Software Testing Archives - TatvaSoft Blog Fri, 07 Jun 2024 05:41:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Microservices Testing Strategies: An Ultimate Guide Tue, 23 Jan 2024 05:41:36 +0000 In today's time, software development companies prefer to use the latest approaches for application development, and using microservices architecture is one such initiative. Developers use microservices architecture and divide functional units of the application that can work as individual processes. These singular functions can easily address user traffic and still remain lightweight.

The post Microservices Testing Strategies: An Ultimate Guide appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.


Key Takeaways

  1. For microservices, formulating an effective testing strategy is a challenging task. A Combination of Testing Strategies with right tools that provide support at each layer of testing is a key.
  2. Post integration of the service, the risk of failures and cost of correction is high. So a good testing strategy is required.
  3. Tools like Wiremock, Goreplay, Hikaku, VCR, Mountebank, and many others are used for microservices testing purposes.
  4. For the effective approach, there should be a clear Consensus on the test strategy. Required amount of testing should be focused at the correct time with suitable tools.
  5. For the microservices architecture, there is a scope of unit testing, integration testing, component testing, contract testing, and end to end testing. So the team must utilise these phases properly as per the requirements.

In today’s time, software development companies prefer to use the latest approaches for application development, and using microservices architecture is one such initiative. Developers use microservices architecture and divide functional units of the application that can work as individual processes. These singular functions can easily address user traffic and still remain lightweight. But they need to be frequently updated to scale up the application. Besides this, the developers also have to carry out microservices testing strategies to make sure that the application is performing the way it is expected to.

Let’s first understand what types of challenges developers are facing while using a microservices architecture.

1. Challenges in Microservices Testing

Microservices and monolithic architectures have many differences. It also comes with some challenges that every developer should know before testing microservices.

Challenge Description
  • Though single services are very simple, the entire microservices system is a bit complex which means that to work with the developers one needs to be careful in choosing and configuring the databases and services in the system.
  • Even testing and deploying each service can be challenging as this is a distributed nature.
Data Integrity
  • Microservices offer distributed databases which are problematic for data integrity as business applications might require updates with time, but here database upgrade becomes compulsory.
  • This is the case when there is no data consistency. So, testing becomes more difficult.
Distributed Networks
  • Microservices can be deployed on various servers with different geographical locations by adding latency and making the application know about network disruptions.In this case, when tests rely on the network, it will fail if there is any fault in the code and this will interrupt the CI/CD pipeline.
Test Area
  • Every microservice usually points to many API endpoints which means that testable surfaces increase and developers have to work on more areas which is a bit time-consuming task.
Multiple frameworks used for development
  • Though the developers choose the best-suited microservices frameworks and programming languages for each microservice when the system is big, it becomes difficult to find a single test framework that can work for all the components.
  • The app development team can deploy microservices anytime but the only thing they need to take care of is that the API compatibility doesn’t break.
  • Microservices can be independently deployable, so extra checks are required to ensure they function well.Even the boundaries need to be set correctly for microservices to run perfectly fine.

2. Microservices Testing Strategy: For Individual Testing Phases

Now let us understand the testing pyramid of microservices architecture. This testing pyramid is developed for automated microservices testing. It includes five components. 

Microservices Testing Strategies

The main purpose of using these five stages in microservices testing is: 

Testing Type Key Purpose
Unit Testing
  • To test various parts (class, methods, ) of the microservice. 
Contract Testing
  • To test API compatibility. 
Integration Testing
  • To test the communication between microservices, third-party services, and databases. 
Component Testing
  • To test the subsystem’s behavior. 
End-to-End Testing
  • To test the entire system. 

2.1 Unit Testing

The very first stage of testing is unit testing. It is mainly used to verify the function’s correctness against any specification. It checks a single class or a set of classes that are closely coupled in a system. The unit test that is carried out either runs with the use of the actual objects that are able to interact with the unit or with the use of the test doubles or mocks.

Basically, in unit tests, even the smallest piece of the software solution is tested to check whether it behaves the way it is expected to or not. These tests are run at the class level. Besides this, in unit testing one can see a difference in whether the test is performed on an isolated unit or not. The tests carried out in this type of testing method are written by developers with the use of regular coding tools, the only difference is in its types as shown below.

Solitary Unit Testing: 

  • Solitary unit tests ensure that the methods of a class are tested.  
  • It mainly focuses on the test result to always be deterministic. 
  • In this type of unit testing, collaborations and interactions between an object of the application and its dependencies are also checked.
  • For external dependencies, mocking or stubbing to isolate the code is used.
Solitary Unit Testing

Sociable Unit Testing: 

  • These tests are allowed to call other services. 
  • These tests are not deterministic, but they provide good results when they pass. 
Sociable Unit Testing

Basically, as we saw here, unit tests when used alone do not offer a guarantee of the system’s behavior. The reason behind it is that in unit testing, the core testing of each module is covered but it doesn’t cover the modules when they are in collaborative mode. Therefore, in such cases, to make sure that the unit tests are run successfully, developers make use of test doubles and ensure that each module works correctly.

2.2 Integration Testing

The second stage of microservices testing is Integration tests. This type of testing is used when the developer needs to check the communication between two or more services. Integration tests are specially designed to check error paths and the basic success of the services over a network boundary. 

In any software solution, there are different components that interact with one another as they may functionally depend on each other. Here, the integration test will be used to verify the communication paths between those components and find out any interface defects. All the test modules are integrated with each other and they are tested as a subsystem to check the communication paths in this testing method.

There can be three types of communications that happen in the microservices architecture: 

  1. Between two different microservices
  2. Between Microservice and third-party application
  3. Between Microservice and Database
Integration Testing

The aim of integration testing is to check the modules and verify if their interaction with external components is successful and safe. While carrying out such tests, sometimes it becomes difficult to trigger the external component’s abnormal behavior like slow response time or timeout. In such cases, special tests are written by the developers to make sure that the test can respond as expected. 

Basically, integration tests come with the goal of providing assurance that the coding schema matches the stored data.

2.3 Component Testing

Component tests are popular when it comes to checking the full function of a single microservice. When this type of testing is carried out, if there are any calls made by the code to the external services, they are mocked. 

Basically, a component is a coherent, well-encapsulated, and independently replaceable part of any software solution. But when it comes to a microservice architecture, these component tests become a service. This means that developers perform component tests in microservices architecture to isolate any component’s complex behavior.

Besides this, component tests are more thorough in comparison to integration testing as it has the capability to travel on all the paths. For instance, here we can know how the component responds to the network’s malformed requests. This process can be divided into two parts.

In-process Component Testing

  • Test runners exist in the same process or thread as microservices.
  • Microservices can be started in an offline test mode.
  • This testing works only with single-component microservices.
In-process Component Testing

Out-process Component Testing

  • Appropriate for any size of components.
  • Components here are deployed unaltered in a test environment.
  • All dependencies in microservices are stubbed or mocked out.
Out-of-Process Component Test

2.4 Contract Testing

This testing type is carried out when two microservices gather via an interface and they need a bond to specify all the possible transactions with their data structures. Here, even the possible side effects of the inputs and outputs are analyzed to make sure that there is no security breach in the future. This type of testing can be run by the client, the producer, or both.


  • The downstream team writes and executes the tests.
  • The testing method connects microservices in a mocked version of the producer service.
  • Microservices are checked to see if they can consume client-side API. 


  • Producer-side contract tests run in upstream services. .
  • Clients’ API requests are checked along with the producer’s contract details.

2.5 End-to-End Testing

The last type of testing in our list is End-to-End Testing. This approach is used for testing microservices completely. This means that end-to-end testing checks the entire microservices application. It checks whether the system meets the client’s requirements and helps in achieving the goal. When this test is carried out by the developers, it doesn’t bother about the internal architecture of the application but just verifies that the system offers a business goal. In this case, when the software is deployed, it is treated as a black box before getting tested.

End-to-End Testing

Besides this, as end-to-end testing is more about business logic, it checks the proxies, firewall, and load balancer of the application because generally they are affected by the public interference from API and GUIs. In addition to this, end-to-end testing also helps developers to check all the interactions and gaps that are present in microservice-based applications. This means that testing microservices applications completely can be possible with end-to-end testing.

Now, let’s look at various scenarios and how these phases can apply. 

3. Microservices Testing Strategies for Various Scenarios

Here we will go through various microservices testing strategies for different scenarios to understand the process in a better way. 

Scenario 1: Testing Internal Microservices Present in the Application

This is the most commonly used strategy to test microservices. Let’s understand this with an example. 

For instance, there is a social media application that has two services like

  1. Selecting Photos and Videos
  2. Posting Photos and Videos 

Both services are interconnected with each other as there is close interaction between them in order to complete an event. 

Testing Internal Microservices Present in the Application
Testing Scopes  Description
Unit Testing
  • For each individual microservice, there is a scope of unit testing.
  • We can use frameworks like JUnit or NUnit for testing purposes.
  • First, one needs to test the functional logic.
  • Apart from that, internal data changes need to be verified.
  • For Example: If Selecting Photos and Videos Service returns a selectionID then the same needs to be verified within the service.
Integration Testing
  • Both the microservices are internally connected in our case.
  • In order to complete an event, both need to be executed in a perfect manner.
  • So, there is a scope for Integration testing.
Contract Testing
  • It is recommended to use testing tools that enable user-driven contract testing.Tools like Pacto, Pact, and Janus are recommended.In this testing, data passed between services needs to be validated and verified. For the same, one can use tools like SOAPUI.
End-to-End Testing
  • End to End Testing, commonly referred to as E2E testing, ensures that the dependency between microservices is tested at least in one flow.
  • For example, an event like making a post on the app should trigger both the services i.e. Selecting Photos and Videos and Posting Photos and Videos.

Scenario 2: Testing Internal Microservices and Third-party Services

Let’s look at the scenario where third-party APIs are integrated with Microservices. 

For Example, in a registration service, direct registration through the Gmail option is integrated. Here registration is modelled as a microservice and interacts with gmail API that is exposed for authenticating the user. 

Testing Internal Microservices and Third-party Services
Testing Scopes Descriptions 
Unit Testing
  • The developers can perform unit tests to check the changes that happened internally.
  • Frameworks like xUnit are used to check the functional logic of the application after the change.
  • The TDD approach can also be considered whenever possible.
Contract Testing
  • The expectations from the consumer’s microservices are checked which decouples itself from the external API.
  • Test doubles can be created here using Mountebank or Mockito to define Gmail API.
Integration Testing
  • Integration tests are carried out if the third-party developers offer sandbox API.This type of testing checks whether the data is being passed perfectly from one service to another and to see if the services are integrated as required.
End-to-End Testing
  • With end-to-end testing, the development team ensures that there are no failures in the workflow of the system.
  • One checks the dependencies between the microservices and ensures that all the functions of the application are working correctly.

Scenario 3: Testing Microservices that are Available in Public Domain

Let’s consider an e-commerce application example where users can check the items’ availability by calling a web API.  

Testing Microservices that are Available in Public Domain
Testing ScopesDescriptions 
Unit Testing
  • Here, the development team can carry out unit testing to check all functions of the application that the services have defined.
  • This testing helps to check that all the functions of the services work perfectly fine as per the user’s requirements.
  • It also ensures that the data persistence is taken care of.
Contract Testing
  • This testing is essential in such cases.
  • It makes sure that the clients are aware of the contracts and have agreed upon them before availing of the facilities provided by the application.
  • Here, the owner’s contracts are validated, and later consumer-driven contracts are tested.
End-to-end Testing
  • Here we can test the workflow using End-to-end Testing. It enables software testing teams to make sure that the developed application offers facilities as per the requirement. End-to-end testing also ensures that the integration of services with external dependencies is secured.

4. Microservices Testing Tools

Here are some of the most popular Microservices testing tools available in the market.

  • Wiremock: It is a very popular simulator that is used by developers when they want to do integration tests. Unlike any other general-purpose mocking tool, Wiremock has the capability to work by developing an actual HTTP server that the code that is being tested can connect to as a real web service.  
  • Goreplay: It is an open-source tool for network monitoring. It helps in recording live traffic of the application and this is why it is used by the developers to capture and replay live HTTP traffic.
  • Mountebank: It is a widely used open-source tool that enables software development companies to carry out cross-platform and multi-platform test doubles over the wire. With the help of Mountebank, the developers can simply replace the actual dependencies of the application and test them in the traditional manner.
  • Hikaku: It is a very popular test environment for microservices architecture. It helps the developers to ensure that the implementation of REST-API in the application actually meets its specifications. 
  • VCR: Developers use the VCR tool to record the tests that they carry out on the suite’s HTTP interactions. This recording can be later played for future tests to get accurate, fast, and reliable test results.

5. Conclusion

Microservices testing plays a very important role when it comes to modern software development tactics. It enables developers to offer applications that have greater flexibility, agility, and speed. There are some essential strategies that need to be carried out by the development teams when it comes to testing microservices applications in order to deploy a secure application and some of those microservices testing strategies are discussed in this blog. These automated tests enable the developers to easily cater to customer requirements by offering a top-notch application.

The post Microservices Testing Strategies: An Ultimate Guide appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

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React Testing Libraries & How to Use Them Wed, 11 Oct 2023 09:20:31 +0000 Software or application testing is one of the most important parts of software development life cycle. It helps to find out and eliminate potentially destructive bugs and ensure the quality of the final product. When it comes to testing apps, there are various React testing libraries and tools available online. One can test React components similar to any JavaScript code.

The post React Testing Libraries & How to Use Them appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.


Key Takeaways

  1. As per Statista, React is the 2nd most used web framework in the world. There are various tools available for testing react applications. So, best tools and practices must be followed by developers.
  2. Jest, and React Testing Library are the most popular tools recommended by React Community to test react applications.
  3. Other than that, tools like Chai, Mocha,, Jasmine, and Enzyme are widely used for testing react apps.
  4. While selecting testing tools, consider iteration speed, environment required, dependencies, and flow length.

Software or application testing is one of the most important parts of software development life cycle. It helps to find out and eliminate potentially destructive bugs and ensure the quality of the final product. When it comes to testing apps, there are various React testing libraries and tools preferred by Reactjs development companies. One can test React components similar to any JavaScript code. 

Now, let’s dive deeper on how you can select best-fit libraries or tools for your project.

Points to Consider before Selecting React Testing libraries and Tools: 

  1. Iteration Speed
    Many tools offer a quick feedback loop between changes done and displaying the results. But these tools may not model the browser precisely. So, tools like Jest are recommended for good iteration speed.
  2. Requirement of Realistic Environment
    Some tools use a realistic browser environment but they reduce the iteration speed. React testing Libraries like mocha work well in a realistic environment. 
  3. Component Dependencies
    Some react components have dependencies for the modules that may not work best in the testing environment. So, carefully mocking these modules out with proper replacements are required. Tools and libraries like Jest support mocking modules. 
  4. Flow Length
    To test a long flow, frameworks and libraries like Cypress, Playwright, and Puppeteer are used to navigate between multiple assets and routes.

Now, let’s explore a few of the best options to test React components.

Best React Testing Libraries and Tools

Here is a list of a few highly recommended testing libraries for React application.

1. Jest

Jest, a testing framework developed and supported by Facebook, is the industry standard. It has been embraced by companies like Uber and Airbnb for usage in testing React components.

While looking for a React Testing Framework, the React Community highly suggests Jest. The unit test framework is self-contained, complete with an automated test runner and assertion features.


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1.1 Features of Jest

  • When it comes to JavaScript projects, Jest is meant to run without any further configuration.
  • Individual test procedures are started in parallel to increase throughput.
  • Quick and risk-free.
  • Entire toolkit of Jest is presented at one place. It is well documented and well maintained. 
  • Including untested files, Jest collects code coverage information from entire projects. 

1.2 How to Install Jest?

Download and install Jest using your preferred package manager:

npm install --save-dev jest
yarn add --dev jest

1.3 First Test Using Jest:

Now, let’s create a test for a made-up function that supposedly performs a simple arithmetic operation on two values. First, you should make a file called “add.js”

    function add(x, y) {
        return x+y;
    module.exports = add;      

Start by making a new file and naming it add.test.js. Here is where we’ll find the real test:

    const add = require('./add');

    test('adds 2 + 2 to equal 4', () => {
    expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(4);

The preceding must be included in the package. json:

    function add(x, y) {
        return x+y;
      module.exports = add;      

This text will be printed by Jest when you run yarn test or npm test:

PASS  ./add.test.js

✓ adds 2 + 2 to equal 4 (5ms)

The First Jest Test case is completed.  This check ensured that two values were similar by comparing them using expect and toBe, respectively.

2. React Testing Library

A sizable developer community stands behind the React-testing-library development. You may simply test components by imitating real-world user actions without relying on the implementation details.

React Testing Library

Github Stars – 18.1K
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To test the React DOM, this package provides a set of tools that work together like an enzyme, mimicking real-world user interactions. You may put your React components through their paces with the help of the React testing package.

2.1 Features of React Testing Library

  • Very light-weight
  • It has inbuilt DOM testing utilities
  • More accessible library

2.2 How to Install React Testing Library?

Node Package Manager (npm) is already setup with node, thus there’s no need to install anything else to use this component in your project.

    npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react

For yarn users, follow:

    yarn add --dev @testing-library/react

The react and react-dom peerDependencies lists can be found here. To use the React Testing Library v13+, React v18 is required. Upgrade to React 12 if you’re still using an earlier edition in your project.

    npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react@12

    yarn add --dev @testing-library/react@12

First Test Case: 

Create firstApp.js in src directory. 


Write the following code to print the Hello World!

    import React from "react";

    export const App = () => 

Hello World!


Now, add the firstApp.test.js file in the src directory. 

    import React from "react";
    import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
    import { firstApp } from "./firstApp";

    describe("App Component", function () {
    it("should have Hello World! string", function () {
        let { getByText } = render();
        expect(getByText("Hello world!")).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`

Hello World!

`); }); });

3. Chai

One of the most well-known node and browser-based BDD / TDD assertion and expectation React testing libraries is called Chai. It works well with any existing JavaScript testing framework like  Mocha, Jest and Enzyme as well.


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To specify what should be expected in a test, you may use functionalities like expect, should, and assert. Assertions about functions are another possible use.

3.1 Features of Chai

  • Chai allows software testers to perform various types of assertions.
    • Expect
    • Assert
    • Should
  • The Chai expect and Should styles are used to chain the natural language assertions together. The only difference is chai should style extends “should” with each property. 
  • The Chai assert style offers the developer with a standard assert-dot notation comparable to what is included with node.js.
  • The assert style component additionally offers further tests and browser support.

3.2 How to Install Chai?

Chai can be downloaded through the NPM. Just enter this into your command prompt to begin the installation process.

    $ npm install --save-dev chai

The chai.js file included in the download may also be used in the browser after it has been installed using the npm package manager. For instance:


3.3 First Test Using Chai:

To begin using the library, just import it into your program and select the desired approach (either assert, expect, or should).

    var chai = require('chai');  
    var assert = chai.assert;    // Using Assert style
    var expect = chai.expect;    // Using Expect style
    var should = chai.should();  // Using Should style


    function app(int a, int b){
        return a*b;


    describe(“Multiplication”, () => {
        it(“Multiplies 2 and 3”, () => {
    it(“Multiplies 4 and 2”, () => {

4. Mocha

Mocha is a popular framework to test react applications. It allows you to use any assertion library, runs tests asynchronously, generates coverage reports, and works in any web browser.


Github Stars – 22.2K
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While putting required codes together for a test, developers use the appropriate React development tools, methodologies and approaches. Mocha  is suitable with a broad variety of testing functions and packages. Mocha is a best substitute for Jest because of its simplicity in comparison with Jest in areas like mocking.

4.1 Features of Mocha

  • Capabilities to test synchronous and asynchronous programs using a simple interface.
  • Versatile and precise analysis
  • The capacity to execute tests in a linear manner while monitoring for and reacting to undetected exceptions by tracing them to test cases.
  • Ability to execute functions in a predetermined order and record the results to a terminal window.
  • Software state is automatically cleaned up so that test cases can run separately from  one another.

4.2 How to Install Mocha?

Installing Mocha as a development dependency on your React project is the first step toward utilizing Mocha to test your React apps.

    npm i --save-dev mocha

The following command should be used if Yarn is being used as the package manager:

    yarn add mocha

To include Mocha to your package.json, upgrade the test script first.

        "scripts": {
          "test": "mocha"

4.3 First Test Using Mocha:

    // test/test.js

    var modal = require('modal');
    describe('Array', function() {
    describe('#indexOf()', function() {
        it('should return 0 when the value is not present', function() {
        assert.equal([5, 4, 3, 2, 1].indexOf(6), -3);

The aforementioned test looked for the index “6” in the column and reported “-3” if it was not found.


Cypress is a lightning-fast end-to-end test automation framework by which writing tests can become easier without the need for any extra testing library or tool. It enables testing in production environments, such as actual browsers and command prompts.

The code may be tested in the actual browser, and browser development tools can be used in tandem with it. The test results for everything may be monitored and managed from the centralized dashboard.

Github Stars – 45K
Github Forks- 3K

5.1 Features of Cypress

  • Cypress records snapshots over the course of your test runs.
  • Rapid debugging is possible because of the clearly shown errors and stack traces.
  • Cypress will patiently wait for your instructions and statements.
  • Testing that is quick, consistent, and dependable without any hiccups is desirable.

5.2 How to Install Cypress?

On the command line, type the preceding to initiate a React project:

    npm create vite@latest my-awesome-app -- --template react

Open the folder and type npm install:

    cd my-awesome-app
    npm install

Adding Cypress to the program is the next step.

    npm install cypress -D

Open Cypress:

    npx cypress open

Use Cypress’s Launchpad to get help setting up your work.

5.3 First Test Using Cypress:

Returning to the Cypress testing app’s “Create your first spec” page, select “Create from component” to get started.

A prompt will appear with a list of all the element files in the app Cypress will filter out *.config.{js,ts} and *.{cy,spec}.{js,ts,jsx,tsx} from this list. Find the Stepper component by expanding the row for Stepper.jsx.

src/component/ is where the following spec file was written:

    import React from 'react'
    import Stepper from './Stepper'
    describe('', () => {
     it('renders', () => {
       // Check :

The Stepper module is initially brought in. Next, we utilize describe and it to create sections for our tests within method blocks, this allows us to manage the test suite more accurately. Cypress provides these features on a global level, so you won’t need to manually import anything to utilize them.

The top-level describe block will hold all of the tests in a single file, and each one will be a separate test. The first parameter to the describe feature is the name of the test suite. The second parameter is a feature that will run the tests.

Here’s the demo video from Cypress – Test Replay Product Demo

6. Jasmine

Jasmine is an excellent open-source BDD framework and test runner for evaluating a wide variety of JavaScript software. The user interface is put through its paces across a variety of devices and screen sizes, from smartphones to TVs. To ensure their code is bug-free, many Angular CLI programmers also consider Jasmine to be an indispensable tool. Developers typically employ it alongside Babel and Enzyme when testing React applications. The handy util package provides more information about testing your React code.


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6.1 Features of Jasmine

  • It’s quick, has little overhead, and doesn’t rely on anything except itself.
  • It provides almost every functionalities and features that one requires to test the code. 
  • You may use it with the browser or Node.
  • It’s compatible with Python and Ruby also.
  • In other words, the DOM is not necessary.
  • It has a simple syntax and an extensive API that is easy to use.
  • The tests and their outcomes can be described in ordinary terms.

6.2 How to Install Jasmine?

Installing Jasmine as part of the setup is recommended because developers frequently use it in conjunction with Enzyme.

    npm install - - save - dev @babel/core \
                                @babel/register \
                                babel-preset-react-app \
                                cross-env \
                                jsdom \


yarn add - - dev babel-cli \
            @babel/register \
            babel-preset-react-app \
            cross-env \
            enzyme \
            enzyme-adapter-react-16 \
            jasmine-enzyme \
            jsdom \

Follow this command to start Jasmine:

    // For NPM 
    npm jasmine init 

    // For Yarn 
    yarn run jasmine init

6.3 First Test Using Jasmine

Jasmine expects all configuration files, such as those for Babel, Enzyme, and JSDOM, to be placed in a spec folder.

    // babel.js

    // for typescript
        "extensions": [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx"]

    describe("A suite is a function", function() {
    // For grouping related specs, there is a describe function. 
    // Typically each test file has one describe function at the top level.   

    let x;

        it("and so is a spec", function() { 
    // Specs are defined by calling the global Jasmine function it.
            x = true;

    describe("The 'toBe' compares with ===", function() {

    it("and has a negative case", function() {

    it("and has a positive case", function() {


7. Enzyme

When it comes to testing React components, developers may rely on Enzyme, a testing tool created to make the process easier. One of Airbnb’s most popular React testing libraries is called Enzyme. To fully test the React application, developers often pair it with another framework like Jest, Chai, or Mocha. 


Github Stars – 20K
Github Forks- 2.1K

The sole purpose of the enzyme is to render components, retrieve resources, identify elements, link components, and simulate events. It may make use of assertions written in either Chai or Jest. Testing is simplified by abstracting the rendering of components in React so that you may test their results.

7.1 Features of Enzyme

  • Enzyme’s API aims to be user-friendly and adaptable by modeling itself after jQuery’s API for DOM manipulation and traversal.
  • The Enzyme Application Programming Interface allows for the Inspection of React Elements.
  • It provides shallow rendering.
  • Provides access to enterprise implementations of your component.
  • Provides execution of a complete DOM rendering.
  • There are cases where using react-hooks in shallow rendering is appropriate.

7.2 How to Install Enzyme?

For installation using npm:

    npm - - save - dev enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16

7.3 First Test Using Enzyme

To install Enzyme, write the following command in npm. 

    npm install –save-dev enzyme

Now, create an app.tsx file in the src folder with the following code.

    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import './App.scss';

    class App extends React.Component {
    constructor(props: any) {
        this.state = {        
    render() {
        return (
) } }; export default App;

Now, create an app.test.tsx file in the same folder and write the following code.

    import React from 'react'
    import Enzyme, { shallow } from 'enzyme'
    import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'
    import App from './App'

    Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })

    describe('First Test Case', () => {
    it('it should render button', () => {
        const wrapper = shallow()
        const buttonElement  = wrapper.find('#ClickHere');
        expect(buttonElement.text()).toEqual('Click Here');

Then use the “npm test” command to test the code. 

8. Conclusion

Because of React’s modular design, TDD (Test Driven Development) is improved. Finding the right technology may facilitate the implementation of this idea and help you to harvest its benefits, from testing specific parts to testing the complete system.

Combining the proper testing framework (such as Jest, chai, enzyme, etc.) with the necessary assertion/manipulation libraries is the secret to establishing a flexible approach. Using virtual isolation, you can take scalability and TDD to an entirely higher platform by separating components from their tasks (like Bit etc).

The post React Testing Libraries & How to Use Them appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

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Test Automation Framework: Types and Examples Wed, 28 Dec 2022 12:31:32 +0000 A testing framework is a set of directions or standards for creating and planning the test cases for any project that needs to be tested. A framework is an assortment of procedures and instrumentality designed to assist quality analysis service providers conduct tests additionally quickly.

The post Test Automation Framework: Types and Examples appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

1. What is a Test Automation Framework?

The test automation framework is a compilation of the process and tools that work together to assist automated testing approaches for any application. This process is a combination of various functions, test data, libraries, and reusable modules.

This framework not only allows the code to be reused across scenarios but also allows the software testing company to write the test script in a consistent format. As a result, the test automation framework takes care of everything.

2. Test Automation Advantages and Disadvantages:

When performed appropriately, test automation can provide numerous benefits to the project and organization. However, there are some drawbacks to test automation that we should be concerned about.

2.1 Advantages:-

1. Fast Execution :

Auto testers are the Fast and Furious squad in the testing business. When we execute them, however, they are generally fast and can go through various steps much faster than a human. Agility, or the capacity to multitask at a superhuman level, follows speed. In terms of test execution, tools outperform human users (Software Testers). Two important tasks are involved in software testing: a. Test Design (which takes more time than manual testing) and b. Test Execution (which takes less time than manual testing). 

Testing tools can run tests (single or series of tests) faster than human users (Testers).  Although test design is a one-time activity, we must run tests multiple times to save time.

2. Automated Regression Testing :

Regression testing verifies that changes in code do not have an adverse effect on the solution’s previously developed functionality. Regression testing also ensures that the app functions properly with fixed bugs, new features, and enhancements. Because it is time-consuming and repetitive, it may be more efficient to use automation while performing it. Regression testing can be automated, freeing up QA engineers to write test cases for new features or other crucial duties.

3. The Development Team Can contribute:

Typically, automated checks are written in the same language as the application under test. As a result, the responsibility for writing, maintaining, and executing tests becomes shared. Testers are not the only members of the development team that can offer their expertise.

4. Cost Savings:

If implemented correctly, automated tests can significantly reduce testing costs. And it is said by the experts that automated tests are less expensive than manual tests in the long term. It will demand a huge initial investment but that will pay off in the long run.

2.2 Disadvantages:-

1. Expensive : 

Money, like time, is a cost to the business. Furthermore, a significant upfront investment is required to properly incorporate test automation. These cost constraints of automation testing do not only apply to the purchase of the necessary tools and resources; there is also a labor cost associated with implementing these changes. Specialized automated software testing tools are costly. Furthermore, hiring automated QA engineers is also pricey in comparison to hiring manual QA engineers.

2. Continuous Maintenance :

Every time you upgrade your software application, your automated tests must be able to generate precise findings. This frequently necessitates going over all of your automated test scripts and making any necessary changes. Failure to do so can frequently result in false results, leaving your product vulnerable to bugs and attacks. On the other hand, doing so can cost the QA process valuable time. When conditions change, the program’s coding must be modified and re-tested to ensure it is still functioning properly. This is an expensive procedure.

3. Inability to Test UX:

Although test automation can outperform a human tester, it cannot think like one. User experience testing must therefore always be done by hand. The accuracy of the user interface’s appearance, usability, and consistency simply cannot be detected by machines. An automated test case, for instance, might yield flawless findings, yet a user testing a product’s dashboard might find the platform confusing or underwhelming in terms of functionality.

3. Types of Automated Testing Frameworks:-

3.1 Linear Automation Framework

The Linear test automation framework, often known as “Record & Playback,” is the most basic of all Testing Automation Frameworks.

Testers are not required to generate functions or write code in this framework. Additionally, the steps are always completed linearly. During this process, the tester takes notes on all navigational choices, user input, and checkpoints before automatically replaying the script to conduct the test. This framework can be used without any test automation experience because there is no requirement for bespoke code.


  • It generates test scripts faster without planning much or investing much time.
  • Only basic knowledge of coding works here, you’re not required to have automation expertise.
  • It provides one of the easiest ways to learn the features of a testing tool.
  • Improved test efficiency.
  • Ease of scripting, understandability, process definition, modularity, and much more.


  • The usage of scripts is limited.
  • Maintenance can be complex.
  • You cannot reuse the test cases.
  • A lot of effort is required to perform even a small change.
  • It doesn’t allow you to run multiple datasets at once.

Example of Linear Automation Framework –

If it is a Train Ticket Booking App and you are logging into it, check if the application has loaded properly after the log-in. Let’s take a look at how every tester simplifies the records and adds steps for validation.

SystemUtil.Run "trainTicketBooking.exe","","","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("UserName").Set "Tatva"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password").Set "12345678"
'Check Train Ticket Booking Window has loaded after successful log-on
Window("Train Ticket Booking").Check CheckPoint("Train Ticket Booking")

3.2 Modular Based Testing Framework

A modular or module based testing framework necessitates that testers divide the application into separate testing categories such as functions, units, sections, and so on. Tests are given in isolation to each class. The idea of abstraction is the foundation of this system. To test the software, separate test scripts are made based on the modules. A test script is generated for each module after the program has been broken down into its parts, and these scripts are then integrated to create larger tests in a hierarchical form. These larger groups of tests in a modular-based testing framework represent different test cases.

A major tactic for utilizing the modular structure is to create an abstraction layer so that modifications made to particular portions do not impact the main module.


  • It allows you to change the script only for a particular module.
  • The modular-based testing framework addresses a higher level of modularization that helps you to maintain costs.
  • The framework is highly scalable.
  • The modular division of scripts available in this framework leads to easier maintenance and provides the scalability to independently write test scripts.
  • You can change any part of the application without affecting any other test script of the app.


  • When you implement the test scripts for all the modules separately, you need to first embed the test data into the test scripts. For this, you need manipulations made in the test scripts.

3.3 Library Architecture Testing Framework

Structured scripting or Functional decomposition are other names for it. In this automated testing framework, test scripts are initially recorded using the “Record & Playback” approach. The library architecture framework for automated testing provides some more benefits on top of the modular structure. It finds related tasks within the scripts and groups them according to function, rather than breaking the application under test into the various scripts that must be run. These functions are utilized by the primary test script, Driver, in a variety of ways to produce test cases. This enables the application to be ultimately divided into constituent parts by shared goals. Additionally, these functions are kept in a library that multiple test scripts can use whenever necessary.


  • It requires a high level of modularization for cost-efficient maintenance and scalability.
  • Allows you to reuse code in structured scripting.
  • You can easily maintain your script.
  • It provides less expensive automation scripts.
  • You can create all the required functions that can be efficiently used in the framework and address a great degree of reusability.


  • You need technical expertise to write Scripts while you’re working with this framework.
  • As new libraries are introduced, you might find this framework a bit complex to work with.
  • You need to invest more time in planning and preparing test scripts
  • Hard-coded test data within the scripts.
  • When you modify anything in the test data, you must change the same in the test script as well which can be time-consuming.

Example of Library Architecture Testing Automation –

Function for logging into the Train Ticket Booking application looks like.

Function Login()
SystemUtil.Run "trainTicketBooking.exe","","","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("UserName").Set "Tatva"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password").Set "12345678"
End Function

3.4 Data-Driven Framework

By using a data-driven framework, the test data and script logic are separated, with the test data being kept outside of the test scripts while test case logic is contained within them. The test script’s variables are loaded with test data that has been read from external files. In these cases, testers frequently can’t rely solely on the data encoded in the script. With the help of this framework, testers will be able to store and pass various test script parameters from a variety of data sources, including text files, excel spreadsheets, ODBC repositories, SQL tables, etc.

In this approach, all test cases using various types of data can be executed by a single driver script. This driver script includes navigation throughout the application, handling both reading data files and logging test status data.


  • Any modifications applied to the test data matrix will not affect the test script code.
  • Enhanced flexibility and maintainability.
  • You can execute multiple test scenarios by varying the test data that are available in the External data file.
  • It allows you to execute a variety of test cases using multiple sets of data.
  • You can modify the test data values just by executing the test scenario.


  • You need to invest a significant amount of time to plan and prepare test data and test scripts.
  • Data validation can be a time-consuming task as the amount of data is large.
  • You must have a high level of technical skills to develop test scripts.
  • Software testers must learn a completely new scripting language.

Example Data-Driven Framework –

When a tester wants to create a login script for the Train Ticket Booking app, there are two steps. The first one is to create a test data file which can be either CSV or Excel. Then develop the test script and make test data source references, for which the code is as follows – 

SystemUtil.Run "trainTicketBooking.exe","","","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("UserName").Set DataTable("UserName", dataSheet)
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password").Set DataTable("Password", dataSheet)
'Check Train Ticket Booking Window has loaded
Window("Train Ticket Booking").Check CheckPoint("Train Ticket Booking")
//"dataSheet" is the default excel data sheet.

3.5 Keyword-Driven Testing Framework

In the application-independent framework known as “Keyword Driven Testing,” the activities to be performed on the application under test are described using data tables and keywords. Tests can be written with or without the application. The keyword-driven test automation framework for web-based applications can be thought of as an extension of the data-driven testing framework.

Each application function that needs to be tested is listed in a table with the procedure that needs to be followed for every test that is required to be run in a keyword-driven framework. This strategy separates keywords from the automated testing tool being used to perform the tests by maintaining them in an external data table. The many activities of a script are denoted by keywords.


  • It allows you to reuse your code.
  • You can design your tests with or without AUT.
  • The user doesn’t need scripting knowledge only the basics are required.
  • It is a test tool independent.
  • You can use a single keyword across multiple test scripts.


  • In the beginning, the investment can be pretty high but this can only be helpful if the app is considerably large.
  • You need to maintain the test scripts for a few days.
  • Developers must have high automation expertise to create the keyword-driven framework.
  • Users should be aware of the keyword creation mechanism if they want to reap the benefits offered by the particular framework.
  • As the framework becomes complex, it requires more keywords to be introduced.

Example of Keyword-Driven Testing Framework –

In a keyword-driven testing framework, the testers have to create a data table that contains the Action to be performed and their corresponding arguments on the GUI Objects. And then the code is written in the form of Component Functions, which looks like below –

Function main()
  Call ConnectTable(Table Name) {
    while (Call TableParser() != -1) 
      Pass values according to COMPONENT functions. Like Set(Object Name, Argument) ex.Set(UserName, Tatva).
  Call CloseConnection()

3.6 Hybrid Test Automation Framework

Automated testing frameworks have begun to integrate and overlap with one another, as is the case with the majority of testing procedures today. Other types of testing automation frameworks are combined into a hybrid framework. It has been built using a variety of end-to-end testing methodologies. As the name implies, this framework combines one or more of the automation frameworks mentioned above, utilizing their advantages while attempting to minimize their disadvantages. The testing process for these applications must be unique because each application is unique. A hybrid framework also enables testers to be more flexible and agile to produce better test results.

Most test automation frameworks develop into QA automation frameworks over time and across numerous projects. The majority of industries combine the Function decomposition method with the Keyword Framework. To achieve the best test results, a hybrid testing framework can be more easily modified.


  • It allows you to reuse code.
  • Higher maintenance and reduce the cost of script maintenance.
  • You can automate any application using this framework.
  • It helps developers to write clean and adaptable code.
  • It allows you to reap the benefits of both data-driven framework and keyword-driven framework.


  • You must have a clear understanding of combining various frameworks.
  • Tests are entirely scrip-based so you need to invest more effort in automation.

Example of Hybrid Test Automation Framework –

Here, the testers can create Modular scripts using Actions in QTP, which looks like – 

SystemUtil.Run "trainTicketBooking.exe","","","open"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("UserName").Set "Tatva"
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password").Set "12345678"
'End of Script

4. Example Of Test Automation Frameworks:-

The increasing demand for test automation answers why there are so many automation testing frameworks available in the market. Here I have listed the most valued frameworks currently getting used.

4.1 Selenium:


Selenium is a well-known open-source, mechanized, and best-test computerization system. It has made a title for itself within the community after a long time, and all web application engineers ought to be mindful of it. It was initially known as JavaScript TestRunner, some time recently being renamed Selenium in 2004. Be that as it may, Selenium may be a collection of tools that each cater to diverse Selenium computerization testing needs. This instructional exercise will educate you about everything you would like to know about Selenium and the different sorts of Selenium mechanization testing tools.

Know more about Selenium Testing


  • Portable: With Selenium, you can automate your tests on  Chrome, Firefox, IE, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari, and more.
  • Record and Replay: Selenium features a record and replay include that makes a difference in computerization test creation without really learning the programming languages.
  • Large language support: Selenium has a colossal programming dialect back with all the major programming dialects like Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, etc secured beneath the umbrella.
  • WebDriver support: Selenium underpins the WebDriver API that makes a difference in Parallel and cross-browser executions to decrease execution time and increment test coverage

GitHub Score:

The GitHub Stars of Selenium is 25.4k, the watchings are 1.3k, and the forks are 7.3k.

4.2 Robot Framework:

Robot Framework

Robot System is a keyword-driven test automation system, written in Python. It is numbered among the leading test automation systems that are open-source and utilized for  Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and test mechanization. Discharged, beginning in 2008, the Robot framework community and client base have developed significantly. The system is composed in Python and can be utilized with other devices to make an effective test mechanization solution. It engages analyzers to computerize and oversee complex workflow scripts effectively.


  • Library bolster: The Robot system underpins libraries composed in Python or Java. Both of these dialects are greatly prevalent within the community. 
  • Easy to compose: The browser testing system employs English words or human-readable watchwords that make the test composing preparation easy.
  • Lucid chain of command: The system takes after a clear chain of command of test suites and settled tests. Information is characterized by records that contain test suites, and a registry containing records makes a settled test suite. 
  • Detailed reporting: The reports within the Robot system are point by point and give logs to analyze what went wrong.

GitHub Score:

The GitHub Stars of Robot Framework is 62, the watchings are 20, and the forks are 71.

4.3 Appium:


Another legend within the list of best systems for computerization testing is Appium. Like Selenium, Appium is additionally an open-source computerization testing device, but for portable applications. Utilizing portable JSON wire convention, Appium permits clients to compose computerized UI tests for local, web-based, and crossover versatile applications on both Android and iOS.

Features of Appium:

  • Greatly adaptable: Appium point, as they cite, is to test any portable application in any programming dialect and any test system with full access to the back-end APIs. 
  • Enhances code reusability: Appium could be a cross-platform mechanization system which implies the same API can be utilized to run tests on different platforms/operating frameworks. Consequently, it upgrades code reusability. 
  • Eliminates recompilation: An analyzer must not recompile the versatile application each time they run the computerization tests.

GitHub Score:

The GitHub Stars of Appium is 15.8k, the watchings are 894, and the forks are 5.8k. 

5. An Effective Strategy to Automate the Software Testing:-

The success of the automated software testing process is continuously reliant on a cost-effective test automation plan with a focus on results. When done correctly, this method offers several advantages. A few of the benefits incorporate expanded test scope, expanded test unwavering quality, speedier time-to-market, and faster ROI. Having a great test automation strategy will offer assistance to businesses to keep pace with the advertisement and maintain a strategic distance from any major innovation failures. To construct a great test automation strategy you wish to be recognizable with the test automation life cycle.

Here are some of the processes listed below, to take care of while building the strategy.

5.1 Identify The Test Automation Goals:

The first step is to identify the automation testing objectives and goals. The objectives can be speedier test execution, moved forward test comes about, made strides precision, diminished relapse time, taking a toll on investment funds, etc.

5.2 Choose The Ideal Group of Team Members:

Once the automation objectives are recognized, a committed automation team is ideal to have the manual testing group utilize automation testing tools. The groups with great hands-on encounters to handle assignments such as composing the test scripts, running the tests, checking the test disappointments, upgrading the tests, composing relapse tests, etc would be a great put to start.

5.3 Choose a Test Automation Framework :

When it comes to working on test automation frameworks, there are specific guidelines that need to be followed by the engineers to create and execute test cases efficiently. You must choose the test automation framework as per the project’s requirements. It comes with a wide range of options, for instance, a framework for automating linear tests, data-driven systems, keyword-driven systems, etc.

5.4 Choose The Right Testing Tool:

While selecting the right tool is essential, recognizing the right instrument for your project is equally crucial. When selecting a testing tool, it is important to ensure that it is compatible with the project’s innovation stack, test environment, browser, operating system, mobile/desktop/web app, etc. The correct approach is to get it that a device cannot entirely automate everything but make the whole testing handle simpler and quicker. Indeed more imperative is to have a gifted group to utilize the device effectively.

5.5 Set Up The Test Environment:

Once the aforementioned procedures have been completed, it is time to prepare the test environment and run the test. It is a must to secure the program & equipment needed to conduct the test, and prepare the testing environment.

5.6 Design and Execute The Test Cases:

This is an important stage that involves writing and running test scripts very frequently. Whereas making the test scripts, make beyond any doubt they are reusable, well-structured, and appropriately recorded. Execute the test scripts using the automation testing framework and tools once they have been created. A great test plan can avoid repeating errors and help in deliberate testing without sitting around idly and assets afterward within the testing stage. One of the leading tips is to compose the test case physically, taking after it by distinguishing the prerequisites of the test information. Posting the steps down brings more noteworthy clarity. Running this test at the slightest once physically can offer assistance to distinguish the objects and get the stream of the route. Typically a strong technique to find bugs sometimes recently a testing script can be written.

5.7 Analyze and Report The Test Results:

At long last, after the test execution preparation is completed, it is vital to analyze the test that comes about to check what went off-base, what ought to be settled or progressed, how effective the test was, etc. Sharing test results and discoveries with all interested parties is crucial.

5.8 Maintain Test Scripts:

The test scripts must be maintained as the last phase in order to use them for relapse tests or other program testing of a similar nature. Moreover, keep cleaning the out-of-date test cases and including the modern test cases in the store to guarantee compelling computerization and future reuse of the test scripts.

For an effective automation testing travel, building a successful test automation technique and receiving the most recent automation testing patterns is basic for today’s businesses to remain ahead within the market.

6. Conclusion:-

As seen in this blog, there are many different types of test automation frameworks that have their own pros and cons which makes it difficult to select the best one. But one thing the testing team should keep in mind is that just because the framework is popular doesn’t mean that it will fit your client’s organization. Therefore, while selecting a framework a test must always consider the current needs and future scope. Besides this, the requirements of the organization play a very important role in the selection process which might take time but comparing all the frameworks and then choosing the best-suited one is worth the time. The best way to evaluate the process is by gathering requirements, understanding the scope of the organization, doing smaller POC, and then choosing the framework. One can choose any of the above-listed frameworks if it fits the requirements.

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SonarLint vs SonarQube Tue, 16 Oct 2018 07:19:17 +0000 Sonar is an open source platform used by developers to manage source code quality and consistency. It covers a wide area of code quality checkpoints ranging from styling errors, potential bugs, and code defects to design inefficiencies, code duplication, lack of test coverage, and excess complexity.

The post SonarLint vs SonarQube appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

What is SonarSource?

Sonar is an open source platform used by developers to manage source code quality and consistency. It covers a wide area of code quality checkpoints ranging from styling errors, potential bugs, and code defects to design inefficiencies, code duplication, lack of test coverage, and excess complexity.

SonatLint & SonarQube

Poor code quality leads to low team velocity, application decommissioning, production crashes, bad company reputation. SonarSource provides the solution to improve Maintainability, Reliability, and Security. SonarSource has been developed with the main objective in mind: make code security and code quality management accessible to everyone with minimal effort.

Sonarlint and Sonarqube are products of SonarSource.

SonarQube & SonarLint


SonarQube (formerly known as Sonar) is an open source tool suite to measure and analyze to the quality of source code. It is implemented in Java language and is able to analyze the code of about 20 different programming languages. Anything that affects code base, from minor styling details to critical design errors, is inspected and evaluated by SonarQube, which helps software application developers to identify the issue and its effect.

Sonar tool suite

Main Features

  1. Write Clean Code
    • Overall Health
      Discovered issues can either be Unreachable source code, a Bug, Vulnerability, Code Smell, Coverage or Duplication. Each category has a corresponding number of issues. Dashboard page shows where you stand in terms of quality in a glimpse of an eye.

      Bug & Vulnerability

    • Enfore Quality gate
      To fully enforce a code quality practice across all teams, you need to set up a Quality Gate. A Quality Gate is a set of conditions the project must meet before it can qualify for production release. The overview of the project will show the results of the SonarQube analysis.

      SonarQube analysis

    • Analyze Pull requests
      SonarQube, having two main products as sonarlint and sonarqube, categorizes Issues in the different type. It displays the corresponding number of issues or a percentage value as per different categories.

      There are five different severity levels of Issues like blocker, critical, major, minor and info.

      The issues tab has different filter criteria like category, severity level, tag(s), and the calculated effort (regarding time) it will take to rectify an issue.

      SonarQube category

    • Dig into Issues
      From the issues tab, you have full power to analyze in detail what the main issues are, where they are located when they were added to your code base and who originally introduced them. It provides facility to assign an issue to another user, to add the comment on it, and change its severity level. On Click of a particular issue, shows more description about the issue.

      Sonar Issue Description

  2. Detect Bugs for Better Code Quality
    • Detect Bugs
      Represents wrong code which has not broken yet but it will probably at the worst possible moment. Examples include null-pointer, memory leaks, and logic errors.
    • Code Smells
      A maintainability-related issue in the code which indicate a violation of fundamental design principles. Code smell technically not incorrect but it is not functional as well. Examples include duplicated code, too complex code, Dead Code, Long Parameter List.
    • Security Vulnerability
      A security-related issue which represents a backdoor for attackers. Examples include SQL injection, hard-coded passwords and badly managed errors.
  3. Multi-Language
    • 20+ Programming LanguagesSonarQube 4.2 and higher version comes with code analyzer for each major programming language.
    • Multi-Language Projects
      We often use multiple programming languages in the software application development – like [C#, C++ and JavaScript] or [Java, JavaScript and HTML]. SonarQube automatically detects the languages and run corresponding code analyzer for each language.

      Sonar Detects language

  4. Centralize Quality
    • All projects in one place
      SonarQube enables the centralized system of storing the code metrics which allows an organization to estimate and predict risks of the project. SonarQube will not only simplify the deployment but also allows making a qualitative step forward for the project management, monitor the project status.

      Sonar project status

    • Shared rulesets
      SonarQube provides the facility to create your own quality profiles, in which you can define Sonar Rules which can be shared among different projects.

How it helps for different users in Organization

  • Developers
    As SonarQube provide details of different errors and coding quality level analysis it helps developers to improve the code quality and also helps to improve the coding skills. The developer can improve knowledge about the coding standards, best practices and etc. Regularly use of the SonarQube leads developers to identify the coding standard violations and they tend to adhere to those standards even at the time of coding.
  • Technical management
    SonarQube supports easy integration with version control system to track down the code changes along with developer’s detail who made those changes. This helps to identify the developer’s performance in coding practices.
  • Non-technical management
    Non-Technical management wants to see how measurable code quality and code security are going on. They don’t understand complexity and duplications. But with the matrix and total numbers, it is easy to make a decision for each project.

Current Limitation

  • The Roslyn analyzers NuGet packages are currently applied on every project, including those which were excluded from the SonarQube analysis, and the test projects.
  • You are free to change the rulesets for each project manually, and we don’t warn you yet if you loosen the quality by removing rules
  • The main difference between SonarQube and the other tools is that the code analysis runs externally in your CI server (continue integration server) and the result is sent to SonarQube. Then, this analysis is processed by the SonarQube server which is stored in their database. Which will require extra effort in configuring your CI server?


SonarLint is a free, open source, and available in the Visual Studio Gallery, which supports C#, VB.NET which will help you fix code quality issues before they even exist.

SonarLint can be used as a plugin for Visual Studio support only in Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017.

Features of SonarLint

  1. Instant View
    SonarLint will provide developers with instant feedback in their IDEs as they are writing code, like with a spell checker. SonarLint also shows already existing issues in the code and enables developers to differentiate what issues they introduced.

    SonarLint Instant View

  2. On-the-fly Detection
    Issues appear as you type code. SonarLint provides the facility to identify problems as you write code, just like a spell checker for text.

    SonarLint On the fly Detection

  3. Smart Education
    Error descriptions come with issue detection. SonarLint provides Rich documentation which will let you understand issues in details and explain what is coding best practices.

    It gives a code example and shows how to resolve the example issue which is easy to understand the issue. In this way, SonarLint is powerful tools for developers to learn.

    SonarLint Rich documentation

  4. Push NotificationsSonarLint tracks Quality Gate status like failed, passed, and warning. SonarLint also gives an analysis has assigned a new issue to you.SonarLint Push Notifications
  5. Connected Mode
    The user can connect to a SonarQube server and bind your Visual Studio solution to a SonarQube project. This operation automatically updates the rulesets of the solution and attaches the solution to the required Roslyn analyzers.

    Connect to a SonarQube server

Difference between SonarLint and SonarQube

SonarLint SonarQube
SonarLint works more like a plugin SonarQube has a server associated with it
SonarLint supports only in the IDE like IntelliJ, Eclipse and Visual Studio. SonarQube is a central server that processes which covers full analyses which need to be triggered by the various SonarQube Scanners.
 SonarLint gives instant feedback as you type your code. Sonarqube give a vision of the quality of your complete project code base.
SonarLint concentrates on what you are writing run time while coding. SonarQube analyzes all the source code for all files in frequent interval.
SonarLint does not performs scans with 3rd party analyzers SonarQube performs scans with 3rd party analyzers (stylecorp,findBugs, checkstyle, PMD)

The post SonarLint vs SonarQube appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

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Importance of Code Quality Mon, 08 Oct 2018 06:36:20 +0000 Now a day’s quality of software code is really important. If one declares “Hey, I have implemented a software!” It’s a good thing but if you say “Hey, I have created quality software!” then it will impact a lot. Writing a good quality of code is not a time-consuming and tedious monotonous task. It will be like you are planting a seed which definitely gives you various benefits later on and results in a fruitful outcome.

The post Importance of Code Quality appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

Now a day’s quality of software code is really important. If one declares “Hey, I have implemented a software!” It’s a good thing but if you say “Hey, I have created quality software!” then it will impact a lot. Writing a good quality of code is not a time-consuming and tedious monotonous task. It will be like you are planting a seed which definitely gives you various benefits later on and results in a fruitful outcome. We as a custom software development company always say to the customer that we will provide you the best industry-standard software but are we actually providing it? Do we follow any specific rules? Just think about it.

What do You Mean by Code Quality?

When we talk about code quality, it means a combination of various requirements and attributes, prioritized and determined by your business. There are some main attributes that can be used to specify the overall software quality and they are –

  • Extendible: To ensure code quality, your software development code has to be extendible. It is not a good thing if you have to throw it away after some time because it is called a bad quality code.
  • Maintainable: A high code quality isn’t very complicated. Anyone who is working to improve it has to understand the entire context of the code structure if they want to make any changes.
  • Clarity: The quality of your code can be tested when it can be easily read and understood by anyone who is not even the creator of the code. If the code is easy to understand, maintaining and extending it becomes easier for an expert who is new at the development process.
  • Refactored: As per the right coding standard, its formatting needs to be consistent. The quality code must also follow the language’s coding conventions.
  • Documented: One of the best things about developing software code is self-explaining. When any legacy code developer is designing the code, he is recommended to always add comments to the code so that it clearly explains the functions and roles to the code review team.
  • Well-tested: When it comes to regularly testing code, if there are software bugs, it shows great code quality. For this, thorough testing filters out major bugs and this helps in ensuring the quality of your code that enables software to work smoothly.
  • Efficiency: High-quality code is something that doesn’t use unnecessary resources when it comes to performing the desired action.

Why do We Require High-Quality Code?

Everyone likes to use quality software application development that performs fast and efficiently. Below are the key benefits of good quality code.

  • Easy to read
  • Easy to maintain
  • Easily understandable
  • Clean & reusable code
  • Effective performance
  • Code consistency throughout the software
  • Easy to demonstrate or knowledge transfer

How to Measure Code Quality?

When it comes to measuring high-quality code, it becomes a tough task for any modern software sizing algorithm. The main reason behind this is that sometimes it becomes really hard to define the right code quality. For instance, the customers will feel that everything is working correctly but they won’t know what the reality is. It would only show the customers what they want to see, but the fact would be that finding the initials of given user names would be a trick while writing the code.

And this is why measuring code quality is important. For this, some people define and apply different quality metrics to the code and they also use different tools that offer reports of the metrics. For instance, it detects density, coupling, fan-in & fan-out, cyclomatic complexity, and Halstead complexity measure of the code written. Besides this, the best way to measure overall code quality is by taking a qualitative approach into consideration. It enables any web application developer to consistently follow rules for writing the code.

In this way, you can measure the higher code quality and this eventually helps the software to lead the market.

Which Code Quality Metrics Should Be Used?

The metrics you can use are –

1. Defect Metrics

The defect metrics count the number of defects and severity of those defects to bring you out of the technical debt and this is important to improve the quality of your code.

This metric includes:

  • Time to identify the defects and correct them.
  • Identify the stage in which the code defect originates.
  • A number of open defect reports.
  • Defect density.

2. Complexity Metrics

Complexity metrics is a concept that helps in measuring the overall software quality. Cyclomatic complexity measures the total number of linearly independent paths that are available in the software program’s source code.

Besides this, you can also understand the quality of the code by calculating Halstead’s complexity measures. This includes testing things like –

  • Program vocabulary
  • Difficulty
  • Program length
  • Calculated program length
  • Effort
  • Volume

How to Achieve Good Code Quality?

There are basic points which you need to focus on while doing code –

  • Add proper comments on every method, function, and logic.
  • Remove unused commented code which you left as it is while doing code.
  • Write generalized code which can be reusable.
  • Use proper data types and names for properties, variables, methods, and classes.
  • Do proper casting only when it’s needed.
  • Loops directly impact performance. Try to avoid it or check the other solutions.
  • Use basic oops fundamentals as possible as you can. It will provide you overall clean architecture.
  • Do code review once you develop the functionality or module or page.

Tools You Can Use to Achieve Good Code Quality

Tools Used to achieve Good Code Quality

There are several tools and extensions available online to use for maintaining the proper standard of code, style and provide you with suggestions for possible refactoring code or methods. Below is the overview of some tools that are commonly used –

1. SonarLint

SonarLint is an open-source IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, SonarLint curlicues flaws so that they can be checked and fixed before committing code.

Below are the features of using SonarLint –

  • Bug detection: Benefit from thousands of rules which detect common mistakes, tricky bugs, and known vulnerabilities.
  • Instant feedback: On-the-fly! Issues or mistakes are detected and reported instantly while you code, the same as a spell-checker tool.
  • Know what to do: SonarLint accurately finds the location where the problem is and gives you recommendations/solutions on how to fix it.
  • Learn from your mistakes: Clean texts let you understand issues in detail and improve your coding standards.
  • Uncover old issues: Check issues were already existing, and fix them before committing your code.

2. SonarQube for Software Quality

SonarQube (formerly known as Sonar) is an open-source tool suite to measure and analyze the quality of source code. It is developed in Java but is able to analyze the code in about 20 different programming languages.

Below are the features of using SonarQube –

  • Continuous Inspection SonarQube provides the capability to show the health of an application along with highlighting issues newly introduced.
  • Detect Tricky Issues SonarQube Code analyzers are equipped with powerful path-sensitive dataflow engines to detect tricky issues such as null-pointers dereferences, logic errors, resource leaks.
  • Centralize Quality One place to implement a shared vision of code quality for programmers, tech leads, managers, and executives in the management of some to several thousand projects.
  • DevOps Integration SonarQube integrates with the entire DevOps toolchain including build systems, CI engines, promotion pipelines… using webhooks, and its comprehensive RestAPI.

3. StyleCop

StyleCop analyses the consistency of source code. It enforces developers to follow a specific set of rules to maintain consistency in code. It can be executed from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project. StyleCop has also been integrated into many third-party development tools.

StyleCop provides a various set of rules which performs to our code. You can also customize rules based on your needs. Below are the set of rules –

  • Documentation
  • Layout
  • Maintainability
  • Naming
  • Ordering
  • Readability
  • Spacing

You can add StyleCop to your project via the NuGet package manager.

4. ReSharper

On-the-fly code quality analysis is available in XAML, CSS, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and XML. ReSharper will let you understand if your code can be developed and recommend automatic quick fixes. ReSharper warns you when there’s a problem in your code and also provides hundreds of quick fixes to solve problems automatically. In most cases, you can select the best quick-fix from a variety of options.

ReSharper contains various kinds of extensions/tools to perform different types of checks.

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Software Testing Strategy Thu, 12 Jan 2017 12:32:09 +0000 In this information age where we are driven by Software, testing of such software plays an integral part in the software development lifecycle. Not just for software quality control or assurance, this is a typical circumstance to eliminate flaws and errors. In such a situation, experts can help to enlist all the challenges faced during the development of any application.

The post Software Testing Strategy appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

1. Introduction

In this information age where we are driven by Software, testing of such software plays an integral part in the software development lifecycle. Not just for software quality control or assurance, this is a typical circumstance to eliminate flaws and errors. In such a situation, experts can help to enlist all the challenges faced during the development of any application. There is the best course of action and is also termed the software testing strategy. Testing strategy can create a difference by keeping in mind the best testing approach for your project. This also works in a way that helps businesses complete tasks efficiently if you want to handle this activity independently.

Let’s begin with the fundamentals and then delve deeper into the subject to determine which of the numerous test procedures and their combinations will work in your situation.

There are researches that say nearly 70% of users claim that they uninstall apps because of unsatisfactory user experience due to excessive memory usage or could be bugs interrupting the usage. So, how should you eliminate the roadblocks to good software development?  But before we begin to draw attention to test plans, you must know what exactly businesses mean when they say software testing Quality Assurance.

2. What is a Software Testing Strategy?

What is a Software Testing Strategy?

Software Testing is a defined set of actions that must be taken to guarantee the highest level of quality for a finished product/software. This is termed as a software testing strategy. It is a set of guidelines that an internal QA department or an external QA team must adhere to in order to deliver the standard of quality you have established.

You will have to squeeze in some extra time and resources if you decide that your project doesn’t need to be flawless. The greatest way to make software engineering’s testing methodology more effective is to optimize it. A software testing plan outlines what to do, when to do it, and how to execute it in order to produce a high-quality final product.

All tiers of the technological stack must be tested as part of an effective software testing or quality assurance plan to make sure that both the individual components and the complete system function without error.

3. Software Testing Strategies

The greatest strategy to improve the efficiency of software engineering testing is to optimize the testing process. A software testing plan lays out the what, when, and how of ensuring a high-quality final result. The following software testing methodologies, or combinations thereof, are commonly employed to accomplish this overarching goal:

3.1 Static Testing Strategy

When a system’s quality is being evaluated, but not in action, a static test is being performed. Though it appears impossible at first glance, there are really several methods for doing this.

  • The goal of a static test is to find issues as soon as feasible by inspecting specific parts or aspects of a system. When a developer is done developing and releasing their code, they will examine it. This sort of check is known as desk-checking, and it is performed as a type of static testing. A review meeting in which objectives, architecture, and code are examined is another type of static test.
  • By catching issues with the standards before they become system bugs, static tests may be a huge time and money saver.
  • If a first pass at the code reveals any problems, it will save time and effort from having to develop, deploy, and operate the system.
  • With the correct resources, you can do automated static testing. There is a bug-finding tool called lint for C programmers, and a tool called JTest for Java programmers, both of which may be used to ensure that their programs adhere to a certain set of rules.
  • It’s important to schedule static tests appropriately. The software testing process can benefit, for instance, from a post-development assessment of requirements, once the developers have completed the entire product’s coding.
  • However, static tests contradict their own goal since testers cannot find faults in existing code without actually executing the system. In this scenario, each piece of code needs to be checked through by a developer before it can be merged into the main code base.

In fact, not just technical staff but also other stakeholders must do static testing. Objectives need to be reviewed by industry experts, designs need to be reviewed by system architects, and so on. Because of their expertise, testers’ comments are especially crucial because they may discover anomalies, omissions, hazy functioning, etc.

3.2 Structural Testing Strategy

Static tests are useful, but they are not enough. The only way to detect every software flaw is to put the code on actual hardware and run the whole system. Among the methods included in unit testing is the structural test.

  • It’s also known as “white-box testing” since it’s conducted by experts in the devices and systems being tested.
  • It is used to pinpoint specific problems in data flows by running tests on particular parts and interfaces.
  • Use of automated, reusable test harnesses for the system under test is a prime instance. This harness enables programmers to generate structural test cases for components immediately following the coding of those components. Later, during integration, they add the tests to the main element and the repository where the code lives.

Good test harnesses double as regression test suites since they execute tests every time new code is introduced.

By using BrowserStack, you may intensify and expand your software testing methodologies, allowing you to:

  • Using Selenium for Regression Testing
  • Visual Regression Testing with WebdriverIO, Playwright,  Cypress,
  • Nightwatch Js, and  TestCafe.

Developing structural tests is a job best suited for developers or very experienced testers since it requires an in-depth familiarity with the code being tested.

Developers and testers should collaborate to establish and routinely execute test harnesses. In particular, testers are valuable when it comes to creating test scripts and cases that can be used and shared by several teams.

3.3 Behavioral Testing Strategy

The goal of behavioral testing is to evaluate the actual behavior of a system rather than its theoretical workings. The processes, settings, and functionality, as well as the whole user experience, are the main emphasis. These tests, sometimes known as “black box” tests, are meant to simulate actual user interactions with a product like a website or app.

  • It needs to accommodate a wide variety of users and use cases.
  • Consider the system as a whole rather than its parts. This is due to the fact that only after the system has been substantially created and integrated can its behavior be evaluated from the perspective of the user.
  • Some types of behavioral testing can be automated, but most are still performed manually.
  • In order to find bugs during manual testing, you must meticulously plan, create, and review your results.
  • Automation testing, in contrast, performs repeated operations, such as regression tests, to ensure that the introduction of new code has not compromised the functionality of previously established features. To test a website, one may fill out a form with 50 different values. This process must be performed with several different values. It’s smarter to let a computer do it instead of investing time, human labor, and making mistakes.

It is true that familiarity with the technical aspects of the system is necessary for conducting effective behavioral tests. Software testers require some understanding of the commercial context of the product, particularly with regards to the needs and expectations of the intended audience. They need to anticipate how people will interact with a website or app in order to design appropriate test cases.

4. What are the Parameters to be Considered While Writing a Test Plan?

You already know that the most essential step in the Test Management Process is to create a Test Plan. To construct a test plan, follow the seven stages outlined below.

  • Examine the testing plans
  • Create a test strategy
  • Create a list of test objectives
  • Specify the test criteria
  • Organizing Resources
  • Construct a Test Environment
  • Estimation and Schedule

5. Effective Quality Assurance and Software Testing Strategy

Businesses would observe that it is a tiring process for businesses to ensure quality checks at each step. In the test process, you need stringent quality check steps. A planned set of organizational actions is included in the development process of software. It also acts as a component of quality management. These measures aim to enhance the software development process by setting quality standards for preventing mistakes and faults in the final output. There are ways you can strategize an effective software testing process like some of the ones, we will be discussing software testing strategies here,

5.1 Product Requirement Identification

Requirements analysis is a crucial step in determining if a system or software project will be successful. Functional and non-functional requirements are the two categories into which requirements are typically divided.

The first type of product requirement is Functional Requirements: These requirements are quite standard that enable systems to meet in order to provide the fundamental services that the end-user has requested. Functional services are the added functionalities that can be added to the product. As specified in the contract, each of these features must be included in the system.

The second type of requirement is the Non-functional requirements: These are essentially the quality requirements specified in the project contract that the system must undergo and meet. Different projects prioritize these criteria differently or apply them to different degrees.

5.2 Define the Objectives of the Software Testing Strategy

The efficiency of the software and its capacity to reach the target, any failure to meet criteria and carry out functions, and the cost of defects or errors, which refers to the expense involved in correcting the error, are a few examples of testing objectives. The test strategy needs to explicitly state each of these objectives. Testing is the process of looking into and examining a program to determine whether there are any errors and whether it complies with the requirements. There are certain goals that are expected from a software testing strategy such as;

  • A good test case and successful testing are both indicated by a large number of errors that were discovered throughout the test. So, the first objective of software testing is to eliminate bugs and flaws.
  • These are necessary to improve the product, support you in effortlessly integrating all the upgrades, and assist you to resolve faults that impair software usability and user experience. While selecting the appropriate testing strategy, keep this in mind.

5.3 Develop a Testing Process

Test Policy

Test Policy is a type of document created for reference at the organizational level that has the highest level of authority. It outlines both the company’s primary test objectives and the test principles that were embraced by the company. Additionally, it describes how testing will be carried out and how a business evaluates the effectiveness and success of tests.

The process of testing policy development is not standardized, although it usually involves the following:

  • The test policy differs from company to company, and the definition of testing changes with it.
  • With its security testing, it checks common benchmarks and requirements for software testing in projects. It also checks the definitions of test terms provided to help understand the use in other texts.
  • Strategies for enhancing the testing procedures as well as measurements and methods for measuring the effectiveness of testing.

Quality management plan

When you want to develop a quality management plan, it is a document that outlines how the project will reach an acceptable level of product quality. Although it is not required, it will help you arrange all the work necessary to guarantee that the project fulfills the requirements and expectations of your client. This plan’s primary objective is to assist project managers and aid in process organization by outlining roles, responsibilities, and quality criteria that must be met. The software’s quality requirements should be included, along with information on how they should be evaluated.

When you create a strategy for quality management, ensure to include these quality management aspects like;

  1. Setting the right company goals
  2. Make sure that satisfactory quality level, key project deliverables, and processes are achieved through this process
  3. Actions for ensuring and controlling quality
  4. Roles and responsibilities of quality Assurance engineer.

Strategy Plan

The only reason behind creating a plan is to fill any missing gaps in the testing strategy. They are found and thanks to the comprehensive technical assessment that is a part of strategy planning. Therefore, technical reviewers must assess the suitability and quality of the test plan and test cases in order to raise the standard for software quality. It is always good to include some of the essential strategy plans. A test strategy’s key elements are:

  1. Include the testing’s parameters
  2. Aim for high-standard testing goals
  3. Budgetary restrictions
  4. Status updates and communication
  5. Evaluating metrics and measurements
  6. Reporting and monitoring of errors
  7. Industry benchmarks & Configuration
  8. Timeline and schedule for conducting tests
  9. Identifying and eliminating risks

The test strategy is a component of the test plan in a small project. However, the PM must construct a test strategy as a distinct, static document for a bigger project, from which each test plan can be further expanded.

Test Cases

Each individual test has a case attached to it. A good test strategy document can help you understand the test cases in depth, strategize the solution, plan the testing scope and then manage the test coverage with the help of testing tools. The QA team will perform different types of testing like automation testing, load testing, performance testing, behavioral testing, black box testing, beta testing, stress testing, static testing, formal testing, regression testing, unit testing, user acceptance testing or any other testing methodologies to make testing easier.

5.4 Technical Review

To conduct formal technical reviews, you can find errors that haven’t yet been found. Software testing requires significantly less time and effort when effective technical reviews are completed beforehand, which in turn minimizes the total length of time that software must be developed.

Software engineers engage in this activity to identify logical and functional flaws as they first appear. A group meeting called an FTR is when participants in certain roles check that the software being built complies with established standards and specifications.

5.5 Automated Testing

When it comes to automated testing, there are a variety of test tools available and many different test automation tools available. Both open-source and for-profit options are available. The most popular ones worth checking initially include Selenium, Katalon Studio, Unified Functional Testing, and several other options. Although it can be used in typical Agile workflows, automated testing is also a component of the DevOps approach and continuous integration practice.

5.6 Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

CI/CD is a popular process of software development. Developers must incorporate changes into a product on a daily basis according to the CI development practice. Every time a piece of code is changed, it undergoes “integration tests” to help in finding flaws and errors more rapidly. To make your code reliable, it’s a good idea to combine CI with automated testing.

The Agile concepts are thought to have evolved into continuous delivery (CD). With this approach, you can rapidly and sustainably introduce changes to your clients. Without requiring quick release iterations, CD enables the commitment of new code as soon as it is available. Normally, any update that passes the tests is deployed automatically. High levels of testing and deployment automation help to achieve this.

6. Other Effective Software Testing Strategies

A healthy software testing process or Quality Assurance strategy requires tests at all technology stacks and levels to ensure that every part of testing activities is validated. As well as the entire system of software testing works correctly from the perspective of developers and testers. Software testing strategies must include the following:

6.1 Allocate Time for Fixing:

As soon as the flaws are found, it’s critical to allocate time for the developers to find resolutions for the problems. The business also requires time to retest the fixes. There in the process of creating a strategy, start with allocating time for fixing.

6.2 Resolving Consistent issues First

Develop a culture that will encourage developers and testers to make changes for issues that would improve the bottom of the app. If you want to save time and effort on communication, start to build a testing strategy between them. All aspects of testing and fixing involve collaboration. Software testing and fixing are all about collaboration. Although it is important that the development team should not waste time on a wild goose chase, it is equally important that bugs are not just shuffled back and forth.

6.3 Manual Testing Process

A manual test must be exploratory since an automated test suite should be used if it is possible to write down or script any issue in precise words. The testers must detect bugs without a script because real-world use of the software won’t follow a script. A lot of test teams prefer to script manual software testing so testers follow a set of steps and work their way through a set of tasks that are predefined for software testing. This misses the point of manual testing. If something could be written down or scripted in exact terms, it could be automated and belongs in the automated suite.

Real-world use of the software testing will not be scripted, thus the team of testers must be free to probe and break things without a script.

6.4 Promote Clarity

You must write a bug report that encourages clarity rather than confusion. However, a developer must also make an effort to communicate clearly with others. Reporting bugs and asking for more information could create unnecessary overhead costs. A good bug report could save time by avoiding miscommunication or a need for more communication. In the same way, a bad bug report could lead to a fast dismissal by a developer. These could create problems. Anyone reporting bugs should make it a point to create bug reports that are informative. However, it is also integral for a developer to go out of the way to effectively communicate as well.

6.5 Periodic Testing:

Periodic tests help to avoid massive backlogs from issues that keep on accumulating and depleting the morale of developers because of the apps. The same as all other forms of software testing, manual software testing will work best when it occurs often throughout the software development process in the project, in general, weekly or bi-weekly. This helps in preventing huge backlogs of problems from building up and crushing morale. Frequent testing is considered the best approach.

Testing and fixing software could be tricky, subtle, and even political. Nevertheless, as long as one is able to anticipate and recognize common issues, things could be kept running smoothly. The ideal strategy is frequently testing.

7. Factors to Consider In Choosing Software Testing Strategies

Factors to Consider In Choosing Software Testing Strategies


Risk management is paramount during testing software projects, thus considering the risks and the risk levels are of massive importance. For an app that is well-established that’s slowly evolving, regression testing is a critical risk. That is why regression-averse strategies make a lot of sense. This means it works well for apps evolving. For a new app, a risk analysis could reveal various risks if you choose a risk-based analytical strategy.

7.2 Test Strategy Objectives

The testing plans are developed with software testing objectives. Software testing should satisfy the requirements and needs of stakeholders to succeed. If the objective is to look for as many defects as possible with less up-front time and effort invested, a dynamic test strategy makes sense.

7.3 Skills

Skills are the most important factors considered while software testing. Take into consideration which skills the testers possess and which they lack. Since software testing strategies should not only be chosen but executed as well. A standard-compliant test strategy is a smart option when lacking skills and time in the team to create a testing approach.

7.4 Product

Different products have different specifications. Some products such as contract development software and weapons systems tend to have requirements that are well-specified. This could lead to synergy with an analytical test strategy that is requirements-based.

7.5 Business Models

Often business considerations and test strategies are non-matching. It is very important to align your business requirements with a software development approach. Using a legacy system as a model for a new one, everyone could use a model-based strategy.

7.6 Regulations

You must choose testing software strategies with an eye towards the factors mentioned earlier, the schedule, budget, and feature constraints of the project, and the realities of the organization and its politics. In some instances, one may not only have to satisfy stakeholders but regulators as well. In this case, one may require a methodical strategy and test types that satisfy these regulators.

8. Conclusion

To sum up, developing a software testing strategy is an ideal choice and every business must choose to develop one. To draw a software testing plan, strategy serves as a blueprint for the testing process and your units need to be tested. It enables smooth communication between managers and clients. The software testing strategy is a methodical approach and is more functionally comprehensive. It accurately estimates the timeline of work and expense of the testing process. You can now simply trust your products without any cross-validations because the software testing strategy has performed its task.

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How to do Distributed Load Testing using Apache JMeter? Mon, 19 Dec 2016 12:36:24 +0000 Distributed load testing allows you to simulate a very high amount of users working on various systems within as well as outside your network. A single system cannot produce numerous concurrent users, so multiple systems are required for load testing.

The post How to do Distributed Load Testing using Apache JMeter? appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

All About Distributed Load Testing

Distributed load testing allows you to simulate a very high amount of users working on various systems within as well as outside your network. A single system cannot produce numerous concurrent users, so multiple systems are required for load testing.

To implement distributed load testing, you’re required to follow each step involved in it as it directly affects the cloud instance, and then the load is generated on your APIs. Using the load testing APIs, you can integrate your layout on the cloud and include visibility inside your load generators so that they can be hosted on any cloud platform.

What is JMeter?

Apache JMeter is a powerful and effective tool for analyzing and estimating the performance of different services that focus on web apps. JMeter distributed testing is mainly used to perform functional testing, load testing, and performance testing. Also, it is available free of cost. Here we have a Master-Slave configuration in JMeter that is used to perform a load test which might be a challenging task. Because, if it is not implemented correctly, then it may lead to inaccurate results.

As we discussed earlier, it works by imitating visitors to your app by allowing users to send HTTP request samplers to the webserver. After sending the requests’ response, the response data is gathered and analytical data is represented visually for all the existing concurrent users in the form of charts and reports.

This software is purely based on a Java web application that software testing company performs load testing functions and measuring performance testing. Despite implementing performance testing, load testing, and functional testing, you can also use it to simulate a huge amount of load on a web server to test the strength under various load types.

JMeter Features

  • To perform load testing is freely available.
  • It provides a simple and intuitive GUI.
  • It is highly extensible.
  • To perform automated testing and functional testing of your application, you can use JMeter and its features to easily process the testing steps.
  • It can execute performance tests for various servers such as JDBC, SOAP, HTTP requests, HTTPS, etc.
  • JMeter collects the test plans in XML format and stores them so that you can create a test plan using any text editor tool.
  • It is a multi-threading framework that allows concurrent sampling by multiple threads.

Why is it Important to Use JMeter for Load Testing?

Reasons to consider while using JMeter for load testing:

  • Freely available: As we discussed, JMeter is an open-source tool with no licensing cost. So, it is freely available.
  • Platform Independent: JMeter is an entirely Java-based application that runs on the majority of all platforms.
  • Customizable: As an open-source tool, you can customize it whenever required.
  • Supports: Despite supporting performance testing, JMeter also supports non-functional load tests such as web service, stress testing, and distributed testing.
  • Performance testing of apps: You can use this tool to do performance testing on a variety of applications such as web applications, shell scripts, LDAP, and databases.
  • Recording and playback: JMeter offers a record and playback benefits to enable the drag-and-drop feature and make your app faster and easier.
  • Community support: JMeter has large and strong community support with free plugins to help in different aspects of analysis.


  • First, you’re required to download and install Apache JMeter.
  • All the test machines must be in the same subnet, so before moving ahead make sure to check it.
  • Same version of Apache JMeter on all the machines.
  • Same version of Java on all machines.
  • Deactivate the firewall and identify it with a proxy that maintains the RMI protocol.
  • Lastly, do not forget to check the system configurations.

Use case

A single JMeter master allows you to control various remote JMeter slave instances and create numerous loads on the performance tests application.

The distributed test environment is as follows:

Distrubuted Test Enviornment

Apache JMeter has some limitations while an appropriate number of requests can be simulated for load testing from a single machine. As internet research, a single machine has sent 300-600 user requests to a server (depending on the type of test). That’s why distributed testing comes to the rescue. In a distributed setup there is one controller called Master and the number of slaves is controlled by the master. Distributed load testing can be tricky and may produce incorrect results if not configured correctly.

Let’s look at how to use multiple systems to perform stress testing. But before we start, there are a few things that need to be checked as mentioned below:

  • The firewalls on the systems are turned off
  • All the clients are on the same subnet
  • The server is in the same subnet if 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x IP addresses are used. If the server doesn’t use 192 or 10 IP addresses, there shouldn’t be any problems
  • Make sure jMeter can access the server
  • Make sure you use the same version of JMeter on all the systems. Mixing versions may not work correctly

Once you’ve made sure the systems are ready, it’s time to set up remote testing. The way JMeter works is that 1 master controller initiates the test on multiple slave systems.

Steps to Follow While Performing Distributed Load Testing


To perform JMeter load testing, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Configure JMeter Server in Master and Slave Systems

At the initial stage, connect all the Master-slave PCs to the same subnet.

Start the JMeter-server.bat in master and slave systems and master to perform the following steps:

  • Go to a home directory → bin folder.
  • Run the batch file ( JMeter-server.bat (for Windows) and JMeter-server (for Linux)).

Make sure that the JMeter in master and slaves are running on the same machines. If they both are running on the same machines, Meter GUI will receive the command from the master-slave and it will send a request to a server from the same location. Run JMeter-server.bat in all slave machines (Path: jMeter\bin\jMeter-server.bat)


Take a Note: If you are unable to run the test plan and didn’t receive any error message, it is necessary to check whether JMeter-server.bat file is running on the remote system or not.

error initialising remote server

Step 2: Configure IP Addresses for Slave Systems

Now, set up the IP addresses for slave systems. But how? Here it is:

  • Enter the master system →  properties file →
  • Disconnect the prevailing IP for remote_host entry.
  • Open file in edit mode using any software in Master Machine (e.g. notepad++)
jmeter properties
  • Add slave machine(s) IP list in remote_hosts line using comma in Master Machine (Path: jMeter\bin\JMeter.proeprties>> remote_hosts=,,,, etc.)
machine(s) IP list

Step 3: Start Slave Systems Remotely

Now, set up the slave systems remotely in JMeter and perform the following operations:

  • Go to the Master machine available in JMeter (on which properties files are modified).
  • Redirect to test script and activate all the slave systems remotely.

Step 4: Create Test Plan in JMeter

After successfully completing the three steps, now you’re all ready to create the test plan using JMeter. But how? Just perform the following operations:

  • For creating a test plan in JMeter, first, you’re required to create a JMeter Thread Group in the machine. 
  • After the allocation of threads, add config elements as HTTP request defaults in the Thread Group.
  • Now, give the source URL and port number to all the config elements. 
  • Visit the test plan thread groups and add HTTP requests.
  • Consider that all the tested URLs are supported by the specific path.
  • Validate the response that we have received within the given period and add the Duration Assertion.
  • Now verify different segments of the response such as response message, response headers, document, and response code.
  • Lastly, add the listener to check the results for the formats.

Now, run distributed load testing:

  • Double click on jMeter.bat file in Master Machine (Path: jMeter\bin\jMeter.bat)
  • It displayed all slave machines’ IP lists in jMeter>> Run menu>> Remote StartYou can run individual remote slave machines or select Remote Start All to start
run individual remote slave
  • Open Existing/Record New script In Master machine
  • Do Thread Group setting: (No. of Slave machine: 5)
  • Number of Threads (Users): 10
  • Ramp-Up Period (in seconds): 1
  • Loop Count: 1
  • When clicking on Remote Start All: Slave machines will send 50 requests in 1 second and this process will run 1 time (Calculation: 10 Users X 5 Slave = 50 Request)
slave machine log

Step 5: View Results

Test results depend on the following factors

  • Network bandwidth
  • Master and slave systems configuration including memory, processor speed
  • Configuration of the load testing tool like the number of users running in parallel

Table View

The result is represented in the tabular form:

Table View

Response Time Graph View

The result is represented in the form of a chart:

Response Time Graph View


Preparing to start your own eCommerce business or creating an eCommerce site is no big deal today.  What matters the most is that you find high traffic in your space. If not, we are capable of conducting load tests to the upper level and integrating them with huge numbers of concurrent users. You can also run load tests locally via Apache JMeter™. However, there may be some limitations to the number of users you can run if your computer does not have enough CPU and memory. 

Once you’re all set with the systems, you can proceed further with remote testing. Wish you all the Best! 

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The Importance of Mobile App Testing Wed, 14 Sep 2016 07:24:40 +0000 Mobile app testing has always been an inseparable part of software application development. It has visibly gained much attention and growth for businesses to reap benefits from it. Every business wants to make its way in the ever-growing digital world and stay ahead of the competition by developing unique applications.

The post The Importance of Mobile App Testing appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

Mobile app testing has always been an inseparable part of software application development. It has visibly gained much attention and growth for businesses to reap benefits from it. Every business wants to make its way in the ever-growing digital world and stay ahead of the competition by developing unique applications. But the approach is different in each case.

It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that convenience is the key to customer success. Hence, mobile applications are in demand. But developing an app is not easy. The most common complaint that businesses receive from customers is that they are not handy, or easy, or that a mobile application could be prevented with complete mobile app testing before launch.

 If we were to talk directly about the facts then here it goes

What exactly should we assume from these facts? It is a simple, easiest and faster way of communication are mobile phones and hence they should be up-to-date without errors. Thus, we must test mobile apps thoroughly so that they deliver the best results. Mobile testing has advanced and there are numerous testing tools available in the market that would deliver accurate results. Irrespective of Android and iOS, mobile testing

Each app must run flawlessly on thousands of different devices and operating systems. To ensure that this is possible, mobile testing must be planned and executed with the utmost thoroughness and accuracy. In this blog, we will be exploring the complete process of mobile testing to understand how it works, and what results it delivers.

1. Overview of Mobile Apps Market Scenario

Undoubtedly, we have seen that a smartphone has become an indispensable part of everybody’s life. Facts share the same story. Whether it is an individual or a corporate, the use of mobile applications has just grown. For most businesses, it is a necessity to have a mobile application or a website that shows how efficient the business is and what it can offer.

Moreover, there are many new businesses emerged which are based on the mobile app. Some of the most popular applications we regularly use are WhatsApp, Line, Snapchat, Games like Pokémon Go, Candy Crush, Wallet apps, or other popular apps like Flipboard, Pocket, Vine, Tinder, Uber, Prisma, and many others.

Now if we see the same in the year 2021, the mobile app market is continuously evolving. But with the increasing need, we need some better testing methods to get good results from Mobile apps. Interestingly, there are companies who are willing to participate in the growth of applications by investing a good sum and getting a higher return on investment. Research shows more than 79% of companies are investing in mobile app testing, and this count will just increase with time. So, will be the demand of mobile application developers for improving the overall business cycle.

2. Why Should Mobile Testing be Considered?

Enterprises are already in the mobile apps business, they are competing for the top place in app downloads. While a lot believe that the success of mobile apps depends on the kind of program and its capabilities, some of it does believe that the true differentiation between a mobile application that sells and one that does not is its performance. It is not just about having a cool app, users are likely to abandon a program if its functionality is problematic, regardless of how promising it may seem. On the contrary, even the simplest applications could be lucrative for a business if it works flawlessly.

Around half of the poor reviews on the app stores are based on concerns such as crashes, poor performance, and battery drain. It’s a fact that there’s no major software engineering field rifer with possible hazards other than mobile development. 

Everyone has experienced a sudden surge of frustration which results in a deleted app. That is why mastering the art of mobile testing is increasingly growing in relevance for any organization that wants to stay competitive. The majority of software companies already recognized the value and relevance of investing in mobile app development. That is why it only makes sense to extend the investment to testing mobile apps. This will deliver more accurate and faster results. 

Well, regardless of the added complexity and cost that programming and testing mobile for various mobile platforms entails. In the long run, the extra work involved in quality assurance surely pays off.

Step 1 – Choosing Type of Mobile Testing

Before deciding whether to test use cases manually or automatically, a developer should create a list of all the scenarios he intends to test. Create a test strategy for mobile apps that includes all the use cases you want to access, as well as a brief description of the tests you want to perform and the sprint’s expected outcome.

But before that, we must know, what are we looking at when we test a mobile application.

Mobile application testing is the practice of testing apps that are being created for mobile devices. The primary goal is to evaluate the programs’ functionality, usability, and stability. In today’s industry, mobile application testing is critical for an app’s survival. To ensure the highest possible quality for end-users, the program is additionally evaluated in a variety of other areas, including other parameters that must be checked for businesses to know how mobile apps work for them.

In a mobile application, there can be multiple types of glitches, there can be performance issues or functionality issues, or there can be multiple nonfunctional or functional challenges that obstruct applications to perform well. Thus, the first step in mobile app testing is to get the mobile app thoroughly tested to get high-performing results. 

There are multiple ways you can perform mobile tests on applications, so let’s discuss the majority ones in brief

Step 2 – Types of Testing

“One size fits all”- this doesn’t apply in testing. Every product developed has a different need for mobile testing and every business has to fulfill it in some way. Thus, here are some of the top mobile testing types that are applied by the Top mobile testing companies. We will get into the specification of each type.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is one of the best ways to evaluate the simplicity of the application and how users can achieve their goals by offering easier usability. This test entails providing particular, realistic situations of app use to individual users. Usability testing is also reliable when it is based on direct input from the end-user.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is an important subset of mobile application testing that evaluates an application’s performance, stability, and responsiveness under certain workloads and circumstances. Furthermore, it also resolves performance constraints prior to launching an application. The performance bottlenecks inside the system and overall operations that impede or halt overall performance are taken care of during this type of testing.

Security Testing

Security is one of the prominent concerns of almost every mobile app owner at the present time. Reportedly, It is highly essential to focus on security testing for mobile apps. Certain applications require the personal information of users for different transactions. It is very important for users to know the security constraints and take the guarantee of confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing is a form of non-functional testing that verifies the functioning of a mobile app on various operating systems, apps, devices, particular internal hardware requirements, and network settings. It also checks a mobile app’s compatibility with various devices, browsers, networks, and other factors.

Localization Testing

Localization testing is a type of testing which tests certain local aspects as per certain geographic locations. It is critical to test the mobile app for responsiveness to unique linguistic and cultural elements of the affected location. Local currency, usage of correct time zone date and time formats, and other local regulations are some of the key areas that localization testing validates.

Functional Testing

As per the name, this sort of testing is primarily concerned with the core goal and flow of the mobile app. Functional testing services ensure that the functionalities of the mobile app fulfill the needed standards and are highly responsive. Functional testing also determines whether an application is capable and fully functional for users to get successfully launched and installed.

Unit Testing

In this type of testing, your whole application and program are divided into smaller units. There is a reason why businesses divide testing into units because It’s easy to identify, and the tests are resolved quickly. It takes less time to execute and test. The app will be seamless and smooth to work.

Manual Testing

It is one of the tried-and-true methods for completely traversing the complexities of mobile testing. Manual testing ensures that the finished product performs optimally in accordance with the desired expectations. It is especially useful in instances where the application is not immediately evident. QA testing specialists might work in short bursts to examine an application that could offer results.

Automation Testing

Certain mobile app quality checks, on the other hand, are overly complicated and time-consuming. In such circumstances, Mobile App Test Automation Services come into play, with optimally set and quickly conducted automated testing as well as human tests, which may aid in guaranteeing quality while also providing better products at a faster rate.

Step 3 – Preparing Test Cases for Different Test Scenarios

The next step in the process of software testing is to test each case. This has a different approach in different test cases. When you write a test case for testing mobile applications, it is no different. A test case is basically a series of test steps, test data, pre and post conditions to validate any specific test requirement. There is a difference between Test cases and Test scenarios. Test scenarios are an estimation of what it should include in the test case. The test case comprises particular variables or circumstances that a testing engineer may use to compare expected and actual outcomes to evaluate whether a software product is working according to the customer’s expectations.

The mobile test cases work the same for both ios and android. With the available mobile testing tools, the testing process becomes easier. Apart from mobile apps, you can also test web apps. In the preparation process of test cases, you can frequently structure them into test runs.

A test run is essentially a set of test cases that testers must complete in a specific order. Rather than adding pre-conditions into each test case, you might place them at the start of a test run. When you have a testing process in place, you can easily perform testing on real devices. There are web apps, mobile apps, and hybrid apps – all that can be tested easily and will improve the future of app performance.

Mobile Testing allows testing on real mobile devices by running test automation scripts and different platforms from windows, android, and ios. Other mobile testing areas and test scripts should ensure that apps work in sync with all functionalities and features in any mobile device of customers.

Step 4 – Mobile Application Testing Levels

We have already seen types of Mobile application testing. But do we exactly know at what level each of these testing methods should be implied? If you want to ensure the best quality, testing should take place throughout the development process. It should start at the beginning of the design phase and continue until the application is delivered to the application store.  Post-delivery, after updates there can be challenges that need to be addressed, and hence Testing plays a major role at each stage. Let’s see which testing is implied at the initial level.

  • The First Level in Test Mobile starts with the Designing Phase

Test the design of your mobile app to verify that it has the necessary functionality and ease of use to keep people interested. This covers anything from precise suggestions for button and font size to the usage of progress alerts, mobile app settings, and controls. A/B testing, which compares two designs, is a typical technique to improve the user experience and Quality of application design.

  • The Next Level is to Integrate Third-party Apps using Integration Testing

Integration testing ensures that new code functions properly once it has been integrated into an application. When many developers work on the same project, integration testing ensures that their code modifications do not clash. Many mobile development teams use a continuous integration environment to make this process more efficient.

  • The Next level is Functional/Non-Functional Testing

In the category of functional Testing, it determines if an application performs as expected, typically by comparing it to design documentation. It is used to inspect the user interface, including UI layouts and components, menu structure and functionalities, and the reaction to changes in screen orientation and resolution.

While in the category of Nonfunctional testing, it tests Operational testing, interrupt testing, security testing, and performance testing. It comprises various non-functional aspects of mobile apps such as app performance, battery use, Data consumption, low-level resource/memory usage/memory leakage, and more. This necessitates test scenarios that go to the outskirts of each instance to determine minimal and maximum utilization.

  • The Last one is UAT -User Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing verifies that a mobile application provides the functionality, usability, and performance to meet the user’s needs, and that it delivers a consistent user experience (UX) across platforms. An important part of acceptance testing is beta testing on real devices by real end-users. Managing beta testing in both iOS and Android can be done by the company you hire.

All of these are levels of testing which means, firstly we used testing in the design phase, the integration phase, then we can perform the functional and non-function tests, and finally perform Acceptance testing for all the errors of testing mobile applications.

Step – 5 Mobile Application Testing Strategy

Mobile application testing strategy that ensures Quality Assurance align with business goals, customer expectations, and industry best practices:

1. Selection of a Mobile App

With the selection, there are two choices, choosing a gadget model or choosing between substantial devices and emulators. Other factors like connectivity options, memory size, and more should be accounted for when choosing a device model. 

2. Mobile testing on Cloud

Mobile testing that is cloud-based makes potentially infinite scenario combinations easier to manage. This is a desirable option for testing mobile apps. The cloud offers a web-based testing environment wherein apps could be deployed, tested, and managed. 

3. Emulators vs. Physical devices.

One could also decide among emulators or physical devices. In the starting stages of development, device emulators are very useful since they help in fast and efficient testing, particularly in an agile development scenario. Physical device testing leads to beta testing as a very useful method that provides admittance to real devices, real-world testers, actual networks, and bigger geographic coverage. 

4. Network connectivity

 This considerably affects mobile apps as the majority of mobile applications rely on network connectivity to function correctly. Testing mobile apps in actual network environments is critical to get the real picture of the behavior of an app. 

5. Manual vs. Automated

The key to a successful regression is automation during the development stages. However, automated testing requires a large amount of initial investment.

3. Testing is the Answer to the Mobile App Concerns

 Mobile testing is an answer to mobile woes and could help developers prevent the failure of a program. Nonetheless, knowing that testing mobile should take place and determine what to test are different things. It could be a challenge to find out the specific elements that need mobile testing as if any of these vital aspects are missed, the application could be erroneous. You need to test various areas, and different features under every category as well. Check out the below image of the mobile application testing checklist for details.

For instance, functionality testing must occur at the start. Functionality tests must include customer submission forms checks and the search feature. In addition, developers must check out media components like video and audio playback, compatibility of libraries and scripts, and any calculations or manipulations that the application could carry out. 

For any business, making sure that the app is working correctly is paramount. The same care that an organization puts into the product concept and creating the business, should be put towards testing mobile and quality control of mobile apps. This kind of testing isn’t something that could be done in-house as it requires technical expertise. 

Professional mobile application testing companies could help identify issues before prospective customers could face frustration with them, and implement ways to fix them as well before the app is rolled out. A professional software testing company utilizes different types of phones with all major operating systems. Moreover, they use every different phone for testing that ensures proper performance. This enables them to discover more bugs and fix them before roll-out.

Developers need to test their programs in the same conditions that users will experience. This step is extremely important, and making such an environment is not difficult for testers. There are mobile testing platforms that enable developers to test their websites and apps quickly and more easily. With features such as real-time analytics and visual test environments, mobile application testing companies could guarantee the functionality and quality of their program while hastening the time to market. Testing is far from the most enjoyable part of developing a mobile app. Nevertheless, there is an array of tools that make the tasks a lot quicker, easier and smoother. Finding and solving bugs before the release of mobile applications would make it more popular and would see a wider take-up in the long run.

4. Advantages of Mobile Testing

For any mobile app development company, quality is the first and foremost factor for businesses to consider. If you are a mobile app development company that doesn’t take quality seriously then Testing is not your cup of tea. Also, there is a possibility that you might face serious quality concerns once the apps are on market. You can barricade all the challenges of app development using mobile testing. Here are just a few of the advantages of mobile testing.

Good UI/UX

Testing enables Quality Analysts to test apps as per the user’s perspective and evaluate the entire app experience. They can examine the rationale behind the test case or the application and double-check that it is simple and easy to use. However, if you want to get outstanding results, you must continue to perform UI and UX tests throughout the development life cycle.

Meets Quality Benchmarks and Performance

The objective of QAs is to ensure that an app works flawlessly. They determine if an application runs adequately under certain performance criteria such as changing load circumstances, changing networks, and so on. The QA team ensures that the quality standards are maintained and met for better performance and results

Customer Satisfaction

In the end, it all comes down to the users. People who like an app will continue to use it and even promote it to their friends. This will assist your company in establishing a solid reputation in the market and reaching a larger audience. So, test frequently and thoroughly to get more brand loyal customers and their higher degree of customer satisfaction. 

5. Conclusion

Finally, from the insightful blog, we understood that Mobile application testing has become a critical part of mobile apps’ development. You can address the majority of problems that an app faces through successful mobile application testing. This also increases the go-to-market time and ensures the success of the app. A professional mobile application testing company could guarantee the functionality and quality of the app.

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Automating Functional Testing Using Selenium Mon, 09 May 2016 22:02:49 +0000 In today’s highly competitive age, the market is getting flooded with loads of software and mobile apps that are launched and upgraded regularly. It becomes critical for a software or app to make a good first impression on the users without sacrificing the quality of the product.

The post Automating Functional Testing Using Selenium appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

In today’s highly competitive age, the market is getting flooded with loads of software and mobile apps that are launched and upgraded regularly. It becomes critical for a software or app to make a good first impression on the users without sacrificing the quality of the product. Just a single crash of your application can prompt your customers to move on to your competitors. To avoid such fickle user behavior and drive consumers, it is important to define a software testing strategy to present a bug-free software or app. This will make a long-lasting impression on the users that caters to their instant gratifying nature.

Functional Testing Tools

Today, many, perhaps most, software applications are written as web-based applications to run in an internet browser. Every software testing company follows a different testing methodology, hence, the effectiveness of testing these applications also varies widely. Every organization needs to have an effective functional software testing scenario for ascertaining that their software products meet business requirements and are producing the expected end-user results.

What is Functional Testing?

Functional Testing means, testing the software application against the business requirements to ensure that all features are functioning as expected. As the users are now vertically focused, therefore, functional testing is executed based on the user’s perspective to confirm optimum coverage and minimize the risk of potential bugs. Functional Testing typically involves black box testing, where quality assurance experts focus only on software functionality without testing the internal code structure. This type of testing focuses only on software requirements and specifications, i.e. the structure of the system is not considered; only the functionality and behavior of modules are tested. Functional Testing is critical to any software, as it verifies that it is ready for release.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a web testing tool that uses simple scripts to run tests directly within a browser. In simple terms, “it automates browsers”. It is a portable software testing framework for web applications that provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language (Selenium IDE).

It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Java, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby. The tests can then be run against most modern web browsers. Selenium can be deployed on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.

Selenium Extensive Features

  • Multi-platform support
  • Multi-browser support
  • Multiple programming language support
  • Supports cross-browser testing
  • Support test mobile web applications (through Android and iPhone drivers)
  • Open Source

Why Should Selenium be Used for Functional Testing?

Why Should Selenium be Used for Functional Testing?

In an era of highly interactive and responsive software processes, global enterprises face the challenge to improve performance and resolve critical issues. Many organizations have adopted Agile methodologies to meet the requirements. Test Automation is the cornerstone of Agile development which has become a requirement for software projects. Test Automation means using a software tool to run repeatable tests against the application to be tested. For regression testing, it provides responsiveness.

To save on the high cost of automation testing tools, Selenium is an open-source testing tool available free with infinite reach and unlimited capabilities for test automation. Unlike other available tools, selenium can be downloaded directly from its website.

Selenium Test Suite

Selenium Components

1. Record-Playback Mode (Selenium IDE):

Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a Firefox plugin that allows software testers to record their test scenarios that can be used to develop test cases. It gives a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI) for recording user actions using, which can be used to learn how to use Selenium. This is supported only on the Firefox browser.

2. Selenium RC:

Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a software testing tool that allows writing automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser.

3. Selenium WebDriver:

WebDriver comes as an extended version of Selenium RC with superfluous advantages and addresses many of its limitations. WebDriver extends its support to many latest browsers and platforms, unlike Selenium IDE. WebDriver makes direct calls to the Web browser and the entire test script is executed in this manner. WebDriver uses the browser’s support and capabilities for automation.

Selenium Test Suite

4. Selenium Grid:

Selenium Grid is a tool used together with Selenium RC to run parallel tests across different machines and different browsers all at the same time.

Selenium Test Life Cycle

1. Test Plan
2. Generate Test Cases
3. Run and Debug Test
4. Analyzing Test Results and Report Defects

How to Get Expertise in Selenium?

  • At first, learn one of the programming languages like C#, Java, Python, etc.
  • The best resource available to learn Selenium is from their official website “”
  • Learn how to design a more effective automation framework
  • Discover the various mechanisms used to locate web elements
  • Cover basic to advanced concepts of WebDriver
  • Acquire an in-depth understanding of each concept through practical code examples.

When to Use Selenium Automation?

Selenium can be used to perform repetitive functional and regression testing. Every organization wants to reduce its manual testing cost and thus has started using Selenium. This is an automation testing tool to avoid repeated manual work, receive faster feedback, reduce the cost of manual testing and save time on running tests repeatedly, and ensure that tests are executed consistently with the same preconditions and expectations.

Who should use it?

  • Developers:- For “browser” regression testing (and replace HTML unit/HTTP unit in some cases).
  • Users (Business Analysts, Functional Tester, and Developer):- Can create automated keyword scripts using MS Excel or the Script Editor after getting familiar with the keyword repository.
  • Quality Assurance professionals:- Enhance or use it to do regression test/cross browsers testing on all platforms. QA can cover all types of functional testing (like a system, sanity, smoke, integration, etc.) and acceptance testing using Selenium until that has a GUI interface.

Benefits of Selenium

Selenium offers multiple benefits as compared to other functional testing tools.

  • Selenium is an open source and thus, there are no license fees involved. It is available for free download along with its support service. Moreover, it has a large community of developers.
  • It facilitates to execution of regression tests easily and has quick feedback about the application’s status.
  • It allows running the same set of tests on different browsers to identify functional errors detected in one browser and not in others.
  • It facilitates running the same set of tests on different code branches (and browsers) on the daily basis in a continuous integration environment.
  • It allows running multiple tests at the same time while running the Selenium server on different ports.
  • Moreover, it integrates well with popular tools such as Hudson, SauceLabs, Selenium-Grid, QMetry, and others.

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Post-Production Performance Issues & Resolutions Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:53:19 +0000 Although nice to think about, bug-free software seems to be a tomorrow that will never come. Problems can come from anywhere. There’s always a little chance of error when it comes to speed and performance in a web application, particularly when it involves customers and revenue.

The post Post-Production Performance Issues & Resolutions appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

There is no such thing as bug-free software!

Although nice to think about, bug-free software seems to be a tomorrow that will never come. Problems can come from anywhere. There’s always a little chance of error when it comes to speed and performance in a web application, particularly when it involves customers and revenue. Though it is inevitable to evade any errors, we can definitely prevent them with some proactive actions like post-production performance testing. Some of the most common issues identified are:

  • Long user response time
  • Long server response time
  • Memory leaks
  • High CPU usage
  • Length queues for requests
  • HTTP errors
  • Pages not available

It is rightly said that prevention is better than cure. As an experienced software testing company, we thought of drafting guidelines on some of the most common performance issues one can encounter and how to resolve them.

Poorly Written Code:

Poorly written code can cause memory leaks and application deadlocks. Sometimes the old version of a software or integrated legacy system can also drag performance down.

Solution: Make sure an application has passed through white box testing, teams are using all the tools at their disposal – from automated tools like profilers to best programming practices like code reviews.

Un-Optimized Databases:

The production environment can be destroyed by an un-optimized database output. Missing indexes also slow down the performance of SQL queries.

Solution: Make sure the developer has used the scripts and file statistics to check for any inefficient queries. 

DNS, Firewall, and Network Connectivity:

The DNS queries take the majority of web traffic. Sometimes outside visitors also face the problem of opening the site and resulting errors, 404, and incorrect pathway.

Solution: Use DNS monitoring safeguards to pinpoint problems at hand. Also, revise switches, check VLAN tags, and distribute tasks between servers.

Slow 3rd Party Search Service: 

Sometimes 3rd party tools slow down and get out of control. It’s hard to determine whether the problem is on our side or that of the third-party user. If you decide to continue using the third-party service, look at making some design changes to protect your site from at least some of the effects of a third-party service issue.

Solution: Make sure that your off-service provider guarantees performance.

Extreme XML Processing:

If data is too long to process then XML processing can be a long process after fetching data from the database and it takes so much time and resulting in the slowness of the server and creating a bad effect on the performance of the application.

Solution: Make sure the server configuration is also high so that multiple requests and responses can be handled in a minimum amount of time.

Excessive SQL Queries:

SQL query requests come from an application and are fulfilled by a database that sometimes application throws so many requests at a time. The stack will create on the application pool and as per request priority, the database gives output to the application. It may be possible that so many client requests are on the application pool and it takes a too long time to render the request of the application and resulting in the slowness of the server.

Solution: Server configuration should be high so that so many Queries can be handled in less amount of time.

Mail Server Connectivity:

The application uses the Mail server for communication. Sometimes it takes a long time to connect the mail server and resulting in slowness.

Solution: We can use continuous ingression tools available in the market like, “New Relic” (End-to-end transaction tracing, code-level visibility, and Key transaction).

Below are a Few Points for Resolution of this Post Production Performance Issue:


Web Application Performance Tuning

  1. Turn off Tracing unless required
  2. Turn off Session State, if not required
  3. Disable View State of a page if possible
  4. Set debug=false in web.config
  5. Avoid Response
  6. Use the String builder to concatenate string
  7. Avoid throwing exceptions
  8. Use Finally Method to kill resources
  9. Use Client Side Scripts for validations
  10. Avoid unnecessary round trips to the server
  11. Use Page.ISPostBack
  12. Include Return Statements within the function/method
  13. Use “ArrayLists” in place of arrays
  14. Avoid unnecessary indirection

Tips for Database Operations

  1. Return multiple result sets
  2. Connection Pooling and Object Pooling
  3. Use SqlDataReader Instead of Dataset wherever it is possible
  4. Keep your datasets lean
  5. Avoid inefficient queries
  6. Unnecessary round trips
  7. Too many open connections
  8. Avoid transaction misuse
  9. Avoid over normalized tables
  10. Reduce serialization
  11. Do not use command builder at run time
  12. Use stored procedures whenever possible
  13. Avoid auto-generated commands


Web applications are becoming complex day by day and at the same time, the identification of their performance bottlenecks is becoming a tough task. Various factors contribute to the performance issues and knowledge of those issues & their symptoms is mandatory to rectify the performance bottlenecks. Web server, application server, database server hardware, software, and design along with network configurations can be major contributors to performance bottlenecks. Moreover, client-side design and third-party components can also affect web application performance. Knowledge of performance testing and a complete list of symptoms of all potential problem areas will help in identifying the root cause and its remedy.

The post Post-Production Performance Issues & Resolutions appeared first on TatvaSoft Blog.

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