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Questions tagged [twilio-twiml]

For anything related to Twilio's TwiML (Twilio Markup Language)

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Send two SMS with Twiml

I am using a Twilio phone number and I am trying to do this: Wherever some send a texto to my Twilio number, I want them to receive an automatic reply AND I want their SMS to be forwarded to another ...
user25985884's user avatar
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Twilio error while accepting the incoming call

Error of @twilio_conversation…js?v=582255ec:11005 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Forbidden at Upstream2._callee$ (@twilio_conversation…v=582255ec:11005:27) at tryCatch (chunk-NHAX666J.js?v=...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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Twilio Voice Error Handling in case of application error has been occurs

I have setup Twilio Voice. any incoming call comes to twilio number is going to handle backend service which is running on instance with the /voice endpoint and same endpoint has been set up on twilio ...
Kevin Thoriya's user avatar
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Get user response as speech-to-text in Twilio

I am exploring Twilio programmable voice for the first time, and can't find how to get user speech input as text. TwiML Gather with the speech input gather: Gather = Gather( input="...
jprusakova's user avatar
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Twilio Server Rings "to" Number, Then Hangs Up?

I am setting up Twilio Voice Calling. I have this code on my client: function makeCall() { if (!window.twilioDevice) { console.error('Twilio Device not ready'); return; } ...
VikR's user avatar
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Some Twilio inbound calls arrive with status of "no-answer"

I have built a Twilio call center which uses a TwiML app to deliver events to my PHP server. I've been monitoring the system over the last year and I am concerned that a few calls seem to arrive with ...
AQuirky's user avatar
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What is the real way to close a Twilio bidirectional audio stream?

I have a voice assistant that I want to use with the Twilio Voice API. I want to go back and forth, collecting user audio through a Gather and then using a bidirectional Stream to stream back the ...
actinidia's user avatar
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How to Minimize Delay in Twilio's Speech Recognition Gather Action Response?

I am developing a speech recognition system using Twilio and a Node.js application. The goal is to play an audio clip immediately after the user stops speaking during a call. Twilio Calls Logs However,...
Huzaifa Jalil's user avatar
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Automatic Machine Detection workflow is different when used under <Dial><Number> vs when used in an outbound call using API

I cannot control the flow of a call created using Dial keyword inside of amdStatusCallback webhook I provide in the Number tag. I'm using C# Twilio library and Voice JavaScript SDK. Apologies for the ...
paul_glad's user avatar
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Twilio transcription creating request (API, JS)

I was implementing some Twilio functionality, I found out how to start recording the call, and receiving it recordingSid in the end of the call, next goal was to create transcription from that ...
user25361399's user avatar
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Twilio + webSockets - can't send parameters to webSocket

I am having problems with Twilio, while trying to send parameters to a webSocket that is being called from a webhook. I am using: node.js, express, ws (JS websocket library). The webhook is not the ...
petru tirla's user avatar
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Twilio: Maximum number of Queues per account

Can someone please tell me if there is a limit on maximum number of queues in twilio per account or subaccount. i am developing a phone system where based on several conditions, a call is enqueued in ...
Shyam's user avatar
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Twilio Outgoing call Transfer

I have integrated the incoming and outgoing call by using twilio java script sdk and also implemented the outgoing call transfer. I have checked the Twilio API response. It creates the iterations. For ...
Hema sharma's user avatar
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Twilio Studio Axios Error 400 when calling a function

I am following the instructions from this question Register Multiple Webhooks for a Single Twilio Number. According to the Studio Flow logs: An incoming SMS message is received OK, but when the ...
ljvincent's user avatar
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Twilio API : how to get the number of TTS and SST conversions over a date range?

I want to use the Twilio API to get the number of TTS and SST conversions made on my Twilio account over a date range. How to do that with python, PHP or curl ? Is it possible to have the same thing ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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How to implement voice activity detection and stop Twilio voice bot on customer interruption?

I am building a voice bot using Twilio and Django. I have set up an outbound call with media streaming, which is working fine. However, I want to implement voice activity detection so that if the ...
PAWAN BISHT's user avatar
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Twilio - Twiml in statusCallback isnt being executed once returned

In our backend, we are placing a call to multiple clients and everything works as intended, when the call completes the webhook is sent to our statusCallback URL as intended. From there, we are doing ...
Supplementing's user avatar
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Twilio Record Verb Initial Time out

I have a requirement to record the user prompt during the phone conversation. I am using Twilio SDK. Below is the sample code. var response = new VoiceResponse(); response.Say("Please state you ...
VIRIYALA NARESH's user avatar
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How to gather Twilio response in ASP.NET Core Web API?

I am trying to implement Twilio voice calls in C#. I have the following code which initiate a call: var accoutnSid = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; var authToken = "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"; ...
VIRIYALA NARESH's user avatar
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How to connect Conversations to an external endpoint using WhatsApp?

Ok, this is not an easy situation to explain. I will try my best to make it clear. I am using Studio in Twilio to create a Flow. In this tool you have some connections that you can make by simple ...
user6769964's user avatar
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Playing twilio asset from http parameter

I have an automated call using a twilio twilml bin <Response> <Say>This is reminder day number {{day}}</Say> <Pause length="1"></Pause> <Play loop=&...
Dman's user avatar
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Twillio - A function that will send an automatic response to incoming messages, and also mimic behavior of webhook integration?

Is it possible to write a function for incoming SMS messages that will both route the incoming message via webhook in the same manner as the integration configuration on a messaging service - and also ...
Jacob Wisner's user avatar
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Twilio call cost for non US (US1) calls ? (for example IE1 calls)

I am trying to get the cost of calls on Twilio thanks to the Call SID. Here is my code: account_sid = 'my_sid' auth_token = 'my_us1_token' or 'my_ie1_token' call_sid = 'a_call_sid_from_us1_region' or '...
toto_tata's user avatar
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Unable to use basic auth for Twiml request url

I am trying to setup a TwiML app that uses basic auth in the request. I am setting the Request URL like : https://user:[email protected]/bot-handling/start-call. Unfortunately I cannot get this to ...
SwimLeft's user avatar
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Twilio API : how to get all the costs linked to a Call SID?

I created several phone numbers on Twilio. I use different Twilio APIs with these phone numbers (STT (Speech To Text) Gather, TTS, etc...). When a call is done to one of these Twilio phone numbers, ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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Twilio - Phone is hang up after I play music

I have integrated Twilio with Dialogflow CX, now there is a particular page in Dialogflow CX that calls a webhook. It might take around 10-20 seconds to receive response from this webhook, till then I ...
Meet Amin's user avatar
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No ringtone when i do a call forwarding with Twilio

I have an issue on my in-app call feature that uses Twilio to implement a call forwarding This is the workflow of my call is : user calls the twilio number twilio call a route from my backend backend ...
simon guille's user avatar
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Can not send audio answer back on call using Websocket when creating IVR with Twilio

I have been working on one project recently, structure's literaly the same as this tutorial:here. On Media message part I'm trying to give back real-time audio answer from chatbot, but i literaly can`...
Tania's user avatar
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I want to auto update the Primary handler fails webhook Url using twilio functions, can someone guide me?

i used the following function and trying to run HTTP request from postman using curl but didn't work exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) { const client = context.getTwilioClient();...
job email's user avatar
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How to stream audio of <Dial> to websocket?

I am trying to transcribe Twilio voice call in real-time with WebSockets. Twilio has multiple examples for this. I am following this one:
Pritam Barhate's user avatar
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Cann't send back data using websocket for Twilio call

I've been working on Twilio project and have set up everything like in this tutorial: link. I receive bytes using "ws.receive()", but I have trouble on the stage of sending bytes of voice ...
Bohdan Shylo's user avatar
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Twilio: is it possible to finish the <Dial> verb before timeout?

We have an app that uses Twilio (with TwiML), and we'd like to implement the following logic: an incoming Call is being directed to multiple Users if all of them ignores the Call, it should be routed ...
Sergei Reutov's user avatar
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How to get call is accepted status in outbond twilio call in twilio voice js sdk?

I am making a web application where I need to call customers, Everything is working fine, but I need the call status when the customer receives the call or rejects the call from their phone. below is ...
ravi's user avatar
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Nodejs Twilio bi-directional streaming: sending an elevenlabs audio stream to a caller

I need a set of new eyes and maybe a few ideas. For its been two days I've been at this. the idea is simple, I have static text which I send to elevenlabs AI for tts, through their websocket, which ...
itwabi's user avatar
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getting 404 from twilio call url

i have been trying to make a call with the twilio client.calls.create since it has the functionality i needed for my app using the url to play or say something to the called party before they get ...
horla's user avatar
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Twilio 500 Error (11200 & 12200 on Twilio Call Log) when requesting Recording from Twilio

I am building a simple text transcription program that takes records your voice then sends it to another endpoint which downloads the audio file and then transcribes it and reads out the response. To ...
mattkosze's user avatar
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Unexpected WebSocket Message Format Received from Twilio

I'm currently working with Twilio's WebSocket API to handle real-time events in my application. According to the Twilio documentation, I should be receiving WebSocket messages in JSON format, ...
d1Master's user avatar
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Not able to call Response.Say during live streaming of call twilio websocket python

In the if AcceptWaveform where print statement is taking place I want to call a sample message at bottom which will be spoken during the call. But there is no message call. But during start of calling,...
Rohan Choudhary's user avatar
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How to extract Sync Events for a particular call for daily reporting in sheet

I am using Twilio SDK and have developed an agent call system. I want to investigate missed calls for which I have enabled "Insights". What I want to ask is how can I extract "Sync ...
GreyEmp's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Twilio Signature Validation Failure in PHP

I'm having trouble with Twilio signature validation in my PHP webhook. I am working alongside their support team but the validation still seems to fail, leading to a rejected response. Here is the ...
mybackhurtstoomuch12's user avatar
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Twilio - international calls hang up too soon

We are calling from the US to the Middle East using Twilio to play notification messages to contacts. This works to users in the US, Canada, Europe etc. but in some Middle East countries there is a ...
VictorySaber's user avatar
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How to get RecordingUrl after call complete in status call Back Url in Twilio in .net Core?

After a successful call completion, I want to store the call status, duration, and recording URL of the call in my database, i have created an API for the status call back URL and put it into to ...
ravi's user avatar
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I can't listen any voice in my phone as well as in Web App after receiving the call from twilio

I have created an application in Angular where the admin calls their user on a phone number, I am using Twilio for this, my frontend is in Angular 14 and my Backend is in .net core API, But when I ...
ravi's user avatar
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Twilio Conference statusCallback sends GET request instead of POST request

I'm trying to create a conference on inbound voice call. I have the following TwiML that should trigger a POST request from twilio for the following events start,end I already specifed the ...
MartianChicken's user avatar
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make a call from the twilio number to my phone and stream in real time the audio of my phone

I want to create a bot that will make calls based on DB of customers I have and sell to them the new service I offer. the idea is to call to them, pitch them the new service and ask if they are ...
maor mendel's user avatar
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How to use <Say> multiple times in one call?

How can I use <Say> multiple times in one call? I have come up with an example for my question: exports.handler = async function (context, event, callback) { try { const twiml = new Twilio....
Ruchir Baronia's user avatar
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Conference keeps participant in call if they reject and have a 'leave after tone message'

I am implementing a call transfer functionality in the frontend. In my case, whenever a transfer is needed, I add another participant and leave myself. However, I noticed that if the other party ...
Sehej wahla's user avatar
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How to call a find employee function whenever a conference is created?

A js code to create a conference whenever a user calls. But it's missing a part, how to call find_employee function (calls various employees and joins them to a conference) const ...
Haiz Ans's user avatar
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How do I format the url parameter of the TwiML <Stream> element as a relative url

I am trying to route a connecting Twilio call to a relative URL. I have tried formatting this URL in many ways but all get an error that the URL is malformed. Twilio's documentation explicitly stated ...
P.Bjur's user avatar
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Twilio Error: 12200 Schema validation error, Invalid content was found starting with element 'Stream'. One of '{Play

I am encountering an error from Twilio and would appreciate assistance as there is limited information on the documentation page, and the error itself is not well-detailed. 12200 Schema validation, ...
Andrei Gagiu's user avatar

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