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Questions tagged [vue-reactivity]

Questions about vue's reactivity, which is all about auto updating arrays and object properties when changed.

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Provide / Inject value not getting updated if its reactive value is changed - VueJS

I am quite new to Vue.js coming from a React background. I have a reactive variable config which is passed to provide() function in a component and used by other component using inject(). But the the ...
Jaisal Shah's user avatar
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Pinia state loosing reactivity when used in an object?

Trying to wrap my head around reactivity when it comes to states from a Pinia store. I have the following store (@/stores/settings.js): import { defineStore } from 'pinia' export const useSettings = ...
s427's user avatar
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Is the virtual DOM in VueJS redundant?

Can anyone tell me if VueJS has fine-grained reactivity, similar to signals that use a sub-push mechanism to update directly on the actual DOM? If so, does that make the virtual DOM redundant? I want ...
nhơn's user avatar
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Can't figure out reactivity in Vue

I'm more familiar with React and I've been try to port this component from React to Vue for a project. Everything about my solution seems to be working except when I update the ref value in the parent ...
Michael Teuscher's user avatar
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Vue 3 onMounted not loading data in Vuetify data table server

I have created this page with Vue 3 + Vuetify called demo.vue in my project which receives data from an API server. The problem that I'm facing is that I set up the data inside an onMounted function, ...
Antonio's user avatar
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In Vue 3, am I supposed to se the whole object structure when initializing a reactive value?

Suppose I want to create an empty value in my pinia store that hold the current subscription model the user is looking at. This should be null/unset if the user is not currently on a subscription ...
xTheWolf's user avatar
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Why is a computed property necessary for reactivity in a Vue component with Pinia store?

I am storing an authenticated user of my web app (Vue and Supabase) in a Pinia store: userStore.user. My NavBar component has a login/logout link based on this state. In order to make this reactive ...
Josh's user avatar
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Why is the reactive variable in my Vue3 component not updating, while it is updating in the composable?

I'm facing an issue with Vue3 and Nuxt3 where a reactive variable currentMatchday within my component isn't updating as expected, despite using a composable to handle its reactivity. Here's the code ...
Manu's user avatar
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Problem with reactivity of pinia getters in imported npm package (vue 2.7)

Vue 2.7.14 (options api) Pinia 2.1.7 I have ChildApp where in "standalone" mode I normally use pinia after initializing it in main.js and everything works. Below is my store initialization....
Threshu's user avatar
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Vue computed prop change not being reflected in component if value references same object

example store: const trigger = ref(true); const prop = computed(() => { trigger.value; console.log('comp prop run'); // works! return some_big_object; }); const doChange = () => { ...
Alex's user avatar
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Vue ref of parent component does not trigger update of child when changed in another child (Android Chrome)

In my Vue/Vite/Vue Router project, I use a component called DefaultLayout for the basic layout of my page. It has several slots, like action-left, action-right, title and default: <!-- layouts/...
dasdawidt's user avatar
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Vue3 Loosing reactivity on object, when being passed as prop

I've encountered a strange behavior while migrating from Vue2 to Vue3. When creating a new object in the parent component with an asynchronous function being called in the constructor, that ...
ceddy610's user avatar
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Vue3: data from Pinia store not arriving

I can't pull Pinia data after page reload using the Composition API. So, I'm using Vue to digest some fetched JSON. I'm new to the Composition API. But reading the docs I can't see what's missing ...
allanberry's user avatar
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Vue 3 reactive anti-pattern [closed]

I would like to ask about Vue 3 reactivity system. Im working with Vue 3 for some time. But today, I saw something I have never seen before. Our senior dev wrote something like this const store = ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Vue 3 render function no class reactivity

i need to use hyperscript from vue (h function) but i have a problem with conditionnal class. Here a reproduction link
user3699170's user avatar
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In Vue3's compositional API, how can I v-bind a dynamic group of props to a child component and not lose reactivity?

The context is that I have a Button component and a SquareButton component that wraps it as a higher order component. The SquareButton takes the same props as Button, but includes an extra prop needed ...
rescuecreative's user avatar
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Vue3 reactivity in props breaks when props are de-referenced?

Since the variable editing loses reactivity to prop changes when the prop is accessed this way, I am wondering how I can fix this so I maintain reactivity to prop changes. I can't use computed ...
Saadman Islam Khan's user avatar
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Managing Reactivity for Complex Nested Objects in Vue3

I'm working on a quite significantly sized web application that heavily interacts with Google Maps using Vue3 with composition API, typescript, and Pinia store. The application is not complicated in ...
borndeprecated's user avatar
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<NuxtLayout> name prop not reactive

I have a component that should switch the used layout based on the current breakpoint. <script setup lang="ts"> import { computed } from "vue"; import { breakpointsTailwind } ...
xTheWolf's user avatar
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Vue.js3 render() function not letting me render multiple components in the same parent

I'm trying to make a Google Calendar app clone using Vue.js 3 The issue I'm facing is that whenever I try to render a new Event component using Vue.js render() and h() functions inside its parent ...
Achraf FAWZI's user avatar
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Vue reactivity and VueUse computedAsync mistery

Would anyone have a hint as to why localData updates properly, while storeData remains stuck at -1 in this Vue SFC playground?? Reactivity issue with computedAsync The entire code is below; the real ...
Franck's user avatar
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Reactivity lost when variable is used in function

I have a simple Vue 3 app with Vite that calls a Google sheets for data. I am missing something about reactivity in Vue 3. The following works fine <template> <div v-if="ssData"&...
Alan's user avatar
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Vue watchers and reactivity

In my vue app, I want to watch route changes, and then react to the change. Here is an example where I simulate a route change. <script setup> import { ref, watch } from 'vue' import { ...
Arti-Art's user avatar
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Pinia stores not reactive in Vue3 components

I am using Pinia for stores in my Vue3 app with Typescript. I want to manage the current week that is being displayed. The problem arises when I try to access the weekDisplay variable from the store. ...
Serban Untu's user avatar
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Reactivity of a long to calculate prop in Vue.js

I have a Vue component that receives two props: values (an object containing various fields including name) and apiResponse (initially an empty object). The component includes a name field that should ...
Léonard Krief's user avatar
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Why do I need to specify deep: true in Vue watcher inside Pinia store?

This is my sample: // App.vue <script setup lang="ts"> import { onMounted } from 'vue'; import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'; import { useStore } from './store.js' const store = ...
Minh Nghĩa's user avatar
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About reactive ref([]) I don't understand vue3 composition API

I have make some side project to practice with vue.js. The issue i encountered is behavior re-render of ref when it data changing. I have a function to take new user info and update it record in array ...
anlehoang's user avatar
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useSlots() VNode tree is not reactive

I am building a component that manages the layout of its default slot child nodes, for context the general idea is to have something like: <MyContainer> <FooComponent /> <...
Pop Flamingo's user avatar
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Directives v-if and v-for not rendering expected data in a vuejs3 application

I am making a small application for appointment booking, using vue3 with setup script syntax. Firstly, I use the @vuepic/vue-datepicker component to display a monthly calendar on the screen and record ...
Farid's user avatar
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Vue 3: Remove objects (Proxies) from Array

I have a vue3 project and I use the composition API. I have a component which shows some items (called tokens in this case). <script setup> import { ref, onMounted, toRaw } from 'vue' import ...
Merc's user avatar
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How to pass a reactive object with prop values from a component to a composable in vue3 / nuxt3

i have a vue component using the composition API that has some props passed into it. i would like this component to pass its props into a composable that's a wrapper around useFetch, and i would like ...
broox's user avatar
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How to pass reactive vnode to injected function inside component

This is kind of a followup to my previous question. Basically I try to register a vnode with a parent through an injected function. The solution in the question works (it retains reactivity, but a ...
Antonio Dell's user avatar
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Why template rendering trigger in Vue differs between array item properties and computed array item properties?

Following the suggestion on what's the recommended approach for mutating props when "The prop is passed in as a raw value that needs to be transformed", I tried to "wrap" the ...
seekingtheoptimal's user avatar
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Vue 3 reactivity differences Provide/Inject vs this.$slots.default

currently I am working on a PR to the primefaces/primevue repository, which will provide the ability to wrap Column components in custom components for the DataTable. As you can see in the PR (see the ...
Antonio Dell's user avatar
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How to use Vue 2.0 reactivity using objects?

I have a parent component with certain data: data: function() { return { initialItem: { name: "item", size: 10, description: "some text" } currentItem:...
pmpc's user avatar
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Vuetify pagination not updating reactive variable

I'm following this simple example of vuetify external pagination . Difference is that my code gets the data from an ...
domjanzsoo's user avatar
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Pinia + Vue 3 state reactivity - alternative to storeToRefs

I have the following composable useLocations.js: export const useLocations = defineStore('useLocations', () => { const state = reactive({ data: 1 }) const update = () => { ...
Enthusiasm's user avatar
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Dialog box doesn't render while a pinia property was correctly togg

I’m still learning using Vue 3 and Pinia. My program has a main component with a template that shows/hides a modal according to the value of a store boolean property called PlaceModalStore.isShown. In ...
user8889350's user avatar
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Nested reactivity with ref is diffrent between Vue 2.7 & Vue 3

While trying to migrate from Vue 2.7 to Vue 3 using @vue/compat we had many issue in the reactivity system. After investigation we could isolate the issue. Here you can find the same code running on ...
walox's user avatar
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vue3 Component and props reactivity

I have this piece of code: <template> <div> <CompA :value="valComputed" @change=onChange/> </div> </template> <script> import { ref, computed, ...
sgch's user avatar
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Template Ref unboxing logic

I'm having trouble creating a reference to an element and storing it inside an (non-reactive) object that I initialize like this: const myObj = { myRef: ref(null), ... } And in the template I ...
cryfur's user avatar
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Why Vue 3 ref is not updating

I have searched this issue and tried all the things but did not work for me. I am using Vue 3 ref and it needs to be updated after calling the Axios with the response but it is not getting updated ...
Bilal Maqsood's user avatar
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Trigger setter function automatically when value of input changes which is bound to an x-model

I have this in an input field : x-model="product.price_USD" x-on:input="$store.global_data.priceInINR = product" where priceInINR is a setter and this works. But it the real world ...
anjanesh's user avatar
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Vue.js Reactivity is not working properly in a prop

I am using composition API in my Vue.js project. Suppose, I have a ManageFeedback.vue parent component and inside this I am using a child component namely FeedbackModal. Now I am also using a feedback....
Antor's user avatar
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How to convert Vue class binding into strings for classlist?

I'm building a component that is going to set classes on the body element, which resides outside of the Vue app. As such, I can't use class bindings on the element, I have to use element.classList. I ...
Soviut's user avatar
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How computed in Vue tracks it's dependencies under the hood?

How Vue manages to track dependencies which are used for computed property(under the hood)? In react we have a list of dependencies, but in vue we provide just callback/getter function, how ...
Ivan Uno's user avatar
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Vue 3 and Window object reactivity

I'm facing an issue I'm not able to solve, so I need some help! Problem I would like to listen up changes on location.href value. How could I detect changes in window.location object? I need to create ...
Zalo's user avatar
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How to make every object property reactive?

Consider this simplified example: interface Dog { name: string; age: number; } const puppy: Dog = { name: 'Snoop', age: 2, }; I want to create a reactive reference for each property in the ...
Maxim Mazurok's user avatar
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Reactivity breaks when changing ref's value inside an asychronous callback

Consider the following simple example (vue3 + pinia + fullcalendar): the store: export const useFullCalendarStore = defineStore('calendar', () => { // ... const activeView = ref<Nullable&...
DimChtz's user avatar
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Flattening multiple reactive arrays looses the reactivity (Array.flat())

I have been working on component which takes in a reactive Map<string, string[]> and combines all the values of this Map into single array. This resulting flattened array is put into a reactive ...
Yogi's user avatar
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