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Vue Router does not update the path in the address bar

I'm using "vue": "^3.4.21" and "vue-router": "^4.4.0" main.ts import { createMemoryHistory, createRouter } from 'vue-router' # ... const app = createApp(App) ...
nagylzs's user avatar
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Best way to implement conditional tabbed routing in vue

What I'm trying to implement is routing with tabs where the available tabs change depending on the user type (upon authentication the user type gets stored in a pinia store). This is what I ended up ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Vue3 + i18n-vue Override language detection?

I'm using vue3 with i18n-vue with language prefix. i18n-vue provides language detection (probably using browser language). How do I add custom detection? eg) when a user hits /, i18n performs language ...
Gladiator Boo's user avatar
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Vue 3 Router issue, no outlet, no displayed content

I have a vue3 application which works perfectly fine when embedding all packages in the directly (locally) in the output bundle. package.json "vue": "^3.4.29", "vue-router&...
Jay's user avatar
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Escape colon in Vue router wikipedia-style

Context I've been trying to replicate what wikipedia does with their URL It works something like /[Namespace]:[PageName] /[PageName] So if I go to /randompage I get as params: namespace: '' page name:...
Nala's user avatar
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Vue-Router render the component but doesn't change the url

import { createMemoryHistory, createRouter } from "vue-router"; import { AuthUser } from "../../auth/user"; const routes = [ { path: "/", component : () => ...
nepko's user avatar
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Vitest - ReferenceError: location is not defined

I'm trying to set up vitest for a Vue application that was recently converted from Vue 2 to Vue 3. I'm getting the following error, and have been unsuccessful in determining what the problem is. ...
piccy's user avatar
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How to properly scroll to an Element in VueJS when navigating back from a route, using an offset?

I am fighting with the Vue Router (Version 4.2 in my case). I want to achieve that when the user returns from navigation to another route, the original vertical position is restored. const router = ...
itinance's user avatar
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Routing to a link in Vuejs directly after it has been deployed on netlify

I created a Vuejs/Vuetify and Vue router site, after I deployed it to netlify, if I try to go to a link direct netlify brings up a page not found screen, what can I do? I don't know what else to do, ...
MercX's user avatar
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this.$router.push is causing a leaveGuards.forEach is not a function error

I am using Vue3 and Vue router 4, while tyring to run this.$router.push it throws leaveGuards.forEach is not a function I see that
Akhil Selvakumar's user avatar
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How can I conditionally include content without a jarring animation?

In my Vue.js app, I have a structure like this: <template> <Base> <RouterView/> </Base> </template> Where Base looks like: <template> <...
Will's user avatar
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Is it possible to take a vite/vue3 app and transform it so that it is not reliant on any build tool?

I have a web application that was built in vue 3 and reliant upon vitejs as a build tool. I am now being asked to remove the vitejs build tool due to security reasons. Is this even possible? The app ...
Energetic Pixels's user avatar
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Use vue-router with catch-all/keeping original url and SPA

I am having difficulty getting vue-router to: keep the original invalid url that the user typed in display an embedded 404 page From docs/examples I have seen I seem to be able to do one or the ...
ekjcfn3902039's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unknown variable dynamic import

I have a vue 3 app with Vite and vue-router where I am using dyanmic imports to split routes for better organization. Here is the code. router/index.ts import { authenticatedRoutes,publicRoutes } ...
user3692459's user avatar
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Vue 3 simple catch-all fallback route not working on server

I have created a new Vue 3 application using Vue router 4. When I access the link through <router-link> it opens the page but when I open the link directly it shows not found error. { Not Found ...
Rizwan Ahmad's user avatar
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How to remove hashbang # from url if I use CDN?

I can't remove hashbang # from URL using Vue router with CDN. For example, I have URL, I want to make it like this: I tried to change VueRouter....
Alpen Gold's user avatar
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Vue app.use() doesn't accept my router as a parameter

I am making a new project using Django and Vue 3 (with pinia). I am trying to set up vue router (the lastest version) and I found these instructions in the vue router website
vaultdweller's user avatar
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VueJS static website not doing browser refresh

VueJS version 3.x with vue-router version 4.x developed website operates like it should in development and production environments except for a browser refresh. I would blame this on a misconfigured ...
Energetic Pixels's user avatar
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VueJs + Vite + VueRouter: Can't get current route in setup() (despite many tutorials showing how to do it)

I have a vite (4.4.5) / vue (3.3.4) / vue-router (4.2.5) problem. I try to detect which child-page is currently active based on my vue router. There's plenty of tutorials and stackoverflow posts (like ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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issue with VueJS loading a component in specific route

I've want to get this behaviour : When I click on a blogItem, then it loads the blogtoread component in this route url/blog/{i}. I've got this code : main.js : import { createApp } from 'vue' import ...
Eternan0's user avatar
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Vue3 Router-Link rendering to specific Router-View

I have a VueJS version 3 view/page that will have two components within it. One of those components will have a contextual menu (Router-Links) where menu items will need to render to a specific Router-...
Energetic Pixels's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use vue js 3 route on dynamic url with 404 page?

I have single page site i.e, in this page i'm checking routes for some dymanic urls and 404 page. When i'm accessing url like, Routes are working as expected but ...
Kango's user avatar
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Nested Routes - Vue 3.3.4, Vue-Router 4.2.5 doesn't render router view

I am trying to play around with the Nested routes and came to an issue that the nested routes are not rendered on the component page. //index.js - routes //Define routing rules import { ...
Akhilesh Sharma's user avatar
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[email protected] error: uncaught error during route navigation

The page didn't navigate correctly when I use router.push: [Vue Router warn]: uncaught error during route navigation: warn @ vue-router.mjs:35 vue-router.mjs:3471 TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator ...
王晓宇's user avatar
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How to reload the same route in vue 3 (vue-router 4)

I encountered a curious case during development. I have a modal component that warns users about a change in price: If a user clicks the button I want the page to reload and automatically run the ...
Ivan_OFF's user avatar
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Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'path' in undefined not getting solved

i am always getting error "Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'path' in undefined" i checked several blogs, it shows that i am doing spell mistake in router file, but even after ...
nmn124's user avatar
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Redirects in vue router v4

I'm migrating from Vue Router v3 to Vue Router v4 and bumped into an unexpected problem that breaks quite a lot of logic in my app - maybe someone faced it and knows a good solution. In Vue Router v3 ...
vir us's user avatar
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vue router in Apache server cause problem

my question is about vue3 and vuerouter@4 i recently deployed my small vue project in apache server, i configured .htaccess most router link working perfectly handled by apache
Nikodios's user avatar
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vue-router navigation is not working and getting error: ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk failed after npm run build

I am new learner of vue js 3. Recently I have come up with a strange problem. The problem is related to vue-router using with vue js 3. Problem: route navigation is not working at local (http://...
Md. Saiful Islam's user avatar
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useRouter()'s .replace method failing when useRoute()'s .query object is assigned

I have this nested watcher: const router = useRouter() const route = useRoute() const unwatch = watch( () => route.query, // required because useRoute() is async () => { // map url to ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Vuejs Transition works for normal, in-out but component disappear if using mode out-in

So i tried to use Transition on routes changed. It works fine for normal transition, transition with mode='in-out' but when i tried to use mode='out-in' then when click link the current element did ...
Akhademik's user avatar
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Is this correct params passing in vue router 4?

I want to pass data through vue router 4. Here is my code: this.$router.push({ path: "/clients", params: { tabValue: 'legalEntities' } }); I do this on my submit button, and when I'm open to ...
Dragan's user avatar
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Vue3 vue-router not rendering

Question development environment vue 3.3.4 vue-router@4 IDE: vs-code 1.80 I'm following the vue-router tutorial as a demo, and the router-link renders, but the router-view does not. There are no ...
alexliu's user avatar
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Vue router 4: remove trailing slash if base provided

Is there any way to get rid of trailing slash (for Vue router 4) if base config provided? For example: const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory('/my-base'), routes, }); ...
Degibons's user avatar
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How to avoid "Error: Avoided redundant navigation to current location: "/inside/home" when auth guard won't allow that route

So when the user logs out I want vue to just route to the default landing page. Unfortunately, as it stands, this means that vue will route to the current route. However, there is a guard in place ...
Michael Wiles's user avatar
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How do i add `name` to a `redirect` URL in vue-router

Here is my router setup from the Vue project import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router"; const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),...
Nishant S Vispute's user avatar
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How to set dynamic base route in vue router

I need to set a dynamic base route(i.e. every route will follow this path) for my app. e.g. domain/t/{id}/... Here t/{id} is the base url part where id will be set dynamically. In createRouter ...
S.M. Shakil's user avatar
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How to databind the to attribute of vue router's routerlink with Typescript using composition API in Vue 3?

Here is my component: <script setup lang="ts"> defineProps({ linkPath: //what should I type here?, label: String, icon: String }) </script> <template> <...
Zavius Firerave's user avatar
3 votes
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Vue Router - Right click / open in new tab

With the vue-router (4) I have the following setup import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router' import routes from './...
Mark's user avatar
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Vue router order of routes from .getRoutes()

I'm using the following router configuration: const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL), routes: [ { path: '/home', name:...
Kevin D's user avatar
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How to setup VueRouter correctly?

I want to create a vue application using VueRouter My main.js file looks like this: import VueRouter from "vue" import MyApp2 from "./MyApp2.vue" import { createApp } from "...
user172501's user avatar
3 votes
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useRoute() in Vue 3 Composition API with Typescript - [Vue warn]: injection "Symbol(route location)" not found using Typescript and

I've recently upgraded a Vue 2 app that that uses Vue Router and is mostly in typescript to Vue 3. When I migrated a function that reads the route from Options API, using this.$route to the ...
David's user avatar
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navigation route after deploy project vue3

after deployed my app (vue3 typescript) to local xampp folder ("test1"), the route does not work correctly. all routes redirect to "localhost/" not to the folder project "...
Ali Hameed Al-Hashime's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fix '[Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path '/' in Laravel Vue.js project?

using laravel and vue 3 face this [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path "/" Hi I am facing this error in console [Vue Router warn]: No match found for location with path &...
Umer Ghouri's user avatar
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vue-router 404 errors for paths that exist but do not have an associated record

My project is using vue-router and I am looking for a good way to handle 404 errors for paths that exist in my routes.js but doesn't have an associated record. For example if someone visits: https://...
whoacowboy's user avatar
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Change route in vue-router without reloading Components

I have a route in vue-router: /items?page=1&rowsPerPage=25&sortBy=state&sortType=desc every Time i change one of the params (sortBy or page=2) i want to stay on the same site, without ...
Gooze's user avatar
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How to transfer props together with router-link

I will try to describe it briefly. I have the data about the ads received through the request. This is an array of objects containing the name, picture, price, and so on. To draw them, there is a ...
wstr27's user avatar
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Vue3.3.2 - Is it possible to access useRoute within a composable function?

I'm trying to access useRoute from within a composable function. Starting with vue 3.3.2 & vue-route 4.2.0, I set up a test using npm init vue@latest with the router enabled. No problem accessing ...
Jaqen's user avatar
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Vue router doesn't load with create-vue@3

i was trying out the vue router but i'm not getting the expected result. I'm following the tutorial, if i use the CDN and put it in a unique HTML file it works, but if ...
Flecart's user avatar
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how can i use named routes and their child routes in nuxt 3?

i have this file structure pages/ --posts/ ----[id].vue ----index.vue --about.vue --index.vue and this navbar <NuxtLink to="/">home</NuxtLink> <NuxtLink to="/posts"&...
arifcelik's user avatar

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