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Socket.IO aims to make real-time apps possible in every browser and mobile device, blurring the differences between the different transport mechanisms. It supports multiple transports, such as WebSockets, Flash sockets, long polling, and more, automatically falling back when a transport fails.
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Best/Simplest Way to Incorporate User Routing or a Front-End Framework into an Existing Project [closed]

I am making a card game with Node.js, express, and The game is written in 4 files with a server.js, index.html, index.js and style.css and works for what it is (the index.js handles the ...
MahjongLover902012039's user avatar
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SocketIO Port not exposed in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I have implemented a flask Application, that hosts a socket server. But I am not able to connect to socket when deployed on Elastic Beanstalk. from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, ...
Umar Farooq's user avatar
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update lightweight-charts with live tick data

I have the daily chart which is loaded with historical data already, and I need to update the tick data everyday when the market opens. When I use .update it does not update the chart as expected. I ...
Ahmed B's user avatar
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Websocket Handshake at the same time makes server 504 bad gateway

Okay, here's the detail I have ubuntu VM with nginx as web server, here's all the app backend, laravel frontend, laravel websocket, socketio, expressJS (run on port 8015, reverse proxy to domain-ws....
Tuhan Kamu's user avatar
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How does Socket.IO work internally with AsyncRedisManager?

I have an application that uses to implement websockets and is configured with Redis. The server side is written in Python, so I have something like this: REDIS = f"redis://{settings....
Diego L's user avatar
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How to set up an Express server with Socket.IO on Netlify or another free host?

I'm trying to set up an Express server with Socket.IO and deploy it on Netlify. My server was working fine on localhost, but I'm having trouble configuring it to work on Netlify. Here's what I have so ...
Bora Bey Sarikaya's user avatar
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When starting server with nodemon, it says that it is starting 'node server.js' but the connection msg never prints. It just says that it is starting

I am currently cd'd onto the server, and I am using nodemon and to try and connect to the server. So far I ran the command `npm run devStart' in the terminal, and when I do this it gives me ...
Ryan Hajji's user avatar
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Swift Socket.Io client only broadcasts to itself

I'm trying to set up a app in Swift for messaging. Unfortunately, each client only receives the messages that it individually broadcasts, and sometimes they don't even send anything and ...
Kingbird4's user avatar
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Emitting Messages in useEffect While Strict Mode Is On

i make user connect to the socket as soon as they enter the website since i use socket instance in more than one component and i get sockets using useContext.When the user gets in the room component i ...
Tunahan Keklik's user avatar
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Why is The Socket Unable To emit to my Frontend?

I have a Flask Route which needs to asynchronously send warnings to the front end and I am using SocketIO() for that purpose, here is what i did... FLASK.... @app.route('/gotopagefullscreen', methods =...
Rishit Chakraborty's user avatar
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Blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header error nodejs

Whenever I try to establish a socket connection (from client) with my server (writen in nodejs), I get a cors error Access to XMLHttpRequest at '
noah.'s user avatar
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Trying to create a live server with Vite and Node.js

I am trying to create an application that hosts a live server, where anyone that connects with it will be able to see any changes made in real time. I am using vite and react.js and I have tried to ...
Bryson Sutton's user avatar
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Websocket with on K8S, how to make it work?

I hope you are well I'm having a problem when trying to open communication between my applications within Kubernetes. Currently client-server communicate through, but when adding it to ...
João Lucas Mendes de Oliveira's user avatar
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35 views on node server - connection not successful on deployment but worked in development

Problem I have set up on node server following advice here and socketio docs. It was working successfully and i can see server log can print out connected when i run localhosted client. ...
Ryan's user avatar
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error in golang websocket client trying to connect nestjs gateway

I am working on build a go client for nestjs gateway websocket server. When i connect to the gateway using postman it connect fine, but when i try to connect using gorilla/websocket always stuck and ...
EngVivo's user avatar
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How to change a source in response to socket IO event? JS + Socket IO + Node js?

I'm trying to make a simple online game. When one player clicks on an object, the background picture changes, and I want to change it with css for all the connected players. I was first doing it with ...
Anna Denisova's user avatar
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Voice Chat web app using in Nextjs

I am unable to play the audio stream recieving from socket. I am capturing audio and and emitting the stream as a Blob. "use client"; import socket from "@/socket-io"; export ...
Haseeb Irfan's user avatar
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How to Connect Multiple Clients to a Django Socket Server Across Different Platforms?

We have created a socket server using Django and need to connect multiple clients to it. Our setup involves the server running on one platform and clients connecting from different platforms. We have ...
Prathamesh Paranjape's user avatar
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Which is more efficient between or WebSockets raw with Redis Pub/Sub?

I currently have an application that uses Socket.IO to send notifications in real time (using server-side Python). We have about 30 instances of the service that handles these websockets. However, we ...
Diego L's user avatar
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15 views does not seem to work with React.useEffect

I followed this tutorial which describes 3 parts: the servers that issue the notification web site, the form ...
Kanat's user avatar
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ClientClosedError: The client is closed.. Redis Error

const redis = require('redis'); const CHANNEL = { TEST: 'TEST', }; class PubSub { constructor() { this.publisher = redis.createClient() this.subscriber = redis.createClient(); this....
basan nofal's user avatar
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how can i connect to socket server from client via api using io.connect socket io [closed]

Before adding the reverse proxy, I could connect to the socket at port 3000 without any issues. However, after adding the reverse proxy, the connection to port 3000 fails, but it successfully connects ...
Gautam Kumar's user avatar
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Socket Integration In React Native Application To Show Live Stock Prices

I am working on the React Native Application, Which requires to update Stock Prices continuously. So for that I am trying to find out the Stable NPM Package that can help me out to Set up the Socket ...
Mayur Prajapati's user avatar
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socketio-client causing "Internal server error: Page / did not render in 30 seconds" in Angular 18

I'm working on an Angular application where I use socketio-client within a SocketService. However, I encounter the following error when attempting to use the socket connection in the service ...
Azoulay Jason's user avatar
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My Nodemon Server is crashing every time i am using a piece of code

I am writing a server for my realtime collab IDE and this is my backend, Here is the full backend index.js code const express = require("express"); const app = express(); const http = ...
Divyansh Pathak's user avatar
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How to Display Received Messages Immediately in Flutter ChatBox Widget with Socket.IO

I am building a chat application using Flutter and Socket.IO. I have a ChatBox widget where users can send and receive messages. However, I am facing an issue where received messages are not displayed ...
cadeting's user avatar
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CORS policy error and websocket errors with Apache, node.js, on Ubuntu Server

I have a Linux (Ubuntu) server running Apache2. I've deployed a chat application built with Node.js,, and React.js. The application includes three domains: admin, client, and backend. When ...
Umair Ahmad's user avatar
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37 views setup unsuccessful in nodejs

Problem: Setup of to backend node js server unsuccessful. Attempts to connect from both postman and my frontend react app were both unsuccessful. frontend terminal error message: App.js:6 ...
Ryan's user avatar
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NodeJS put on-Events to different file

Hi i want to organise my code a little better and want to split all my socket.on() events into multiple files. Right now this is my setup. Everything is in index.mjs. io.on('connection', function (...
Shy Devil's user avatar
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How to integrate Socket.IO in Cocos Project made in Cocos Creator 3.8.3?

I am trying to integrate Socket.IO client in my project developed in Cocos Creator 3.8.3. But every time I try to connect to the server an error appears. My research on the internet and some help with ...
Siddharth Mehra's user avatar
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Socket IO Environment Variable Issues [closed]

I created a .env in my socket folder and I am try to use the port I created from the Env but it isn’t recognizing it. It’s a react project. I have a folder for server and a folder for client also a ...
Agboola Michael's user avatar
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How do I run with next js in the same docker container with ssl on the domain

Cannot figure out how to run simultaneously with the nextjs server on vps using docker. Did anyone face the same issue? I was thinking maybe running a separate server for socket io, but how ...
Alex Shalda's user avatar
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saving user data in localstorage for chat application using MERN giving problem while using app in different tabs

after login I saved user data in localstorage to authenticate user. The problem is login from different chrome tabs for chatting, user data in localstorage after login is different but while ...
Khushboo Kachhi's user avatar
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11 views capturing compressed outbound messages

I'm trying to figure out how to log the bytes transferred out per socket for a 4 server for a long running message streaming application. I have perMessageDeflate enabled, and I'm able to ...
Brad's user avatar
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22 views Response Malformed When Using Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

I am experiencing an issue with my application when running in a production environment behind an Nginx reverse proxy. In my local environment, everything works perfectly. However, in ...
DoubleBackSlash's user avatar
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sharing a python object in realtime between socketIO and flask app

I'm working with a web app that is based on socketIO and flask. The problem is that i have a shared object that is changed when a post request is done. However, these changes are not always visible ...
NG27's user avatar
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Next.js app router, is there any way to integrate socket io without creating custom server

I'm new to Nextjs, I'm trying to integrate into my application. I'm using the app router approach. I want to create an API folder with socket.ts file to register my server, without ...
Maks Yaremenko's user avatar
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Angular to Spring Boot client netty

Here's my Angular Service I am looking for other angular projects that uses the same package however their server is not spring boot @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class WebsocketService { ...
kaguya shinomiya's user avatar
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Angular ( cant send/receive message from SpringBoot (netty-socketio)

Angular is connecting on my spring boot app However it connects/disconnects This is my angular service Angular cant send or receive export class WebsocketService { isBrowser = false; socket:any; ...
kaguya shinomiya's user avatar
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Unable to Establish WebSocket Connection with Kubernetes Ingress and Socket.IO

I'm trying to establish a WebSocket connection between a client application and a Socket.IO server running in a Kubernetes cluster behind a Nginx Ingress controller. However, I'm unable to connect ...
Alexandre Nypels's user avatar
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Angular app is not rendering, loads infinitely when connecting to a web socke using

I am connect my angular app to a web socket server, the logs on the server shows the angular app is connected sucesfully however on angular it just reloads infinitely also no components/page is ...
kaguya shinomiya's user avatar
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"CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing" despite setting cors origin in my server.js

I am working on a project where I have set up a server. server.js const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const http = require('http'); const { Server } = require("...
user25669529's user avatar
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TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null while creating adapter

So I am creating a node application and implementing io redis for socket emmiter. I am creating adapter but getting error. class ShardedRedisAdapter extends socket_io_adapter_1.ClusterAdapter { ^ ...
Raman Prajapat's user avatar
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Integration android studio with

I created a basic android project (Gradle/kts,version 8.6.0, AGP 8.4.0). I followed a tutorial asking for a change in build.gradle file (below). in dependencies section : implementation("io....
Gilles's user avatar
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34 views , CSS and UUID aren't working together?

I'm developing a project for real-time communication. I believe there is an issue with my server.js file that I was unable to decipher I therefore programmed it to use the uuid library to create a ...
Titan's user avatar
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How to implement Turn Based Logic in

I am unable to make turn based logic in rooms, i can make them communicate but i don't know how to assign roles and make the player wait till the other player finish their turn Here is the ...
Shashwat Gutpa's user avatar
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40 views fails to compile (module not found) on Vercel but runs just fine on localhost

Every time I try to build the vercel app, I get this error: Failed to compile. Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '' in '/vercel/path0/client/src/components/mainlayout/navbar' ...
God's Drunkest Driver's user avatar
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Are there any issues with directly accessing RedisStore with express-session?

I am using express with I need both the express requests and to use the latest version of the express-session, for consistency. The way I had to do it previously was with: req....
Bobthefishmonger's user avatar
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Handling and viewing connection errors

I have a Flutter app that connects to my Node.js server via It's working great. However, I want to display an error message if my server drops (not the client, the app). When I tried to ...
user10033434's user avatar
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Perform drag and drop event to all clients with

it's the first time i'm working with node.js, express and and i'm trying to perform a simple drag and drop option for all connected clients. Drag and drop is working but it is not rerendered ...
phibac's user avatar
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