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Questions tagged [vue-component]

Component is a powerful Vue feature that allows extending basic HTML elements to encapsulate reusable code.

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Re-render a OpenWeatherMap component when switching language in Vue 3

I am a beginner using Vue 3, to learn it I am developing a simple weather webapp using OpenWeatherMap API. I have added multilanguage support using vue-i18n library and everything works fine. But ...
feub's user avatar
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two-way binding of a checkbox does not happen

For the code posted below vue component it is a child component and is hosted in a specific parent. When I make two ways binding via vModelCheckGeoTIFFOverlayBandAverages by introducing a change to ...
Amr's user avatar
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vue 3 composition api, can not return value from a helper function to component

i think this is a problem of scope inside my helper function, i have successfully implementing the same logic in my component and it works perfectly i have already using a composable function to use ...
Ayoub Groubi's user avatar
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Vue child component not mounting during rendering

const componentData = { "label": "body", "category": "default", "children": [{ "label": "Droppable Component&...
Muhammad Zeerak's user avatar
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how to change v-calendar default color using vue.js 3

<template> <v-row> <v-col> <v-sheet> <v-calendar class="custom"></v-calendar> </v-sheet> </v-col> </v-row&...
Pongsatorn Tassaro's user avatar
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VUE [Vue warn]: Wrong type passed as event handler to onClass - did you forget @ or : in front of your prop?

At some point I noticed that a lot of warnings appear in the project, maybe because I reinstalled node_module or something else. The problem is that when adding attributes to a custom component errors ...
Shamil's user avatar
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Vue2.x vue custom element when i passed param like 111. the dot at the end was removed. Is it well known issue? How to fix it

Vue2.x vue custom element when i passed param like 111. the dot at the end was removed. Is it well known issue? How to fix it. Step npm run build vue file use file from /dist in php project Problem ...
Supisara Khongthiang's user avatar
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Binding multiple properties to a component using and object as props - Vue 3

I'm having a little problem binding multiple properties to a component using an object. When I use this component on any other page I expect to pass the props in matching the ContentOptions interface ...
bricewa's user avatar
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Question about vue 3 lifecycle and availability of properties

I want to load some content of a vue component based on a given argument. Here is some code to illustrate: ParentComponent.vue <Suspense> <div class="row g-0"> <div class=&...
Roland Deschain's user avatar
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How to just add the content of a component to Vue DOM and not the wrapper itself, like React.Fragment in React JS

I'm trying to refactor my code into readable and short pieces. Therefore sometimes I need to create a dumb component which only is holding the repetitive part of my code. For example I wanted to use ...
Erik's user avatar
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shorter names for vue3 deep objects when accessing them in template and in code

How to get around long names of objects, for example, buttons.btnCancel.inactive? I've tried plain desctructuring using const {btnCancelInactive: inactive, btnCancelInactiveClass: inactiveClass, ...
JeffP's user avatar
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How to use one component to render different data on Vuejs?

I want to create a page where information about games on my site will be posted using a component that will be rendered depending on which card I click on (depending on the name of the game). I don’t ...
sanya's user avatar
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How to teleport only after the container is mounted in Vue 3?

Depending on the loading state, sometimes the <Teleport />'s target container will be mounted later than the content's mounting, causing Vue error [Vue warn]: Invalid Teleport target on mount: ...
Mysterywood's user avatar
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show '+N More' in vue-search-select

I have a Vue component and I am using MultiListSelect (vue-search-select). My problem is, that if I select multiple options, I need to show +N More inside the box. <MultiListSelect :list=&...
user24705845's user avatar
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Integrate vee-validate with vue-datepicker

I'm trying to validate vue-datepicker for required field using vee-validate like this: <Form @submit="handleEvent" :validation-schema="addEventSchema"> <...
LarakBell's user avatar
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Vue access components

I want to trigger the update() function of kursAktiv.vue when I press the button "Kursanlegen" in kursAnlegen.vue ! Here are the kursAnlegen button and function: <kursverwalter v-model:...
user24803569's user avatar
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Can't see any change after updateing Vue component inside Laravel Nova project

I am having issue I wasn't able to fix with googleing or stackoverflowing and its super strange one. It could easily be lack of knowledge on my side so have mercy. I have made an application recently ...
UgaBeluga's user avatar
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Facing issues in nested routes in Vue-3

I am creating a simple CRUD application for users based on different roles, but I'm facing issues with nested routes and component rendering. I have carefully reviewed their official documentation, ...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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Using a custom modal in vue, 2 times inside another component renders only the first component data

So the problem is that I am working in a Laravel Vue application both are different application. The problem I am facing is that I have a created a component for modal using bootstrap in VUE JS. And I ...
Piyush's user avatar
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display routes in tabs with vue

can you help me to create something similar to I have tried this <template> <div class="tabs" v-if="tabs"> <nav ...
juancho perez's user avatar
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Avoiding style-mismatch with computed value

My goal is to render a list of elements randomly placed inside a grid. I tried to achieve this with the cue-computed property. But unfortunately I'm always getting the error: - rendered on server: ...
IamSebastn's user avatar
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Vue 3 sub component raises click event when displayed

In vue 3 compose api, I am displaying a popup component and I want to capture out click for closing the modal. my code in my parent component <template> <button @click="toggleSettings&...
Pipo's user avatar
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Populated options on select apear black at first but after changing tabs it shows okay

I have a select component like this <template> <div class="newsletter-launcher"> <h2>Select a Newsletter to Launch</h2> <select v-model="...
Alejandro Peña's user avatar
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Cypress Testing Error: getResult() Method Returns undefined for Canvas Element in vue-advanced-cropper

I am writing a test for the image cropping functionality in my Vue application using the vue-advanced-cropper package. I have encountered an issue where the getResult() method, which retrieves the ...
蔡敏佳's user avatar
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get() of a computed property never gets invoked

i am using vue3 with options api as shown in the below posted code, i have two radio buttons, the first one will invoke onShowGeoTIFFOverlayChanged and the second one will invoke ...
Amr's user avatar
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Vue 3 onMounted not loading data in Vuetify data table server

I have created this page with Vue 3 + Vuetify called demo.vue in my project which receives data from an API server. The problem that I'm facing is that I set up the data inside an onMounted function, ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Getting import error using vue3 component library created using vite

The .js library file have following import statement: import JU, { defineComponent as Ge } from "vue"; Due to this I am getting below error: SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/...
aishwarya's user avatar
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Vue keeps p5 components alive after navigating

I have build a creativ coding website using vue and p5. In my app i display different p5 components depending on the current route. The problem is that somehow vue or p5 (idk which) keeps the ...
Ivo Heberle's user avatar
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In Vue.JS, How to pass and change props value into nested components?

My requirement is very basic and easy, but not sure why even ChatGPT keeps giving me answer that has warning messages. I am using Vue 2. I have three nested components: GrandParentComponent, ...
theedchen's user avatar
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How to create helper methods to render components in nuxt

I'm new to Nuxt, I'm using Nuxt and Nuxt UI for my project. I'm trying to create helper methods to render the components with small differences. For example, in my Header.vue <template> <...
abcXYZ's user avatar
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How to call the methods exposed by components in slots with Vue 3 Composition API

There are some components (child component) in a slot (in parent component) and I want to call the methods on them. I tried the following steps: Retrieve the child components as objects with useSlots ...
oceanblue's user avatar
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emit does not dispatch vlaue from child to parent component

vue3 with options api as shown in the below posted code, the child component has a drop-down list as shown in the code in section child. This child component is hosted in parent-1 and parent-2, and ...
Amr's user avatar
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how to introduce v-model to a drop-down list

vue3 with options api as shown in the code section below, i am creating a vue-component with drop-down list what i want to achieve is, to introduce v-model to the drop-down list so that when the user ...
Amr's user avatar
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Store gets called even if set to the same value more than once

i am using vue3 with options api for the storeTest.vue posted below, every time i set a value to it, the respective wachter gets executed, but it also gets excuted even if the i set the same object ...
Amr's user avatar
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Watcher does not detect changes occured to an array of objects

I am using vue3 with options api as shown in the section titled code. I set an object to a store. storeTest.vue shows how the Store is implemented, and in watch it shows how I listen to changes that ...
Amr's user avatar
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ERROR in [eslint] Cannot read properties of null (reading 'references') Occurred while linting

I am new to work with vue. I have used @vue-flow/core to use a custom edge with button component. But while running the npm run build/serve, I am getting this error: ERROR in [eslint] Cannot read ...
Sandip Kabiraz's user avatar
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Vuetify 2 date picker won't update date in DOM

I'm trying to make a date picker and update some text in the DOM when a new date is selected, but it won't update at all. My template <template> <div> {{ new Date(date)....
pol's user avatar
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how to push value into a ref array

as shown below in the code, in the constructor i create a ref array. i want to push this.#recentlyHoveredGeomProps.value into the reactive array object which is this.#recentlyHoveredGeometriesProps. ...
Amr's user avatar
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Vue.js Dynamic Slots Not Rendering Content as Expected

I'm working on integrating Vue.js with Laravel to create a multilingual content management system, and I'm facing an issue with dynamic slots not rendering any content. Despite setting up everything ...
luukd's user avatar
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JointJS Vue.js Integration: Double-Click Event Listener Multiplication

I'm encountering an issue with event listeners in JointJS within a Vue.js application. The problem arises when using a double-click event listener (cell:pointerdblclick) within a method called ...
anis bekri's user avatar
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VueJS User cant alter checkbox state

I have the following script which use to work perfectly fine. <div id="inspectionList" class="row m-0 p-0" v-if="app.getOption('InspectionChecklists')"> <div v-...
PaulF's user avatar
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Vue Component - dynamically create styles for deeply injected HTML content

We have content that a user creates using a text editor, which creates HTML tags for them such as h1 p etc etc. We also let the user define a theme via a predefined form that basically sets style ...
Matt Bryson's user avatar
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Vuetify v-sparkline component not rendering

I was wondering If I could get some help with sparkline graphs in my component, as I'm still very much new to this. For now, I just want to display a graph with default settings and an array of ...
Tim Prikryl's user avatar
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two radio buttons, how the selection of one of them deselect the other one

in the code mentioned in vue-component section below, i create a component with two radio buttons. what i want to achieve is, when the radio button in idRadioBtnShowGeoTIFFOverlayContainer is selected,...
Amr's user avatar
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Array of string inputs in Vue 3?

I'm trying to present a form using Vue 3 that will contain a list of text input fields. The fields map to a string[] with a fixed length. I'd like to be able to set each field's v-model to the ...
Shadowman's user avatar
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Nuxt Vue display component based on parameter/type

I am fairly new to Nuxt and Vuejs. I have googled for a solution but haven't found any. I have a page with component <VTextField></VTextField> and <VSwitch></VSwitch>, sample ...
Lovi's user avatar
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Is there a way to v-bind Components (while setting its prop) as prop of another component as shown below

<MyParentComponent :component-prop="MyChildComponent.ChildComponentProp.value = 'xyz'"> This is what I want to achieve. I want to provide MyParentComponent a child component as a prop. ...
clair's user avatar
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Event error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'stopPropagation')

I can't use click modifiers when passing up the click event from a child component to the parent component. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong here? I have a component like this: <!-- ...
Josh's user avatar
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Trying to use Node-Red Dashboard 2.0 ui-template with Vue v-date-picker

Using ui-template from Dashboard 2.0 I use the code and node-red flow below to try and get the date selected to be sent in a node-red message, but can not get the debug node to display anything. Have ...
vandel's user avatar
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