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Questions tagged [server-side-rendering]

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique for rendering a client-side app on the server.

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How to keep catalog page with filters server component Next.js

I have a problem. I need to create a store page with a filter. The main issue is that catalog page with products should stay SSR. I get all products in the category from the server. Render all ...
Tiiksi's user avatar
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In Nuxt 3, how to navigate to a login page if any REST endpoint returns 401?

I am using Nuxt 3 with server-side rendering. For REST requests, I use Axios. When an user logs in, a refresh token cookie is saved in the browser. Then for all requests to any of the REST endpoints, ...
Bjørn Stenfeldt's user avatar
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i use Vuexy template that is build on vite vue3 and vuetify and i use pinia store, i want to add SSR to my project

the problem is that i get errors in localStorage and window being undefined in all my pages like themes, plugins and etc and my project is considered as a middle-large sized one so i can't update my ...
tareq safia's user avatar
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How do deploy vite ssr react app on server?

I have a problem with the deployment of Vite SSR React assembly on Vercel. Here is the Github repository of the Vite template on which I have a project
Nikita Demyanenko's user avatar
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How to Add a Trailing Slash to URLs in Nuxt 3

I have a Nuxt 3 project with a directory public/urlName/ containing an index.html file. When the page is accessed without a trailing slash at the end of the URL, the files and styles located in the ...
Nikolay Fedorov's user avatar
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'Use client' in onepage application in next.js

I have a onepage application ine the ser/app/page.js the main im confused now about SSR and CSR , if i use use client ,use useEffect and Usestate in this page with frame motion , it will impact the ...
Ziyad Nouini's user avatar
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How to pre-load heavy scss layout styling in app router (Next.js 13-14)?

In my Next.js 14 app router project, I have to do some useEffect (client) works in my layout. Because new layout.tsx is server side rendered, I created a RootLayout.tsx component and added "use ...
Alperen Sözen's user avatar
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React integration with existing server app

I have a tailor-made server-side application I'd like to be able to integrate with React. This application currently outputs html pages with dynamically-generated url's on them, that are used for ...
user1476851's user avatar
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How to enable SSR in existing react js [closed]

I have an existing React JS project with redux. Now I want to implement the SSR concept (Server side rendering. I have tried next.js and vite other ways also like express js. React-snap But ...
Uppunuthula Prashanth Goud's user avatar
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Passing extra props to children in NextJS/React

Feel free to correct me at any point here. I am a firmware developer turned hobby web developer. For context I am using React/NextJS. I am making a website for a small event. Using SSR I wanted to ...
sherrellbc's user avatar
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Astro + i18next. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') LanguageSelector.astro

I'm trying to install i18next in my astro project, but I'm facing an issue with the new i18next version package. I use this reference. And then I updated dependencies "dependencies": { ...
NaN-Simon's user avatar
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Angular SSR ngIf rendered when value is false

I got this weird stuff going on and I can't understand why {{!loggedIn}} <div class="flex gap-4" *ngIf="!loggedIn"> <...
Stefa's user avatar
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Angular 18 SSR with Firebase Functions

I am trying to deploy an angular application with SSR enabled to firebase. Locally everything is running (using the port 4000) etc, I have a browser and a server -bundle in my dist-directory. However ...
elyahu's user avatar
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Keycloak angular ssr login redirection not working

In my angular SSR app, i want login component redirect automaticaly to keycloak. export class LoginComponent implements OnInit { constructor( private keycloakService: KeycloakService ) { } ...
soung's user avatar
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Angular build issue on meta tags

When i run build:ssr it generates everything fine except og:image url, What can be a reason? for example og:url is fetched successfully, but og:image not, my main goal is to fetch correct gif ...
beqa's user avatar
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graphql.module.ts Apollo on Angular 18 SSR [closed]

I'm learning about Angular 17-18 and GraphQL using Apollo. I'm following tutorials that use the command "ng add apollo-angular," and I noticed it generates the file "graphql.provider.ts....
Dr oscar's user avatar
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Apache Static NextJs Site No read index.txt files

When launching the static Next.js site URL, the /ks/home/index.txt file is read. Although the file exists, no response value is received. This causes a problem where the screen appears but global ...
김륜형's user avatar
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How to filter by one category or more in Nextjs 14 app from strapi?

I'm using Next.js 14 and I'm new to Strapi. I'm having trouble finding a proper response, so I'm seeking help here. Here's how I'm fetching Strapi data on the server page: const fetchBlogs = async (...
mdnc's user avatar
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Nuxt3 program SSR fails after deployment to server

This my config.js export default defineNuxtConfig({ devtools: { enabled: true }, debug: true, server: { host: '', port: 3000 }, ssr: true, target: 'server', ...
seeeeal's user avatar
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Setting and Reading cookie value in client and server component next js using axios interceptor

I have written an axios interceptor where I want to add the idToken for a user to the headers on every api call. axiosInstance.interceptors.request.use( async (config: InternalAxiosRequestConfig<...
Hardik3296's user avatar
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Optimizing Server-Side Caching and Rendering of Dynamic Menus in a Multi-Tenant Food Commerce System Using Next.js

I am working in a multi tenant food commerce project. Using nextjs (page router) for frontend and deploying a single project on vercel. Restaurant owners will be connecting their domains in the same ...
htabir's user avatar
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Angular SSR hangs if OnInit subscribes to an observable

I have a simple page that subscribes to an observable. The entire page hangs and it does not render. What is wrong here? ngOnInit () { const query = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParams; ...
Stefa's user avatar
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Can isomorphic-style-loader work with react18 renderToPipeableStream?

// server.js const css = new Set(); const StyleContext = require('isomorphic-style-loader/StyleContext'); const insertCss = (...styles) => styles.forEach(style => css.add(style._getCss())); ...
D.H.Lolo's user avatar
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Implementing streaming rendering

So I recently watched this video where they show how streaming rendering is implemented. So I copied what they did: public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { ...
Marcin's user avatar
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Angular universal routing issue

i have problem with Angular Universal when i load homepage http://localhost:85 page loads but in view source i get <body class="h-100 v-robots"> <app-core class="h-100"...
somczyq's user avatar
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The getStyleElement() method of ServerStyleSheet returns an empty style

Question We upgraded our Yarn version from 1.22.19 to 4.3.0 and TypeScript from 4.8.4 to 5.4.5, while keeping the styled-components version unchanged and updating other modules. Since this upgrade, ...
user1920486's user avatar
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Angular SSR handle dynamic meta tags

I want to create meta tags based on a configuration that I have in the assets of my page. The idea is to use Angulars SSR feature to prerender the page with those meta tags in place. I am currently ...
stars's user avatar
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How to pass a state from child to parent component in Next.js?

In my next.js 14 project, I need to pass a state from a child component to the parent component. Currently, I declared the state in the parent component and passed it to children. ( thus making ...
Nusab19's user avatar
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Confusion about SSG and SSR in Angular 18

I'm currently running a small Angular 13 application on GitHub Pages and I want to update it to Angular 18 to use the new features. Additionally, I'm thinking move to SSG, to improve the user ...
Wesley's user avatar
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can I handle server side rendering on button click in angular 17 ssr?

I am new to angular ssr. I am working on a blogging website, where about 10 blogs are displayed on a single page. I load next 10 blogs on click of a button in angular v17 with ssr. when i build the ...
Gautam's user avatar
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using prefers-color-scheme in the server side rendering

I have a website with dark and light themes (styles, logos, fav icon) and it's with server side rendering this is a mock of the code I run on the runtime const darkTheme = media.matchMedia('(prefers-...
Robert's user avatar
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Issue with `defer` and `ng-content` in Angular 17

I am trying to render a defer block conditionally. This means that if a certain condition is met, the content will be deferred; otherwise, it should be rendered immediately. This needs to work both in ...
Philipp 's user avatar
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Some pages of the site return 500, SEO from Google Search Console does not index

I have build this site, and want to index each project on this page. But Google Search Console returns 500 status on these pages. For example this project: https://...
podeig's user avatar
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Redirecting from a server component in NextJS

In my NextJS project, I have a route ("/dashboard") which is a server component and from that I want to make user redirect to home page ("/") based on some conditions but I am not ...
Akib Rahman's user avatar
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Angular 18 SSR" ERROR RuntimeError: NG04002: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'angularroute/'

i'm working with Angular SSR. below are the dependencies to be noted "@angular/animations": "^18.0.0", "@angular/common": "^18.0.0", "@angular/...
divine's user avatar
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Blazor WebAssembly SSR JWT Tokens Authentication on server side rendering

I want to use jwt tokens auth scheme in my blazor app with global auto interactivity. Content of page is dependant on current auth state and I want to render something else when user is authorized. My ...
Michał Woźniak's user avatar
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How to enable SSR in nextjs14 + redux/toolkit + redux-persist?

I am trying to enable SSR in in Next.JS 14 + redux/toolkit + redux-persist but the whole page is not appearing inside the page source. CODE: layout.js "use client"; import './globals.css'; ...
Anurag Goswami's user avatar
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Vite React SSR with React Router: Facing routing related issues while implementing SSR

I have followed the guide to setup vite-react-ssr in streaming version. Setup everything as described in the guide and tried to setup the react router in my existing project. Everything works fine I ...
Mausam Kumar Giri's user avatar
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Flask applicaiton how to render templates with new variables

I'm building my flask app and when i got the user's input for their information, i want to load the page againa and show the infos So far i tried to render the page again itself the parameters are too ...
Ivory Le's user avatar
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Angular 18 SSR fetches data from the server but does not populate HTML with the data

I am new to Angular, and I was working with Angular 18, for a project, I wanted to fetch some data from my CMS and then populate my HTML template with the CMS data. I created a service for this and ...
Yashasav Prajapati's user avatar
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Why does (0, o.createContext) and (0, i.AI) result in "not a function" TypeErrors during the Next.js build process?

I am currently working on a Next.js application and during the build process, I am encountering two specific TypeErrors: (0, o.createContext) is not a chainable function and (0, i.AI) is not a ...
Abdlrhman Manoufali's user avatar
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Server side refresh token

General question is not framework specific, but for context, I use nextjs v14 with app router and .NET API. For auth, I set cookies for access token and refresh token. Refresh token has path set to /...
Mil's user avatar
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Angular 17 SSR - Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html"

I have a problem with Angular 17 SSR app. On one particular page, I'm getting following error: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME ...
Mini Subliminals's user avatar
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My random string picker is choosing a different string on server side and client side

I have this component in Next.js (v14.2.1) which, essentially, all it does is to pick a random string while i fetch some data. However, i've been trying to persist the same string on server and client ...
Reni's user avatar
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Why is SSR on Nuxt 300% slower than CSR for me?

I am creating a website that displays market data for 500+ items in a video game. On the Vue application, moving to the market page was almost instantaneous and worked perfectly. Eventually I decided ...
shiro2008's user avatar
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I would like to use apexcharts and ng-apexcharts in angular 18 with SSR

I would like to use apexcharts and ng-apexcharts in angular 18 with SSR , i have this problem: window is not defined at node_modules/apexcharts/dist/apexcharts.common.js (c:/Users/lakhm/Desktop/...
adam lakhmiri's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 SSR Fails to Send Cookies During Page Reload on Protected Routes

Hello StackOverflow Community, I am working on my first full-stack project using Nuxt 3 for the front end and Node.js (Express), and Sequelize for the back end. I am encountering an issue when ...
grassa's user avatar
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React Router: Accessing Params in the Server for SSR

I've just started to play around with this package that makes it super easy to integrate SSR. The thing is I do not know how to access the ...
Emo's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Populate Meta Tags with Article Data in Nuxt 3 - SSR

I'm working on a Nuxt 3 application where I need to dynamically populate meta tags with the data of an article. Issue: The problem I'm facing is that the meta tags do not get populated with the ...
Ahmad Muraish's user avatar
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Angular 17 SSR An image with src has intrinsic file dimensions

I'm new using Angular 17 and im trying to use some images charged in S3 Bucket in AWS, but it throws me the next warning main.ts:6 NG0913: An image with src
Michael Torres Ospina's user avatar

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