windows machine

Error image I installed Node version 4.4.6 on new machine. This version used to work on my old machine but on new windows machine i am getting error when i issue NPM command. Environment variable Path ...
Mohit Kumar's user avatar
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react emoji picker font family not working while displaying the emoji in textarea or any div but i waorking in EmojiPicker component only why?

import React, { useRef } from 'react' import EmojiPicker from 'emoji-picker-react' const ChatBox = () =\> { const messageRef = useRef(null); const handleEmojiClick = (e) => { ...
Bablu Personal's user avatar
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Nodemon consistently shuts down my machine

Running on Windows 11 Pro v10.0.22635, VS Code 1.91.0, node v22.3.0, nodemon v3.1.4. My machine has 128GB RAM, AMD 3960X CPU. In VS Code, tried multiple separate very simple projects (one server.js ...
Chris Freilich's user avatar
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Typescript/Node.js file extensions - 'module not found' when trying to run the app

I'm facing a problem with the configuration of my node.js/typescript project. The imports need extensions otherwise I got an error - 'ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND'. But if include .ts to them then i will need ...
Christian's user avatar
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gateio api v4 ws socket connection problem?

I am connecting to gateio websocket servers with the nodejs code below. Authentication works correctly when connecting to the futures.usertrades channel. But I am getting unexpected errors when ...
Haydar C.'s user avatar
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Store the stdout of NodeJS spawn as a string in a variable

I have a weird situation. I am building an Electron application, and need to return a function that will run an executable in the background and then return the output to the Renderer process. I have ...
lukedawg's user avatar
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Managing Component Visibility Delays in React.js

I'm developing a full-stack website using React.js for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. In the Navbar, there are two buttons: one for "Sign up" when a user first accesses the site ...
osman's user avatar
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How can i send messages via WebSockets with React on the frontend and trpc on the backend

I know I can receive data from trpc in React and do I have the possibility to send messages via wsLink? I want to connect to Binance and be able to place orders via WebSockets, so far I've only been ...
seven's user avatar
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Best/Simplest Way to Incorporate User Routing or a Front-End Framework into an Existing Project [closed]

I am making a card game with Node.js, express, and The game is written in 4 files with a server.js, index.html, index.js and style.css and works for what it is (the index.js handles the ...
MahjongLover902012039's user avatar
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Why is mongoose upgrade leading to CPU consumption spikes and failures in query retrievals?

Constraints: Node - v18.14.2 MongoDB Server - v7.0.11 Mongoose - Migrating from v6.12.6 to v7.6.13 [OR v7.7.0] Docker Container - 0.5vCPU and 1024m memory The problem at hand is bumping mongoose ...
Karan Trehan's user avatar
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Why does my winston.js formatter execute on messages that'll never be printed?

Why I'm asking: I want my winston log messages to show what file and line number they come from. According to my research, I need to create a logform formatter to do this. Here's what I came up with. ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
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Whitelabel node react application [closed]

I am aiming to ensure that the end users do not perceive that our SaaS product is behind the service they are using. Could you provide some guidance or best practices on how we can achieve this level ...
Developer's user avatar
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Not being able to get my current Node version

I've been trying to find out what version of Node my computer has right now with node -v and node --version and other variations of those but my terminal says that it does not recognize 'node'. How ...
gili's user avatar
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Mongoose Virtual Field Population Problem

I have a problem with current state of my database since it started with a very old backend wrapper. (Parse Server) So here is the problem let's say I have two different collections Users and Stores ...
zautopilot's user avatar
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Transfer from cloudflare worker to Heroku [closed]

I want to move the following code that works in Cloudflare Worker to Heroku my code is: worker.js addEventListener( "fetch", event => { let url = new URL(event.request.url); ...
Yasin Dev81's user avatar
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Postman show up infinite "Sending request..." on my nodeJS MongoDB application

this is my entire code of my chatbot application const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const assert = require('assert'); const ...
Mind full of blanks's user avatar
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ReactJS Nodemailer not sending email

Trying to figure out how to send emails using ReactJS and Nodemailer. In my client folder, I have App.js which looks like this: import "./App.css"; import { useState } from "react";...
John Beasley's user avatar
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How to Use AWS SDK (v3) with Non-AWS S3-Compatible Object Storage?

I'm trying to use the AWS SDK to interact with an S3-compatible object storage service that is not hosted by AWS. I've configured the S3Client with the endpoint, access key, secret key, and region ...
AbdALNasser Gamal's user avatar
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How to request an output from a usb device using usb library and node.js

I am creating an app to update the firmware on my usb device and need a way to check the progress on the update from the device's side. I am trying to figure out what exactly the output is so I can ...
aeria cyber's user avatar
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Can I Run Azure Web App on Linux Without Docker?

We recently moved some node web apps running as App Services from Windows to Linux. In doing so we noticed the apps now get launched in a docker container. The deploy is incredibly slow going from a ...
Matt Brown's user avatar
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Firebase functions emulator get actor user information

I need to construct specific linked documents when Firestore object is created, and I need to know who created the specific document. Based on documentation I should be able to use ...
pjotr_dolphin's user avatar
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issue in getting total upserted count and total matched count using mongodb bulkwrite updateMany

Below is the bulkWrite method where I am inserting 1000 docs. The issue is I could not able to extract total upsertedCount from the results. what I get those are individual BulkWriteResult like below ...
ksdev's user avatar
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Can't connect to MongoClient using Node

i made a simple program to connect to my mongoDB database const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; const assert = require('assert')...
Mind full of blanks's user avatar
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Does msnodesqlv8 driver support Azure Managed Identity

We use node-mssql for connecting to SQL server from node js application. Its default driver Tedious supports azure managed identity but not windows auth. There is another driver msnodesqlv8 which ...
dp_t's user avatar
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Styling block diagrams in the react-simple-flowchart library

Good day. When developing the project, I faced the task of creating a diagram, for this the react-simple-flowchart library was used. Now the task is to stylize the elements of the block, that is, you ...
Denys Kravchenko's user avatar
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Angular How to open Email as Draft (preferrably in Outlook)

We have here a frontend implemented with Angular. Now a new requirement arisen: the frontend application should generate an Email based on HTML Templates, fill it with some data from database, add an ...
DigitalMachine's user avatar
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Why is my svelte app runs on localhost but NOT on AWS Lightsail?

I have a Dockerized Svelte application that runs perfectly on my local machine, but I’m having trouble deploying it on AWS Lightsail. Here’s what I’ve done so far: Error Log [3/Jul/2024:08:42:00] [...
kawa's user avatar
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Puppeteer "Failed to launch the browser process!"

Using the eckinox/pdf-bundle in Symfony 6.4, I'm hitting an issue when calling he node script which calls Puppeteer. 2024-07-03T11:03:39.923Z puppeteer:browsers:launcher Launched 7250 2024-07-03T11:03:...
user25977261's user avatar
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I can't correctly Proxy Pass an Nginx Stream to my Node Service

I have created the following config file for Nginx: stream { access_log /var/log/nginx/tcp_access.log main; error_log /var/log/nginx/tcp_error.log; upstream tcp_backend { server ...
Matt's user avatar
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NodeJS phusion passenger linux secure server

We have written a nodejs/express api with multiple endpoints and database connectivty. Our hosting is with UKFast on a linux server. We have installed the nodejs app onto the server usng the ...
Dave's user avatar
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How to make VS Studio to use git bash as a terminal for Debug Console (Run and Debug)

I would like to ask you how to make VS Studio to use git bash as a terminal for Debug Console (Run and Debug). I have already changed the profile to bash as default (Terminal in the bottom panel). ...
BretCZ's user avatar
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Nodemailer - not working for a specific SMTP credentials

This is on a MEAN stack project on a VPS. Server OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Problem: Emails are getting sent using gmail or other SMTP credentials. But when a specific domain email credentials are used. The ...
hemant's user avatar
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$filter is not allowed or the syntax is incorrect

I have some customers details. The schema is as below: const CustSchema=new Schema({ cust_name:{ type:String, required:true }, email:{ type:String, ...
Soumi Ghosh's user avatar

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