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Questions tagged [vue.js]

Vue.js is an open-source, progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces that aims to be incrementally adoptable. Vue.js is mainly used for front-end development and requires an intermediate level of HTML and CSS. Vue.js questions are highly version specific and should always be tagged with [vuejs2] or [vuejs3] in addition to this tag.

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20 votes
2 answers

Vuetify performance issues

I have picked vuetify for an offline PWA project where I work with indexed DB and some notable size data (5k-6k/collection). I have to transfer it between vuex and IDB after I get them from the server....
The Guardian's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Deploying Vue/Nuxt app to Firebase as Universal App with SSR

I'm trying to deploy my Universal Nuxt.js app to Firebase. All information on doing this appears to be out-dated, and I'm not able to get it fully working. SSR appears to work, along with static ...
user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How to authenticate Nuxt on server side?

I have spent the night looking for solutions to this issue, it seems like a lot of people have it and the best advice is often "just switch to SPA mode", which is not an option for me. I ...
zcserei's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

How to remove Stripe's iframes?

I'm using Stripe Elements with vue-stripe-elements-plus on internal single page app. As there is no need to keep the stripe code running after user leaves change credit card module I want to unload ...
van_folmert's user avatar
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15 votes
0 answers

[Vue warn]: The .native modifier for v-on is only valid on components but it was used on <div>

I am using the calendar component of Vuetify, it is showing the data properly, however I get that warning in console, it's a bit annoying and i don't know what's wrong since most of the code is a copy ...
FlowMafia's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Looking for an Angular 7 version of Vue.js "nextTick"

I'm developing a page in Angular 7, where i want to do something (scroll to section) after i'm sure the page has re rendered. The section i want to scroll to is initially hidden with an ngif and when ...
Nicki's user avatar
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12 votes
0 answers

Single SPA + Vite - Cannot use import statement outside a module

I am using Typescript + Vite + Single SPA Just trying to replicate the and Hence, in ...
Eduardo Sousa's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Init pinia state

We use pinia to manage app state. As it's mentioned in title, I'm looking for NuxtServerInit hook analogue for pinia. A little context: User lands on First page of form; Form calls (f.e.) state....
Eugen Govorun's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

couldn't parse bundle asset chunk-vendors.js

I created a project using vue ui. When I clicked the serve button, it's ended with an error. I can't open the app I have created. The error is: Couldn't parse bundle asset "{path}\dist\js\chunk-...
Falak 's user avatar
  • 329
12 votes
3 answers

VueJS and Firebase, history mode 404 error when refresh

I removed the hashbang in the link with history mode in my router file. Now when I refresh a page I got the 404 error. I tried to follow this link then, I added the part in firebase.json : { "...
eQuinox's user avatar
  • 201
11 votes
0 answers

How to get TypeScript errors to match original line number in Vue + TS + Webpack project

So I've set up a Vue project with Webpack, then I installed the proper loaders and moved to TypeScript inside my SFCs. It's all running good, except that the TS errors caught during build time are ...
João Santos's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Vue3/Vite/Vuetify 3 Build Error: Variable was not declared with !default in the @used module

I am attempting to implement SASS Variables in Vue 3, Vuetify 3, Vite build and am encountering an error about variables not being declared with !default I followed the instructions in the Vuetify 3 ...
Joel's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Nuxt with Vuetify theme styles in head section

I'm using Vuetify with Nuxt.js and I have chunked out my css files so that when I use npm run generate all my my styles aren't included in every page on my site. To acheive doing this, iv'e added.... ...
ottz0's user avatar
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10 votes
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Debugging Nuxt.js application (client side) with Chrome developer console

When I'm trying to debug a Nuxt.js application (the client side code, not the server side) in Chrome, I'm finding that breakpoints aren't being hit when I expect them to be. in nuxt.config.js I have ...
Christian's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Best practice for multiple Vue instances/apps in Laravel

What I want to create is a web application with Laravel Lumen and VueJS, where Laravel Lumen is used for an API and VueJS for a SPA. In the application I want an admin section, a small forum and the ...
William's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to run Vue-cli project using https on Windows

I am trying to run a vue-cli project using https. As per the instructions here How to run Vue.js dev serve with https? I've added the https setting to the vue.config.js as per below: module.exports = {...
Jim Culverwell's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

remove trailing slash in Vue Router

const routes = [ { path: '/:year', component: Nav, children: [ { path: '', name: 'test', component: Test } ] } ]; <!-- /2018/ --> <router-link :to="{name: 'test', ...
Lansi's user avatar
  • 163
10 votes
0 answers

Can we stop Vue from performing Client Side Hydration for a specific component?

I am fairly new to Vue and we are facing a problem where the total DOM size for our page has increased because we are storing a lot of data in DOM config for Vue client side hydration. For SEO ...
Vedang Sharma's user avatar
10 votes
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Dynamically add global constant in webpack

I'm trying to add a global constant to my project. For this I use webpack.DefinePlugin. This works if I add one in the module.exports. I fail to do this conditionally however. In the config below I'm ...
Jef Patat's user avatar
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10 votes
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webpack build css rules have different order then in development

I am not sure if this is a webpack issue, vue-loader for webpack issue or just something that I am doing wrong. When I am running npm run build to build a distribution for my Vue.js application the ...
Primoz Rome's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Vuetify v-data-table - how to make it fill the available height?

I am using Vue.js and Vuetify. I have a page with various sections that contain configurable items for the user. The layout is a 2x2, so there are two items per row, and 2 rows. One of the items ...
Sascha Herrmann's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to initialise Vuelidate 2.0.0 when testing a Vue component with Vitest?

In my Vue 2.7.14 app I'm using Vuelidate 2.0.0. I'm trying to migrate a test from Jest to Vitest, but the v$ object is not initialised correctly in the latter case. The component has a checkbox bound ...
Dónal's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I fix the npm WARN deprecated error when I install VueJS CLI

I'm trying to install VueJS CLI on my Windows 10 machine but ran into the errors below: npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see
Jun Dolor's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to disable Safari's Live Text in my website?

I am making a Vue application and in the navbar I have a logo that when you click it, it sends you to the home page. The logo is a .svg with the name of site, which has two lines. Lets say the website ...
Tony Dev's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

ESLint 'The extension for the file (.vue) is non-standard' error

When run eslint --ext \".js,.ts,.vue\" --ignore-path .gitignore . script using npm run lint, the following error occurs. /(somethingSomething...)/Test.vue 0:0 error Parsing error: "...
HK S0's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Creating component programmatically in Nuxt.js

I'm trying to create a nuxt.js component programmatically. I tried the approach below which works in Vue. But it doesn't seem to work in nuxt.js because it instantiates the component on the Vue object....
Max Campbell's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

VSCode with Vue CTRL+Click go to definition not working inside HTML from vue file

I am using VSCode with all Vue extensions needed (including Vetur, which should be responsible for go to definitions) and whenever i am in a .vue filetype, i cannot hit CTRL+Click to go to definion of ...
ionuttibi's user avatar
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9 votes
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Nuxt.js: How to debug server side after nuxt build (logging some information)

I am using nuxt.js for my frontend app. I currently have a problem with asyncData especially the first time it is run (which is on the server). When building my app ($ nuxt build and serving it via $ ...
Merc's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Exclude files form webpack in nuxt

I've added some file to my nuxt project. The files are stored in the ./content directory. Now we got some warnings like the following one: WARN in ./content/config.yml Module parse failed: ...
David's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

Add Generic Type to Component in vue.js with Typescript

I have a Component in Vue which has a specific set of data. The data is always defined by an Interface in typescript. At this moment, I keep the info about the selected items out of the DataTable ...
Olivier Van Bulck's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I test a vue component that contains a v-text-field Vuetify child component?

I have an "EditableText" component that displays regular text that when clicked converts into a vuetify v-text-input component (kind of like trello's functionality when you edit the title of a card). ...
Samuel Cole's user avatar
9 votes
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Vue CLI 3: Sourcemaps cannot be parsed by Chrome devtools

I built my simple site using Vue UI (the ones that comes with Vue-CLI 3), and it created sourcemaps in the /dist folder. I deploy these sourcemaps along with the production files. When I load up my ...
Stephen's user avatar
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9 votes
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Nuxt auth-module google login promise on success

I am using Nuxt with the auth-module. Logging in to Google works: this.$auth.loginWith("google").then(() => { console.log("Logged in!"); }); Here is my google login strategy: google: { ...
abegehr's user avatar
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9 votes
0 answers

How to build a es6 vue-component library using vue-class-component

I am trying to create a vuejs component library in typescript with vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator with the following requirements: The library components should be written in class-...
ShabbY's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Vue Cli 3 and Firebase service worker registration

I've used Vue-cli 3 to create a Vue app and I've been trying to incorporate FCM into it. However, I've been working on it for two days and I still cannot get it working. First, here's my ...
kevguy's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

vue-cli 3.0 ./src/main.js in multi (webpack)-dev-server/client? (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/main.js

Project requirements, The main.js file is not in the src root directory, and then run vue-cli-service serve has the following error * ./src/main.js in multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://10....
user10730439's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Why does Apollo/GraphQL return a non extensible object?

I'm building an app with VueJS and I'm using Apollo client to fetch data from a database through a GrapgQL server. I have code that looks like this: apollo.query({ query, ...
user1904218's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why Proxy not working in browser (NuxtJS+Axios)?

In server rendering Proxy is working fine. Request is going to But in browser request is going to Why it is not working in browser? Proxy ...
mrFlyer's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Vue SSR (Server Side Rendering) with parcel?

I am wondering whether anyone can point me to resources or examples on how to set up parcel for vue SSR (Server Side Rendering). Or is Vue SSR not possible with parcel?
LongHike's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why doesn't Vue 3 remove template comments from DOM in production?

According to Vue docs, it should remove HTML comments when building for production. However, for me that's not the case. All <!-- comments --> are still visible in DOM through devtools in ...
vch's user avatar
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Vue 3 - How to disable adding trailing slash?

Problem statement : Vue app changes the URL after loading the scripts and adds a slash to the end. This only happens for routes where the path matches /. I have the server configured like this : /game(...
Deny Weller's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Adding VUE js to an existing Electron App

I have an existing Electron APP with hand coded HTML all over the place and a lot of copy pasted code. I would like to slowly integrate VUE to reduce the copy pasted components. All the articles I ...
Stephane Rainville's user avatar
8 votes
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Vue + axios does not save session cookies

In dev mode (express on localhost:4000, vue on localhost:8080) works fine, all cookies saving correct. In production mode i change cors settings and axios.defaults.baseURL, and... client dont save ...
G992's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Inject CSS styles inside of the shadow-root instead of the head tag | Vue.js & Webpack

I'm making an embeddable widget for websites using Vue.js and vue-custom-element. Everything was going smoothly until I ran into a problem. When I'm trying to use a component (with css) from a package....
Vissie's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

Using SendGrid with Nuxt.js

This post is not a question actually. More like help to the world for people who are struggling with Nuxt.js and SendGrid. I've been using stackoverflow for such a long time so maybe now it's my turn ...
Rafal Adam Krohne's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Passing Named Slot to Child Component

Due to some server side rendering, I'd like to be able to pass a named slot from a parent component into a child component, but I'm not sure the correct mechanism. I'm able to get the top level ...
Mark Meyer's user avatar
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8 votes
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VueJS bcrypt implementation

I am a bit confused about bcrypt usage in VueJS ... I am working on a sample application with VueJS as FE and NodeJS as BE (+ Postgres as the DB). In NodeJs, there is no problem for me to encrypt the ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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8 votes
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VueJs: TypeError: Object(...) is not a function, "withScopeId"

We've been pushing updates successfully to our Vue applications in recent weeks and after some very minimal changes yesterday (property name changes and removing some purely semantic characters) we ...
theblindprophet's user avatar
8 votes
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import TS file to Vue file

I've made a ts file with an enum and interface, and I need to use them in Vue components. However, when I try to import the ts file into my Vue components, I get an error that says it can't find the ...
Andrea's user avatar
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8 votes
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Vuetify horizontally align content of v-list-item

I am working on a navigation drawer with Vuetify and Vue.js. I am dynamically generating the list items in this drawer. Each list item consists of an icon, a name and a delete icon. So far ...
NotARobot's user avatar
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