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Questions tagged [v-select]

[Vue Select]( is a feature rich select/dropdown/typeahead component. It provides a default template that fits most use cases for a filterable select dropdown. The component is designed to be as lightweight as possible, while maintaining high standards for accessibility, developer experience, and customization, this tag can refer to the Vuetify select component.

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How does work Vue v-model with update:modelValue and how to prevent it from default logic depending on modal

Can someone explain to me if v-model is: :modelValue update:modelValue then what happen when v-model with update:modelValue used both. So in my code I have this component: <script src="https://...
Dorialean's user avatar
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How to pass a function with a parameter to v-select?

How to pass a function with a parameter to v-select? Tried to do it this way, but nothing works... I tried doing it through template, but it didn't work either. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I need ...
perl's user avatar
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How to customize the input element with a conditional class based on an error state inside v-select Vue library

I try to put class 'has-error' based on condtion and handle vaildation message for that v-select but i don't know how achieve that <v-select v-model="
Aya Rabee's user avatar
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How to customize the direction of input's text that inside v-select

To customize the direction of the input placeholder in the v-select component based on the chosen language in a multilingual website. <v-select v-model="" :options="...
Aya Rabee's user avatar
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v-select items are not translated (vue-i18n)

I'm trying to get every text associated with an item in my v-select to update in the language I choose, it doesn't work, but for other elements outside the v-select there's no problem. Here is my ...
Ankay's user avatar
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How to display modified text from data member in :items object array for item-title in v-select (Vuetify) dropdown list?

I am new to Vue and I am currently working with Vuetify to build dropdown "v-select". If there is a way, that will be great! Otherwise, I am thinking of creating new array and covert data ...
May's user avatar
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Vue2 with vSelect, hide the input value when options is not present

I use vSelect from; With the reduce option ":reduce="(x) =>" to get the Id as value from arrays of my dataOptions object and the show ...
Kris Komba's user avatar
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Weird Situation When Using "Clearable" on VSelect

This is the intended usage of the clearable property on my component: On parent component: <v-row> <v-col> <Selector :clearable="true"/> </v-col> </v-...
YUN0814's user avatar
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VueJs & Vuetify - V-select outlined

I'm new to VueJS and Vuetify. V-select outlined the label is not placed directly on the border of the field. I have to click in this one first, why ? My code : <template> <v-row> <...
lasnico37's user avatar
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Veutify v3 multiple select component event binding cannot use @select or @remove

Hi I'm new to veutify and can't seem to find any solution to this question. in the multiple select component what I would like to achieve is to get the value of the selected option and call a function ...
Yuan Hoong Koay's user avatar
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Personalization of v-select filtering

I use the v-select package in Vue 2 I want to customize the filtering v-select to return rows that start with the input text (the default search returns every row that contains the input text). I know ...
Milad_ghazi's user avatar
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Vuetify v-select displays number 1 below the select after an item is selected

This doesn't happen in examples from the Vuetify website, but in my code it does. After select an item, bellow the select it appears the number 1, no matter which item was selected. The same occurs if ...
Developer's user avatar
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Is there any v-select prop I can use to fix this?

At first, everything works fine until I search my option and clicking it. This is my v-select code: `<v-select class="vselect" v-model="filtro.orgao_origem_id" id=&...
Flavio Oliveira Neto's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 - The position of the dropdown from the v-select is wrong

I have a small problem with Vuetify 3. The **dropdown **from the **select **is moved to the right when I first open it. The second time I open it, it is displayed correctly under the item. <...
GlobalPlayer's user avatar
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getElementById(id).value is returning undefined or blank for v-select element

I have added a dropdown for one of the columns in a table using v-select. This column is editable for multiple rows at the same time.In edit mode after selecting one of the dropdown values for each ...
userST's user avatar
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How register vue-select component in vue 3 options API app (no TypeScript)?

I try to use vue-select. main.js: import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from "./App.vue"; import { VueSelect } from "vue-select"; Then on the ...
user1837293's user avatar
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v-seelct not rendered inside a vee-validate ValidationProvider

I am getting the following error while trying to use a v-select v-seelct not rendered inside a vee-validate ValidationProvider Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
Angelo Badellino's user avatar
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Fill search value with current selection on focus

I am using v-select in my project. I'd like to have my search value filled with current selection on focus. First step is: My first selection After I select the first option, I ...
Jedreqq's user avatar
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How to decrease list height in v-select vuetify3

I can't decrease list height... list height becomes full screen height I tried a lot of ways, but nothing happened
Sergey Kovalchuk's user avatar
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How to select an element from a v-select dropdown menu in Cypress

I want to get all the elements in a v-select dropdown menu and put them in to a list. To do this I should locate the dropdown menu field firstly. My questions are below: 1.When I want to locate the ...
Gvlmihre's user avatar
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v-select set number of items shown in dropdown Vuetify

I have the following v-select: It has 7 items (for each weekday) but I want it to show all 7 when it's opened, not only the first 6 with a scrollbar. I can't seem to find an v-select API option for ...
MySurmise's user avatar
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Vuetify - v-select not scrolled to pre-selected value

I have a v-select dropdown (vuetify), which are a list of time-slots with 15 minutes interval ['00:00','00:15'...'23:55'] Let us call it startTime which is pre-defined to f.x '12.00' and is binded ...
AStyltsvig's user avatar
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Vuetify v-select items-text property does not work in v3. (Fill value in v-select Vue3)

I use Vuetify v3 and try to fill a v-select by using items and items-text property but it doesn't work. The v-select display 2 empty slot. <v-select ref="structure" :items="...
Garros JP's user avatar
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Vue JS v-select cannot diplaying text from json

I have difficulty using vue-select (v-select) when editing data. Currently v-select displays the ID, the data that should appear is the text or label. const detailPresensi = { detail_data: [{ ...
Toni Rhubanaga's user avatar
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Component vuejs2 setting default value and then passing that back to the parent

Update: I have some vue code, main.vue which I would like to call a component, which does three things: Allows the user to pass to the component a set of items, one of which can be selected in the ...
D Mawer's user avatar
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Style a v-autocomplete dropdown [vuetify]

I have a dropdown menu that I would like to style. When it's up, the dropdown looks like this. And when it's down, it looks like this. This yellow border is just a border-bottom style that I added ...
Quentin's user avatar
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how to detect clear button click on v-select (vue-select)

I was creating a drop-down in v-select, after selecting a option when clicking on clear button I need to clear the drop down and change option array to initial stage. How to check clear button (x) is ...
vishal krishna's user avatar
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v-select component is not showing selected option in v-select box

I am facing one problem while working with v-select component. V-select component is not showing selected item... It is showing options in dropdown but after selecting it is showing blank in select ...
Arnab Maiti's user avatar
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how to focus on v-select programmatically?

I am using Nuxt3, how to set focus() on v-select programmatically? Basically, OnSubmit I want to validate the value. And if it is blank, I want to focus on the v-select programmatically. Is it ...
Jacky Supit's user avatar
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Vue Js v-model on v-select show wrong value

I have somekind of bug on my v-select which cause the v-model to show different value than the real value of the variable. I use a method to change the selected option which work for the first change. ...
Dennis Ng's user avatar
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v-select, compare two array to display the right value as the default value

I have this array appRightZone: [ {label:"Third", value: 50, editable: true}, {label:"Contacts", value: 100, editable: true}, {...
Kaouane Mohamed's user avatar
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Create array of objects for a select based on items from a data table

So I have a data table in Vuetify that's containing eventlog items. For example, it looks like this: [{ "id": 1, "actionBy": "John", "...
Juraj's user avatar
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Pass the index value to the search function for v-select inside a loop

Have the following vue loop <div class="row w-100 form-group" v-for="(item, index) in affectedParties"> ... <div class="col-md-6"> <v-...
Salvador Ruiz Guevara's user avatar
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Two v-data-tables, second table has v-select that uses the data from the first table in the dropdown. Somehow is bound to newest data

I have two v-data-tables that are being rendered in a component. The first one is imported from another file as the matching-game-crud-table. This is the answer table. This first table manipulates ...
Christina Passafaro's user avatar
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V-Select Readonly Bug

I am using Vue.js as a frontend framework and Vuetify framework. I have a page where the users view the document. And all the fields are readonly. There's an "edit" button which upon ...
Kiko's user avatar
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Vuetify v-select not trigger select event on option click with custom template

I am using Vuetify beta version (v3.0.0-beta.6) because I have to use Vue 3 and Vuetify 2.x is not supported by it. I want to create an i18n selector with the country flag icon. To manage i18n I use ...
betta7391's user avatar
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VueJs v-select edit selected via methods

What im trying to achieve is: when i select the option "Alle openstaande" (result_id = 0), i want to select all these result_ids: [-1,-2,-3,-5,-7,-8,-11,-12] and deselect result_id 0. var ...
fidderr's user avatar
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RESOLVE - Vue.js v-select with v-if

I need a little help with v-select. I would like to have two v-select, but one will change when I choose a value on the over. For example : I have a list of countries (France, England and Spain) I ...
Eileen Balaguer's user avatar
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Get data from v-select field

I'm getting stuck on getting the data from my v-select input. Within console.log whenever I type it's just repeating an empty string with no data being sent. Input <v-select name="user" ...
JMKelley's user avatar
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Trying to install v-select getting Vue is not defined

New to Vue, but trying to get v-select working. I'm getting vue is not defined when importing. Then when I import vue I'm getting a different error as listed below: main.js import { createApp } from '...
JMKelley's user avatar
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Show main options at the beggining of and array for Vue select list?

In the country select list dropdown for example, I want to show the most common selected options first, but also show them in their usual ordered-by-name position along the full array. I also plan to ...
GUIJS's user avatar
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Vue v-select problem with v-slot not showing text

I'm trying to display custom text in v-select options by slots. Template: <v-select v-model="dLevelSelected" :items="dLevels" solo> <template slot="item" slot-...
serhercu's user avatar
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how to work with v-select inside b-table?

I'm working with v-select elements inside a b-table but i've a problem when i put the "responsive" property in my b-table. It looks as if the v-select is contained within the table even when ...
Rosa Emily Rodríguez Huamán's user avatar
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Vuetify: How to correctly set active item when using prepend on v-select

When I use the prepend-item v-slot for the v-select component, selecting an item actives another item instead of the one that was selected. Take this code pen example found on the vuetify docs. Notice ...
Harrison Childs's user avatar
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How to add extra option to v-select after setting :items prop

I have a v-select, written like this : <v-select ref="v_select_folder" dense hide-details v-...
Simao's user avatar
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How can i validate v-select multiple with vee-validate 'ValidationProvider'

I want to validate a multiple select filed (v-select) with vee-validate validationProvider. For single select option it is working fine. but when i am trying for the multiple select it is not working. ...
Anupam Hayat Shawon's user avatar
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Vuetify show select options nicely

My select options covering my label "Download". I've tried to add offset-y, but the result is still bad. <v-select offset-y dense outlined :items="downloadOptions" label="...
code-8's user avatar
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V-select not being able to support bigints

When clicking in a select that lists items with really big integers as 738883988997898200, the select options hang in the screen and we can't proceed. We can't proceed because we are inside a v-form ...
Arthur Abeilice's user avatar
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Vuetify - How would you embed a 'Select' component within a Header/text tag?

I'm a backend developer doing front-end work so bear with me. Imagine a big header at the top of a web page: Below is the list of stock available to ↓users-dropdown↓ If you clicked the ↓users-dropdown↓...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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How do I watch for onChange of specific select menu that was dynamically generated?

I have a row of 3 inputs. It lay out like this: Attribute (select) > Operators (select) > Value (text) UI look like this: Code for that: <v-row v-for="(rule, index) in rules" :...
code-8's user avatar
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