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Questions tagged [transparent]

A GUI (often web) technique for trapping user actions across multiple elements by using an overlaying, but transparent, GUI object.

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I have a vue.js & three.js code and how to hidden coordinate part in three.js?

Everyone, I have a vue & three.js code. and i wanna hidden the part which shows in the picture. I have no experience in three.js and i don't know how to fix it. i used scene, camera, renderer, ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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2 answers

QML MenuItem Icon does not turn gray when disabled

Ok. This is a minimal sample code of the problem. If I specify any color for "item1"'s icon when the MenuItem is disabled the icon won't gray out. So the question is if this is a QML bug or ...
e1985t's user avatar
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1 answer

Transparent background behind a flex-item

I have the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-...
Milton Ventura's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make the white background of a jpg image transparent using Python?

My JPG image has a white background around it. I don't want to change the image itself, I just want to make the white background transparent.Here is the code: import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL ...
Jay's user avatar
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Issue with VP8 video transparency in Unity for Android

I'm using Unity to create an application that displays video from a URL. The video is in webm format with the VP8 codec. In the Unity editor, everything works as expected - the video is displayed with ...
NeIT's user avatar
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Own type as key in unordered_map [duplicate]

I have a wrapper class around uint32_t: class IPv4 { uint32_t octets_; public: operator uint32_t() {return octets;} }; Also I have a structure inherited from IPv4 class: struct routerID : ...
razenkovv's user avatar
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Transparent status bar color Android and React Native hybrid app

Background I have an app that is composed of Android and react native. Issue When I set the status bar colour to translucent, the toolbar on the native screens overlap the status bar. Setting ...
user2023's user avatar
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Making transparent borderless windows with minimize and maximize animations

I want to create a transparent borderless window. By word transparent i mean per-pixel transparency, so it has a transparent background. It has to support minimize and maximize animations. i tried ...
sleebu's user avatar
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Semi-transparent background of toolbar and statusbar

Hello According to the image above, I want to make my toolbar and status bar white so that the background can be seen enter image description here enter image description here
Matin Javid's user avatar
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Transparent Button Background with Gradient Text and Border Effect - Hover Problem

As a beginner in CSS, I've been learning for a few months now, and I recently encountered an issue while practicing gradients. Specifically, I created a button with a gradient background and wanted to ...
Si1enzio's user avatar
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Error: missing arguemnt: types/values length mismatch (count=0, expectedCount=1, code=MISSING_ARGUMENT, version=6.11.1)

how can i deploy the contracts below as Transparent upgradable proxies using hardhat and javaScript, note that the argument initialValues is required in order to call to initialize all contracts //...
Muhindo Galien's user avatar
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Android: TextView transparent png as background resource not working

I have a simple TextView inside a CardView (which acts as a button): <androidx.cardview.widget.CardView android:id="@+id/cvTestType" android:layout_width="match_parent" ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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Java swing problem transparent animation gif

Why in java when I try to use a transparent gif animation its image is distorted or has pixel inconsistency? I wanted to make sure if the problem was Jlabel's problem, but I showed the gif in ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Fragment upon fragment

I want add fragment B upon to fragment A. How can I do it? This is my first fragment: This is my 2nd fragment on top of the 1st fragment with transparent: How can I write it with code? Plas write ...
Rufat Shikhiyev's user avatar
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How to group select images

My application has a panel (TRzPanel) that can contain many icons (TAdvShape). Each icon can be dragged and dropped. My user can also select multiple icons and move them in mass with keystrokes. I ...
Seti Net's user avatar
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How to create transparent waveform in python

I can’t figure out how to make the graph transparent. I have a waveform graph from audio and fill the space with a background, I’m trying, but the background still appears on the graph. def ...
user23293612's user avatar
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Make a color in a video transparent

I would like to make a specified color in a video transparent in Swift and then save it with the edit. How could I change the transparency of a color? let player = AVPlayerView(frame: CGRect(origin: ....
CYAD's user avatar
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Electron: Refreshing Issue with Show Method in Transparent Frameless Window

Electron Version 28.1.0. What operating system are you using? Windows Operating System Version window 11 What arch are you using? x64 Last Known Working Electron version No response Actual Behavior ...
BioLinua's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make MouseTransparent Stage in JavaFX

I've wanted to make JavaFX app that would display a crosshair in a middle of screen, but whenever I hover on the ImageView I can't do background tasks, like it blocks my mouse events. I've tried using ...
Polterg's user avatar
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Win32Gui + Tkinter(Clickthrough Overlay, Transparent Background)

I am creating a Full Screen Desktop Overlay. On the Overlay, I am placing a PNG Image with Transparency. The Image should be 100% visible, but the Background should be completely Transparent. I should ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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WS_EX_TRANSPARENT can't click on Windows 11 taskbar

I use WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT to set my full screen program as fully transparent, and mouse clicks can pass through to the underlying windows. Everything works fine on Windows 10, but the ...
Enterly's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I add transparent Pixels without just doing white pixels?

I Just made a little pixel art app and I ran into a problem while I was trying to fix the eraser tool. When I try to erase with the color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' it does nothing, so I am forced to settle ...
Timmothy Rain's user avatar
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Xamarin.Android - Form Transparent

In Xamarin Android, how to make a form completely transparent? In my layout XML.... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas....
Samara Bravo's user avatar
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How do I make the bg_color of a button widget in tkinter transparent

import customtkinter as ctk from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk def resize_image(event=None): width, height = window.winfo_width(), window.winfo_height() resized_image = ...
Bryce Longhenry's user avatar
-1 votes
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Gradient from white to transparent instead shows as white to black

I need how to make a gradient that smoothly transitions from white to transparent for a 2D sprite via a URP shader graph. It seems like I’m already set up and everything should work, but for some ...
Camporation's user avatar
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How to create transparent background in ComponentActivity by jetpack compose

AttachmentPickerActivity it is an activity similar to dialog, half of the screen. how to make AttachmentPickerActivity with trasparent background or something like that? class AttachmentActivity : ...
Slava's user avatar
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Unity with Vuforia: Issue with Button to Make 3D Object Transparent

I'm currently working on a Unity project that involves Vuforia, and I've encountered a challenge regarding a button that's supposed to make a 3D object transparent when clicked. Unfortunately, the ...
byun Amina's user avatar
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C# .Net setting transparentKey results unexpected error->incorrect parameter

I have a form with LOTS of nested sub userControls in it. I wanted one of the subControls to have transparent areas, so I added in the parents form constructor the following code: this.SetStyle(...
ephraim's user avatar
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Transparent Frame in CustomTkinter

I am coding an application with customTkinter. For layout-reasons I used a frame (player_frame) that contains other frames (p_frames). I don't want the player_frame to be visible, so I tried to set it'...
johschEleven's user avatar
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Html+css: horizontal side by side 2 DIVs with 3 pictures, 2 of them with transparent background?

There are 3 pictures with 2 of them with transparent background (aka layers) and there 3 pictures with 2 of them with transparent background (aka layers) more, totally 6 ones - 2 virtual blocks with 3 ...
CpServiceSPb's user avatar
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Angular, how to make a whole component transparent when use it as an overlay

I am using a component as an overlay when click a button. What's annoying me is that the background color of the component is always white even though the thing I put on the component is transparent. ...
xymzh's user avatar
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Transparent Activity not showing over Settings.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS view on Android 13

I need to show some suggestion view on setting page , I made transparent activity and it's working on all other device. First I m calling setting intent after that I m calling my transparent activity ....
Avinash's user avatar
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Cutting off SVG path shows background color

I'm not well experienced in SVG but trying to make all paths transparent. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <svg viewBox="0 0 1066.6667 1064.9733" xmlns=""&...
Ozzy B.'s user avatar
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Hide components beind transparent header

I'm a noob. I've been trying to find a solution that works for my problem for several days, but I've been unable to find it. The other posts on Stackoverflow didn't help me. I have a transparent ...
Pablo Ballesteros's user avatar
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JSwing - Undecorated window not transparent despite being defined as transparent

I am trying to make this image appear on my screen, with the background being transparent, as a simple test for a bigger program (being a virtual pet) I am using the following code to do this: // Java ...
Slomas99's user avatar
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with bokeh, how to export png or get Pillow image object with transparent background?

In bokeh's document, it said to create png with transparent background, one should set: plot.background_fill_color = None plot.border_fill_color = None But since internally, they're saving png file ...
TMS's user avatar
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Alpha channel have no effect when drawn to texture and pasted to window

Using SDL2, I want to draw some graphics on texture and paste it on window for speed enhancement. When I paste it I want my alpha channel preserved. This code is supposed to show a white rotating ...
Zeta's user avatar
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[SwiftUI]: Not transparency behind TabBar

I just started to learn SwiftUI, and I have an issue: why my TabBar isn't transparent when scrolling ? Here's my code : var body: some View { VStack { ZStack(alignment: .bottomTrailing) { ...
Mathéo's user avatar
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Android Homescreen Launcher App Development - Previous launcher shows behind my transparent launcher activity

I'm developing an Android launcher homescreen app, and whenever I go to set the application I'm developing as the default launcher, it shows my launcher over the previously set default launcher on the ...
schendes's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Transparent Navbar not working

I'm currently working on a Django project (Practicing) and I was able to make the navbar transparent when I started, and I have implemented quite a fair bit of code since then and have since been ...
G.Gonzalez's user avatar
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c++ | Creating transparent parent window without using LWA_COLORKEY or effecting child windows

I am trying to have my parent window transparent and my child window not effected by this transparency. I did use LWA_alpha but that changed the transparency of the child window aswell which I do not ...
jwjwjwjwjwjwyes's user avatar
3 votes
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Convert Transparent PNGs to a Transparent Video

I have a set of transparent PNG pictures, and I want to convert them into a video with transparent background (play the PNGs continuously). First, I used ffmpeg with the terminal command: ffmpeg -...
Aurora7979's user avatar
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How do you add a translucent (half transparent) rectangle anywhere in a html page?

I really want to know how to add a half-transparent rectangle in the middle of my page and not cover all my text. I tried to add white backgrounds and make the opacity lower: p.a { float: right; ...
eral's user avatar
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Transparent Background - shows as black (convert pcx to png)

My goal is to convert a pcx image to png. The pcx image has transparent background and white lines\sketch. I tried converting it using the below: magick convert abc.pcx abc.png magick convert abc.pcx -...
piris's user avatar
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how to make icons of bottom navigation bar transparent?

I am working on an android app where I have to take icons of bottom navigation bar transparent without any tint layer. How can I do that? I have tried @android:itemIconTint="@color/tranparent&...
Abdullah Programmer's user avatar
3 votes
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Rendering bug? when using transparent NSWindow with SwiftUI for MacOS app

I was developing a macOS app using SwiftUI (latest version from XCode 14.1) with the following App setup import SwiftUI @main struct DemoApp: App { @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) ...
user3321272's user avatar
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C++ Transparent image using windows.h / WinAPI

I'm trying to make a custom title bar/border and I want it to be half transparent. When I load the image it works fine, but as soon, as I make even just 1 pixel from 255 opacity to 254, it just shows ...
Bridging Noob's user avatar
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Place an image on top of another, make gradient background colors transparent

I have 2 images, I need to put one on top of the other. The second image is taken on a pink background (simulated below) and due to the light falloff the background is more sort of a gradient. I need ...
sharkyenergy's user avatar
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BottomAppBar height gets bigger when using window.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(false)

I am trying to achieve transparent status bar by using window.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(false) and statusBarColor = Color.TRANSPARENT. I achieved my goal, but when I introduced BottomAppBar, its size (...
David Trpcevski's user avatar
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How to implement a transparent header on mobile view

I'm trying to implement a transparent header for mobile view like this: For comparison, my current header renders above my hero image and has a white background. It looks like this: What can I do to ...
c.dasa's user avatar
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