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Questions tagged [web-audio-api]

Web Audio API is an advanced audio processing API directly available inside browser that helps to create, manipulate and analyze audio data using JavaScript.

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Error playing audio: PlatformException(WebAudioError, Player has not yet been created or has already been disposed., null, null)

Im making a mobile flutter project, this is a opening page of my project, it contains a short videop opening and audio. but the audio won't playing. only the video. and at my terminal says Error ...
Omega's user avatar
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How do I add a recording and a mp3 together

Alright so I am building a website where you listen to an audio and can talk into it. The talking is being recorded as seem in the code. navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(async ...
Max Raider's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to combine ArrayBuffers which contain audio to play using DecodeAudioData?

const newChunk = new Uint8Array(; const combinedChunks = new Uint8Array(accumulatedSizeRef.current + newChunk.length); combinedChunks.set(accumulatedChunksRef.current); combinedChunks.set(...
Harsh Singh's user avatar
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AudioWorkletProcessor playing streamed audio sounds scrambled

I'm trying to play in the browser audio that's streamed from my backend to simulate a real-time voice call, in a way that's compatible with all the relevant browsers, devices, and OSs. The audio ...
Royi Bernthal's user avatar
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Fixing DOMException: HTMLMediaElement Already Connected to a Different MediaElementSourceNode in JavaScript Audio Player

The issue arises when clicking the nextBtn and prevBtn in JavaScript audio player. When navigating through different audio tracks using the next or previous buttons, when the arrIndexCount reaches 0, ...
Hriddha Pratim's user avatar
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Audio recording in front-end

I create a Vue application (using Vue 3.4.21). I am interested in allow user to record an audio, and managed to create a component that does it, and saving it to local user machine. Here you can see ...
guyaloni's user avatar
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Web Audio API gain does not mute and panner does not pan audio completely to one side?

I found some people with similar problems online, especially with regards to gain, but I can't figure out why this is happening, especially since I think I followed the official MDN docs to the T. (...
Worker1432's user avatar
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any other way to play audio in browser using reactjs other than using DecodeAudioData?

So basically from the server using websocket I am receiving chunks of audio data in the form of ArrayBuffer, so the DecodeAudioData api is not able to decode partial audio into sound, so I was ...
Harsh Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Web Audio API to create a continuous alarm clock ringing sound [closed]

I am trying to make an alarm clock ringing sound through the use of web audio API. am currently struggling to make this happen. here's my code, please let me know what should i adjust to make a more ...
Jun Wen Soh's user avatar
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Using the web audio API to create a mouse click sound

I am trying to make a mouse click sound using the web audio API but it's so hard to understand how the different waves actually produces sounds. Here's my attempt at it which failed. const ...
Jun Wen Soh's user avatar
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Web Audio API: Occasional Skipped Audio Chunks When Playing Real-Time Stream in VueJS App

I'm working on a VueJS web application that receives audio data through a WebSocket and plays it in real-time using the Web Audio API. The audio data is sent as base64-encoded chunks which I decode ...
Humming_Bird's user avatar
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Sync Audio with Video in react

I have an audio file of .3 seconds and video. I want to sync audio with video. Whenever video plays audio plays in a loop. whenever we change the playback rate of the video, the audio's playback rate ...
Muneeb Aslam's user avatar
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Using Speech Synthesis and Web Audio API to visualize text-to-speech

I am trying to create an audio visualizer that takes the text-to-speech and visualizes as it is being spoken. I was able to use this as a baseline to start with. I have sucessfully implemented a text ...
mmax781_'s user avatar
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How animate with audio visualisation (WEB AUDIO API) in Safari from streaming media element?

I have audio stream in my web application. Need animate dataArray from analyser, but in Safari it is back by getByteFrequencyData() zero array. I know it is bug. But is the another way paining from ...
Albina Shevchuk's user avatar
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WebAudio API Changing gain causes audio to stop

const LiveAudioProcessor: React.FC<LiveAudioProcessorProps> = ({ audioFiles, rpm }) => { const [isStarted, setIsStarted] = useState(false); const audioSourcesRef = useRef<Map<...
Oliver Jackson's user avatar
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How do I fix jittery audio playback of my guitar? - Angular front-end, using WebAudioApi

I am trying to implement real-time playback of my guitar on my Angular front-end (trying to make a web guitar amp). However, the audio that I am getting is extremely jittery and seems to randomly cut-...
victor's user avatar
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RDWeb HTML5 Web Client

I'm experiencing some issues with the mic while using RDWebClient to connect to my PC. Initially, I was on version 1.0.26, but the session would freeze whenever I tried using the mic, and the mic ...
Rohit Sharma's user avatar
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How do I add reverb on a recording?

Alright so I dont know much about Web Audio API and I was just ask to fix the Code. Right now I am able to record something and after that play it. It also has reverb on it. BUT my problem is that ...
Max Raider's user avatar
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WebRTC: Is there a way to capture the output audio from another application (e.g., google meet, zoom)?

Web App to record both input and output audio from conversations. For this app I'm using WebRTC media devices. Scenario: User opens the web app and starts recording. User starts a conversation in ...
manga's user avatar
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Can I stream audio from Spotify from an authenticated user to another user which is not authenticated with Spotify? (Web/React)

I have this feature that is crucial for our product. It is a platform where two types of users(healers and clients) meet and have a spiritual session together. We would like to let the 'healers' ...
Vasko Jovanoski's user avatar
2 votes
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Firefox: arrow key does not count as user gesture, so cannt play AudioContext

I'm writing a game where the player interacts using the arrow keys, which can produce audio. This works in all browsers, except Firefox. Firefox does not seem to count the arrow keys (ArrowUp, ...
Xenxier's user avatar
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Changing BPM of an MP3 File in Tone.js Using a Slider

I'm working on a university project that involves manipulating audio files using the Tone.js library. I'm a beginner in both music and Tone.js library, so I'm hoping for some guidance on how to ...
andreab16's user avatar
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Web Audio API: how do I play audio from a DASH stream without audio artifacts?

I am trying to play audio from using a custom player. The player I have does the following: Downloads and decodes each segment of audio one ...
ipartola's user avatar
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Delays in Playing Sound in Javascript, with jspsyche Plugin (jspsych-libet)

I am experiencing delays in playing a beep tone using the jspsyche plugin called jspsych-libet for my experiment. The timing of the sound is crucial, but I have observed delays of up to 400ms. These ...
AmirAli Saghaei's user avatar
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Gating left channel when right channel is above a certain volume using AudioContext

In my chrome extension, I am using AudioContext and AudioNode to merge two streams into a single stream, where one is on the left channel and the other on the right channel. I'd like to also gate (...
Mustafa Shabib's user avatar
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Tone.js pattern "Progress" value not progressing from 0 to 1 properly

I'd like to adapt this official example on the Tone.js website to include a vertical line that indicates the current progress of the loop, as opposed to just highlighting the current note. (Think of ...
Aptary's user avatar
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2 answers

Problems using Azure speechsdk.transcription.ConversationTranscriber on backend to process data from web app

I am trying to implement flow as follows: JS web app continuously captures audio using WebAudio API (getUserMedia, which is then processed MediaRecorder) single channel audio is being sent ...
MaciekT's user avatar
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Capture Microphone in the Background?

I'm working on an audio recorder project - capturing voice notes, that kind of thing. So far, it works and the audio is recorded, then appended to an audio tag on the page for immediate playback ...
Luke's user avatar
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Tone.Transport.clear(eventID) is not removing the corresponding audio from the timeline

I'm using ToneJS to create an AudioPlayback component in React. Each audio snippet I want to play is loaded into a buffer in the beginning. When I want to schedule audio at a time, I create a new ...
user24441192's user avatar
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How to get AudioBuffer data from an HTML video element (MediaElementAudioSourceNode)

update: It turns out my videoElement did not contain the true video. Even though the YouTube video was playing, videoElement did not get any events like play or timeupdate (or any of the video data). ...
Leftium's user avatar
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Handling Unpredictable MediaError AUDIO_RENDERER_ERROR with HTML Audio Element

When attempting to play the audio using the HTML audio element, it sometimes fails to play, resulting in a MediaError with the message 'AUDIO_RENDERER_ERROR' and error code 3. When trying to play ...
Satya Vardhan's user avatar
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Detect user voice frequency with webAudio context API (or any other API for browser)

The below code is working fine but it has some issues due to which frequency varies a lot. I think this is because I am not removing the distortion or the silence frequency. let's assume I started the ...
Jashan Dhiman's user avatar
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extends AudioWorkletProcessor class and using an existing audioNode inside the class

I would like to create a new AudioNode by extending using the AudioWorkletProcessor class but I would like to use an existing audioNode (let's say a GainNode) inside the class, for instance inside the ...
Leadev's user avatar
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AudioContext not heard although it is running

I am loading some audio file using the Web Audio API. I am making sure that the audio context is unlocked by running resume on user gesture but I have the following issue: When loading the thing ...
Efstathios Oikonomou's user avatar
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How to set wetness and dryness of a convolver filter in the Web Audio API?

Is there another way of doing this? I found this code example in where the mixing is controlled with two gain nodes. Is this how it is normally done? // impulse responses by Fokke van Saane (http://...
marco6ocram's user avatar
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Why is this AudioWorklet to MP3 code producing different results on Chromium and Firefox?

I'm running the same code on Firefox 125 and Chromium 124. The code run on Firefox produces a Blob that is an encoded MP3 file - after chopping up whatever audio is being played in Firefox while the ...
guest271314's user avatar
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Is there a way to convert a blob with MIME type 'audio/wav' into a WAV file?

I am building an electron app that requires recording audio and saving it in the directory of my main.js. I got the recording as a blob and then turned it into an array buffer in order to send it to ...
originofpork's user avatar
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Do browsers limit the number of decodeAudioData calls per session?

I have a React Next web app that plays songs using web audio api. I noticed that after browsing a lot of songs, at some point my app won't load new songs. In Chrome I get this error: Failed to execute ...
yonih's user avatar
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Is it possible to correctly convert Float32Array to Int32Array without testing each float?

I'm currently using the following code to convert a Float32Array to an Int32Array for audio processing. const int32 = new Int32Array( [ Float32Array(buffer)].map((float) => { return ...
guest271314's user avatar
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How to receive user voice through microphone in the Chrome extension panel?

I'm using a Chrome extension to display my website as an iframe in the side panel of Chrome. However, the side panel is not receiving the user's microphone. This is a very important issue because my ...
inhyeok's user avatar
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web audio api, AudioContext dont play on channel 3. Channels 4 and above do not work correctly

A 5.1 audio system is connected via hdmi. The operating system processes it correctly, I can test each individual speaker and get the expected result. I need to use JS to send audio to specific ...
Gelloiss's user avatar
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Why might the outputs passed to AudioWorkletProcessor's process() method contain an empty array?

Background: In the WebAudio API, an implementation of an AudioWorkletProcessor must provide a process(inputs, outputs, parameters) method that gets called by the system, with the system constructing ...
Mauro Braunstein's user avatar
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Is this a correct way of using the Web Audio API? (slight sound artifacts)

I put together a function that plays some tones, however, I can hear from time to time some weird artifacts. I'm new to the Web Audio API, and I don't know if I'm doing things correctly. I'd ...
Noob's user avatar
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Playing Blobs in html5 audio causing interruptions

I have two audio players on my page. I want to download mp3 and play as blobs. When I'm loading first blob to first player everything is ok. When second mp3 is downloaded and loaded to second player ...
Asgu's user avatar
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preserve phase when using WebAudio’s AnalyserNode

I'm trying to draw an oscilloscope style visualization using getByteTimeDomainData featured in this guide : I would ...
Max's user avatar
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.init is not a function using opus-recorder

I'm programing a react app that has a integration with the what's app api. To be able to send voice messages, I need to get a .ogg codecs=opus or .opus audio file format from my browser, I'm trying to ...
Guilherme Silva's user avatar
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Streaming audio from a PyAudio stream to be played on a webpage in Javascript

I'm trying to take an audio stream from my computer using PyAudio (specifically the pyaudiowpatch fork), stream that audio data over a websocket (using the websockets library, and play it on a web ...
Nick's user avatar
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Encoding an AudioBuffer with web codecs

I'm trying to process audio files using the Web Audio API and then to encode the result using the Web Codecs API, here is what a simplified version of my code looks like: /** * Encode an audio file ...
Konstantin Paulus's user avatar
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Play button works only once in Web Audio API, how to make it work multiple times?

i am working with web audio api and i got this probllem Description: I'm working on a simple web page that uses the Web Audio API to generate sound with a frequency slider and play/stop buttons. The ...
Abhinav Patel's user avatar
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Transferring data between cards

I'm a beginner in creating browser plug-ins. Could some kind soul help me with the best way to transfer data between browser tabs? I would like to transfer data from a script running on an inactive ...
Adam Fijałkowski's user avatar

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