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Questions tagged [vuejs3]

Use this tag for questions specific to version 3 of Vue.js, an open-source, progressive Javascript framework for building user interfaces.

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2 answers

Re-render a OpenWeatherMap component when switching language in Vue 3

I am a beginner using Vue 3, to learn it I am developing a simple weather webapp using OpenWeatherMap API. I have added multilanguage support using vue-i18n library and everything works fine. But ...
feub's user avatar
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i use Vuexy template that is build on vite vue3 and vuetify and i use pinia store, i want to add SSR to my project

the problem is that i get errors in localStorage and window being undefined in all my pages like themes, plugins and etc and my project is considered as a middle-large sized one so i can't update my ...
tareq safia's user avatar
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How can I display complete context menu when making use of v-menu in vue 3

I'm not able to display complete context menu without making use of a method which is implemented with the help of extensions. I am displaying context menu by making use of @contextmenu in v-data-...
Rakshith Ganga's user avatar
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How to use provide in Vue's optional API to achieve bidirectional data transfer of basic data types?

There are two components. I want to implement two-way data transmission between parent and child by providing a responsive object. However, I found that the object type can correctly implement ...
Altynai's user avatar
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How to add an extra class on highlightedwhich is added by highlighted props vuejs3-datepicker

I am using import Datepicker from 'vuejs3-datepicker'; and I am using highlighted props to highlight specific dates but I want to color highlighted dates with different color but 'vuejs3-datepicker' ...
Rock Havmor's user avatar
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iag-grid data is not refreshing when i change the data from an external component

my aggrid is getting its data from a pinia store, bras is an array of the customer's branches const { selectedCustomer } = storeToRefs(customerStore) const rowData =selectedCustomer.value.bras when ...
d cy's user avatar
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How to set the key attribute of one specific element in vuejs3

In Vue3 (version 3.4.21), I have an "single" component in the middle of a list and I want to set a special key value for this element so that transitions work as expected. <transition-...
Bob Morane's user avatar
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How does work Vue v-model with update:modelValue and how to prevent it from default logic depending on modal

Can someone explain to me if v-model is: :modelValue update:modelValue then what happen when v-model with update:modelValue used both. So in my code I have this component: <script src="https://...
Dorialean's user avatar
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CSS class disappeared without notice, where did it go?

I have this example table taken from I would like to give some color for some rows. Here is a minimal working example: <script ...
nagylzs's user avatar
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Changing v-btn hover effects in vuetify 3

I am having trouble removing the background hover effect, well, manually changing the hover effects of the Vuetify v-btn component. I have attempted solutions from this github thread(https://github....
DistastefulFrog's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Vue') at initBackend, how can i solve this error?

I’m working on a Vue 3 application using Pinia for state management, and I’m encountering an issue where added messages are not rendering on the screen. Additionally, I’m getting a persistent error in ...
HYEIN YU's user avatar
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Vue I18n with variables

In vue2 I used to be able to have variables in my json translation file like this: "info": "Email: <a href=\"\"></...
eligolf's user avatar
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Best way to implement conditional tabbed routing in vue

What I'm trying to implement is routing with tabs where the available tabs change depending on the user type (upon authentication the user type gets stored in a pinia store). This is what I ended up ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Do we need to clear class to prevent memory leak?

In the following script, this class is used to store a lot of Geojsons object (for google maps api): class MapService { private layers: Map<string, google.maps.Data> = new Map() ...
Raphael Rlt's user avatar
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Handling Emits with Vue.extend in TypeScript

I'm following the Vue 3 migration guide and trying to declare all the $emit events in the emits array. My component is written in TypeScript, and I'm still using Vue.extend. However, I'm encountering ...
Eli Perlshtein's user avatar
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Set text of Loading component with new line characters

I am using the Loading component of Element-UI, I want to set the loading text that displays under the spinner with "\n" included for the new line characters. Following is the Vue component ...
Varsh's user avatar
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Vuex don't change array after get date from back

I have been struggling for several days with the task of saving and changing the array in Vuex when receiving data in the back. I found similar problems but their solution did not help. actions.js ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Using Instagram API to fetch a public professional account posts without tokens from their side

I'm currently building a portfolio for a social media celebrity using Laravel 11 + vue3 composition API I am at the point where I created a meta dev account and created an app and setup IG basic ...
JihadGhassan98's user avatar
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Getting response from PrimeVue FileUpload after uploading file

I'm currently using PrimeVue FileUpload. How do I retrieve the response data from my API call after uploading a file using the PrimeVue FileUpload component? My backend API on localhost:8000 ...
YorS's user avatar
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VueJS 3 : reference value not updating on click

In VueJS 3, I have a parent Component Index: <CreateReportButton> <slot> <PrimaryButton as="icon" size="xs" color="white" @...
ambitiouskeep's user avatar
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Send Whatsapp message programatically, continue manually [closed]

Objective: Initiate whatsapp conversation programatically when user takes some action on my firebase app, then be able to continue the conversation manually thru my whatsapp app on my mobile (all ...
Alex Villarreal's user avatar
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Vue3 Openlayers + webpack = can't resolve modules

webpack fails to resolve modules dependencies when compiling I got 94 erros like this: ERROR in ./node_modules/vue3-openlayers/dist/ 63:0-41 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve ...
Sam's user avatar
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two-way binding of a checkbox does not happen

For the code posted below vue component it is a child component and is hosted in a specific parent. When I make two ways binding via vModelCheckGeoTIFFOverlayBandAverages by introducing a change to ...
Amr's user avatar
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Laravel, Nuxt config for headers (cors)

error: http://localhost:8000/sanctum/csrf-cookie' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource ...
Adrian Cerush's user avatar
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How to configure nuxt 3 to name components in dev tools according to their filepath?

In our nuxt 3 project, we have a project structure like this: components/ MyButton/ index.vue index.scss index.composable.vue For the most part this works as expected, where &...
cib's user avatar
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Section Navigation via GSAP animation goes only forward Nuxtjs

I have a nuxt3 app, with an index.vue page in the pages folder. I'm using layouts/default.vue instead of app.vue I'm have this animation were it looks like the pages are sliding on top of each other ...
Christoph Pfrommer's user avatar
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'stats' not allowed in Vue 3 cli?

I am trying to generate a stats report for my Vue 3 project. There is no way I can enable stats. I currently use webpack-bundle-analyzer to view a map of the bundles, but enabling a report for it ...
Rutwick Gangurde's user avatar
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"Contentediable" the old node is preserved when rendering new ones (Vue 3)

Input data: { parts: [ { id: "part-1", type: "part", items: [ { type: "content", tag: "b", content:...
User's user avatar
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Unable to send data through props in vue js

Context I had created a product page which populate the products info from API. Now I am building the edit Product page. On edit product page, it contains 4 components which I am rendering through ...
MagnusEffect's user avatar
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Audio recording in front-end

I create a Vue application (using Vue 3.4.21). I am interested in allow user to record an audio, and managed to create a component that does it, and saving it to local user machine. Here you can see ...
guyaloni's user avatar
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VueJS 3.4 - Computed value to get from two sources but set in one

The logic in my app is to fetch some array of objects from API with @tanstack/vue-query, update some of those objects and send a patch request only for the updated objects. So I created an empty array ...
pashata's user avatar
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Provide / Inject value not getting updated if its reactive value is changed - VueJS

I am quite new to Vue.js coming from a React background. I have a reactive variable config which is passed to provide() function in a component and used by other component using inject(). But the the ...
Jaisal Shah's user avatar
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Vue js with Express

how can i use Vue JS with Node js express. Hello, How can I integrate Vue.js with a Node.js Express server? I want my Node.js server to provide data to my Vue.js site or for the Vue.js front end to ...
Julian Bausch's user avatar
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vue 3 composition api, can not return value from a helper function to component

i think this is a problem of scope inside my helper function, i have successfully implementing the same logic in my component and it works perfectly i have already using a composable function to use ...
Ayoub Groubi's user avatar
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nuxt3 couldnt import css files

enter image description heremy css file is under assets and when i try to use it as global in nuxt.config.ts couldnt get accept how do i fix this I'm currently working on a Nuxt 3 application and ...
mahlet mahi's user avatar
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when debugging vitest unittest with vscode the Debug Console cannot access imported modules

I'm using vitest+vue3. When launching the debugger with launch.json pressing F5, in my Debug Console I can use modules imported by the script i'm debugging no problem. but when I want to do the same ...
codekoriko's user avatar
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Vue3 composition api transform props multidimensional Array into list

I'm using vue3 with composition api and I receive a props from db as a multidimensional array on page loading like this: [ {name: 'Jack', seat: '12', id: 1, ...}, {name: 'Jack', seat: '13', id: ...
Dierre's user avatar
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How can I define an emit which doesn't have any args in Vue 3.3+ ? (TypeScript)

From Vue 3.3 is possible to define emits in TypeScript like this <script setup lang="ts"> const emit = defineEmits<{ change: [id: number] update: [value: string] }>() </...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can you update a floating-vue dropdown popup in Vue3?

I am using Vue3, Pinia and the floating-vue library. I am trying to dynamically create a popup at a position which depends on other elements that may move in the viewport. For this I place a dummy div ...
FChris's user avatar
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How to load js in laravel vuejs 3

I'm new to Laravel and VueJS, and I want to include JavaScript files in my project. Can someone please tell me how to do that? I watched a video on YouTube and got a solution, but sometimes it's not ...
Ricky's user avatar
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Can I rename a Vue project? [closed]

I've got a Vue project that uses Vuetify, Pinia and Typescript. I'd like to re-create it and then copy all the code from the old version into the new one, then rename the new one to have the same name ...
Henry's user avatar
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How can I solve the issue of 'failed to resolve import "primevue/datepicker"'

enter image description here I want to use the package in Vue JS - DatePicker from Primevue The documentation says that you need to install the package using the command - npm install [email protected]...
VoroshylovDmitry's user avatar
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Vue Generic Components 'T' is not defined

Simple question, I've updated to Vue 3.4.30, and am trying to use Generic components, but when trying to use T as a type for a property, I am getting this error.. Any suggestions would be welcome. ...
VarJohn's user avatar
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Why is my slot not rerendered when toggling v-if

I have 3 components like the following: IsLoadingComponent.vue <template> <div class="loading-spinner" v-if="isLoading"></div> <slot v-else></slot&...
Le Hoang Long's user avatar
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PrimeVue styles as "no defined" on Nuxt 3 app

What is happening? My goal is to register PrimeVue as a module and import PrimeVue components correctly in my layouts with the default preset styles. Thing is that when I inspect the button in the ...
Rayk's user avatar
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Can't position <NuxtImg /> with object-position

I am struggling to position my images inside the <NuxtImg /> so, that they would be rendered from the top. I have tried the following (using tailwindcss): <script setup lang="ts">...
Dariusz Legizynski's user avatar
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Use Twilio in Vue 3 to send message on Whatsapp

i looking the best way to send message on Whatsapp using twilio. so here is my code : twilio.js file import { Twilio } from 'twilio'; const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID; const ...
Roler's user avatar
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PrimeVue InputNumber's width exceeds the width of its parent

I have a list of items in the cart that's presented in Bootstrap rows and cols. Each item has a PrimeVue InputNumber for changing the quantity of a specific product in the cart. Here's a StackBlitz ...
Angelina's user avatar
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How can I define an emit with a return type different from void in Vue 3.3+ ? (TypeScript)

From Vue 3.3 is possible to define emits in TypeScript like this <script setup lang="ts"> const emit = defineEmits<{ change: [id: number] update: [value: string] }>() </...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Reset a nested property in ref didn't update v-model

How can I reset a ref and update a v-model which is pointing to child property in my ref? I create this initState object and set it to a ref object const initState = { text: { value: ""...
Thanh Hải Nguyễn Huỳnh's user avatar

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