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Questions tagged [vue.js]

Vue.js is an open-source, progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces that aims to be incrementally adoptable. Vue.js is mainly used for front-end development and requires an intermediate level of HTML and CSS. Vue.js questions are highly version specific and should always be tagged with [vuejs2] or [vuejs3] in addition to this tag.

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2 answers

Re-render a OpenWeatherMap component when switching language in Vue 3

I am a beginner using Vue 3, to learn it I am developing a simple weather webapp using OpenWeatherMap API. I have added multilanguage support using vue-i18n library and everything works fine. But ...
feub's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use provide in Vue's optional API to achieve bidirectional data transfer of basic data types?

There are two components. I want to implement two-way data transmission between parent and child by providing a responsive object. However, I found that the object type can correctly implement ...
Altynai's user avatar
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How to add an extra class on highlightedwhich is added by highlighted props vuejs3-datepicker

I am using import Datepicker from 'vuejs3-datepicker'; and I am using highlighted props to highlight specific dates but I want to color highlighted dates with different color but 'vuejs3-datepicker' ...
Rock Havmor's user avatar
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How to style a iframe scrollbar in vue when utilziing a reactive variable for contents

I am loading an email template in to my application using the following code: <v-col class="px-10"> <div v-if="selectedEmailLoading" class="h-100 w-100 d-flex ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Best/Simplest Way to Incorporate User Routing or a Front-End Framework into an Existing Project [closed]

I am making a card game with Node.js, express, and The game is written in 4 files with a server.js, index.html, index.js and style.css and works for what it is (the index.js handles the ...
MahjongLover902012039's user avatar
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How to Add a Trailing Slash to URLs in Nuxt 3

I have a Nuxt 3 project with a directory public/urlName/ containing an index.html file. When the page is accessed without a trailing slash at the end of the URL, the files and styles located in the ...
Nikolay Fedorov's user avatar
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iag-grid data is not refreshing when i change the data from an external component

my aggrid is getting its data from a pinia store, bras is an array of the customer's branches const { selectedCustomer } = storeToRefs(customerStore) const rowData =selectedCustomer.value.bras when ...
d cy's user avatar
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I have a vue.js & three.js code and how to hidden coordinate part in three.js?

Everyone, I have a vue & three.js code. and i wanna hidden the part which shows in the picture. I have no experience in three.js and i don't know how to fix it. i used scene, camera, renderer, ...
Carlos Santos's user avatar
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Twilio error while accepting the incoming call

Error of @twilio_conversation…js?v=582255ec:11005 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Forbidden at Upstream2._callee$ (@twilio_conversation…v=582255ec:11005:27) at tryCatch (chunk-NHAX666J.js?v=...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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Nuxt3 clears inputs autocomplete

Clear Nuxt3 project. When i do "hard refresh" (cmd+shift+r) there are 3 states of form inputs: Empty, Autocompleted from browser, Empty. Example and code below: HTML: <form> <...
Sklfcha's user avatar
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1 answer

How does work Vue v-model with update:modelValue and how to prevent it from default logic depending on modal

Can someone explain to me if v-model is: :modelValue update:modelValue then what happen when v-model with update:modelValue used both. So in my code I have this component: <script src="https://...
Dorialean's user avatar
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Dropdown menu overlaps with component in Vue app

I had a Vue electron app, in which Home view component has 3 child components which are in single column one after the other, I have a b-dropdown in middle component when I scroll up the opened ...
satishVudata's user avatar
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Loading an email template into a vuetify app

I am displaying email from an outlook email using MS Graph API. The content of the body is in html format so I am trying to add it via the v-html prop such as: <div v-html="emailContent"&...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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vue router installations to an existing Vue.js project returning error

npm error code ERESOLVE npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm error npm error While resolving: [email protected] npm error Found: [email protected] npm error node_modules/vue npm error ...
Nbaron Jekeko's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Vue') at initBackend, how can i solve this error?

I’m working on a Vue 3 application using Pinia for state management, and I’m encountering an issue where added messages are not rendering on the screen. Additionally, I’m getting a persistent error in ...
HYEIN YU's user avatar
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a intresting questring,for vue's 'name' [closed]

In Vue, multiple routers use the same Vue file, and they will click to switch, just like tab switching, but they are using the same. Vue file. How to use keep alive to cache this. Vue file in my vue ...
xianyong zhao's user avatar
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Best way to implement conditional tabbed routing in vue

What I'm trying to implement is routing with tabs where the available tabs change depending on the user type (upon authentication the user type gets stored in a pinia store). This is what I ended up ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Do we need to clear class to prevent memory leak?

In the following script, this class is used to store a lot of Geojsons object (for google maps api): class MapService { private layers: Map<string, google.maps.Data> = new Map() ...
Raphael Rlt's user avatar
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Handling Emits with Vue.extend in TypeScript

I'm following the Vue 3 migration guide and trying to declare all the $emit events in the emits array. My component is written in TypeScript, and I'm still using Vue.extend. However, I'm encountering ...
Eli Perlshtein's user avatar
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Vue Testing: Triggering Checkbox not working

I'm trying to test if a checkbox has been checked with Vue test utils and Vitest, but the test always fails and I don't understand why. Component.vue: <template> <input type="...
KlonAnon's user avatar
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Colon symbol in class names for tailwind break Pug files

I am creating a project in Vue where the HTML aspect of it is written in pug. When I add a tailwind class, (for example in this case I am trying to add the classes ) Since it is ...
Joao Moita's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sorting a object's properties after reducing

I am recreating the effects of an outlook mailbox by grouping a list of outlook emails by their conversation id. However, I need to sort my list twice such that the emails in each group are ordered ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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vue.js and Element Plus - use el-select with key

I intend to make a drop-down menu that can have three values: The first can be 'Father' or 'Mother' depending on the condition returned by the autoGender(index) method. The second is always 'Father'. ...
Mat's user avatar
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How to use Pinia with a Map of table configuration objects

I am using Pinia to manage the state of different DataTables throughout my application. It's possible for multiple tables to be opened "on top" of each other (i.e. in overlay(s) over each ...
Dennis's user avatar
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How to use vue quill?

If I use vue quill editor, I am facing this error in the console "[Deprecation] Listener added for a 'DOMNodeInserted' mutation event. This event type is deprecated, and will be removed from this ...
Ei Ei's user avatar
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How to style Chart.js bar chart? I have an example of Chart

I need to create some bar chart. This is a reference: This is what I have for now: I marked my 3 questions on the reference with ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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Vue3 Openlayers + webpack = can't resolve modules

webpack fails to resolve modules dependencies when compiling I got 94 erros like this: ERROR in ./node_modules/vue3-openlayers/dist/ 63:0-41 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve ...
Sam's user avatar
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two-way binding of a checkbox does not happen

For the code posted below vue component it is a child component and is hosted in a specific parent. When I make two ways binding via vModelCheckGeoTIFFOverlayBandAverages by introducing a change to ...
Amr's user avatar
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Failed to resolve vue/compiler-sfc when I try to install Caldera

I try to install Caldera by following the steps explained on this link I succeed to install every package on the file requirements.txt ...
Cardz_gennartn's user avatar
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Customize the dot marker with tooltip on line chart (ApexCharts)

I'm trying to create a custom library of chart component with Apexcharts and Vue3Apexcharts. I would like to be able to customize this little dot (marker) Here is what I would like to customize I ...
Léo Delplanque's user avatar
-1 votes
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Splash Screen is not showing ionic vue capacitor

I am experiencing an issue with the splash screen not displaying in my Ionic Vue project using Capacitor. Despite following the standard setup instructions, the splash screen does not appear when the ...
shoaibdevs's user avatar
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Adding attribute to HTML elements to whole code

I'm using Nuxt 2 in my project with Storyblok datasources as translations and e.g. I've: <span v-text="$t('labels.cartSell')" /> and I need to add something like data-translation="...
kozdro's user avatar
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1 answer

Vue how to mock a ref value

I am writing a modal component in vue 3: // MyModal.vue <script setup> const emit = defineEmits(['close']) const modalDialog = ref(null) const close = () => { emit('close') ...
demiglace's user avatar
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'stats' not allowed in Vue 3 cli?

I am trying to generate a stats report for my Vue 3 project. There is no way I can enable stats. I currently use webpack-bundle-analyzer to view a map of the bundles, but enabling a report for it ...
Rutwick Gangurde's user avatar
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i am using vue-instantsearch with vue2,the ais-Hits widget work fine,but the ais-SearchBox can not render the form css

this is my code <template> <div id="app-search"> <ais-instant-search :search-client="searchClient" index-name="demo_ecommerce"> <ais-...
poorops's user avatar
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How to fix vue.js schedule d.cleartime error?

I want to make a scheduler with jqwidget and a java spring boot backend where i fetch data from my database. Now I always run in following error: main.js:8 [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "...
Kini's user avatar
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run vue playwright e2e tests in GitHub actions

While trying to write my CI using GitHub actions, This is one step that I'm not able to do, run the e2e tests. steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 ...
Rami Hassan's user avatar
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Unable to send data through props in vue js

Context I had created a product page which populate the products info from API. Now I am building the edit Product page. On edit product page, it contains 4 components which I am rendering through ...
MagnusEffect's user avatar
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Vue memory leaks in table using dynamic components

In our Vue/Vuetify 3 project we have generic table component which conditionally renders different components as table cells. Unfortunately, tables are causing big memory leaks. It is a big component, ...
Patryk Marchut's user avatar
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Vuetify tabs system bug

I have a problem with the tab system in my project. When I want to have tabs in a dialog from Vuetify and I want to have inputs and things that should be there and how it's supposed to work correctly ...
Jakub Mitrega's user avatar
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Audio recording in front-end

I create a Vue application (using Vue 3.4.21). I am interested in allow user to record an audio, and managed to create a component that does it, and saving it to local user machine. Here you can see ...
guyaloni's user avatar
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TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'

I am new to vue.js and i'm trying to upgrade a relatively big vue 2 project to vue 3 and after i updated all the necessary files, i came across this TypeError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on '...
efe.tsdmr's user avatar
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VueJS 3.4 - Computed value to get from two sources but set in one

The logic in my app is to fetch some array of objects from API with @tanstack/vue-query, update some of those objects and send a patch request only for the updated objects. So I created an empty array ...
pashata's user avatar
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How to create a Q-Toolbar that becomes sticky on the top when user scrolls down?

I'm building a VueJS-Application using QuasarFramework that has a QToolbar inside a QHeader, so that the toolbar stays always on top. Now I want to put the Toolbar little lower to have another ...
itinance's user avatar
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Provide / Inject value not getting updated if its reactive value is changed - VueJS

I am quite new to Vue.js coming from a React background. I have a reactive variable config which is passed to provide() function in a component and used by other component using inject(). But the the ...
Jaisal Shah's user avatar
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Fusion chart throwing error in Lazy loaded route vue

I have an existing project vue, in which case everything was running fine. we decided to optimize the bundle size of the app because it was too large and implemented lazy loading routes, e.g const ...
Dawodu Fumbi's user avatar
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Vue js with Express

how can i use Vue JS with Node js express. Hello, How can I integrate Vue.js with a Node.js Express server? I want my Node.js server to provide data to my Vue.js site or for the Vue.js front end to ...
Julian Bausch's user avatar
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Vue.js 3 mobile app from Capacitor error. No response from Laravel API with Sanctum

Good day, everyone! I have an issue with my Vue.js 3 mobile app which uses Capacitor runtime. There's no response from my Laravel API with Sanctum which hosted online. The following are my codes... ...
Kentillation's user avatar
-1 votes
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Simple concat two array of objects problem

How can I remove the middle ] and [? plan_cookie = plan_cookie.concat(JSON.stringify(protect_plan_from_db)); alert("2.1 after CONCAT plan_cookie = " + JSON.stringify(plan_cookie)); /* 2.1 ...
Cookie's user avatar
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vue 3 composition api, can not return value from a helper function to component

i think this is a problem of scope inside my helper function, i have successfully implementing the same logic in my component and it works perfectly i have already using a composable function to use ...
Ayoub Groubi's user avatar

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