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Questions tagged [v-dialog]

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Vuetify tabs system bug

I have a problem with the tab system in my project. When I want to have tabs in a dialog from Vuetify and I want to have inputs and things that should be there and how it's supposed to work correctly ...
Jakub Mitrega's user avatar
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How to use Vuetify`s <v-dialog> with activator="parent" inside of <v-icon>

I`ve encountered this problem many times now... Whenever putting a <v-dialog> with activator="parent" into a <v-icon> component - the dialog does not open when clicking the icon.'...
DigitalJedi's user avatar
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in vuetify component scrolling is not displaying properly

Image of my v-dialog I have an issue in scroll. I'm using a Vuetify component. when a v-dialog opens it's scroll is working but scroll is not showing up. scrolling place is transparent scrolling is ...
Muhammad Ehsan's user avatar
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When I'm trying to use function in v-dialog, I got error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'status')'

I'm trying to use a function ubahNilai in my v-dialog. And when I clicked the button, this error message is appear. 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'status')' Did I ...
Febryan Akhdani's user avatar
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Element Plus Datepicker closes Veutify 3 dialog on change

As can be seen in the codepen below, whenever I select a date in the Element+ el-date-picker, the v-dialog component closes. Veutify 3 & Element+ Codepen Excpected behaviour would be to select ...
DigitalJedi's user avatar
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