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Questions tagged [scene]

'scene' can refer to various things. Please combine this tag with other tags to put your question into perspective.

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I have a vue.js & three.js code and how to hidden coordinate part in three.js?

Everyone, I have a vue & three.js code. and i wanna hidden the part which shows in the picture. I have no experience in three.js and i don't know how to fix it. i used scene, camera, renderer, ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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Game objects appear in game view but not in scene view?

My Unity2D project has been working well, until today when the game objects suddenly disappeared from scene view but in game view it was still there. I've tried restarting unity, and that did not work....
algo's user avatar
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Loading a new scene additively automatically loads inactive scenes

I am trying to load a new scene while maintaining an inactive scene inactive. I have three scenes. The "Main" scene, the "Options" scene and the "Heavy" scene. The game ...
tok23's user avatar
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How can i drag all scene in godot engine 3.5.3

I have scene with Paddle, which contains sprite and collisionshape, i need to hold finger on paddle and drag it on y axis in mobile app, what should i do so? extends KinematicBody2D var is_dragging = ...
Максим Фомин's user avatar
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I cant reload scenes in unity without code stop working

I am trying to make a molti level 2D game in unity, the problem shows up when u load the scene with a level, then u go to the main menu or complete the level and return to the map, and try to restart ...
ecio79's user avatar
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How to enter the scene passing some data - aiogram

In Aiogram documentation section "Scenes Wizard" described how to register and handle scenes: class QuizScene(Scene, state="quiz"): """ This class represents ...
tonyfarmer's user avatar
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Godot 4 Scene Switching causes no scene when using arguments, displays scene when using void

Im implementing a simple scene switcher while learning to program a game. I followed this youtube tutorial and looked to implement it myself. First was the creation of a global scene switcher, here is ...
Registeel's user avatar
2 votes
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Rendering depth from mesh and camera parameters

I want to render depth from mesh file, and camera parameters, to do so I tried RaycastingScene from open3d with this mesh file as follows: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import numpy as np import open3d as ...
bhomaidan90's user avatar
1 vote
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When switching the javaFX scene, size of stage is getting Minimize

I have added a scene to primaryStage in a javaFx project, in its Main method. Also in the same main class, the Stage is primaryStage.setMaximized(true); Prepared as then by clicking a button in the ...
neranjan tennekoon's user avatar
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How to scale the material image based on user value?

I have a T-Shirt 3D Object model, and I have loaded that using SCNScene Kit. I need to change that model submesh material image size based on the user input value. func AddNode(scene:SCNScene, ...
Vimalkumar N.M.'s user avatar
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Black blur in threejs

I am rendering a scene in threejs. Image The image i am getting has black blurs . I have added antialias and setPixelRatio but neither work renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true }) ...
Testdark123's user avatar
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iPad Split View causing crash due to incorrect parent view controller in multitasking mode

I'm encountering a crash in my iPad application when using Split View or Slide Over multitasking mode. The crash is occurring with the error message: Crashing on exception: child view controller:<...
Pushpendra Singh's user avatar
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How to retain score when transitioning between Pause Scene to Game Scene?

I'm currently working on a LibGDX Java Game Project inspired by the Space Invaders game where I have created 2 Scene Classes: LevelScene and PauseScene. For instance, when the player hits an enemy, ...
TechGeek49's user avatar
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2D Scene is not responsive according to screen sizes

I was building a 2D Scene in three.js using orthographic camera and placed the Sprites for the HUD part inside the Scene only so that i cant be changed from html. I have added everything of the HUD in ...
Deepak Saini's user avatar
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Swift Prevent Scene point of view reset prior to Camera Action

I have a 3D interactive globe built with SceneKit where countries are represented with dots. The function below takes a position and animates the camera to it. If the user does not interact with the ...
Ahmed Zaidan's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError, caused by NullPointerException?

This is my first time attempting a project using JavaFX and i'm having some trouble with an exception that i don't quite understand. I'm getting this error message: Exception in thread "main"...
user avatar
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Unity Scene open on build?

Which scene opens in a unity android .aab file when you build it? The scene you had open while building or scene number 1 of build settings? I really need to know, because I let the wrong scene opened ...
utom's user avatar
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Different Scene, different framerate in AS3

How do I make this code correct in different frame rate in 3 different scenes? Any examples? Original from Actionscript 3.0 - Changing FPS for scenes won't work: function modifyFrameRate():void { ...
Isaac Yeap Jie Ling's user avatar
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Matterport how to add ThreeJs Video Mesh

i'm trying to add a ThreeJS video mesh to a matterport space here is my code: const video = document.createElement("video"); video.src="......."; video.onloadeddata = ...
eni992's user avatar
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How to get nodes of scene (SceneKit) by tap gesture in SwiftUI SceneView?

I am trying to use SceneKit in SwiftUI. SceneView makes many things easy without the need of the UIViewRepresentable but I cannot reach to the location information when I tap on the scene in the ...
BosphorusBlue's user avatar
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How can I change a textView in a layout in a scene before transition?

I follow this guide to make a transition which works, but I have not found out how to change the title1 to title2 programmatically. Android documentation on scene and transition. I have the following ...
espy's user avatar
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Phaser I want to split my scene list into 2 lines

The game I'm working on has a lot of scenes, so the scene list in the main file is getting pretty long. Here's how long it is now and be advised that with the plans I have it will get longer: scene: [...
EmptyStone's user avatar
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How to set max time of each scenes when using PysceneDetect

I need to divide a video into several scenes, I found a way that use PySceneDetect. But I want to set max time duration of a scenes. How can I do it?
Nguyen Cuong's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I create SwiftUI scenes dynamically?

I've been studying SwiftUI and understanding Apps, Scenes and Views from this WWDC20 video. I'm trying to understand these concepts with a sample app which displays a list of movies and helps in ...
NightFuryLxD's user avatar
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In threejs, is there a property on a scene or mesh that refers the renderer?

I want to pass a threejs mesh to another frameowork. From that mesh, I want to access the threejs canvas. This is available on the threejs renderer as the domElement property. So my question is - ...
Dan Zen's user avatar
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Unity. When installing builded apk on my tablet, game scenes do Not loading, while in the pc unity they are loading

video link demonstrating the problem: Shown: problem, settings, code and logic quick screenshots: "Edit - Preferences - External Tools": what i changed here file - Build settings edit - ...
Arothron's user avatar
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Phaser Switching to the previous scene

I'm trying to give my game an inventory scene that the player can go to at the press of a button. When they arrive at the scene, they can view their items, and press the same button to return to the ...
EmptyStone's user avatar
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Random NoClassDefFoundError in app threads in javafx application

I'm building a javafx application, but I stumbled upon an error I can't find the solution to due to its random nature. When using the app, I sometimes run into this error at random parts of my code: ...
Ludovico Maltagliati's user avatar
4 votes
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Unexpected order of scene delegate method calls in Swift iOS app

I am encountering an unusual sequence of scene delegate method calls in my Swift iOS app. Specifically, sceneWillEnterForeground gets called before sceneDidEnterBackground, but with a different ...
mmatiush's user avatar
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I need help to create a skybox

I have this website project that works but I want to add a skybox, and that doesn't work for me. Here's a code snippet of what's not working: scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader() ....
Owen Stritz's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get a variable from another scene? [duplicate]

I want to be able to get the difficulty from my first scene into my second scene, I've tried looking it up, but I can't seem to find a solution that works for me.
Stelbert Stylton's user avatar
2 votes
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Player sprite isn't interacting with game object to change maps

I'm very new to Phaser 3 and I've been trying to create an instance where the player sprite collides with a game object that takes the player to another map. Right now I'm trying to make the player ...
Kenzie Sanderson's user avatar
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How to convert GLTF to Adobe 3D PDF using automation

I'm Exporting a Three.js scene to GLTF format using GLTF exporter. And further I'm converting it to adobe 3D PDF with Tetra 4D conversion applications using some manual steps which works fine. Now I ...
Alok Walunj's user avatar
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Why is the button of JavaFX not displaying when switching between scenes?

I am currently studying Java and my university has asked me to create a small JavaFX app. However, I am having an issue with one of the buttons I set - it is not displaying on certain scenes, while ...
Andres Soza's user avatar
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3 answers

Where to initialize a private variable in Unity C# that requires access to scene hierarchy

I have a "Manager" type class called PlayerManager and I'd like to initialize an object for it in a different class/object using FindObjectOfType(). My understanding is that this searches ...
Fotis Aronis's user avatar
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getting a selected row from a TableView to populate TextFields in another scene [duplicate]

I have a Main page in java FX with a table view that is populated with an observable list of a class titled Parts. I want to be able to select a row on this table and press the modify button. pressing ...
Anthony Collins's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between a scene and a window in iOS app development?

According to Apple's official documentation: A scene is represented by a UIScene object. Apple defines this as: "An object that represents one instance of your app’s user interface" source: ...
enell's user avatar
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Problem returning back to Scene from another Scene Phaser 3

I am new to Phaser and I want to get some help or explanation associated with my problem. So, I wanted to switch the scene to the next scene when my character reaches a certain point. In this case the ...
Anyn's user avatar
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Why can't I add more meshes to my threejs scene?

I'm fairly new to threejs, wondering why I can't seem to add a simple mesh (torus with MeshBasicMaterial) to any scene. The goal here is for me to add a sphere to the earth scene. No error is being ...
TrevCode's user avatar
2 votes
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Phaser just added a scene, but the game freezes when switching to it

I recently added a new scene to my game and I was testing going to it from previously made scenes. But while I can switch between the 3 scenes I made before just fine, when I switch to the new scene, ...
EmptyStone's user avatar
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Unity. Can't activate scene instance when it cached after download

I have Main menu provider: class MainMenuProvider { private static SceneInstance _cachedScene; private static bool _isLoaded; public async Task<SceneInstance> Load() { ...
Виктор Титов's user avatar
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removing a plane when another one is added threejs

My goal is to have a button which switches between terrain-generating functions and removes the previous terrain. Currently, the buttons work but the plane's stack on top of eachother. Here is a photo ...
user20704886's user avatar
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How to transition from one scene to another using pyxel and python

I'm working on a text-based rpg based on choices. This scene in my rpg has a timer in it. I'm trying to figure out a way to reset the timer itself when the player makes a succesful transition to ...
Viul's user avatar
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Hide Custom Script Gizmo In Scene Unity

From Unity Manual: Unity allows you to assign custom icons for GameObjects and scripts. These icons display in the Scene view, along with built-in icons for items such as Lights and Cameras. Use the ...
Obscure021's user avatar
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How can I load a player thats taken from a character selection scene to load to a world scene in Godot

So I had this problem for 2 days now and I can't seem to solve this issue, I browsed on the internet and still can't solve it. This is a 2d type game. extends Node2D var selectableCharacter = ...
Chiyome Mazuko's user avatar
-2 votes
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JavaFX: Multiple 'views', 'pages' or scenes - how to approach?

I am trying to build a dummy webshop with JavaFX. I deliberately do not use fxml, scenebuilder, maven or any other build tool. Just plain JavaFX, in order to really get to understand the basics. ...
Ontkibbeling's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I import the full location from the game into Blender?

How can I import the full location from the game (made on Unity) into Blender? The screenshot shows a set of folders that were in the location file in the game itself. Enter image description here I ...
Kovalskii's user avatar
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Phaser 3 can't get the start method to work right

I'm trying to make a menu where the scene changes when the player clicks a button using the start method. At first, I had it all in the create function with this: var levelOne = this.add.sprite(200, ...
EmptyStone's user avatar
-1 votes
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Save the Best time in Level Selection scene in Unity

enter image description hereI want to save the best time meaning the lowest amount of time taken to complete a level in the game. When I try to do that the timer begins from the start in the Level ...
AvaloN's user avatar
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Using OpenGl code to the FreeCAD COIN3D scene?

I would like to be able to use OpenGL inside the QuarterWidget, FreeCAD use to glue Coin3D to OpenCascade scene. I can retrieve the following objects via python: def GetQuarterWidget(self): #From ...
Ku Mu's user avatar
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