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Questions tagged [nuxt.js]

Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications, you can choose between Universal, Static Generated or Single Page application (inspired by Next.js)

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[email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected ver

error [email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "^18.12.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=22.0". Got "16.18.0" error Found incompatible ...
Bunyod Bunyod's user avatar
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In Nuxt 3, how to navigate to a login page if any REST endpoint returns 401?

I am using Nuxt 3 with server-side rendering. For REST requests, I use Axios. When an user logs in, a refresh token cookie is saved in the browser. Then for all requests to any of the REST endpoints, ...
Bjørn Stenfeldt's user avatar
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Return a Rewrite in Nuxt3 with Nitro server middleware

Given the following folder structure pages/ ├── foo.vue └── bar.vue server/ └── middleware/ └── index.js How can a rewrite be returned from index.js? This code works just fine, when a user visits ...
dbzx10299's user avatar
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How to deploy to Firebase from Docker container in Nuxt 3

How to manage Firebase CLI authentication and then deployment from Docker container This is lacking in NUXT Firebase documentation I have found different customs setup ...
LearningPath's user avatar
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How to correctly type the return values?

I created a custom ofetch instance inside a Nuxt 3 Plugin and I am exposing a wrapper function like this: const api = $fetch.create({ // ... }); return { provide: { api ...
Tim's user avatar
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Nuxt3 clears inputs autocomplete

Clear Nuxt3 project. When i do "hard refresh" (cmd+shift+r) there are 3 states of form inputs: Empty, Autocompleted from browser, Empty. Example and code below: HTML: <form> <...
Sklfcha's user avatar
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Nuxt3 prerendering without running instance?

Standard build (npm run build) doesn't start a running server, but prerender needs it, why? Running npm run build --prerender / npm run generate also start a nuxt instance, is there a way to avoid it? ...
fudo's user avatar
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Nuxt3 with prerender and detach cli

When building via npm run dev for "simple" ssr the process ends after the build is complete and the cli is freed again to be used by the user. When introducing prerender, i.e. adding a ...
fudo's user avatar
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How to remove next-auth callbackUrl and error query parameter from url

I'm working with Nuxt and I'm trying to implement Credentials provider authentication with next-auth (version 4.21.1) and @sidebase/nuxt-auth (version 0.7.2). I setup a custom sign-in page and I got a ...
Panagiotis's user avatar
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Laravel, Nuxt config for headers (cors)

error: http://localhost:8000/sanctum/csrf-cookie' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource ...
Adrian Cerush's user avatar
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Adding attribute to HTML elements to whole code

I'm using Nuxt 2 in my project with Storyblok datasources as translations and e.g. I've: <span v-text="$t('labels.cartSell')" /> and I need to add something like data-translation="...
kozdro's user avatar
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How to deploy nuxt web app to Azure web app?

I have a web app based on nuxt, node.js and vue. It's working fine locally by running yarn install, then yarn dev. But after yarn build, I ftp the folder to azure web app wwwroot, I got Your web app ...
John's user avatar
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does NitroJS (server of NuxtJS) have a Dependency Injection like NestJS at the constructor level from the app singleton or perRequest?

does NitroJS (server of NuxtJS) support dependency injection as the following ? call any dependency from the class constructor "dependency injection: inversion of control (IoC)" and let the ...
Abdallah Zaghloul's user avatar
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nuxt 2.18 app created with 'npx create-nuxt-app ...' has TypeError('invalid options argument') when starting npm run dev

Today I ran npx create-nuxt-app <nuxt app name goes here> and after completing the create / install I ran npm run dev just to spin it up and check everything. npm run dev executes about half-way ...
mattBurnett's user avatar
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Translation message can not contain stringified json

I am new to nuxt. I installed i18n to handle translations i checked my defineI18nConfig: nuxt-app/i18n.config.ts export default defineI18nConfig(() => ({...
Full-Stack Developer's user avatar
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Why is Vue's Composable not Isolated?

I'm using Vue 3 with Nuxt 3 and Vite, and I'm encountering a strange bug. It occurs almost everywhere in my app whenever I try to use useFetch within a composable. For example, I have the following ...
Egy Ramschie's user avatar
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How to process stream data on Nuxt server

I'm trying to figure out the best way to process stream data on a Nuxt server. On the frontend, I'm reading in a file, splitting it up into chunks, and sending it to the backend. However, I'm not sure ...
HexXx's user avatar
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PrimeVue styles as "no defined" on Nuxt 3 app

What is happening? My goal is to register PrimeVue as a module and import PrimeVue components correctly in my layouts with the default preset styles. Thing is that when I inspect the button in the ...
Rayk's user avatar
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Can't position <NuxtImg /> with object-position

I am struggling to position my images inside the <NuxtImg /> so, that they would be rendered from the top. I have tried the following (using tailwindcss): <script setup lang="ts">...
Dariusz Legizynski's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 child route with dynamic parameter not getting active-class

I have the following folder structure. And the following pages are of important /workshops and /workshops/workshop-1. The issue I'm having now is that my active-link works for /workshops, but not for ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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NuxtJs - Fetch API blocked by CORS

I'm using Nuxt 3, and i'm facing problem with CORS, as follows: Access to fetch at 'https://server_api_url:port/refinement/login' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: ...
a programer's user avatar
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Nuxt3 program SSR fails after deployment to server

This my config.js export default defineNuxtConfig({ devtools: { enabled: true }, debug: true, server: { host: '', port: 3000 }, ssr: true, target: 'server', ...
seeeeal's user avatar
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Failed to resolve import "#app/composables/script-stubs (Vitest)

I am receiving the error 'Failed to resolve import "#app/composables/script-stubs"' inside the .nuxt folder in the imports.d.ts file My code is like this and I've tried importing everything.....
Julio S's user avatar
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Nuxt Cannot stringify arbitrary non-POJOs for simple object

I've been through a few of these question on SO but I can't figure out the gist. Why does this simple class get an error: 500 Cannot stringify arbitrary non-POJOs This is a pretty simple object ...
Jamie Marshall's user avatar
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Nuxt project can't be initiated

npx nuxi init@latest ERROR Error: Failed to download : TypeError: fetch failed ...
ШЕЙЛ's user avatar
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How do Nuxt Published modules import helper functions from a previously imported published module?

How do "published" modules import helper functions from a previously imported published module? The docs say: Published modules cannot leverage auto-imports for assets within their runtime ...
navanjr's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 sometimes I can omit .value when using useState, sometimes I can't, why?

Please see this minimum example, if I use useState , normally, I can write something like this: <script setup> const num = useState('num', () => 1); </script> <template> <...
Joseph's user avatar
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nuxt server only middleware running on client

Okay, so I want to verify jwt in nuxt middleware. It might be a bad idea. Please correct me. But I also need a solution. I learned that, middleware runs on both client and server. So, here's my code ...
Abid Hasan's user avatar
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This module cannot be imported in server runtime. [importing @nuxt/kit from ../server/routes/request.get.ts]

After updating Nuxt "^3.7.4" to "^3.12.2" I keep getting the following error from multiple modules: This module cannot be imported in server runtime. [importing @nuxt/kit from ../.....
Pimmesz's user avatar
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I keep getting error anytime I try deploying a Nuxt-app from my github repo to vercel

[error] [nitro] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received function "this is the error I saw on vercel when I checked why it didn't deploy&...
Olukayodeasemudara's user avatar
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Set chunk sizes in Nuxt3

How to set chunk sizes in Nuxt3? I have tried to set minSize and maxSize in the 'build' property of the config file but it had no effect at all to the built chunks: build: { publicPath: '/...
PeterS's user avatar
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Trying to understand authentication with laravel-echo #27771

What I want to solve I want to implement Laravel-Echo to my Nuxt3 Application. As Laravel is my backend, I am using Sanctum as auth provider. What my attempt looks like I am using nuxt-auth-sanctum, ...
SPQRInc's user avatar
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Vue 2.15.3 Node 18.18.0 d3-org-chart require() of ES Module

I am using Nuxt 2 with Vue version 2.15.3 and my Node version is 18.18.0, npm 9.8.1 "nuxt": "^2.15.3", "d3-org-chart": "^3.1.1", After npm install d3-org-chart,...
Kumari Shalini's user avatar
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Is that a bad idea to include `version` in the `package.json` of an application?

I am learning NuxtJS and try to build a new project myself to write some code. It was quite smooth to set everything up, until I tried to add a version number to package.json. 2 warnings are given (...
Oliver Mak's user avatar
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Configuration Vitest in Nuxt 3

I have a large project made with Nuxt 3, Vue, Pinia, Axios, and TypeScript. I need help with configuring Vitest to work in my project. I've had many problems. For example, I wrote a test and it didn't ...
Julio S's user avatar
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v-for not rendering updated array items in ref after $fetch [duplicate]

I'm working on a small personal project using Nuxt 3 with the Composition API. I'm trying to update a list of videos retrieved from a YouTube playlist API and render them dynamically using v-for. ...
Siddhartha Mondal's user avatar
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How to request API in Capacitor App created in Nuxt.js

I get error /** * API is not available. * * This means the API can't be used right now because: * - it is currently missing a prerequisite, such as network connectivity * -...
UlanyGeorge's user avatar
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Nuxt build issue: Lexical.node.mjs not found, only present

I'm using Nuxt and Lexical.js and I'm trying to build the project with the nuxt build command. After this, my dependencies are placed in the .output/server/node_modules folder in a compiled form. ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Cannot find module './DataTable.vue' or its corresponding type declarations

Im using Nuxt 3, mostly default settings. My folder structure for a component: ... ├── components │   ├── MainNav.vue │   ├── PageHeader.vue │   ├── data-table │   │   ├── DataTable.vue │   │   └── ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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How to pre render all the routes in Nuxt 3 application .output automatically (without hard coding and specifying them specifically)?

When I generate a .output folder for deployment in Nuxt 3 using nuxt generate or npm run generate, routes aren't pre-rendered automatically. I added prerender to nuxt.config.ts hooks to generate ...
BATMAN_2008's user avatar
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Keep-Alive not working with NuxtLayout wrapper

Any Ideas how to get Keep-Alive working with NuxtLayout wrapped around NuxtPage? When navigating between pages of different layouts the pages get rendered again and again. Maybe there is a workaround ...
FullStack Alex's user avatar
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Why swipe not working properly with nuxt3 i18n?

In my multilingual site i'm using swipe for carousal. It's working fine, but getting error during switch language. I am using i18n for translation. I am getting following error: Uncaught (in promise) ...
hizbul25's user avatar
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How to deploy a Vue Storefront 2 app on a self hosted linux server?

I'm struggling to understand how to deploy a Vue Storefront 2 app on my Ubuntu machine. I've developed my app, inside the packages folder I have the three api-client, composables and theme folders. ...
Ale TheFe's user avatar
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Nuxt Pages takes a long time to load, if opened first time

I encountered a problem that the nuxt page takes a long time to load, if opened first time It happens on all pages in the project, where i am using composables. Example: I have a login page, where I ...
Rudee Sayuki's user avatar
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I dont redirect any of page but project stuck "/login" page

I'm using nuxtjs and I have problem here, its stuck on error page and contains a text 404 Page not found: /login but I don't have a login file. I'm using prisma, supabase in this project. its here ...
Serhas_Ern's user avatar
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Render bar statics with library charts

I used a library chartjs3.9. I want to render some graphics with dynamic data, but I don't know why the data is not being rendered. Here is my code: the result for request to db is for example: b2b:[...
Jovanny Ruiz's user avatar
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Can't import HyperFormula in a VueJS component

I'm trying to use Handsontable with NuxtJS (VueJS) and HyperFormula. Handsontable works fine but I can't event import HyperFormula. Node.JS 20.10.0 PNPM 9.4.0 When I do this : import { HyperFormula } ...
Luis Zuniga's user avatar
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NuxtJS move generate files from dist folder automatically

I have a small NuxtJS website for own usage that is hosted on my own NAS. Atm I use the "yarn generate" command to create all the files and move all the files from the dist folder to my NAS ...
Introser's user avatar
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(Vite:css) Lexical Error (unrecognised text) in Tailwind Nuxt/ Vue

I've followed this thread ( fix my issue which seems pretty similar with that thread, but I have no luck. I've defined spacing: { 'number': '...
aulia amirullah's user avatar
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Dynamic server route responding with 304 Not Modified on Azure Static Web Apps when If-Modified-Since present [closed]

I have a Nuxt 3 application with a dynamic server route file like so: -| server/ ---| routes/ -----| [id] -------| bonjour.ts This returns dynamic content based upon the id passed in. There is no ...
Chris's user avatar
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