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Questions tagged [splash-screen]

The splash screen is a rectangular or full screen image which appears while a software product is loading (OS, CAD, game, etc). Often it contains a progress bar, indicating the loading phases.

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Android Studio / How can I set 1 image on splash screen on API 31?

Is it possible set one image on splash screen? I want to set only one image because the app icon, app name and brand name are already in the image. So I don't have to set background color or icon. I ...
chaeng's user avatar
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Splash Screen is not showing ionic vue capacitor

I am experiencing an issue with the splash screen not displaying in my Ionic Vue project using Capacitor. Despite following the standard setup instructions, the splash screen does not appear when the ...
shoaibdevs's user avatar
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Capacitor Splash Screen - Ionic React

I'm trying to implement a splash screen on my Ionic React project using Capacitor Splash Screen Plugin. In my capacitor.config.ts I have the splash resource name as 'splash', which is default, but ...
David Valente's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to create Splash Screen for React native project

I am working on a React Native app. A white screen issue is coming when I launch my app on Android and iOS. I need a Splash screen for Android and iOS to fix the white splash screen issue. I have ...
Nikhil Sharma's user avatar
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Flutter remove white circle in image splash screen

I've problem in flutter splash screen this image the image dont have backgroundcolor is png . in flutter splash screen <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Modify ...
Achraf's user avatar
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How to display a text message on a splash screen with pyi_splash.update_text("message")?

I am trying to show a text message on a splash screen using the command pyi_splash.update_text('message') The example code here shows how to use pyinstaller to get the splash screen image to display ...
Gideon's user avatar
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Capacitor Android issue splash screen instead of camera

I am using to scan the qr code this plugin: @capacitor-mlkit/barcode-scanning. It was working fine, after that i added the splash image on Android I see the splash screen instead of the camera. The ...
Luca Spezzano's user avatar
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React-Native Expo: Show only SplashScreen when loading fonts

How do I only show the SplashScreen instead of an emtpy view when waiting for loading the fonts and other async tasks? The problem I'm currently facing (on Android & iOS) is that when the fonts ...
bananajoey88's user avatar
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React native splash screen will not disappear

I am new to React Native and I am trying to implement a splash screen by using the following guide:
Nadia Niemier's user avatar
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Double splash screen To fix, update your app to use the SplashScreen API

I have warning in closed testing, i have implement splash screen API in my project, but play store always detected double splash screen in android 12 or higher. Please help me to fix this problem @...
Iqbal Maulana's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add an additional icon at the bottom of the splash screen in the android 12+ and needs to work with the lowest models as well

I need to show a splash screen with the Appicon at the center and an additional logo at the bottom of the splash screen. How to add the additional icon at the bottom of the splash screen in the ...
sejn's user avatar
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How to use an image to fill the whole screen size as splash screen for Android using Ionic 8/Capacitor?

I am using the latest version of Ionic, @capacitor/assets and @capacitor/splash-screen to generate and manage the icons and splash screen for Android and iOS. The icons are working well, but the ...
joccafi's user avatar
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How to get screen splash animated in application created by PyInstaller

I created PyQt application and bundle it using PyInstaller Because the unpacking time is huge I need splash screen until all application is uploaded My top-level program includes import os,sys ...
Dofin's user avatar
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Flutter Native Splash Screen package causing the app not to run in the android emulator

I'm trying to add a Splash Screen to my flutter app, but when I add the "flutter_native_splash" dependency to my pubspec.yaml file, I cannot run the android emulator. When I press "...
Flying Chicken's user avatar
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Android Compose WindowInsets work's wrong for ModalBottomSheet in ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE

Problem: I'm encountering an issue with the ModalBottomSheet component in Jetpack Compose. When displaying the ModalBottomSheet in landscape orientation, the insets appear to be incorrect, causing ...
Stepan Revytskyi's user avatar
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In the Expo React Native application, only the splash screen appears

I've just started mobile development with React Native. For some reason I don't understand, after turning off the computer and turning it on, the application does not give any error message, but the ...
alperen gökçek's user avatar
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How to create a login page with registration with Freeradius Dolaradius

I'm a beginner and I'm learning about FreeRADIUS and DaloRADIUS to implement authentication on a network. I would like to know how to create a personalized login page that allows new users to register,...
Marcos Cruz's user avatar
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DecorView in my Splah Activity cost too much time

I hope u can see this picture, I called only one line code which is "ViewGroup vg = findViewById(", and this is the trace I got, cost too much time enter image ...
立伟胡's user avatar
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Expo Splash Screen and Clerk

Can someone explain to me why doesn't it route immediately to /login page? After the splash screen ends, he routes to the index and then route to the /login. But what I want is, after the splash ...
senix's user avatar
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How to move to another activity rather than theme what we set for postsplash

My app using splashscreen api to show splashscreen which I implemented as described in docs and it's working fine splash screen is displayed and after specified time it's getting dismissed but I want ...
Chinmaya Samal's user avatar
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No splashscreen in Cordova app Android 12

As in title. I tried for different png and xml versions of my logo. I keep getting a white screen. Additionally, I see the following information in the console: "
Włodzimierz Gęsicki's user avatar
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Animated native splash screen in Android/Flutter

I'm very new to Flutter and Android apps (seasoned dev in other languages, Java, C++, etc) and I've been following a few tutorials online on how it all works. One thing I've been trying to do as a ...
user1387735's user avatar
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FadeSplashScreenDuration delay not working

Increasing/decreasing the FadeSplashScreenDuration in config.xml for an ionic project doesn't impact the duration in which the splash screen is displayed for Splash screen related code <...
Yeo Bryan's user avatar
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Android Splash screen doesn't show on the screen

MainActivity2.kt package com.example.screen import android.os.Bundle import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity import androidx.activity.compose.setContent import
Haha's user avatar
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smooth transition from native splash sceen(flutter_native_splash) to an animated page(Flutter) - how to do?

I am working on a Flutter app (Android/iOS), and I'm using the flutter_native_splash plugin to create a static splash screen. However, my client wants an animated splash screen immediately following ...
FetFrumos's user avatar
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Capacitor SplashScreen is black or white before showing (ios)

How can i configure this capacitor plugin, so that backgroundColor actually have the effect of changing the color of the background? Right now the App opens with a black screen a second or two, and ...
AP87's user avatar
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Flutter splash screen still white

I'm facing issues with the splash screen in Flutter. I'm using the flutter_native_splash package to change it, but it still shows a blank screen without the icon and color configured in the yaml file. ...
danimtnz's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to make background of image match color of page in flutter

this is the image from figma enter image description here enter image description here here in the above screen how to remove the white background enter image description here this is my code i tried ...
karthik vc's user avatar
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How can I get rid of the logo white background in splash screen Flutter?

I'm trying to get rid of this white background that appears around my logo. I was able to change the background from here android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml: <?xml version=&...
Okashi's user avatar
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Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'RNBootSplash' could not be found

I had tried few times with the guided articles still hit this error whenever I try to import into App.js > import RNBootSplash from 'react-native-bootsplash'; >
Cherry Yap's user avatar
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Inflating error with BottomNavigationView and Splash Screen API Android XML

I've faced with problem of inflating activity layout after adding to it BottomNavigationView < android:id="@+id/...
Max's user avatar
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Splash Screen Android XML

I'm trying implement splash screen using Splash Screen Api for android app with navigation component. I've faced with problem when i need to keep splash for some state from fragment viewmodel and in ...
Max's user avatar
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2 answers

Where is the splash screen related code in this Flutter code?

I am creating a webview app by modifying the example source file in the flutter book. When you run the app, the splash screen turns on and then moves to the web view, but there are no splash-related ...
gill's user avatar
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React native app stuck on splash screen on device

I read this article (React native app stuck on splash screen on device but works in simulator) I try to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme, and switching the Run step to Release.But it doesn't ...
wilson chen's user avatar
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How to change background color of launch screen icon in flutter?

Here is the content of my style.xml @color/background @color/background This Theme is only used starting with V2 of Flutter's Android embedding. -->...
user7524206's user avatar
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Bloc state not updating with GoRouter and flutter_native_splash

I've just started learning flutter weeks back. I'm building a project with Go router and Bloc & get_it for dependency injection & also making use of flutter_native_splash for my splash screen ,...
Abhishek AN's user avatar
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SingleTickerProviderStateMixin animation is blinking instead of smooth slide of png images

I tried to animate couple of images one-by-one to create animation for splash screen. I tried to use build in tools but it looks like I am doing something wrong. Maybe I should go for third party ...
pogo's user avatar
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How do you dynamically handle Splash Screen for Android 12 and above devices and Android 11 and below devices? And without a package if possible

So I have trying to add an Image as a splash screen and I have added certain densities files in mipmap as splash.png. So I want to handle splash screen implementation for both Android 12 and above and ...
Shivang Sorout's user avatar
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Getting error when using Android Splashscreen with React Native

How can I use Android's Splashscreen api with React Native ? I tried online tutorials and getting below error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.guardapp/com....
Saurabh D Vyas's user avatar
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How to do a fast-loading splash screen in a kivy python app

I am trying to come up with an elegant way of displaying a splash screen when I start my app, until the app is initialised and ready to use. The problem with the obvious solution to use ScreenManager ...
Eugene B's user avatar
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Yocto. How to keep u-boot splash screen and then how to keep kernel splash screen on

I am porting Yocto into my board. I wrote u-boot & kernel graphics drivers for my display. Everything works fine. The only problem I have is: u-boot splash screen is displayed for a while when ...
gulpr's user avatar
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React Native Bootsplash Library - Android resource linking failed

I installed the Bootsplash library and it works fine on iOS. But when I want to run it on Android, I get the following error; ERROR:quiz_app/android/app/build/intermediates/incremental/debug/...
Quasar's user avatar
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Error: A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. React Native

I am new here. I have a problem with React Native. I got an error like this: ERROR Error: A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. This will cause the UI to be replaced with a ...
SirJack's user avatar
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Unity Pink Splash Screen on Mobile Device

I have a pink splash screen after building and testing on my mobile device. The pink screen only appears on the splash screen while the rest of the game is okay. I tried to reset the graphics in Edit &...
Shem Tom's user avatar
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I am trying to scrape flipkart using splash, but while rendering the image is getting blank

function main(splash, args) url = args.url assert(splash:go(url)) assert(splash:wait(10)) input_box = assert(splash:select(".Pke_EE")) input_box:focus() input_box:send_text(&...
Kishore's user avatar
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What causes the delay in displaying the splash screen in my Flutter app before it transitions to a white screen?

In the main.dart file of my Flutter application, there's a noticeable delay in the initial display behavior. Upon launching the app, users are greeted with a plain white screen that persists for a ...
You Matter's user avatar
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Text Widgets are disappering when releasing flutter applications without --obfuscate option

I have a flutter application that works perfectly in debug mode But when releasing the app it has some issue, if i use --obfuscate then it get stuck in the splash page ( currently i'm not overriding ...
Wissam Sbenaty's user avatar
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Remove the logo that is displayed when application is launched before the splash screen begins

When launching the application there is short time for which the logo is shown and after that my splash screen animation starts. How do I disable my logo from being shown when the application is ...
balma's user avatar
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Splash screen for iOS PWA

Is there a way to configure only one splash screen for PWA(developed using react) for all devices in iOS, Currently I'm setting image for each device with media query eg: <link rel="apple-...
Srilaya's user avatar
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React-Native splash screen scaled to all screens(iphone, Ipad, Tablet ...)

I am developing an application with React Native, and I want to add a splash screen to it. I want the added splash screen to look good on various devices, including iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPad Pro 11 inch,...
Skyturkish's user avatar

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