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Questions tagged [sorting]

Sorting is the process of applying some order to a collection of items.

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Laravel : sorting filter brands doesn't works but error points to an other function (which works)

I am trying to display my categories and brands when I click on them (a screen if needed). Categories work, but not brands. When I click on a brand, I get the error "Call to a member function ...
lara's user avatar
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Wrong Values being extracted when parsing a input file in TCL

I have an input file in the format I have written TCL code to extract some values from Other End Path section such that it should be be outputted in the following ...
user2643899's user avatar
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Laravel my sorting filter doesn't work but i have no error or no messages

//my route Route::get('catalogue/{categorie?}','App\Http\Controllers\CatalogueController@index')->name('catalogue'); //my function function index($categorie = null ) { if($categorie) ...
lara's user avatar
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Merge sort algorithms sort [closed]

Describe merge sort algorithm by natural language and pseudocode? Beside, It has some variants or improvements for job? I don't find solution. Here my pseudocode: function MERGESORT(ARRAY, START, END) ...
Quốc Duy Nguyễn Trần's user avatar
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I'm trying to implement the Dutch National Flag algorithm in Java [closed]

The goal is to sort the array so that all 0s come first, followed by all 1s, and then all 2s. enter image description here I'm trying to solve a special case of the Dutch National Flag 🇳🇱 problem in ...
Ananya Aggarwal's user avatar
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Unzip, extract specific files, sort into categories, change the format to .csv extension, in Python [closed]

I have this code which should identify all zip folders in the zip directory and extract all zip files into extract directory. All the zip files have a lot of files. I need a specific four from each ...
Na.Az's user avatar
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Arranging bars in ggplot

I'm trying to make a bar plot showing expenses and revenues for 7 countries, and I want to order them by their expenses. The problem is that ggplot orders it by the revenue, and I don't know how to ...
Henning Åsheim's user avatar
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Adjacent items in Quicksort's output: Does the algorithm guarantee they have been directly compared?

Is the direct comparison of adjacent items in the output array guaranteed by the Quicksort algorithm ? In other words: During the course of the sorting, the Quicksort algorithm makes (k-2)2^k+2 ...
George Robinson's user avatar
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SORT to merge two files and append data without changing lrecl

I have two files with the same layout and LRECL FIELD NAME FIELD LENGTH STORE-CUSTOM-ID X(08) STORE-GROUP X(25) STORE-LIST 9(04) OCCURS 500 TIMES I want to Merge these ...
Aarthi M's user avatar
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Sorting a object's properties after reducing

I am recreating the effects of an outlook mailbox by grouping a list of outlook emails by their conversation id. However, I need to sort my list twice such that the emails in each group are ordered ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Most efficient way to get the minimum and maximum values of the primary key of a Mongo collection

I am thinking the most performant way for collection myColl would be: db.myColl.find().sort( {_id : 1 }).limit( 1 ); // get min db.myColl.find().sort( {_id : -1 }).limit( 1 ); // get max Is there ...
Markus's user avatar
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C# sorted get different result from ORDER BY in SQL Server

I need to replicate the exact order produced by another program that used the ORDER BY clause in its SQL query: SELECT Name FROM TABLE_NAME ORDER BY Name Result: To reproduce the order on my side, ...
user23787413's user avatar
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Find top k nodes based on values in an array - C [closed]

I'm looking for the most efficient implementation choice to select the top k nodes with the highest values from an array of size N, which could potentially be very large due to containing PageRank ...
Maria Ferri's user avatar
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Merge Dataframe based on substring column labeld while keep the original columns label

I have a dataframe having columns with the a label pattern (name/startDateTime/endDateTime) import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame({ "[RATE] BOJ presser/2024-03-19T07:30:00Z/2024-03-19T10:30:00Z&...
Crovish's user avatar
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Jelaskan saya kode ini secara detail dan mendalam dengan jelas [closed]

def bubbleSort (alist) : for passnum in range (len (alist)-1,0,-1): for i in range (passnum) : if alist[i]>alist[i+1]: temp = alist[i] alist[i] = alist[i+1] alist [i+1] = temp alist = [56,27,28,34,...
user25887265's user avatar
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Shell Sort not Swapping Elements Correctly

I've been struggling with an issue in my Shell sort implementation for several days now. Specifically, I'm using gaps of 5, 3, and 1 for successive passes, but I'm encountering problems where elements ...
ROS_KIE's user avatar
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How to correctly measure time complexity of sorting algorithms (Python)

I am trying to capture the wall clock time, CPU time, and complexity of quick, selection, and bubble sorts, but I don't think that my timing outputs at the bottom are correct/plausible. Is there ...
buddy's user avatar
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Efficient Merge sort implementation in python

def merge(arr, l, m, r): merged_arr = [] i, j = 0, 0 while (i < len(arr[l:m])) and (j < len(arr[m:r+1])): if arr[l+i] < arr[m+j]: merged_arr.append(arr[l+i]) ...
Gerry's user avatar
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SSIS flat file destination sort order

This is an SSIS 2017 issue using a Flat File Destination. We pull the data from an OLD DB Source, run the column through a Sort Transformation and send the result to a Flat File Destination. In all my ...
TimC's user avatar
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<solved> DataGridView linked to a BindingList : sorting rows not working

I am a beginner. I am developing a program in C# with Visual Studio and Forms. My Form has a DataGridView linked to a BindingList. I would like to be able to sort rows by clicking a column header. I ...
Chandernagor's user avatar
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appending string to txt file only appends first letter python

with open("words_alpha.txt", 'r') as f: your_result = [line.split(',') for line in] for i in your_result: for word in i: x = len(word) print(word) if x ...
Soapy's user avatar
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Sorting a HTML table

I have a HTML table that contains several columns. I've found a JS w3school snippet to sort this table. I've slightly modified this script to be able to sort also by a column that contains only a ...
f.soucy's user avatar
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Return a Sorted/Ordered nested collection property with JPA Data/Query

I understand I can create a ChildRepository method to return a List<Child> with OrderBy and I can order this by a nested Child property. However, when this List<Child> property belongs to ...
abdlost's user avatar
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How do I arrange a stacked bar chart in r ggplot2 based on one of the variables being stacked? [duplicate]

I am very new to coding and trying to learn the ways of ggplot2. I am stuck on trying to arrange my stacked bar chart by highest to lowest for one of the variables that is being stacked, so there is a ...
amy's user avatar
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I wrote a query to make both column as descending order but it's applying for only 1st column [closed]

It's not applying for 2nd column that I mentioned, it's only applying for 1st column not for 2nd one SELECT SupplierID, CompanyName, City, Country FROM Suppliers ORDER BY Country DESC, City DESC; I ...
Sushmi Singh's user avatar
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How can I find the median of two sorted arrays in O(log(m+n)) complexity

I copy the length of two initial arrays and then merge them into a third array and the length of the third array is equal to the length of initial two arrays added together. Then I try to find the ...
Fazeel Ayaz's user avatar
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Is there a way to search an array of arrays for matching properties and if they match, make sure they aren't in adjacent positions?

I have been wracking my brain for a week on this problem and would appreciate any help or suggestions. I have a form that collects the users first name, last name and song. It stores those values in ...
Steven Wimer's user avatar
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How to write values into empty array from a loop dedicated to another function in Javascript?

I am doing a random sort of values according to the Fisher Yates method, and to explore the inside of this process I tried to out the random numbers (arsam1 is the number fixed set, iValue1 and ...
Adam Givon's user avatar
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function for sorting contours of a Sudoku, top to botton and left to right?

i am trying to get a sorting of the contours found in this image: Box Result: Temporaly the contours are found like this: img_bw=cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) (thresh, im_bw) = cv2....
kami's user avatar
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I try to implement a sort algorithm.... for studying. but I've reached end of my wits [closed]

I really want to become an advanced developer, so I was doing it like a bad guy... What I really feel like I can't do alone right now is merge sort. As for recursion, it's all messed up now and I've ...
Noel's user avatar
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MUI DataGrid sortComparator function signature in typescript

I am using MUI DataGrid ("@mui/x-data-grid"). I am looking to custom sort a column based on other column's values. const columns: GridColDef<Location>[] = [ { field: "siteNo&...
Deepak's user avatar
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How to sort the Eigen::Matrix that have std::pair<int, int> and delete the duplicates of indices

I need a way to sort and delete the duplicates of row and column indices of a sparse matrix. But at first I need to sort indices and later find a method to delete the duplicates. Eigen::Matrix<std::...
jomegaA's user avatar
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Why new lines are added after sort in perl when getting max and min GLIBCXX/GLIBC/CXXABI versions [closed]

When I used this to get max versions, and it is OK: perl -0777nE'%h;$h{$1}.="\n".$2while/(GLIBCX*|CX*ABI)_([0-9.]+)/g;say$ARGV;print"\t$_\t".qx{echo "$h{$_}"|sort -V|tail ...
samm's user avatar
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Ordering 100 random points into a 10x10 grid [closed]

I have a set of 100 random points on an xy plane. I am looking for an algorithm that takes those points and orders them into a 10x10 grid. Ideally, this would work similar to how fluids fill in a ...
Spiralio's user avatar
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RegExtract a value from a comma-separated string

I have a Google Sheet located here: The first tab simply collects information from a Google Form. Enter your name (...
5Reaper5's user avatar
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Where is stored the order from WooCommerce product category terms?

I am trying to understand where the display order of product categories defined by the admin is stored in the database. I intend to use this field in an SQL query to retrieve and display product ...
Manuel Gabrielli's user avatar
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rearrange columns in dataframe depending on sorting output

I have the following data frame: df = pd.DataFrame( { 'a':[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'b':[1,1,3,3,5,5], 'c':[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'd':[1,1,1,1,1,5], } ) In [1051]:...
Lucas Aimaretto's user avatar
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Sorting Groups by the Order they are in Excel

I basically want my before_X.groupy and after_X.groupby groups to be sorted by which ever str[:3] comes first in the excel sheet according to the row. Right now the groups that are further down are ...
Nyanga's user avatar
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custom comparitor for integers in string vector

I want to sort a vector of strings representing very large (10**6 digits) in ascending order in C++. I am trying to use a custom comparitor, but the sort is failing when comparing numbers of the same ...
YWH's user avatar
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Sorting the data in mongodb

I have a field in mongodb called propertyRating the values are 5.0/4.0/3.0/SC. I want to sort the data based on propertyRating, first 5 star then 4 star,3 star and in last SC. Is there any way to sort ...
Mamta Malvi's user avatar
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How to performantly self-join same table multiple times with ascending and descending sort order?

Data Definition I have a status table like so, attributes not relevant to the question are omitted: id created value 1 2024-06-24T13:01:00 error 2 2024-06-24T13:02:00 ok 3 2024-06-24T13:03:00 ...
user1931751's user avatar
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char *array[200] sorting program doesn't read words

The program is expected to sort and display a list of words from a array whose elements are pointers to char. I use malloc to alocate space to each element and use a read_line function to store in the ...
Pepe Cuesta's user avatar
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Sorting the list of dictionaries [duplicate]

s = [ { "requisites": { "partyId": "722725f9-0b34-4835-93cf-fa3d588dbc13", "organizationId": "45ba6290-d4da-431e-bfd5-...
misantro0p's user avatar
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Is there a full implementation of Lexorank including the use of buckets and rebalencing

So I have been looking into what is the best (most efficient) way to store an users ordering (ranking) and I have come across Lexorank. (This is purely research. I understand that Lexorank should not ...
Ilyes512's user avatar
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what is the most efficient way to gather all points at a certain height?

I have a List[List[int]] that represents points [x,y] points = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,1],[2,3]] What is the most efficient way to gather-up all the points with a specific height ? So if we want all points ...
BaltoStar's user avatar
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How to properly sort a nested dictionary by keys in Python3, where we take in account numbers from key strings

Assuming a dictionary that looks like this, where we have a string with some number for the key (not necessarily in any order, nor is it guaranteed that it would be in a continues sequence, and the ...
user25681348's user avatar
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Python array sorting price incorrectly

I have made an array with a description and price but can't seem to get the sortign to sort by price. Can someone assist or guide me on why this isn't sorting by price correctly? I have checked the ...
Slippy's user avatar
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Flatten a large array into a matrix

I've looked through a number of posts with similar titles but none seem to help me out with this code. I have a very large array (1200 rows, 48 columns, 6 slices). I'd like to flatten it into a matrix....
JDK's user avatar
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Swift array sorting (with unknown comparisons managed) [closed]

I try to find a way to sort an array in swift, where elements are not all comparable together (only some of them). There is a simple syntax with: myArray.sort(by: { ... (return true or false) }) ...
Guillaume PELOUAS's user avatar
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How to sort a data frame (in R base) by all columns, without knowing all the columns beforehand

I have a data frame with a number of fixed columns, followed by a variable number of columns, depending on the input. dd <- data.frame(key1=c("NED", "LTU", "LAT", &...
clp's user avatar
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