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Questions tagged [vue-router]

Vue Router is a routing library for single-page applications designed for use with the Vue.js framework.

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Best way to implement conditional tabbed routing in vue

What I'm trying to implement is routing with tabs where the available tabs change depending on the user type (upon authentication the user type gets stored in a pinia store). This is what I ended up ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

I am new to vue.js and i'm trying to upgrade a relatively big vue 2 project to vue 3 and after i updated all the necessary files, i came across this TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on '...
efe.tsdmr's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 child route with dynamic parameter not getting active-class

I have the following folder structure. And the following pages are of important /workshops and /workshops/workshop-1. The issue I'm having now is that my active-link works for /workshops, but not for ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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How to unit test vue beforeRouteUpdate hooks

I have the following vue component, which uses onBeforeRouteUpdate hook to call the init() method when the route param changes (test/a -> test/b). The following stackblitz instance shows the output ...
demiglace's user avatar
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How can I access router props passed in to Vue Router in function beforeEach

I have a Vue Router routes setup like so: [ { path: '/regions', name: 'regions', component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "regions" */ '../views/RegionsView.vue'), ...
zoltalar's user avatar
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How do I mounted a object data using axios in vue js

this is my menu page: <div class="col col-md-3" v-for="(product, index) in products" :key="index"> <div class="card"> <...
JustTuyen's user avatar
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In vue3, why router.currentRoute and router.currentRoute.value printed value different?

When I use the address to enter the /npc page or refresh the page in the /npc page, I encounter the following situation. Code: router.beforeEach(async () => { console.log(router.currentRoute, ...
Yo.Right's user avatar
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Vue router not changing or responding to URL

Navigating from one page to the other works, but this change is not reflected in the URL path. Trying to enter a page directly from the URL (i.e. localhost:8080/explore) also just loads the home page. ...
arrey's user avatar
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How to create a simple component inline?

I have a component that looks like this: App.vue <template> <RouterView /> </template> I would like to not have a file for such a simple component. How would I go about creating ...
leonheess's user avatar
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Escape colon in Vue router wikipedia-style

Context I've been trying to replicate what wikipedia does with their URL It works something like /[Namespace]:[PageName] /[PageName] So if I go to /randompage I get as params: namespace: '' page name:...
Nala's user avatar
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Facing issues in nested routes in Vue-3

I am creating a simple CRUD application for users based on different roles, but I'm facing issues with nested routes and component rendering. I have carefully reviewed their official documentation, ...
Ittefaq Technologies's user avatar
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Vue routeguard prevents supabase SIGN_IN event to occur after OAuth redirect

I've followed this tutorial on vueschool for supabase auth in vue3 app. For signin i'm using this method: const ...
Depka's user avatar
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Problems serving Vue Vite build through Express, Failed to load module script: Expected JavaScript module

I am currently trying to test my Nodejs (Vue, Vite, Express) web application in production but am having trouble serving specific routes to the client. On some pages i recieve Failed to load module ...
Max Vuksan's user avatar
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Vue Router Not Reflecting Routes, Stays on Home Page

I'm working on a Vue 3 project and encountering an issue where the Vue Router is not reflecting the correct routes. When I navigate to any route, such as /cars or /admin, the URL does not update and ...
Suliman Noor's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Dynamic Routing Conflict with Nested and Single Slug Pages

I am building a project with Nuxt 3, However, I am facing a routing conflict with my current setup. Here is my folder structure: pages/ [types]/ [slug].vue [...categoryPath]/ [slug].vue [...
Jan's user avatar
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vue-router scroll doesn't work properly based on user action

I created following page: <template> <div> <v-row> <v-col> <div id="c1"> <h2>Chapter 1</h2> <div><!-...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Cannot find module '../page/home/index.vue' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

when i use vue3+ts ,my router are right,but it's tips that cannot find module '../page/home/index.vue' or its corresponding type declarations always! I was used hash modules,not history modules. i ...
nora's user avatar
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error get data to one data using vue router and laravel

I learning Vue in use Vue router, make crud SPA application component to show all data: <template> <div> <table class="table table-striped"> <...
Andrey V's user avatar
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v-slot can only be used on components or <template> tags. Using <router-view> (plugin:vite:vue)

<router-view v-slot="{ Component }"> <component :is="Component" class="container" ref="componentRef" /> </router-view&...
aishwarya's user avatar
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Vuex and Vue Router - double condition on beforeEnter not working

I have double condition in beforeEnter and nobody can enter to right place. Is there a limit in conditions or what? :( my code in the router file: const routes = { path: `${routerConfig.preRoute}/...
kat.stacevitz's user avatar
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why in vue3, the transition component will cause the router to fail to jump?

My router configuration: { path: '/user', name: 'user', component: Layout, redirect: '/user/detail', meta: { title: '111', }, children: [ { path: '...
肉蛋充肌's user avatar
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confirm not working on iOS after using native "back" (vue3, vue-router)

In my app the confirm dialog is broken on iOS after using the native "back" button. My app uses vue3 with vue-router. When just using the RouterLink elements to navigate the page, everything ...
panwauu's user avatar
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Vue Router: Automatically being redirected to root path of router upon page refresh

I have a problem in my Vue app where the router automatically redirects itself to the root of the current path. Say, I am on the path localhost:5000/new/123456 and when I refresh the page, I am ...
Nosai's user avatar
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Issue with Vue.js Microservice Path Configuration in a Larger Application

I'm working on a web application structured as a microservice within a larger application. Our architecture requires changing the paths after a base URL where our project is hosted. I have updated the ...
Olabode-Odebunmi Oluwaseeni's user avatar
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how to get the lazy loaded component with vue-router and getRoutes

I'm using vue 3.4.27 and vue-router 4.3.2 and I'm lazy loading some routes like this: { path: '/path/to/pageone', component: () => import('../components/MyStuff/PageOne.vue') }, { path: '/...
Bob Ramsey's user avatar
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Detect route change inside inner/partial component (VueRoute 3 in Nuxt 2.14)

Issue The Vue component PartialComponent has another InnerPartialComponent that, in turn, has a Google Recaptcha (i.e. VueRecaptcha) inside that actually is an old vue-recaptcha (v1.3.0). So, in ...
Artfaith's user avatar
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How can I pass an entire URL, with filenames and query parameters, as a single prop in Vue Router?

I'm working on a website that essentially functions the same as the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, storing backups of entire websites. The Wayback Machine's URLs for backups look like this: https:...
James Browning's user avatar
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Vue problems with Github page route with params

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'; const routes = [ { path: '/', component: ()=> import('@/components/Home/Home.vue')}, { path: '/:marca/cars', component: ()=> ...
nepko's user avatar
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(Vue 3) Open graph works only on homepage but not other routes

I have a VueJS website deployed to github page with below open graph setting place in the <head> section inside /index.html: <head> <meta name="description" content="My ...
Oliver Mak's user avatar
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Integrating Vue.js 3 and Laravel in a Single Project with a JavaScript Template

I am working on a project with Vue.js 3 for the front-end and Laravel for the back-end, but both in the same project. To speed up the project's development, I purchased a template made in vanilla ...
Romuald 's user avatar
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Cleaning Vue URL query parameters

I have a Vue application with a checkout view using Stripe. The js to trigger the Stripe payment is the next one: await stripe.confirmPayment({ elements, confirmParams: { ...
angelcervera's user avatar
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How to resolve FastAPI StaticFiles route with deep routes [duplicate]

My FastApi server is configured with static route, app.include_router(api) app.mount("/", StaticFiles(directory=script_dir,html=True), name="static") In static directory I have ...
Faheem Khan's user avatar
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Vitest - ReferenceError: location is not defined

I'm trying to set up vitest for a Vue application that was recently converted from Vue 2 to Vue 3. I'm getting the following error, and have been unsuccessful in determining what the problem is. ...
piccy's user avatar
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how to use Vue Router's Relative redirecting (not working)?

i am learning Relative redirecting from Vue router Doc. and i am tring to implement the doc example of the code. const routes = [ { // will always redirect /users/123/posts to /users/123/profile ...
leo41271's user avatar
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When navigating to a route the useFetch won't work reactive

I am trying to use useFetch in my page component, so when I navigate to this page using nuxt-link the useFetch will send the request and get the response of 200, but the items fetched from the api won'...
NyF__'s user avatar
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vue vitest - vue-router spy is not being called

I am writing a test suite for my vue 3 application using vitest and vue test utils. When the vue component is mounted, it calls its own init method, which in turn initializes a store to make a post ...
demiglace's user avatar
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Vue route name is undefined and path is incorrect

I'm trying to have some logic in my root App.vue (as soon as the app loads) that depends on the current route, but I'm finding the to be undefined, and when I tried logging the path it was ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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Deploy static retype files at vue route

I have a website set up using vue and now I want to add some documentation to it. I decided to use retype as its easy to write and format documentation. I use retype build to build the files and they ...
wand555's user avatar
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Can someone explain to me why this routing setup in Vue.js is wrong?

I'm currently trying to figure out how the Vue.js routing works. I feel like this should be the right approach when creating nested routes with multiple parameters: { path: 'campus-list', name: '...
Moument's user avatar
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Redirection problems with router-link in Vue.js: button does not return to another page

I recently started working on a Vue.js project. The purpose of my participation in the project was that the site has a Landing Page (App.vue), with several components that integrate App.vue, and I ...
Lucca Monteiro's user avatar
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grab router link anchor id with Vue Router and Vue Composition API

Using vue-router v4 with Vue v3 Composition api how to I get the id of the generated anchor tag when clicked? This is for analytics tagging usage. Example usage: <RouterLink id="linkHome" ...
William Shackelford's user avatar
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Vue router not redirecting

Yesterday I started working with Vue, Vuetify and Vue Router. With the vuetify project setup the router package was already installed. First I created some components and basic pages. Then I wanted to ...
Philipp's user avatar
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How to properly scroll to an Element in VueJS when navigating back from a route, using an offset?

I am fighting with the Vue Router (Version 4.2 in my case). I want to achieve that when the user returns from navigation to another route, the original vertical position is restored. const router = ...
itinance's user avatar
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How to invoke a js function after every page is created?

In my Vue2 app, it's easy enough to call a JavaScript function in the created() method of every .vue file. Not wanting to do this in every file, am I able to invoke a JS function on creation (or mount)...
happybuddha's user avatar
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Extend parent view slot in RouterLink vỉew

I have a defined Vue route, parent view, and two child views ./route/index.ts const router = createRouter({ routes: [ { path: '/dataset/:dataset_name', component: ...
Thong Nguyen's user avatar
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Retain router transitions with :key while making sure children base views don't refresh

I have an app where I've used :key="$route.path" on the router view for transitions. But the problem is that using :key ends up refreshing the child route base view that ends up calling the ...
Farhan Ali's user avatar
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Vue ref of parent component does not trigger update of child when changed in another child (Android Chrome)

In my Vue/Vite/Vue Router project, I use a component called DefaultLayout for the basic layout of my page. It has several slots, like action-left, action-right, title and default: <!-- layouts/...
dasdawidt's user avatar
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How to routing view in a child of view routed?

I have a website use Vue Nuxt Typescript Pinia Tailwind. I don't know how to load a view that view is loaded by route of top navigation cuz inside loaded view I have sidebar menu, I want each choice ...
Daniel Nguyen's user avatar
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Vue.js router.push changes URL but RankerDetail component doesn't update on button navigation

I'm developing a Vue.js application with vue-router and facing an issue with my RankerDetail component. This component is meant to display different data based on the route parameter id. When I ...
Broxy's user avatar
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Vue3 Composition API: Error: Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first when using named slots in router-view

I am currently in the process of rewriting my Vue code in all of my apps but am running into a rather annoying error that I cannot seem to decipher. Let me explain to you first what I am trying to do....
Pimv_h's user avatar
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